How can you still support the president.

Who in the hell is saying that, that is what the impeachment process is for, I've read his exact word s , He is as guilty as hell. He won't get impeached anyway but just the process of the information about him that will come out of the process , will put him and his party in the dumpster, a dumpster I may add that they will have no way to get out of. Looks good to me. He's guilty. You don't seem to care about the history of your leader but Biden you care about , how come.
Guilty until proven innocent?
Funny no it's up to the impeachment process, I'll give you a little tip that's the constitution. The fact that the evidence is all out their to read by anyone. Be my guest Read the full text of Trump's conversation with the Ukrainian president
We've all read it....There's no "there" there...The tragically unfunny crapweasel Adam Schitt had to spin a phony narrative he cynically called "parody", in order to grossly exaggerate what was in that transcript.

The blind hatred of you liberoidals for one man has really revealed how delusional that y'all are.

People look at what he has done in the past as being totally against the values and the laws of this country. Do you really believe what he says about what he did, even though there is a copy of exactly what he said and did ,that was given to the house of representatives. It's his own words, how can it be taken as anything other then the facts. What it looks like from the out side is that you really don't care what he has done and that no matter what he has done you will still support him. IS that good for this country. The majority in this country support a Impeachment. So are they wrong. For you to support him you have to believe what he says that you can't trust the media , the FBI the CIA or any group that he doesn't have complete control over. Is that even logical.
How come making America great again destroy you democrats? Is it because he’s a republican? Is it because blacks are leaving your party?
Don't high jack this thread. It's against the rules and you know we must follow those rules.
I’m responding to your post.. what’s the problem?
People look at what he has done in the past as being totally against the values and the laws of this country. Do you really believe what he says about what he did, even though there is a copy of exactly what he said and did ,that was given to the house of representatives. It's his own words, how can it be taken as anything other then the facts. What it looks like from the out side is that you really don't care what he has done and that no matter what he has done you will still support him. IS that good for this country. The majority in this country support a Impeachment. So are they wrong. For you to support him you have to believe what he says that you can't trust the media , the FBI the CIA or any group that he doesn't have complete control over. Is that even logical.
So what you are saying is that while you don't like him there is no evidence he has broken the law, committed a "high crime or misdemeanor" so there are no legitimate grounds to impeach him. You must be outraged that Pelosi and Schiff and Nadler and the "four women of color" are screaming, "Fuck the Constitution! Fuck the Constitution! Fuck the Constitution! We can impeach him for any reason we want! Fuck the Constitution!"
Who in the hell is saying that, that is what the impeachment process is for, I've read his exact word s , He is as guilty as hell. He won't get impeached anyway but just the process of the information about him that will come out of the process , will put him and his party in the dumpster, a dumpster I may add that they will have no way to get out of. Looks good to me. He's guilty. You don't seem to care about the history of your leader but Biden you care about , how come.
In other words, you have no idea what you think the President is guilty of and you don't care. What the impeachment circus has accomplished so far is to end Biden's campaign and give the nomination to Warren.
I don't care what it does to the other candidates , the one that will be on top will bury your con man after the impeachment information is public.
lol Isn't that what you said about the Mueller report? Even with all the fuss the Democrats are making over nothing, President Trump's approval ratings are still higher than Obama's were in Oct. 2011.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama

There is no information to be made public that will hurt the President, but the information that is coming out will continue to hurt other Democrats as it has Biden.
People look at what he has done in the past as being totally against the values and the laws of this country. Do you really believe what he says about what he did, even though there is a copy of exactly what he said and did ,that was given to the house of representatives. It's his own words, how can it be taken as anything other then the facts. What it looks like from the out side is that you really don't care what he has done and that no matter what he has done you will still support him. IS that good for this country. The majority in this country support a Impeachment. So are they wrong. For you to support him you have to believe what he says that you can't trust the media , the FBI the CIA or any group that he doesn't have complete control over. Is that even logical.
So what you are saying is that while you don't like him there is no evidence he has broken the law, committed a "high crime or misdemeanor" so there are no legitimate grounds to impeach him. You must be outraged that Pelosi and Schiff and Nadler and the "four women of color" are screaming, "Fuck the Constitution! Fuck the Constitution! Fuck the Constitution! We can impeach him for any reason we want! Fuck the Constitution!"
No that would be a misinterpretation, I don't just dislike him I hate the man and his supporters , I hate all the threats and enemy's of my country, why? don't You?
All the threats to our country are coming from the Democrats. They have put all their efforts into undermining US foreign policy with their Trump-Russia hoax, done their best to undermine US national security by opposing the President's immigration policies - which are identical to the policies the Democrats voted in favor of in 2013 in Schumer's bill S. 744, and they are now vigorously engaging in an effort to destroy the Constitution, all to try to benefit Democratic politicians. Clearly the welfare of the nation and the welfare of the Democratic Party lie in opposite directions.
Only in the minds of heretics
Heretics? Does that mean you see similarities between the Dem's impeachment circus and the Spanish Inquisition?
People look at what he has done in the past as being totally against the values and the laws of this country. Do you really believe what he says about what he did, even though there is a copy of exactly what he said and did ,that was given to the house of representatives. It's his own words, how can it be taken as anything other then the facts. What it looks like from the out side is that you really don't care what he has done and that no matter what he has done you will still support him. IS that good for this country. The majority in this country support a Impeachment. So are they wrong. For you to support him you have to believe what he says that you can't trust the media , the FBI the CIA or any group that he doesn't have complete control over. Is that even logical.

After 3+ years the Democrats have not only failed to find / present any legitimate evidence of any crimes by the President, they have also been exposed for committing crimes in pursuit of removing the President from office and/or have refused to investigate the exposed evidence of crimes committed by fellow Democrats.

How can I support the President?

After 3+ years of continuous undermining, Sedition, Treason the Democrats have produced ZERO evidence of crimes committed by the President or his team in regards to 'Russian Collusion Delusion' while it has been exposed that:
1) Hillary Clinton was protected from indictment

2) that DEMOCRATS / HILLARY not only acted to but also successfully alter the 2016 US election through keeping Hillary out of prison and on the ballot

3) Hillary Clinton paid a foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda intended to be used and used during and after the 2016 election

4) Former FBI Agent Strzok has been recommended by the US IG for Indictment for proven crimes in his part in going after the President

5) Former FBI Deputy Director McCabe has been recommended by the US IG for Indictment for proven crimes in his part in going after the President

6) Former FBI Director Comey has been recommended by the US IG for Indictment for proven crimes in his part in going after the President

7) The US IG has investigating the former FBI Director for Felony Perjury under oath before Congress for 'inconsistencies' in his testimony

8) The US IG report on FISA Court violations has been turned in and will be released soon - after new FBI Director Wray redacts as much of it showing criminal/improper acts by his agency, and it is expected there will be more recommendations for Indictment.

9) The US AG and investigative members of his DOJ are currently in several foreign nations tracking down / investigating evidence of criminal activity by Obama administration Agencies, their Directors, and their people - The President called these nations' leaders and initiated Mutual Law Enforcement and Investigative Assistance and Cooperation treaties by requesting their assistance in these investigations. Evidence of the NIA, CIA, and FBI illegally using foreign Intel Agencies / Sources to investigate / set-up the President and his team are being investigated in these countries.

10) The DOJ is in the middle of investigating improper / criminal activity by the FBI and other agencies in their 'investigation' / 'cover-up' of Hillary Clinton's illegal server/e-mail 'investigation' which, according to testimony by former FBI Agent Page, the DOJ informed the FBI (specifically mentioning herself and McCabe) at the time that it wanted no part in a criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton.

Now, when the FIA Court Abuse Report (that Wray, again, is attempting to delay ./ bury) is about to come out fully exposing more crimes by anti-Trump conspirators, the Democrats initiate 'Collusion Delusion 2.0' by AGAIN accusing the President of illegal collusion with a foreign govt and of treason yet having ZERO evidence - according to the criminal divisions of the DOJ - that a crime was ever committed let alone that the President broke the law when talking to the Ukraine PM.

D-Nadler demanded the US AG BREAK US LAW in his pursuit of taking down the President and then punished huim by leading the vote to hold the US AG in Contempt for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW.

D-Schiff has admitted to leaking classified, has been caught attempting to collude with self-identified Ukrainian politicians to get 'dirt' on the President (treason), repeatedly lied under oath and to the American people by falsely claiming he had criminal evidence against the President that even the Special Counsel investigator did not have (Perjury / Sedition).

Obama US AG Holder committed Felon Perjury and refused to release subpoenaed documents about Fast and Furious. Despite being protected from Indictment a Bi-Partisan Congress Censured him, making him the 1st US AG in US history to be Censured.

Obama NIA Director James Clapper was caught TWICE committing Felony Perjury under oath during their failed coup attempt. Democrats invited him back before Congress to 'correct' his testimony the 1st time & then simply refused to Indict the 2nd time.

Obama CIA Director Brennan committed numerous counts of Felony Perjury, claiming the CIA never illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and USSC Justices...which he was forced to admit was all true. To escape Indictment / Prison Brennan agreed to appear before Congress, admt he lied, admit he illegally spied, and promise never to do it again. He lied again. He also testified that he knew nothing about the Trump Dossier only to have Congressional records show he briefed details of the report to Congress, falsely claiming the information was verified collected Intel, which was also included in the FISA Court applications. That means Brennan will probably be identified as a co-conspirator in FISA Court Abuses....

Obama was identified in testimony under oath as being the one who initiated it all, demanded to be kept updated on it all, was in the room when Brennan initially briefed him on it. and was there every follow-on meeting (mentioned in Strzok's texts). Factor in evidence that Barry knew of the Russian activity / 'interference' back in 2014 and did nothing to stop it (his own team said so, said they 'choked') - let it continue for 2 years until bringing it up and using it to falsely accuse Trump of illegal collusion / treason....

Obama FBI Director Comey admittedly leaked classified information to the press through a friend in order to get a Special Counsel appointed to get 'Collusion Delusion 1.0' started; he committed Perjury under oath, for which he is under investigation now, and it is expected he sill be indicted for FISA Court Abuses once the US IG report comes out. He was thrown under the proverbial bus for improper / criminal acts by his Deputy (McCabe), FBI Special Counsel (Baker), Clapper, and Brennan.

We can go on and on, but I am sure you have heard - and refused to acknowledge it all.

Now ask yourself how YOU can trust the Democrats and the ones running the 'Collusion Delusion 2.0',many of the same ones who pushed '1.0'
People look at what he has done in the past as being totally against the values and the laws of this country. Do you really believe what he says about what he did, even though there is a copy of exactly what he said and did ,that was given to the house of representatives. It's his own words, how can it be taken as anything other then the facts. What it looks like from the out side is that you really don't care what he has done and that no matter what he has done you will still support him. IS that good for this country. The majority in this country support a Impeachment. So are they wrong. For you to support him you have to believe what he says that you can't trust the media , the FBI the CIA or any group that he doesn't have complete control over. Is that even logical.

you do know there are several treatments for TDS???

you should try at least one of them
People look at what he has done in the past as being totally against the values and the laws of this country. Do you really believe what he says about what he did, even though there is a copy of exactly what he said and did ,that was given to the house of representatives. It's his own words, how can it be taken as anything other then the facts. What it looks like from the out side is that you really don't care what he has done and that no matter what he has done you will still support him. IS that good for this country. The majority in this country support a Impeachment. So are they wrong. For you to support him you have to believe what he says that you can't trust the media , the FBI the CIA or any group that he doesn't have complete control over. Is that even logical.
I’ve got a 16 page thread asking what Trump did and the evidence supporting such charge.
Be the very first to list something.

So What Exactly Is the Crime Trump is Guilty Of?
16 page thread are you a nut. No body has to list anything ,the impeachment process will do just that. What don't you understand. This is the way the constitution prescribes, how many of the hate party has said straight out that it's a problem and is wrong what the turd did, what can I say, even people in your own party who have the capacity to think say there's a problem . plus the majority of this country want the impeachment investigation. , You people are just the nutso's that are hanging onto every word that comes out of the turds mouth. Even though he's the biggest liar in the history of mankind , yuk yuk!
People look at what he has done in the past as being totally against the values and the laws of this country. Do you really believe what he says about what he did, even though there is a copy of exactly what he said and did ,that was given to the house of representatives. It's his own words, how can it be taken as anything other then the facts. What it looks like from the out side is that you really don't care what he has done and that no matter what he has done you will still support him. IS that good for this country. The majority in this country support a Impeachment. So are they wrong. For you to support him you have to believe what he says that you can't trust the media , the FBI the CIA or any group that he doesn't have complete control over. Is that even logical.

you do know there are several treatments for TDS???

you should try at least one of them
Your gone
People look at what he has done in the past as being totally against the values and the laws of this country. Do you really believe what he says about what he did, even though there is a copy of exactly what he said and did ,that was given to the house of representatives. It's his own words, how can it be taken as anything other then the facts. What it looks like from the out side is that you really don't care what he has done and that no matter what he has done you will still support him. IS that good for this country. The majority in this country support a Impeachment. So are they wrong. For you to support him you have to believe what he says that you can't trust the media , the FBI the CIA or any group that he doesn't have complete control over. Is that even logical.
How come making America great again destroy you democrats? Is it because he’s a republican? Is it because blacks are leaving your party?
Don't high jack this thread. It's against the rules and you know we must follow those rules.
I’m responding to your post.. what’s the problem?
People look at what he has done in the past as being totally against the values and the laws of this country. Do you really believe what he says about what he did, even though there is a copy of exactly what he said and did ,that was given to the house of representatives. It's his own words, how can it be taken as anything other then the facts. What it looks like from the out side is that you really don't care what he has done and that no matter what he has done you will still support him. IS that good for this country. The majority in this country support a Impeachment. So are they wrong. For you to support him you have to believe what he says that you can't trust the media , the FBI the CIA or any group that he doesn't have complete control over. Is that even logical.
How come making America great again destroy you democrats? Is it because he’s a republican? Is it because blacks are leaving your party?
Don't high jack this thread. It's against the rules and you know we must follow those rules.
I’m responding to your post.. what’s the problem?
If you don't keep to the subject your out out here. Simple as that.
People look at what he has done in the past as being totally against the values and the laws of this country. Do you really believe what he says about what he did, even though there is a copy of exactly what he said and did ,that was given to the house of representatives. It's his own words, how can it be taken as anything other then the facts. What it looks like from the out side is that you really don't care what he has done and that no matter what he has done you will still support him. IS that good for this country. The majority in this country support a Impeachment. So are they wrong. For you to support him you have to believe what he says that you can't trust the media , the FBI the CIA or any group that he doesn't have complete control over. Is that even logical.
How come making America great again destroy you democrats? Is it because he’s a republican? Is it because blacks are leaving your party?
Don't high jack this thread. It's against the rules and you know we must follow those rules.
I’m responding to your post.. what’s the problem?
If you don't keep to the subject your out out here. Simple as that.
I did, and I support him because he is great! He’s the best president we ever had,, NOW WHY DO YOU HATE HIM
People look at what he has done in the past as being totally against the values and the laws of this country. Do you really believe what he says about what he did, even though there is a copy of exactly what he said and did ,that was given to the house of representatives. It's his own words, how can it be taken as anything other then the facts. What it looks like from the out side is that you really don't care what he has done and that no matter what he has done you will still support him. IS that good for this country. The majority in this country support a Impeachment. So are they wrong. For you to support him you have to believe what he says that you can't trust the media , the FBI the CIA or any group that he doesn't have complete control over. Is that even logical.

After 3+ years the Democrats have not only failed to find / present any legitimate evidence of any crimes by the President, they have also been exposed for committing crimes in pursuit of removing the President from office and/or have refused to investigate the exposed evidence of crimes committed by fellow Democrats.

How can I support the President?

After 3+ years of continuous undermining, Sedition, Treason the Democrats have produced ZERO evidence of crimes committed by the President or his team in regards to 'Russian Collusion Delusion' while it has been exposed that:
1) Hillary Clinton was protected from indictment

2) that DEMOCRATS / HILLARY not only acted to but also successfully alter the 2016 US election through keeping Hillary out of prison and on the ballot

3) Hillary Clinton paid a foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda intended to be used and used during and after the 2016 election

4) Former FBI Agent Strzok has been recommended by the US IG for Indictment for proven crimes in his part in going after the President

5) Former FBI Deputy Director McCabe has been recommended by the US IG for Indictment for proven crimes in his part in going after the President

6) Former FBI Director Comey has been recommended by the US IG for Indictment for proven crimes in his part in going after the President

7) The US IG has investigating the former FBI Director for Felony Perjury under oath before Congress for 'inconsistencies' in his testimony

8) The US IG report on FISA Court violations has been turned in and will be released soon - after new FBI Director Wray redacts as much of it showing criminal/improper acts by his agency, and it is expected there will be more recommendations for Indictment.

9) The US AG and investigative members of his DOJ are currently in several foreign nations tracking down / investigating evidence of criminal activity by Obama administration Agencies, their Directors, and their people - The President called these nations' leaders and initiated Mutual Law Enforcement and Investigative Assistance and Cooperation treaties by requesting their assistance in these investigations. Evidence of the NIA, CIA, and FBI illegally using foreign Intel Agencies / Sources to investigate / set-up the President and his team are being investigated in these countries.

10) The DOJ is in the middle of investigating improper / criminal activity by the FBI and other agencies in their 'investigation' / 'cover-up' of Hillary Clinton's illegal server/e-mail 'investigation' which, according to testimony by former FBI Agent Page, the DOJ informed the FBI (specifically mentioning herself and McCabe) at the time that it wanted no part in a criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton.

Now, when the FIA Court Abuse Report (that Wray, again, is attempting to delay ./ bury) is about to come out fully exposing more crimes by anti-Trump conspirators, the Democrats initiate 'Collusion Delusion 2.0' by AGAIN accusing the President of illegal collusion with a foreign govt and of treason yet having ZERO evidence - according to the criminal divisions of the DOJ - that a crime was ever committed let alone that the President broke the law when talking to the Ukraine PM.

D-Nadler demanded the US AG BREAK US LAW in his pursuit of taking down the President and then punished huim by leading the vote to hold the US AG in Contempt for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW.

D-Schiff has admitted to leaking classified, has been caught attempting to collude with self-identified Ukrainian politicians to get 'dirt' on the President (treason), repeatedly lied under oath and to the American people by falsely claiming he had criminal evidence against the President that even the Special Counsel investigator did not have (Perjury / Sedition).

Obama US AG Holder committed Felon Perjury and refused to release subpoenaed documents about Fast and Furious. Despite being protected from Indictment a Bi-Partisan Congress Censured him, making him the 1st US AG in US history to be Censured.

Obama NIA Director James Clapper was caught TWICE committing Felony Perjury under oath during their failed coup attempt. Democrats invited him back before Congress to 'correct' his testimony the 1st time & then simply refused to Indict the 2nd time.

Obama CIA Director Brennan committed numerous counts of Felony Perjury, claiming the CIA never illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and USSC Justices...which he was forced to admit was all true. To escape Indictment / Prison Brennan agreed to appear before Congress, admt he lied, admit he illegally spied, and promise never to do it again. He lied again. He also testified that he knew nothing about the Trump Dossier only to have Congressional records show he briefed details of the report to Congress, falsely claiming the information was verified collected Intel, which was also included in the FISA Court applications. That means Brennan will probably be identified as a co-conspirator in FISA Court Abuses....

Obama was identified in testimony under oath as being the one who initiated it all, demanded to be kept updated on it all, was in the room when Brennan initially briefed him on it. and was there every follow-on meeting (mentioned in Strzok's texts). Factor in evidence that Barry knew of the Russian activity / 'interference' back in 2014 and did nothing to stop it (his own team said so, said they 'choked') - let it continue for 2 years until bringing it up and using it to falsely accuse Trump of illegal collusion / treason....

Obama FBI Director Comey admittedly leaked classified information to the press through a friend in order to get a Special Counsel appointed to get 'Collusion Delusion 1.0' started; he committed Perjury under oath, for which he is under investigation now, and it is expected he sill be indicted for FISA Court Abuses once the US IG report comes out. He was thrown under the proverbial bus for improper / criminal acts by his Deputy (McCabe), FBI Special Counsel (Baker), Clapper, and Brennan.

We can go on and on, but I am sure you have heard - and refused to acknowledge it all.

Now ask yourself how YOU can trust the Democrats and the ones running the 'Collusion Delusion 2.0',many of the same ones who pushed '1.0'
This has been so fruitful on my part, the insanity level is even beyond what I imagined. , I do realize that I'm just dealing with the main wackos now but you people are a trip.Totally supporting my opinion that you your president and your party has to go. There will be a conservative voice and party to take it's place immediately but it won't be hate based bananas like it is now. I;ll even support that effort with my time and money (but not my vote) to help it gets established . Your hate group has to go .
People look at what he has done in the past as being totally against the values and the laws of this country. Do you really believe what he says about what he did, even though there is a copy of exactly what he said and did ,that was given to the house of representatives. It's his own words, how can it be taken as anything other then the facts. What it looks like from the out side is that you really don't care what he has done and that no matter what he has done you will still support him. IS that good for this country. The majority in this country support a Impeachment. So are they wrong. For you to support him you have to believe what he says that you can't trust the media , the FBI the CIA or any group that he doesn't have complete control over. Is that even logical.
/----/ "People look at what he has done in the past as being totally against the values and the laws of this country."
What people? Libtards? Progressives? Statists? Socialist? Commies? What specifics do you have on these values he's working gainst? Securing our Borders? Fighting China to lower tariffs and protect our IP? Lowering taxes to let people keep more of their own money? What? And we need more that platitudes, cliches, and slogans.
Last edited:
Probably the same way that bootlickers like you kept your heads shoved up Oboingo's and Hildabeest's asses to the bitter end.

Do yourself a favor and learn a helpful skill called "self-awareness".

For 8 years all you could manufacture were Benghazi and Hillary's private email server.

And we already know Ivanka uses private email. And now we know Trump hides political phone calls in a database not meant for those types of calls. But do you care? No.

Benghazi was bullshit, and they all use private emails apparently. So what you had on Obama and Hillary was NOTHING.

And you could only impeach Bill for a BJ. Well, we're going to impeach Trump for an actual impeachable offense. Not just lying about a bj.
People look at what he has done in the past as being totally against the values and the laws of this country. Do you really believe what he says about what he did, even though there is a copy of exactly what he said and did ,that was given to the house of representatives. It's his own words, how can it be taken as anything other then the facts. What it looks like from the out side is that you really don't care what he has done and that no matter what he has done you will still support him. IS that good for this country. The majority in this country support a Impeachment. So are they wrong. For you to support him you have to believe what he says that you can't trust the media , the FBI the CIA or any group that he doesn't have complete control over. Is that even logical.

After 3+ years the Democrats have not only failed to find / present any legitimate evidence of any crimes by the President, they have also been exposed for committing crimes in pursuit of removing the President from office and/or have refused to investigate the exposed evidence of crimes committed by fellow Democrats.

How can I support the President?

After 3+ years of continuous undermining, Sedition, Treason the Democrats have produced ZERO evidence of crimes committed by the President or his team in regards to 'Russian Collusion Delusion' while it has been exposed that:
1) Hillary Clinton was protected from indictment

2) that DEMOCRATS / HILLARY not only acted to but also successfully alter the 2016 US election through keeping Hillary out of prison and on the ballot

3) Hillary Clinton paid a foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda intended to be used and used during and after the 2016 election

4) Former FBI Agent Strzok has been recommended by the US IG for Indictment for proven crimes in his part in going after the President

5) Former FBI Deputy Director McCabe has been recommended by the US IG for Indictment for proven crimes in his part in going after the President

6) Former FBI Director Comey has been recommended by the US IG for Indictment for proven crimes in his part in going after the President

7) The US IG has investigating the former FBI Director for Felony Perjury under oath before Congress for 'inconsistencies' in his testimony

8) The US IG report on FISA Court violations has been turned in and will be released soon - after new FBI Director Wray redacts as much of it showing criminal/improper acts by his agency, and it is expected there will be more recommendations for Indictment.

9) The US AG and investigative members of his DOJ are currently in several foreign nations tracking down / investigating evidence of criminal activity by Obama administration Agencies, their Directors, and their people - The President called these nations' leaders and initiated Mutual Law Enforcement and Investigative Assistance and Cooperation treaties by requesting their assistance in these investigations. Evidence of the NIA, CIA, and FBI illegally using foreign Intel Agencies / Sources to investigate / set-up the President and his team are being investigated in these countries.

10) The DOJ is in the middle of investigating improper / criminal activity by the FBI and other agencies in their 'investigation' / 'cover-up' of Hillary Clinton's illegal server/e-mail 'investigation' which, according to testimony by former FBI Agent Page, the DOJ informed the FBI (specifically mentioning herself and McCabe) at the time that it wanted no part in a criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton.

Now, when the FIA Court Abuse Report (that Wray, again, is attempting to delay ./ bury) is about to come out fully exposing more crimes by anti-Trump conspirators, the Democrats initiate 'Collusion Delusion 2.0' by AGAIN accusing the President of illegal collusion with a foreign govt and of treason yet having ZERO evidence - according to the criminal divisions of the DOJ - that a crime was ever committed let alone that the President broke the law when talking to the Ukraine PM.

D-Nadler demanded the US AG BREAK US LAW in his pursuit of taking down the President and then punished huim by leading the vote to hold the US AG in Contempt for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW.

D-Schiff has admitted to leaking classified, has been caught attempting to collude with self-identified Ukrainian politicians to get 'dirt' on the President (treason), repeatedly lied under oath and to the American people by falsely claiming he had criminal evidence against the President that even the Special Counsel investigator did not have (Perjury / Sedition).

Obama US AG Holder committed Felon Perjury and refused to release subpoenaed documents about Fast and Furious. Despite being protected from Indictment a Bi-Partisan Congress Censured him, making him the 1st US AG in US history to be Censured.

Obama NIA Director James Clapper was caught TWICE committing Felony Perjury under oath during their failed coup attempt. Democrats invited him back before Congress to 'correct' his testimony the 1st time & then simply refused to Indict the 2nd time.

Obama CIA Director Brennan committed numerous counts of Felony Perjury, claiming the CIA never illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and USSC Justices...which he was forced to admit was all true. To escape Indictment / Prison Brennan agreed to appear before Congress, admt he lied, admit he illegally spied, and promise never to do it again. He lied again. He also testified that he knew nothing about the Trump Dossier only to have Congressional records show he briefed details of the report to Congress, falsely claiming the information was verified collected Intel, which was also included in the FISA Court applications. That means Brennan will probably be identified as a co-conspirator in FISA Court Abuses....

Obama was identified in testimony under oath as being the one who initiated it all, demanded to be kept updated on it all, was in the room when Brennan initially briefed him on it. and was there every follow-on meeting (mentioned in Strzok's texts). Factor in evidence that Barry knew of the Russian activity / 'interference' back in 2014 and did nothing to stop it (his own team said so, said they 'choked') - let it continue for 2 years until bringing it up and using it to falsely accuse Trump of illegal collusion / treason....

Obama FBI Director Comey admittedly leaked classified information to the press through a friend in order to get a Special Counsel appointed to get 'Collusion Delusion 1.0' started; he committed Perjury under oath, for which he is under investigation now, and it is expected he sill be indicted for FISA Court Abuses once the US IG report comes out. He was thrown under the proverbial bus for improper / criminal acts by his Deputy (McCabe), FBI Special Counsel (Baker), Clapper, and Brennan.

We can go on and on, but I am sure you have heard - and refused to acknowledge it all.

Now ask yourself how YOU can trust the Democrats and the ones running the 'Collusion Delusion 2.0',many of the same ones who pushed '1.0'
No one will read this, your remarks are so ridiculous that anyone who would attempt to read it would quit as soon as they run into the first pile of crap. I do realize how dangerous you people are , the last of the Nazi's were also.
Probably the same way that bootlickers like you kept your heads shoved up Oboingo's and Hildabeest's asses to the bitter end.

Do yourself a favor and learn a helpful skill called "self-awareness".

For 8 years all you could manufacture were Benghazi and Hillary's private email server.

And we already know Ivanka uses private email. And now we know Trump hides political phone calls in a database not meant for those types of calls. But do you care? No.

Benghazi was bullshit, and they all use private emails apparently. So what you had on Obama and Hillary was NOTHING.

And you could only impeach Bill for a BJ. Well, we're going to impeach Trump for an actual impeachable offense. Not just lying about a bj.
These people are total frauds but they are the wackos of the wackos and are dangerous so watch your back. They keep on telling us they have all the guns ,
Probably the same way that bootlickers like you kept your heads shoved up Oboingo's and Hildabeest's asses to the bitter end.

Do yourself a favor and learn a helpful skill called "self-awareness".

For 8 years all you could manufacture were Benghazi and Hillary's private email server.

And we already know Ivanka uses private email. And now we know Trump hides political phone calls in a database not meant for those types of calls. But do you care? No.

Benghazi was bullshit, and they all use private emails apparently. So what you had on Obama and Hillary was NOTHING.

And you could only impeach Bill for a BJ. Well, we're going to impeach Trump for an actual impeachable offense. Not just lying about a bj.
These people are total frauds but they are the wackos of the wackos and are dangerous so watch your back. They keep on telling us they have all the guns ,
Go take your meds.
People look at what he has done in the past as being totally against the values and the laws of this country. Do you really believe what he says about what he did, even though there is a copy of exactly what he said and did ,that was given to the house of representatives. It's his own words, how can it be taken as anything other then the facts. What it looks like from the out side is that you really don't care what he has done and that no matter what he has done you will still support him. IS that good for this country. The majority in this country support a Impeachment. So are they wrong. For you to support him you have to believe what he says that you can't trust the media , the FBI the CIA or any group that he doesn't have complete control over. Is that even logical.

If you can actually sit there after these past several years and say that you still trust the media, the FBI and the CIA over a guy that gave everything to tackle the deep state and to return normalcy to our nation to put our own country and people first again, who has been attacked, threatened, lied about and vilified since before he even started in office, conspired against not only by the former sitting president but by both parties in fear of his uncovering their corruption, I suggest you go get BENT.
People look at what he has done in the past as being totally against the values and the laws of this country. Do you really believe what he says about what he did, even though there is a copy of exactly what he said and did ,that was given to the house of representatives. It's his own words, how can it be taken as anything other then the facts. What it looks like from the out side is that you really don't care what he has done and that no matter what he has done you will still support him. IS that good for this country. The majority in this country support a Impeachment. So are they wrong. For you to support him you have to believe what he says that you can't trust the media , the FBI the CIA or any group that he doesn't have complete control over. Is that even logical.
/----/ Rush lists the crimes Trump committed that deserve Impeachment.

Donald Trump rolled back taxes and regulations and cut both dramatically.

Donald Trump engineered, with new economic policy, historically low unemployment with surging wages, including women and minorities. And all of this is proving embarrassing for Democrats who have been promising to do this for their constituents for 50 years.

The next article of impeachment. Donald Trump has focused on and improved control of the Southern United States border.

The next article of impeachment. Donald Trump has improved America’s trade relations with nations around the world, many of whom formerly taking full advantage of the United States.

Donald Trump is being impeached for withdrawing from the Paris accords.

He’s being impeached for withdrawing from the agreement to make Iran a nuclear power and the dominant power in the Mideast. In other words, Donald Trump is being impeached because he embarrassed former great President Obama by ending Obama’s signature deal which gave Iran a pathway to nuclear weapons.

Donald Trump is being impeached for weaning America off of China for cheap labor.

Donald Trump is being impeached — and this maybe should be at the top of the list — Donald Trump is being impeached for appointing large numbers of conservative original intent judges to the judiciary.

Donald Trump is being impeached for making Robert Mueller look like a fool.

Donald Trump is being impeached for refusing to apologize for America’s original sin of racism, bigotry, homophobia and all the rest in the American founding.

Donald Trump is being impeached for his unconditional love for America.

Donald Trump is being impeached because he refused to resign during the Trump-Russia collusion investigation.

The point is, Trump is guilty of winning. He’s guilty of winning in 2016. He’s guilty of surviving a coup attempt. He’s guilty of surviving Robert Mueller’s witch hunt. He’s guilty of thriving despite the massive deep state amounts of fake news and fake narratives to take him out.
People look at what he has done in the past as being totally against the values and the laws of this country. Do you really believe what he says about what he did, even though there is a copy of exactly what he said and did ,that was given to the house of representatives. It's his own words, how can it be taken as anything other then the facts. What it looks like from the out side is that you really don't care what he has done and that no matter what he has done you will still support him. IS that good for this country. The majority in this country support a Impeachment. So are they wrong. For you to support him you have to believe what he says that you can't trust the media , the FBI the CIA or any group that he doesn't have complete control over. Is that even logical.

To give an honest response..... I can't think of anything he has done that is "totally against the values and laws of this country".

See the problem with your post, is that you are assuming we're all looking at this from your opinionated perspective. But opinion, isn't facts.

We don't see that he has done all these terrible things you claim. Because he hasn't. When Trump does something that is in fact a crime, and impeachable, then we will support impeachment.

He hasn't. Thus we don't.

The rest of the country, does not live in your personal version of reality.

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