How come democrats are anti-education?

So why are historians usually accused of being liberals? Why do Black people vote Democratic? Why did historians name FDR as America's greatest president?
Why did the liberal founders insist on public education?

Might try reading some US history for your info, it's all there in the history books. You might even want to go back to the Age oft Enlightenment that was a great influence on our founding and remains so today.


What on earth are you talking about?

You people are so retarded. Seriously.

The historians who twist and lie about history are liberals, the ones who are truthful and accurate, aren't.

Black people vote democratic because they have been told that if they want to get free stuff, they need democrats to provide it for them. It's called staying on the plantation.

The *historians* who named FDR the *greatest president* are communist shills, and nothing more.

And the worst thing to ever happen to education in this country is *public education*.

Yes, you are a retard.
So why are historians usually accused of being liberals? Why do Black people vote Democratic? Why did historians name FDR as America's greatest president?
Why did the liberal founders insist on public education?


What on earth are you talking about?

You people are so retarded. Seriously.

The historians who twist and lie about history are liberals, the ones who are truthful and accurate, aren't.

Black people vote democratic because they have been told that if they want to get free stuff, they need democrats to provide it for them. It's called staying on the plantation.

The *historians* who named FDR the *greatest president* are communist shills, and nothing more.

And the worst thing to ever happen to education in this country is *public education*.

Yes, you are a retard.
So why are historians usually accused of being liberals? Why do Black people vote Democratic? Why did historians name FDR as America's greatest president?
Why did the liberal founders insist on public education?

Might try reading some US history for your info, it's all there in the history books. You might even want to go back to the Age oft Enlightenment that was a great influence on our founding and remains so today.


What on earth are you talking about?

You people are so retarded. Seriously.

The historians who twist and lie about history are liberals, the ones who are truthful and accurate, aren't.

Black people vote democratic because they have been told that if they want to get free stuff, they need democrats to provide it for them. It's called staying on the plantation.

The *historians* who named FDR the *greatest president* are communist shills, and nothing more.

And the worst thing to ever happen to education in this country is *public education*.

Yes, you are a retard.
So why are historians usually accused of being liberals? Why do Black people vote Democratic? Why did historians name FDR as America's greatest president?
Why did the liberal founders insist on public education?


What on earth are you talking about?

You people are so retarded. Seriously.

The historians who twist and lie about history are liberals, the ones who are truthful and accurate, aren't.

Black people vote democratic because they have been told that if they want to get free stuff, they need democrats to provide it for them. It's called staying on the plantation.

The *historians* who named FDR the *greatest president* are communist shills, and nothing more.

And the worst thing to ever happen to education in this country is *public education*.

Yes, you are a retard.
In what way would America be better off without public education?
So why are historians usually accused of being liberals? Why do Black people vote Democratic? Why did historians name FDR as America's greatest president?
Why did the liberal founders insist on public education?

Might try reading some US history for your info, it's all there in the history books. You might even want to go back to the Age oft Enlightenment that was a great influence on our founding and remains so today.


What on earth are you talking about?

You people are so retarded. Seriously.

The historians who twist and lie about history are liberals, the ones who are truthful and accurate, aren't.

Black people vote democratic because they have been told that if they want to get free stuff, they need democrats to provide it for them. It's called staying on the plantation.

The *historians* who named FDR the *greatest president* are communist shills, and nothing more.

And the worst thing to ever happen to education in this country is *public education*.

Yes, you are a retard.
So why are historians usually accused of being liberals? Why do Black people vote Democratic? Why did historians name FDR as America's greatest president?
Why did the liberal founders insist on public education?


What on earth are you talking about?

You people are so retarded. Seriously.

The historians who twist and lie about history are liberals, the ones who are truthful and accurate, aren't.

Black people vote democratic because they have been told that if they want to get free stuff, they need democrats to provide it for them. It's called staying on the plantation.

The *historians* who named FDR the *greatest president* are communist shills, and nothing more.

And the worst thing to ever happen to education in this country is *public education*.

Yes, you are a retard.
In what way would America be better off without public education?

Well our children would actually be educated, for one. Because people did a better job doing it themselves or coming together as small groups to hire teachers they all agreed on, to teach small groups of children. Nationalized education is a catastrophy in the US just as it was in Nazi Germany. All it does is turn our children into statist cretins.
I am specifically talking about U.S. history.

Reading these threads over the past 16 years in these forums, liberals keep on saying over and over the same ignorant propaganda.

Its like have they ever even bothered to read a history book?


1. High taxes and Unions in the 1950~1980

Why do they ignore WWII , the world was in ruins, the only standing country to produce was The U.S.A.

Why do they ignore the lack of regulations? Lack of government agency's like the EPA that was started by Nixion? Why they ignore the lack of Quality control..any one with a few bucks could start a company in a garage and build an empire?

Why do they ignore the fact no one paid those high taxes?

Why do they ignore the fact the world caught up?

Why do they ignore the fact no one wants to work for private Unions?

2. Why do democrats ignore their own history? What is the big deal?

How many democrats know that following the Civil War, 23 blacks -- 13 of them ex-slaves -- were elected to Congress, all as Republicans?

The first black Democrat was not elected to Congress until 1935, from the state of Illinois. The first black congressional Democrat from a Southern state was not elected until 1973.

How many democrats know, in 1854, passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

This overturned the Missouri Compromise and allowed for the importation of slaves into the territories. Disgusted with the passage of this Act, free-soilers and anti-slavery members of the Whig and Democratic parties founded the Republican Party -- not just to stop the spread of slavery, but to eventually abolish it.

How many democrats know that blacks founded the Texas Republican Party?

On July 4, 1867, in Houston, Texas, 150 blacks and 20 whites formed the party. No, not the Black Texas Republican Party, they founded the Texas Republican Party. Blacks across Southern states also founded the Republican parties in their states.

How many democrats know Fugitive slave laws?

In 1850, Democrats passed the Fugitive Slave Law. If merely accused of being a slave, even if the person enjoyed freedom all of his or her life (as approximately 11 percent of blacks did just before the Civil War), the person lost the right to representation by an attorney, the right to trial by jury, and the right to habeas corpus.

How many democrats know Emancipation?

Republican President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation during the Civil War. In 1865, the 13th Amendment emancipating the slaves was passed with 100 percent of Republicans (88 of 88 in the House, 30 of 30 in the Senate) voting for it. Only 23 percent of Democrats (16 of 66 in the House, 3 of 8 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats know Civil rights laws?

In 1868, the 14th Amendment was passed giving the newly emancipated blacks full civil rights and federal guarantee of those rights, superseding any state laws. Every single voting Republican (128 of 134 -- with 6 not voting -- in the House, and 30 of 32 -- with 2 not voting -- in the Senate) voted for the 14th Amendment. Not a single Democrat (zero of 36 in the House, zero of 6 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats knowRight to vote?

When Southern states balked at implementing the 14th Amendment, Congress came back and passed the 15th Amendment in 1870, guaranteeing blacks the right to vote. Every single Republican voted for it, with every Democrat voting against it.

Ku Klux Klan? In 1872 congressional investigations, Democrats admitted beginning the Klan as an effort to stop the spread of the Republican Party and to re-establish Democratic control in Southern states. As PBS' "American Experience" notes, "In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power. The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tenn., in 1865." Blacks, who were all Republican at that time, became the primary targets of violence.

Jim Crow laws? Between 1870 and 1875, the Republican Congress passed many pro-black civil rights laws. But in 1876, Democrats took control of the House, and no further race-based civil rights laws passed until 1957. In 1892, Democrats gained control of the House, the Senate and the White House, and repealed all the Republican-passed civil rights laws. That enabled the Southern Democrats to pass the Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, literacy tests, and so on, in their individual states.

Civil rights in the '60s? Only 64 percent of Democrats in Congress voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act (153 for, 91 against in the House; and 46 for, 21 against in the Senate). But 80 percent of Republicans (136 for, 35 against in the House; and 27 for, 6 against in the Senate) voted for the 1964 Act.

Again I say..

Why are democrats so anti education?


Because they rely on their followers being stupid slobbering idiots so they'll do as they're told and think as they're told. The drooling idiots right here on this board are great examples.
So why are historians usually accused of being liberals? Why do Black people vote Democratic? Why did historians name FDR as America's greatest president?
Why did the liberal founders insist on public education?

Might try reading some US history for your info, it's all there in the history books. You might even want to go back to the Age oft Enlightenment that was a great influence on our founding and remains so today.


What on earth are you talking about?

You people are so retarded. Seriously.

The historians who twist and lie about history are liberals, the ones who are truthful and accurate, aren't.

Black people vote democratic because they have been told that if they want to get free stuff, they need democrats to provide it for them. It's called staying on the plantation.

The *historians* who named FDR the *greatest president* are communist shills, and nothing more.

And the worst thing to ever happen to education in this country is *public education*.

Yes, you are a retard.
So why are historians usually accused of being liberals? Why do Black people vote Democratic? Why did historians name FDR as America's greatest president?
Why did the liberal founders insist on public education?


What on earth are you talking about?

You people are so retarded. Seriously.

The historians who twist and lie about history are liberals, the ones who are truthful and accurate, aren't.

Black people vote democratic because they have been told that if they want to get free stuff, they need democrats to provide it for them. It's called staying on the plantation.

The *historians* who named FDR the *greatest president* are communist shills, and nothing more.

And the worst thing to ever happen to education in this country is *public education*.

Yes, you are a retard.
In what way would America be better off without public education?

Well our children would actually be educated, for one. Because people did a better job doing it themselves or coming together as small groups to hire teachers they all agreed on, to teach small groups of children. Nationalized education is a catastrophy in the US just as it was in Nazi Germany. All it does is turn our children into statist cretins.
Well at least you didn't try to connect public education to communism, which is the current fashion of conservatives.
So why are historians usually accused of being liberals? Why do Black people vote Democratic? Why did historians name FDR as America's greatest president?
Why did the liberal founders insist on public education?

There are many conservative historians-you just have to know where to look. Democrats won the marketing battle in the sixties and cornered the black vote. Republicans were so neutral, it seemed like they did not care. FDR was named because he enacted so many pieces of legislation and he served longer than any other president. And I thought Lincoln was named greatest?

I wonder why Lincoln is not the glory of the Republican party, he is the closest Republicans can come to our greatest president? Do most Republicans even like Lincoln?

So why are historians usually accused of being liberals? Why do Black people vote Democratic? Why did historians name FDR as America's greatest president?
Why did the liberal founders insist on public education?

Might try reading some US history for your info, it's all there in the history books. You might even want to go back to the Age oft Enlightenment that was a great influence on our founding and remains so today.


What on earth are you talking about?

You people are so retarded. Seriously.

The historians who twist and lie about history are liberals, the ones who are truthful and accurate, aren't.

Black people vote democratic because they have been told that if they want to get free stuff, they need democrats to provide it for them. It's called staying on the plantation.

The *historians* who named FDR the *greatest president* are communist shills, and nothing more.

And the worst thing to ever happen to education in this country is *public education*.

Yes, you are a retard.
So why are historians usually accused of being liberals? Why do Black people vote Democratic? Why did historians name FDR as America's greatest president?
Why did the liberal founders insist on public education?


What on earth are you talking about?

You people are so retarded. Seriously.

The historians who twist and lie about history are liberals, the ones who are truthful and accurate, aren't.

Black people vote democratic because they have been told that if they want to get free stuff, they need democrats to provide it for them. It's called staying on the plantation.

The *historians* who named FDR the *greatest president* are communist shills, and nothing more.

And the worst thing to ever happen to education in this country is *public education*.

Yes, you are a retard.
In what way would America be better off without public education?

Well our children would actually be educated, for one. Because people did a better job doing it themselves or coming together as small groups to hire teachers they all agreed on, to teach small groups of children. Nationalized education is a catastrophy in the US just as it was in Nazi Germany. All it does is turn our children into statist cretins.
Well at least you didn't try to connect public education to communism, which is the current fashion of conservatives.
Only because it has become so blatant that it no longer needs to be stated.
Dwindle down the number of history classes taught. They don't help get kids good jobs. Stick to stem classes.
Destroy culture? By having kids focus on classes that will get them a good job. Comical reply.
Democrats are all uneducated bigots and Republicans vote for Trump driving buses for Sport. Mega dittos.
The story about a history book that stopped in 1944 is an obvious lie. Are you that stupid to believe such bullshit?
Obviously I no longer have the book, nor does the school-it had 2 additions since I was there-or don't you believe that. I told that story for 50 years and no one ever questioned it till now. For your sake only,the reason they kept an outdated book was they only had the course cover the start of World War II-the curriculum did not require or have time for anything further-so the book was adequate as long as they were in good shape, which they were. Now, if you don't want to believe it, that is your God given right-but don't disparage me because of your lack of faith. By the way, any other readers have a similar story about outdated books or equipment?

It had "two additions" since? Are you certain of that?

Most books come with new "editions"!

Don't talk about education until you actually receive one!

The other education bashers will simply make up lies to back up your fake story. When it comes to education, no lie is too great!
The SCHOOL had two additions-if you are going to comment, at least READ the post! And your attitude is closed to any new information so good luck-and for the record, I never bashed the educational system, in fact I taught in it for a while. I find your lack of faith in other posters disturbing.

The correct word is "editions", you dumbass! Why should I waste time conversing with a moron? Apparently that is all I am doing.
Get a dictionary- addition is when you add rooms to a school-Jesus you are thick. Editions IS for books. If it is so important to you that you have the last word, then I'll give it to you-just post "sorry".

That is NOT what you said because adding additions to the school would have nothing to do with the availability of the book, which was just a deflection on your part in the first place! You fucked up and now will not admit it! KMA!
Obviously I no longer have the book, nor does the school-it had 2 additions since I was there-or don't you believe that. I told that story for 50 years and no one ever questioned it till now. For your sake only,the reason they kept an outdated book was they only had the course cover the start of World War II-the curriculum did not require or have time for anything further-so the book was adequate as long as they were in good shape, which they were. Now, if you don't want to believe it, that is your God given right-but don't disparage me because of your lack of faith. By the way, any other readers have a similar story about outdated books or equipment?

It had "two additions" since? Are you certain of that?

Most books come with new "editions"!

Don't talk about education until you actually receive one!

The other education bashers will simply make up lies to back up your fake story. When it comes to education, no lie is too great!
The SCHOOL had two additions-if you are going to comment, at least READ the post! And your attitude is closed to any new information so good luck-and for the record, I never bashed the educational system, in fact I taught in it for a while. I find your lack of faith in other posters disturbing.

The correct word is "editions", you dumbass! Why should I waste time conversing with a moron? Apparently that is all I am doing.
Get a dictionary- addition is when you add rooms to a school-Jesus you are thick. Editions IS for books. If it is so important to you that you have the last word, then I'll give it to you-just post "sorry".

That is NOT what you said because adding additions to the school would have nothing to do with the availability of the book, which was just a deflection on your part in the first place! You fucked up and now will not admit it! KMA!
Tell you what-get another poster to read our posts and if they find I am wrong I will admit it-if they find you are wrong, will you admit it? Fellow posters, please join the conversation!
It had "two additions" since? Are you certain of that?

Most books come with new "editions"!

Don't talk about education until you actually receive one!

The other education bashers will simply make up lies to back up your fake story. When it comes to education, no lie is too great!
The SCHOOL had two additions-if you are going to comment, at least READ the post! And your attitude is closed to any new information so good luck-and for the record, I never bashed the educational system, in fact I taught in it for a while. I find your lack of faith in other posters disturbing.

The correct word is "editions", you dumbass! Why should I waste time conversing with a moron? Apparently that is all I am doing.
Get a dictionary- addition is when you add rooms to a school-Jesus you are thick. Editions IS for books. If it is so important to you that you have the last word, then I'll give it to you-just post "sorry".

That is NOT what you said because adding additions to the school would have nothing to do with the availability of the book, which was just a deflection on your part in the first place! You fucked up and now will not admit it! KMA!
Tell you what-get another poster to read our posts and if they find I am wrong I will admit it-if they find you are wrong, will you admit it? Fellow posters, please join the conversation!
Yea,h, you can add additions of a book to the single edition in the library..
The SCHOOL had two additions-if you are going to comment, at least READ the post! And your attitude is closed to any new information so good luck-and for the record, I never bashed the educational system, in fact I taught in it for a while. I find your lack of faith in other posters disturbing.

The correct word is "editions", you dumbass! Why should I waste time conversing with a moron? Apparently that is all I am doing.
Get a dictionary- addition is when you add rooms to a school-Jesus you are thick. Editions IS for books. If it is so important to you that you have the last word, then I'll give it to you-just post "sorry".

That is NOT what you said because adding additions to the school would have nothing to do with the availability of the book, which was just a deflection on your part in the first place! You fucked up and now will not admit it! KMA!
Tell you what-get another poster to read our posts and if they find I am wrong I will admit it-if they find you are wrong, will you admit it? Fellow posters, please join the conversation!
Yea,h, you can add additions of a book to the single edition in the library..

WTF are you talking about?

Additions to a book? What's the matter? You haven't proved your stupidity today?

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