How come democrats are anti-education?

I am specifically talking about U.S. history.

Reading these threads over the past 16 years in these forums, liberals keep on saying over and over the same ignorant propaganda.

Its like have they ever even bothered to read a history book?


1. High taxes and Unions in the 1950~1980

Why do they ignore WWII , the world was in ruins, the only standing country to produce was The U.S.A.

Why do they ignore the lack of regulations? Lack of government agency's like the EPA that was started by Nixion? Why they ignore the lack of Quality control..any one with a few bucks could start a company in a garage and build an empire?

Why do they ignore the fact no one paid those high taxes?

Why do they ignore the fact the world caught up?

Why do they ignore the fact no one wants to work for private Unions?

2. Why do democrats ignore their own history? What is the big deal?

How many democrats know that following the Civil War, 23 blacks -- 13 of them ex-slaves -- were elected to Congress, all as Republicans?

The first black Democrat was not elected to Congress until 1935, from the state of Illinois. The first black congressional Democrat from a Southern state was not elected until 1973.

How many democrats know, in 1854, passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

This overturned the Missouri Compromise and allowed for the importation of slaves into the territories. Disgusted with the passage of this Act, free-soilers and anti-slavery members of the Whig and Democratic parties founded the Republican Party -- not just to stop the spread of slavery, but to eventually abolish it.

How many democrats know that blacks founded the Texas Republican Party?

On July 4, 1867, in Houston, Texas, 150 blacks and 20 whites formed the party. No, not the Black Texas Republican Party, they founded the Texas Republican Party. Blacks across Southern states also founded the Republican parties in their states.

How many democrats know Fugitive slave laws?

In 1850, Democrats passed the Fugitive Slave Law. If merely accused of being a slave, even if the person enjoyed freedom all of his or her life (as approximately 11 percent of blacks did just before the Civil War), the person lost the right to representation by an attorney, the right to trial by jury, and the right to habeas corpus.

How many democrats know Emancipation?

Republican President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation during the Civil War. In 1865, the 13th Amendment emancipating the slaves was passed with 100 percent of Republicans (88 of 88 in the House, 30 of 30 in the Senate) voting for it. Only 23 percent of Democrats (16 of 66 in the House, 3 of 8 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats know Civil rights laws?

In 1868, the 14th Amendment was passed giving the newly emancipated blacks full civil rights and federal guarantee of those rights, superseding any state laws. Every single voting Republican (128 of 134 -- with 6 not voting -- in the House, and 30 of 32 -- with 2 not voting -- in the Senate) voted for the 14th Amendment. Not a single Democrat (zero of 36 in the House, zero of 6 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats knowRight to vote?

When Southern states balked at implementing the 14th Amendment, Congress came back and passed the 15th Amendment in 1870, guaranteeing blacks the right to vote. Every single Republican voted for it, with every Democrat voting against it.

Ku Klux Klan? In 1872 congressional investigations, Democrats admitted beginning the Klan as an effort to stop the spread of the Republican Party and to re-establish Democratic control in Southern states. As PBS' "American Experience" notes, "In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power. The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tenn., in 1865." Blacks, who were all Republican at that time, became the primary targets of violence.

Jim Crow laws? Between 1870 and 1875, the Republican Congress passed many pro-black civil rights laws. But in 1876, Democrats took control of the House, and no further race-based civil rights laws passed until 1957. In 1892, Democrats gained control of the House, the Senate and the White House, and repealed all the Republican-passed civil rights laws. That enabled the Southern Democrats to pass the Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, literacy tests, and so on, in their individual states.

Civil rights in the '60s? Only 64 percent of Democrats in Congress voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act (153 for, 91 against in the House; and 46 for, 21 against in the Senate). But 80 percent of Republicans (136 for, 35 against in the House; and 27 for, 6 against in the Senate) voted for the 1964 Act.

Again I say..

Why are democrats so anti education?

How many ill-educated Right-wing nutjobs know that the Democratic and Republican parties switched roles? How many know why? Or when? How many actually care about impartial truth..and nuanced views of history? How many think that spin and shouting deliberate obfuscations will somehow justify their pin-head points of view?

Democrats and Republicans Switched Platforms - Fact or Myth?

I could easily debunk 90% of what you have posted..but it would be a colossal waste of time..since I'm sure you know the just choose to ignore it in favor of spin...good luck with that. No one outside of your echo chamber is buying it.

Lol you couldn't debunk shit, don't try your KKK democrat revisionist history on me snow flake..

No one switched fucking party's except 3 .... For example Al gores dad remained a life long Democrat

Ahh yes. Alabama was a liberal stronghold and San Francisco and NYC were conservative bases.

The old "let's rewrite history because the real version doesn't make me feel happy" bit. Thanks for proving the thread here.
I am specifically talking about U.S. history.

Reading these threads over the past 16 years in these forums, liberals keep on saying over and over the same ignorant propaganda.

Its like have they ever even bothered to read a history book?


1. High taxes and Unions in the 1950~1980

Why do they ignore WWII , the world was in ruins, the only standing country to produce was The U.S.A.

Why do they ignore the lack of regulations? Lack of government agency's like the EPA that was started by Nixion? Why they ignore the lack of Quality control..any one with a few bucks could start a company in a garage and build an empire?

Why do they ignore the fact no one paid those high taxes?

Why do they ignore the fact the world caught up?

Why do they ignore the fact no one wants to work for private Unions?

2. Why do democrats ignore their own history? What is the big deal?

How many democrats know that following the Civil War, 23 blacks -- 13 of them ex-slaves -- were elected to Congress, all as Republicans?

The first black Democrat was not elected to Congress until 1935, from the state of Illinois. The first black congressional Democrat from a Southern state was not elected until 1973.

How many democrats know, in 1854, passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

This overturned the Missouri Compromise and allowed for the importation of slaves into the territories. Disgusted with the passage of this Act, free-soilers and anti-slavery members of the Whig and Democratic parties founded the Republican Party -- not just to stop the spread of slavery, but to eventually abolish it.

How many democrats know that blacks founded the Texas Republican Party?

On July 4, 1867, in Houston, Texas, 150 blacks and 20 whites formed the party. No, not the Black Texas Republican Party, they founded the Texas Republican Party. Blacks across Southern states also founded the Republican parties in their states.

How many democrats know Fugitive slave laws?

In 1850, Democrats passed the Fugitive Slave Law. If merely accused of being a slave, even if the person enjoyed freedom all of his or her life (as approximately 11 percent of blacks did just before the Civil War), the person lost the right to representation by an attorney, the right to trial by jury, and the right to habeas corpus.

How many democrats know Emancipation?

Republican President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation during the Civil War. In 1865, the 13th Amendment emancipating the slaves was passed with 100 percent of Republicans (88 of 88 in the House, 30 of 30 in the Senate) voting for it. Only 23 percent of Democrats (16 of 66 in the House, 3 of 8 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats know Civil rights laws?

In 1868, the 14th Amendment was passed giving the newly emancipated blacks full civil rights and federal guarantee of those rights, superseding any state laws. Every single voting Republican (128 of 134 -- with 6 not voting -- in the House, and 30 of 32 -- with 2 not voting -- in the Senate) voted for the 14th Amendment. Not a single Democrat (zero of 36 in the House, zero of 6 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats knowRight to vote?

When Southern states balked at implementing the 14th Amendment, Congress came back and passed the 15th Amendment in 1870, guaranteeing blacks the right to vote. Every single Republican voted for it, with every Democrat voting against it.

Ku Klux Klan? In 1872 congressional investigations, Democrats admitted beginning the Klan as an effort to stop the spread of the Republican Party and to re-establish Democratic control in Southern states. As PBS' "American Experience" notes, "In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power. The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tenn., in 1865." Blacks, who were all Republican at that time, became the primary targets of violence.

Jim Crow laws? Between 1870 and 1875, the Republican Congress passed many pro-black civil rights laws. But in 1876, Democrats took control of the House, and no further race-based civil rights laws passed until 1957. In 1892, Democrats gained control of the House, the Senate and the White House, and repealed all the Republican-passed civil rights laws. That enabled the Southern Democrats to pass the Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, literacy tests, and so on, in their individual states.

Civil rights in the '60s? Only 64 percent of Democrats in Congress voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act (153 for, 91 against in the House; and 46 for, 21 against in the Senate). But 80 percent of Republicans (136 for, 35 against in the House; and 27 for, 6 against in the Senate) voted for the 1964 Act.

Again I say..

Why are democrats so anti education?

What the hell does any of that have to do with Education?

The OP is a fine example of a partisan hack citing ancient historical data, however...

It fails to take into account the fact that the racist Dixiecrats of Olden Times and their kindred spirits now vote a straight GOP ticket.

Too many nigras in the new-age Democratic Party, so they took their business elsewhere.

Metaphorically speaking... another example of White Flight... ( "There goes the neighborhood!" ) :21:
I am specifically talking about U.S. history.

Reading these threads over the past 16 years in these forums, liberals keep on saying over and over the same ignorant propaganda.

Its like have they ever even bothered to read a history book?


1. High taxes and Unions in the 1950~1980

Why do they ignore WWII , the world was in ruins, the only standing country to produce was The U.S.A.

Why do they ignore the lack of regulations? Lack of government agency's like the EPA that was started by Nixion? Why they ignore the lack of Quality control..any one with a few bucks could start a company in a garage and build an empire?

Why do they ignore the fact no one paid those high taxes?

Why do they ignore the fact the world caught up?

Why do they ignore the fact no one wants to work for private Unions?

2. Why do democrats ignore their own history? What is the big deal?

How many democrats know that following the Civil War, 23 blacks -- 13 of them ex-slaves -- were elected to Congress, all as Republicans?

The first black Democrat was not elected to Congress until 1935, from the state of Illinois. The first black congressional Democrat from a Southern state was not elected until 1973.

How many democrats know, in 1854, passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

This overturned the Missouri Compromise and allowed for the importation of slaves into the territories. Disgusted with the passage of this Act, free-soilers and anti-slavery members of the Whig and Democratic parties founded the Republican Party -- not just to stop the spread of slavery, but to eventually abolish it.

How many democrats know that blacks founded the Texas Republican Party?

On July 4, 1867, in Houston, Texas, 150 blacks and 20 whites formed the party. No, not the Black Texas Republican Party, they founded the Texas Republican Party. Blacks across Southern states also founded the Republican parties in their states.

How many democrats know Fugitive slave laws?

In 1850, Democrats passed the Fugitive Slave Law. If merely accused of being a slave, even if the person enjoyed freedom all of his or her life (as approximately 11 percent of blacks did just before the Civil War), the person lost the right to representation by an attorney, the right to trial by jury, and the right to habeas corpus.

How many democrats know Emancipation?

Republican President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation during the Civil War. In 1865, the 13th Amendment emancipating the slaves was passed with 100 percent of Republicans (88 of 88 in the House, 30 of 30 in the Senate) voting for it. Only 23 percent of Democrats (16 of 66 in the House, 3 of 8 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats know Civil rights laws?

In 1868, the 14th Amendment was passed giving the newly emancipated blacks full civil rights and federal guarantee of those rights, superseding any state laws. Every single voting Republican (128 of 134 -- with 6 not voting -- in the House, and 30 of 32 -- with 2 not voting -- in the Senate) voted for the 14th Amendment. Not a single Democrat (zero of 36 in the House, zero of 6 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats knowRight to vote?

When Southern states balked at implementing the 14th Amendment, Congress came back and passed the 15th Amendment in 1870, guaranteeing blacks the right to vote. Every single Republican voted for it, with every Democrat voting against it.

Ku Klux Klan? In 1872 congressional investigations, Democrats admitted beginning the Klan as an effort to stop the spread of the Republican Party and to re-establish Democratic control in Southern states. As PBS' "American Experience" notes, "In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power. The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tenn., in 1865." Blacks, who were all Republican at that time, became the primary targets of violence.

Jim Crow laws? Between 1870 and 1875, the Republican Congress passed many pro-black civil rights laws. But in 1876, Democrats took control of the House, and no further race-based civil rights laws passed until 1957. In 1892, Democrats gained control of the House, the Senate and the White House, and repealed all the Republican-passed civil rights laws. That enabled the Southern Democrats to pass the Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, literacy tests, and so on, in their individual states.

Civil rights in the '60s? Only 64 percent of Democrats in Congress voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act (153 for, 91 against in the House; and 46 for, 21 against in the Senate). But 80 percent of Republicans (136 for, 35 against in the House; and 27 for, 6 against in the Senate) voted for the 1964 Act.

Again I say..

Why are democrats so anti education?

How many ill-educated Right-wing nutjobs know that the Democratic and Republican parties switched roles? How many know why? Or when? How many actually care about impartial truth..and nuanced views of history? How many think that spin and shouting deliberate obfuscations will somehow justify their pin-head points of view?

Democrats and Republicans Switched Platforms - Fact or Myth?

I could easily debunk 90% of what you have posted..but it would be a colossal waste of time..since I'm sure you know the just choose to ignore it in favor of spin...good luck with that. No one outside of your echo chamber is buying it.

Lol you couldn't debunk shit, don't try your KKK democrat revisionist history on me snow flake..

No one switched fucking party's except 3 .... For example Al gores dad remained a life long Democrat

Ahh yes. Alabama was a liberal stronghold and San Francisco and NYC were conservative bases.

The old "let's rewrite history because the real version doesn't make me feel happy" bit. Thanks for proving the thread here.

Wait you trying to equate the year 2019 to the 1970s ? What kind of fool are you ? Once again who won the south in 1976?
I am specifically talking about U.S. history.

Reading these threads over the past 16 years in these forums, liberals keep on saying over and over the same ignorant propaganda.

Its like have they ever even bothered to read a history book?


1. High taxes and Unions in the 1950~1980

Why do they ignore WWII , the world was in ruins, the only standing country to produce was The U.S.A.

Why do they ignore the lack of regulations? Lack of government agency's like the EPA that was started by Nixion? Why they ignore the lack of Quality control..any one with a few bucks could start a company in a garage and build an empire?

Why do they ignore the fact no one paid those high taxes?

Why do they ignore the fact the world caught up?

Why do they ignore the fact no one wants to work for private Unions?

2. Why do democrats ignore their own history? What is the big deal?

How many democrats know that following the Civil War, 23 blacks -- 13 of them ex-slaves -- were elected to Congress, all as Republicans?

The first black Democrat was not elected to Congress until 1935, from the state of Illinois. The first black congressional Democrat from a Southern state was not elected until 1973.

How many democrats know, in 1854, passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

This overturned the Missouri Compromise and allowed for the importation of slaves into the territories. Disgusted with the passage of this Act, free-soilers and anti-slavery members of the Whig and Democratic parties founded the Republican Party -- not just to stop the spread of slavery, but to eventually abolish it.

How many democrats know that blacks founded the Texas Republican Party?

On July 4, 1867, in Houston, Texas, 150 blacks and 20 whites formed the party. No, not the Black Texas Republican Party, they founded the Texas Republican Party. Blacks across Southern states also founded the Republican parties in their states.

How many democrats know Fugitive slave laws?

In 1850, Democrats passed the Fugitive Slave Law. If merely accused of being a slave, even if the person enjoyed freedom all of his or her life (as approximately 11 percent of blacks did just before the Civil War), the person lost the right to representation by an attorney, the right to trial by jury, and the right to habeas corpus.

How many democrats know Emancipation?

Republican President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation during the Civil War. In 1865, the 13th Amendment emancipating the slaves was passed with 100 percent of Republicans (88 of 88 in the House, 30 of 30 in the Senate) voting for it. Only 23 percent of Democrats (16 of 66 in the House, 3 of 8 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats know Civil rights laws?

In 1868, the 14th Amendment was passed giving the newly emancipated blacks full civil rights and federal guarantee of those rights, superseding any state laws. Every single voting Republican (128 of 134 -- with 6 not voting -- in the House, and 30 of 32 -- with 2 not voting -- in the Senate) voted for the 14th Amendment. Not a single Democrat (zero of 36 in the House, zero of 6 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats knowRight to vote?

When Southern states balked at implementing the 14th Amendment, Congress came back and passed the 15th Amendment in 1870, guaranteeing blacks the right to vote. Every single Republican voted for it, with every Democrat voting against it.

Ku Klux Klan? In 1872 congressional investigations, Democrats admitted beginning the Klan as an effort to stop the spread of the Republican Party and to re-establish Democratic control in Southern states. As PBS' "American Experience" notes, "In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power. The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tenn., in 1865." Blacks, who were all Republican at that time, became the primary targets of violence.

Jim Crow laws? Between 1870 and 1875, the Republican Congress passed many pro-black civil rights laws. But in 1876, Democrats took control of the House, and no further race-based civil rights laws passed until 1957. In 1892, Democrats gained control of the House, the Senate and the White House, and repealed all the Republican-passed civil rights laws. That enabled the Southern Democrats to pass the Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, literacy tests, and so on, in their individual states.

Civil rights in the '60s? Only 64 percent of Democrats in Congress voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act (153 for, 91 against in the House; and 46 for, 21 against in the Senate). But 80 percent of Republicans (136 for, 35 against in the House; and 27 for, 6 against in the Senate) voted for the 1964 Act.

Again I say..

Why are democrats so anti education?

What the hell does any of that have to do with Education?

The OP is a fine example of a partisan hack citing ancient historical data, however...

It fails to take into account the fact that the racist Dixiecrats of Olden Times and their kindred spirits now vote a straight GOP ticket.

Too many nigras in the new-age Democratic Party, so they took their business elsewhere.

Metaphorically speaking... another example of White Flight... ( "There goes the neighborhood!" ) :21:

Agree... it's interesting to see the switch. For a while there in the early to mid-1900's you had liberal and conservatives in both parties. You had times where the presidential candidates from both parties were both liberal, or both conservative.

I mean heck, look at Lincoln's presidential platform. Higher taxes to support more public works and social programs (what some call socialism today). The first and only president to call for and enact a less restrictive, wide open immigration policy. Selling gov't land for gov't funded education. More government oversight on businesses. Less states rights.

And his Democrat opponents wanted a stronger border presence, fewer government restrictions, lower taxes, more help for rural farming families, said social reform laws are just a crutch and actually hold back the minority groups they are meant to help.

You can't read those debates and platforms and say they aren't the opposite. You'd have to be over 80 years old to have voted for the last Democratic Presidential candidate to get the Klan leaderships support. It's not Dem's flying Dixie flags on their pickups anymore. It's not Dems saying very fine people can attend a rally put on by the KKK and neo-nazi's anymore. It's not Dems fighting to build and keep statues of Confederate hero's anymore.

It's why when talking civil rights, we have to stop over half a century ago, ignore the actual Presidents who proposed them and fought for them, and the presidential candidates who stumped with the Dixiecrats and went on TV against them. We have to ignore the civil rights bills of the 80's and 90's which Republicans voted against and attempted to veto, and instead switch sides all of a sudden and take the 1960's southern conservative position that those bills are an attack on freedoms, and a crutch for those they are meant to help, only something to get votes, or oppose on religious grounds.
I am specifically talking about U.S. history.

Reading these threads over the past 16 years in these forums, liberals keep on saying over and over the same ignorant propaganda.

Its like have they ever even bothered to read a history book?


1. High taxes and Unions in the 1950~1980

Why do they ignore WWII , the world was in ruins, the only standing country to produce was The U.S.A.

Why do they ignore the lack of regulations? Lack of government agency's like the EPA that was started by Nixion? Why they ignore the lack of Quality control..any one with a few bucks could start a company in a garage and build an empire?

Why do they ignore the fact no one paid those high taxes?

Why do they ignore the fact the world caught up?

Why do they ignore the fact no one wants to work for private Unions?

2. Why do democrats ignore their own history? What is the big deal?

How many democrats know that following the Civil War, 23 blacks -- 13 of them ex-slaves -- were elected to Congress, all as Republicans?

The first black Democrat was not elected to Congress until 1935, from the state of Illinois. The first black congressional Democrat from a Southern state was not elected until 1973.

How many democrats know, in 1854, passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

This overturned the Missouri Compromise and allowed for the importation of slaves into the territories. Disgusted with the passage of this Act, free-soilers and anti-slavery members of the Whig and Democratic parties founded the Republican Party -- not just to stop the spread of slavery, but to eventually abolish it.

How many democrats know that blacks founded the Texas Republican Party?

On July 4, 1867, in Houston, Texas, 150 blacks and 20 whites formed the party. No, not the Black Texas Republican Party, they founded the Texas Republican Party. Blacks across Southern states also founded the Republican parties in their states.

How many democrats know Fugitive slave laws?

In 1850, Democrats passed the Fugitive Slave Law. If merely accused of being a slave, even if the person enjoyed freedom all of his or her life (as approximately 11 percent of blacks did just before the Civil War), the person lost the right to representation by an attorney, the right to trial by jury, and the right to habeas corpus.

How many democrats know Emancipation?

Republican President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation during the Civil War. In 1865, the 13th Amendment emancipating the slaves was passed with 100 percent of Republicans (88 of 88 in the House, 30 of 30 in the Senate) voting for it. Only 23 percent of Democrats (16 of 66 in the House, 3 of 8 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats know Civil rights laws?

In 1868, the 14th Amendment was passed giving the newly emancipated blacks full civil rights and federal guarantee of those rights, superseding any state laws. Every single voting Republican (128 of 134 -- with 6 not voting -- in the House, and 30 of 32 -- with 2 not voting -- in the Senate) voted for the 14th Amendment. Not a single Democrat (zero of 36 in the House, zero of 6 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats knowRight to vote?

When Southern states balked at implementing the 14th Amendment, Congress came back and passed the 15th Amendment in 1870, guaranteeing blacks the right to vote. Every single Republican voted for it, with every Democrat voting against it.

Ku Klux Klan? In 1872 congressional investigations, Democrats admitted beginning the Klan as an effort to stop the spread of the Republican Party and to re-establish Democratic control in Southern states. As PBS' "American Experience" notes, "In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power. The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tenn., in 1865." Blacks, who were all Republican at that time, became the primary targets of violence.

Jim Crow laws? Between 1870 and 1875, the Republican Congress passed many pro-black civil rights laws. But in 1876, Democrats took control of the House, and no further race-based civil rights laws passed until 1957. In 1892, Democrats gained control of the House, the Senate and the White House, and repealed all the Republican-passed civil rights laws. That enabled the Southern Democrats to pass the Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, literacy tests, and so on, in their individual states.

Civil rights in the '60s? Only 64 percent of Democrats in Congress voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act (153 for, 91 against in the House; and 46 for, 21 against in the Senate). But 80 percent of Republicans (136 for, 35 against in the House; and 27 for, 6 against in the Senate) voted for the 1964 Act.

Again I say..

Why are democrats so anti education?

What the hell does any of that have to do with Education?

The OP is a fine example of a partisan hack citing ancient historical data, however...

It fails to take into account the fact that the racist Dixiecrats of Olden Times and their kindred spirits now vote a straight GOP ticket.

Too many nigras in the new-age Democratic Party, so they took their business elsewhere.

Metaphorically speaking... another example of White Flight... ( "There goes the neighborhood!" ) :21:

Once again only three Dixie cat switched party's, if JFK were alive today he would of been kicked out of the democrat party..

The younger generation started to gote Republican for Manufacturing jobs in the south and they delivered..
I am specifically talking about U.S. history.

Reading these threads over the past 16 years in these forums, liberals keep on saying over and over the same ignorant propaganda.

Its like have they ever even bothered to read a history book?


1. High taxes and Unions in the 1950~1980

Why do they ignore WWII , the world was in ruins, the only standing country to produce was The U.S.A.

Why do they ignore the lack of regulations? Lack of government agency's like the EPA that was started by Nixion? Why they ignore the lack of Quality control..any one with a few bucks could start a company in a garage and build an empire?

Why do they ignore the fact no one paid those high taxes?

Why do they ignore the fact the world caught up?

Why do they ignore the fact no one wants to work for private Unions?

2. Why do democrats ignore their own history? What is the big deal?

How many democrats know that following the Civil War, 23 blacks -- 13 of them ex-slaves -- were elected to Congress, all as Republicans?

The first black Democrat was not elected to Congress until 1935, from the state of Illinois. The first black congressional Democrat from a Southern state was not elected until 1973.

How many democrats know, in 1854, passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

This overturned the Missouri Compromise and allowed for the importation of slaves into the territories. Disgusted with the passage of this Act, free-soilers and anti-slavery members of the Whig and Democratic parties founded the Republican Party -- not just to stop the spread of slavery, but to eventually abolish it.

How many democrats know that blacks founded the Texas Republican Party?

On July 4, 1867, in Houston, Texas, 150 blacks and 20 whites formed the party. No, not the Black Texas Republican Party, they founded the Texas Republican Party. Blacks across Southern states also founded the Republican parties in their states.

How many democrats know Fugitive slave laws?

In 1850, Democrats passed the Fugitive Slave Law. If merely accused of being a slave, even if the person enjoyed freedom all of his or her life (as approximately 11 percent of blacks did just before the Civil War), the person lost the right to representation by an attorney, the right to trial by jury, and the right to habeas corpus.

How many democrats know Emancipation?

Republican President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation during the Civil War. In 1865, the 13th Amendment emancipating the slaves was passed with 100 percent of Republicans (88 of 88 in the House, 30 of 30 in the Senate) voting for it. Only 23 percent of Democrats (16 of 66 in the House, 3 of 8 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats know Civil rights laws?

In 1868, the 14th Amendment was passed giving the newly emancipated blacks full civil rights and federal guarantee of those rights, superseding any state laws. Every single voting Republican (128 of 134 -- with 6 not voting -- in the House, and 30 of 32 -- with 2 not voting -- in the Senate) voted for the 14th Amendment. Not a single Democrat (zero of 36 in the House, zero of 6 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats knowRight to vote?

When Southern states balked at implementing the 14th Amendment, Congress came back and passed the 15th Amendment in 1870, guaranteeing blacks the right to vote. Every single Republican voted for it, with every Democrat voting against it.

Ku Klux Klan? In 1872 congressional investigations, Democrats admitted beginning the Klan as an effort to stop the spread of the Republican Party and to re-establish Democratic control in Southern states. As PBS' "American Experience" notes, "In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power. The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tenn., in 1865." Blacks, who were all Republican at that time, became the primary targets of violence.

Jim Crow laws? Between 1870 and 1875, the Republican Congress passed many pro-black civil rights laws. But in 1876, Democrats took control of the House, and no further race-based civil rights laws passed until 1957. In 1892, Democrats gained control of the House, the Senate and the White House, and repealed all the Republican-passed civil rights laws. That enabled the Southern Democrats to pass the Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, literacy tests, and so on, in their individual states.

Civil rights in the '60s? Only 64 percent of Democrats in Congress voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act (153 for, 91 against in the House; and 46 for, 21 against in the Senate). But 80 percent of Republicans (136 for, 35 against in the House; and 27 for, 6 against in the Senate) voted for the 1964 Act.

Again I say..

Why are democrats so anti education?

What the hell does any of that have to do with Education?

The OP is a fine example of a partisan hack citing ancient historical data, however...

It fails to take into account the fact that the racist Dixiecrats of Olden Times and their kindred spirits now vote a straight GOP ticket.

Too many nigras in the new-age Democratic Party, so they took their business elsewhere.

Metaphorically speaking... another example of White Flight... ( "There goes the neighborhood!" ) :21:

Agree... it's interesting to see the switch. For a while there in the early to mid-1900's you had liberal and conservatives in both parties. You had times where the presidential candidates from both parties were both liberal, or both conservative.

I mean heck, look at Lincoln's presidential platform. Higher taxes to support more public works and social programs (what some call socialism today). The first and only president to call for and enact a less restrictive, wide open immigration policy. Selling gov't land for gov't funded education. More government oversight on businesses. Less states rights.

And his Democrat opponents wanted a stronger border presence, fewer government restrictions, lower taxes, more help for rural farming families, said social reform laws are just a crutch and actually hold back the minority groups they are meant to help.

You can't read those debates and platforms and say they aren't the opposite. You'd have to be over 80 years old to have voted for the last Democratic Presidential candidate to get the Klan leaderships support. It's not Dem's flying Dixie flags on their pickups anymore. It's not Dems saying very fine people can attend a rally put on by the KKK and neo-nazi's anymore. It's not Dems fighting to build and keep statues of Confederate hero's anymore.

It's why when talking civil rights, we have to stop over half a century ago, ignore the actual Presidents who proposed them and fought for them, and the presidential candidates who stumped with the Dixiecrats and went on TV against them. We have to ignore the civil rights bills of the 80's and 90's which Republicans voted against and attempted to veto, and instead switch sides all of a sudden and take the 1960's southern conservative position that those bills are an attack on freedoms, and a crutch for those they are meant to help, only something to get votes, or oppose on religious grounds.

Lier only three switched

Remind us when the last Republican mayor of Atlanta was?


19 John H. James 1872 1873 1 Democratic
20 Cicero C. Hammock(1st term) 1873 1874 1 Democratic
21 Samuel B. Spencer 1874 1875 1 Democratic
22 Cicero C. Hammock(2nd term) 1875 1877 1 Democratic
23 Nedom L. Angier 1877 1879 1 Republican
24 William L. Calhoun 1879 1881 1 Democratic
24 James W. English 1881 1883 1 Democratic
25 John B. Goodwin(1st term) 1883 1885 1 Democratic
26 George Hillyer 1885 1887 1 Democratic
27 John T. Cooper 1887 1889 1 Democratic
28 John T. Glenn 1889 1891 1 Democratic
29 William Hemphill 1891 1893 1 Democratic
30 John B. Goodwin(2nd term) 1893 1895 1 Democratic
31 Porter King 1895 1897 1 Democratic
32 Charles Collier 1897 1899 1 Democratic
33 James G. Woodward(1st term) 1899 1901 1 Democratic
34 Livingston Mims 1901 1903 1 Democratic
35 Evan Howell 1903 1905 1 Democratic
36 James G. Woodward(2nd term) 1905 1907 1 Democratic
37 Walthall R. Joyner 1907 1909 1 Democratic
38 Robert Maddox 1909 1911 1 Democratic
39 Courtland Winn 1911 1913 1 Democratic
40 James G. Woodward(3rd term) 1913 1917 2 Democratic
41 Asa Griggs Candler 1917 1919 1 Democratic
42 James L. Key (1st term) 1919 1923 2 Democratic
43 Walter Sims 1923 1927 2 Democratic
44 Isaac N. Ragsdale 1927 1931 2 Democratic
45 James L. Key (2nd term) 1931 1937 3 Democratic
46 William B. Hartsfield(1st term) 1937 1941 2 Democratic
47 Roy LeCraw 1941 1942 1⁄2 Democratic
48 William B. Hartsfield(2nd term) 1942 1962 6 Democratic
49 Ivan Allen Jr. 1962 1970 2 Democratic
50 Sam Massell 1970 1974 1 Democratic
51 Maynard Jackson(1st term) 1974 1982 2 Democratic
52 Andrew Young 1982 1990 2 Democratic
53 Maynard Jackson(2nd term) 1990 1994 1 Democratic
54 Bill Campbell 1994 2002 2 Democratic
55 Shirley Franklin 2002 2010 2 Democratic
56 Kasim Reed 2010 2018 2 Democratic
57 Keisha Lance Bottoms 2018 Incumbent
I am specifically talking about U.S. history.

Reading these threads over the past 16 years in these forums, liberals keep on saying over and over the same ignorant propaganda.

Its like have they ever even bothered to read a history book?


1. High taxes and Unions in the 1950~1980

Why do they ignore WWII , the world was in ruins, the only standing country to produce was The U.S.A.

Why do they ignore the lack of regulations? Lack of government agency's like the EPA that was started by Nixion? Why they ignore the lack of Quality control..any one with a few bucks could start a company in a garage and build an empire?

Why do they ignore the fact no one paid those high taxes?

Why do they ignore the fact the world caught up?

Why do they ignore the fact no one wants to work for private Unions?

2. Why do democrats ignore their own history? What is the big deal?

How many democrats know that following the Civil War, 23 blacks -- 13 of them ex-slaves -- were elected to Congress, all as Republicans?

The first black Democrat was not elected to Congress until 1935, from the state of Illinois. The first black congressional Democrat from a Southern state was not elected until 1973.

How many democrats know, in 1854, passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

This overturned the Missouri Compromise and allowed for the importation of slaves into the territories. Disgusted with the passage of this Act, free-soilers and anti-slavery members of the Whig and Democratic parties founded the Republican Party -- not just to stop the spread of slavery, but to eventually abolish it.

How many democrats know that blacks founded the Texas Republican Party?

On July 4, 1867, in Houston, Texas, 150 blacks and 20 whites formed the party. No, not the Black Texas Republican Party, they founded the Texas Republican Party. Blacks across Southern states also founded the Republican parties in their states.

How many democrats know Fugitive slave laws?

In 1850, Democrats passed the Fugitive Slave Law. If merely accused of being a slave, even if the person enjoyed freedom all of his or her life (as approximately 11 percent of blacks did just before the Civil War), the person lost the right to representation by an attorney, the right to trial by jury, and the right to habeas corpus.

How many democrats know Emancipation?

Republican President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation during the Civil War. In 1865, the 13th Amendment emancipating the slaves was passed with 100 percent of Republicans (88 of 88 in the House, 30 of 30 in the Senate) voting for it. Only 23 percent of Democrats (16 of 66 in the House, 3 of 8 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats know Civil rights laws?

In 1868, the 14th Amendment was passed giving the newly emancipated blacks full civil rights and federal guarantee of those rights, superseding any state laws. Every single voting Republican (128 of 134 -- with 6 not voting -- in the House, and 30 of 32 -- with 2 not voting -- in the Senate) voted for the 14th Amendment. Not a single Democrat (zero of 36 in the House, zero of 6 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats knowRight to vote?

When Southern states balked at implementing the 14th Amendment, Congress came back and passed the 15th Amendment in 1870, guaranteeing blacks the right to vote. Every single Republican voted for it, with every Democrat voting against it.

Ku Klux Klan? In 1872 congressional investigations, Democrats admitted beginning the Klan as an effort to stop the spread of the Republican Party and to re-establish Democratic control in Southern states. As PBS' "American Experience" notes, "In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power. The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tenn., in 1865." Blacks, who were all Republican at that time, became the primary targets of violence.

Jim Crow laws? Between 1870 and 1875, the Republican Congress passed many pro-black civil rights laws. But in 1876, Democrats took control of the House, and no further race-based civil rights laws passed until 1957. In 1892, Democrats gained control of the House, the Senate and the White House, and repealed all the Republican-passed civil rights laws. That enabled the Southern Democrats to pass the Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, literacy tests, and so on, in their individual states.

Civil rights in the '60s? Only 64 percent of Democrats in Congress voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act (153 for, 91 against in the House; and 46 for, 21 against in the Senate). But 80 percent of Republicans (136 for, 35 against in the House; and 27 for, 6 against in the Senate) voted for the 1964 Act.

Again I say..

Why are democrats so anti education?

How many ill-educated Right-wing nutjobs know that the Democratic and Republican parties switched roles? How many know why? Or when? How many actually care about impartial truth..and nuanced views of history? How many think that spin and shouting deliberate obfuscations will somehow justify their pin-head points of view?

Democrats and Republicans Switched Platforms - Fact or Myth?

I could easily debunk 90% of what you have posted..but it would be a colossal waste of time..since I'm sure you know the just choose to ignore it in favor of spin...good luck with that. No one outside of your echo chamber is buying it.

Lol you couldn't debunk shit, don't try your KKK democrat revisionist history on me snow flake..

No one switched fucking party's except 3 .... For example Al gores dad remained a life long Democrat

Ahh yes. Alabama was a liberal stronghold and San Francisco and NYC were conservative bases.

The old "let's rewrite history because the real version doesn't make me feel happy" bit. Thanks for proving the thread here.

Wait you trying to equate the year 2019 to the 1970s ? What kind of fool are you ? Once again who won the south in 1976?

Great point. A candidate who ran a very middle of the road race, mostly promising to drain the swamp calling himself a reformer untainted by the political scandals. This was coming off arguably the largest corruption scandal in US political history for his opponents party, and 5 recessions in the previous 20 years, and the recent OPEC gas crisis.

Which makes him the ONLY democrat to carry the south in well over 50 years. Yes you are bringing up a candidate who the majority of his votes were by dead people. Because when the next Southern Dem governor won an election by an even larger vote overall, he couldn't carry the South even.

Great point there. 1 time a Democrat was able to win the south in over 60 years. And before that they won the South every time for nearly 100 years. Great point out of that obvious change there.

There's a neat video. No bias. Just county voting for presidential elections. About 1:40 gets you to the start of the Republican party. And look at 1964 on. Yeah, Carter was clearly the exception. An exception to the rule doesn't change the rule. Unless you want to lie and pretend it's more than that, and intentionally try to destroy and rewrite history, creating one not based on facts, but rather overinflating a single occurrence. But that choice is up to you.
I am specifically talking about U.S. history.

Reading these threads over the past 16 years in these forums, liberals keep on saying over and over the same ignorant propaganda.

Its like have they ever even bothered to read a history book?


1. High taxes and Unions in the 1950~1980

Why do they ignore WWII , the world was in ruins, the only standing country to produce was The U.S.A.

Why do they ignore the lack of regulations? Lack of government agency's like the EPA that was started by Nixion? Why they ignore the lack of Quality control..any one with a few bucks could start a company in a garage and build an empire?

Why do they ignore the fact no one paid those high taxes?

Why do they ignore the fact the world caught up?

Why do they ignore the fact no one wants to work for private Unions?

2. Why do democrats ignore their own history? What is the big deal?

How many democrats know that following the Civil War, 23 blacks -- 13 of them ex-slaves -- were elected to Congress, all as Republicans?

The first black Democrat was not elected to Congress until 1935, from the state of Illinois. The first black congressional Democrat from a Southern state was not elected until 1973.

How many democrats know, in 1854, passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

This overturned the Missouri Compromise and allowed for the importation of slaves into the territories. Disgusted with the passage of this Act, free-soilers and anti-slavery members of the Whig and Democratic parties founded the Republican Party -- not just to stop the spread of slavery, but to eventually abolish it.

How many democrats know that blacks founded the Texas Republican Party?

On July 4, 1867, in Houston, Texas, 150 blacks and 20 whites formed the party. No, not the Black Texas Republican Party, they founded the Texas Republican Party. Blacks across Southern states also founded the Republican parties in their states.

How many democrats know Fugitive slave laws?

In 1850, Democrats passed the Fugitive Slave Law. If merely accused of being a slave, even if the person enjoyed freedom all of his or her life (as approximately 11 percent of blacks did just before the Civil War), the person lost the right to representation by an attorney, the right to trial by jury, and the right to habeas corpus.

How many democrats know Emancipation?

Republican President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation during the Civil War. In 1865, the 13th Amendment emancipating the slaves was passed with 100 percent of Republicans (88 of 88 in the House, 30 of 30 in the Senate) voting for it. Only 23 percent of Democrats (16 of 66 in the House, 3 of 8 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats know Civil rights laws?

In 1868, the 14th Amendment was passed giving the newly emancipated blacks full civil rights and federal guarantee of those rights, superseding any state laws. Every single voting Republican (128 of 134 -- with 6 not voting -- in the House, and 30 of 32 -- with 2 not voting -- in the Senate) voted for the 14th Amendment. Not a single Democrat (zero of 36 in the House, zero of 6 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats knowRight to vote?

When Southern states balked at implementing the 14th Amendment, Congress came back and passed the 15th Amendment in 1870, guaranteeing blacks the right to vote. Every single Republican voted for it, with every Democrat voting against it.

Ku Klux Klan? In 1872 congressional investigations, Democrats admitted beginning the Klan as an effort to stop the spread of the Republican Party and to re-establish Democratic control in Southern states. As PBS' "American Experience" notes, "In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power. The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tenn., in 1865." Blacks, who were all Republican at that time, became the primary targets of violence.

Jim Crow laws? Between 1870 and 1875, the Republican Congress passed many pro-black civil rights laws. But in 1876, Democrats took control of the House, and no further race-based civil rights laws passed until 1957. In 1892, Democrats gained control of the House, the Senate and the White House, and repealed all the Republican-passed civil rights laws. That enabled the Southern Democrats to pass the Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, literacy tests, and so on, in their individual states.

Civil rights in the '60s? Only 64 percent of Democrats in Congress voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act (153 for, 91 against in the House; and 46 for, 21 against in the Senate). But 80 percent of Republicans (136 for, 35 against in the House; and 27 for, 6 against in the Senate) voted for the 1964 Act.

Again I say..

Why are democrats so anti education?

How many ill-educated Right-wing nutjobs know that the Democratic and Republican parties switched roles? How many know why? Or when? How many actually care about impartial truth..and nuanced views of history? How many think that spin and shouting deliberate obfuscations will somehow justify their pin-head points of view?

Democrats and Republicans Switched Platforms - Fact or Myth?

I could easily debunk 90% of what you have posted..but it would be a colossal waste of time..since I'm sure you know the just choose to ignore it in favor of spin...good luck with that. No one outside of your echo chamber is buying it.

Lol you couldn't debunk shit, don't try your KKK democrat revisionist history on me snow flake..

No one switched fucking party's except 3 .... For example Al gores dad remained a life long Democrat

Ahh yes. Alabama was a liberal stronghold and San Francisco and NYC were conservative bases.

The old "let's rewrite history because the real version doesn't make me feel happy" bit. Thanks for proving the thread here.

Wait you trying to equate the year 2019 to the 1970s ? What kind of fool are you ? Once again who won the south in 1976?

Great point. A candidate who ran a very middle of the road race, mostly promising to drain the swamp calling himself a reformer untainted by the political scandals. This was coming off arguably the largest corruption scandal in US political history for his opponents party, and 5 recessions in the previous 20 years, and the recent OPEC gas crisis.

Which makes him the ONLY democrat to carry the south in well over 50 years. Yes you are bringing up a candidate who the majority of his votes were by dead people. Because when the next Southern Dem governor won an election by an even larger vote overall, he couldn't carry the South even.

Great point there. 1 time a Democrat was able to win the south in over 60 years. And before that they won the South every time for nearly 100 years. Great point out of that obvious change there.

There's a neat video. No bias. Just county voting for presidential elections. About 1:40 gets you to the start of the Republican party. And look at 1964 on. Yeah, Carter was clearly the exception. An exception to the rule doesn't change the rule. Unless you want to lie and pretend it's more than that, and intentionally try to destroy and rewrite history, creating one not based on facts, but rather overinflating a single occurrence. But that choice is up to you.

Your the one that is lying and trying to say they switched, what you don't think children don't grow up and vote?
I am specifically talking about U.S. history.

Reading these threads over the past 16 years in these forums, liberals keep on saying over and over the same ignorant propaganda.

Its like have they ever even bothered to read a history book?


1. High taxes and Unions in the 1950~1980

Why do they ignore WWII , the world was in ruins, the only standing country to produce was The U.S.A.

Why do they ignore the lack of regulations? Lack of government agency's like the EPA that was started by Nixion? Why they ignore the lack of Quality control..any one with a few bucks could start a company in a garage and build an empire?

Why do they ignore the fact no one paid those high taxes?

Why do they ignore the fact the world caught up?

Why do they ignore the fact no one wants to work for private Unions?

2. Why do democrats ignore their own history? What is the big deal?

How many democrats know that following the Civil War, 23 blacks -- 13 of them ex-slaves -- were elected to Congress, all as Republicans?

The first black Democrat was not elected to Congress until 1935, from the state of Illinois. The first black congressional Democrat from a Southern state was not elected until 1973.

How many democrats know, in 1854, passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

This overturned the Missouri Compromise and allowed for the importation of slaves into the territories. Disgusted with the passage of this Act, free-soilers and anti-slavery members of the Whig and Democratic parties founded the Republican Party -- not just to stop the spread of slavery, but to eventually abolish it.

How many democrats know that blacks founded the Texas Republican Party?

On July 4, 1867, in Houston, Texas, 150 blacks and 20 whites formed the party. No, not the Black Texas Republican Party, they founded the Texas Republican Party. Blacks across Southern states also founded the Republican parties in their states.

How many democrats know Fugitive slave laws?

In 1850, Democrats passed the Fugitive Slave Law. If merely accused of being a slave, even if the person enjoyed freedom all of his or her life (as approximately 11 percent of blacks did just before the Civil War), the person lost the right to representation by an attorney, the right to trial by jury, and the right to habeas corpus.

How many democrats know Emancipation?

Republican President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation during the Civil War. In 1865, the 13th Amendment emancipating the slaves was passed with 100 percent of Republicans (88 of 88 in the House, 30 of 30 in the Senate) voting for it. Only 23 percent of Democrats (16 of 66 in the House, 3 of 8 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats know Civil rights laws?

In 1868, the 14th Amendment was passed giving the newly emancipated blacks full civil rights and federal guarantee of those rights, superseding any state laws. Every single voting Republican (128 of 134 -- with 6 not voting -- in the House, and 30 of 32 -- with 2 not voting -- in the Senate) voted for the 14th Amendment. Not a single Democrat (zero of 36 in the House, zero of 6 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats knowRight to vote?

When Southern states balked at implementing the 14th Amendment, Congress came back and passed the 15th Amendment in 1870, guaranteeing blacks the right to vote. Every single Republican voted for it, with every Democrat voting against it.

Ku Klux Klan? In 1872 congressional investigations, Democrats admitted beginning the Klan as an effort to stop the spread of the Republican Party and to re-establish Democratic control in Southern states. As PBS' "American Experience" notes, "In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power. The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tenn., in 1865." Blacks, who were all Republican at that time, became the primary targets of violence.

Jim Crow laws? Between 1870 and 1875, the Republican Congress passed many pro-black civil rights laws. But in 1876, Democrats took control of the House, and no further race-based civil rights laws passed until 1957. In 1892, Democrats gained control of the House, the Senate and the White House, and repealed all the Republican-passed civil rights laws. That enabled the Southern Democrats to pass the Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, literacy tests, and so on, in their individual states.

Civil rights in the '60s? Only 64 percent of Democrats in Congress voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act (153 for, 91 against in the House; and 46 for, 21 against in the Senate). But 80 percent of Republicans (136 for, 35 against in the House; and 27 for, 6 against in the Senate) voted for the 1964 Act.

Again I say..

Why are democrats so anti education?

What the hell does any of that have to do with Education?

The OP is a fine example of a partisan hack citing ancient historical data, however...

It fails to take into account the fact that the racist Dixiecrats of Olden Times and their kindred spirits now vote a straight GOP ticket.

Too many nigras in the new-age Democratic Party, so they took their business elsewhere.

Metaphorically speaking... another example of White Flight... ( "There goes the neighborhood!" ) :21:

Agree... it's interesting to see the switch. For a while there in the early to mid-1900's you had liberal and conservatives in both parties. You had times where the presidential candidates from both parties were both liberal, or both conservative.

I mean heck, look at Lincoln's presidential platform. Higher taxes to support more public works and social programs (what some call socialism today). The first and only president to call for and enact a less restrictive, wide open immigration policy. Selling gov't land for gov't funded education. More government oversight on businesses. Less states rights.

And his Democrat opponents wanted a stronger border presence, fewer government restrictions, lower taxes, more help for rural farming families, said social reform laws are just a crutch and actually hold back the minority groups they are meant to help.

You can't read those debates and platforms and say they aren't the opposite. You'd have to be over 80 years old to have voted for the last Democratic Presidential candidate to get the Klan leaderships support. It's not Dem's flying Dixie flags on their pickups anymore. It's not Dems saying very fine people can attend a rally put on by the KKK and neo-nazi's anymore. It's not Dems fighting to build and keep statues of Confederate hero's anymore.

It's why when talking civil rights, we have to stop over half a century ago, ignore the actual Presidents who proposed them and fought for them, and the presidential candidates who stumped with the Dixiecrats and went on TV against them. We have to ignore the civil rights bills of the 80's and 90's which Republicans voted against and attempted to veto, and instead switch sides all of a sudden and take the 1960's southern conservative position that those bills are an attack on freedoms, and a crutch for those they are meant to help, only something to get votes, or oppose on religious grounds.

Lier only three switched

Remind us when the last Republican mayor of Atlanta was?


19 John H. James 1872 1873 1 Democratic
20 Cicero C. Hammock(1st term) 1873 1874 1 Democratic
21 Samuel B. Spencer 1874 1875 1 Democratic
22 Cicero C. Hammock(2nd term) 1875 1877 1 Democratic
23 Nedom L. Angier 1877 1879 1 Republican
24 William L. Calhoun 1879 1881 1 Democratic
24 James W. English 1881 1883 1 Democratic
25 John B. Goodwin(1st term) 1883 1885 1 Democratic
26 George Hillyer 1885 1887 1 Democratic
27 John T. Cooper 1887 1889 1 Democratic
28 John T. Glenn 1889 1891 1 Democratic
29 William Hemphill 1891 1893 1 Democratic
30 John B. Goodwin(2nd term) 1893 1895 1 Democratic
31 Porter King 1895 1897 1 Democratic
32 Charles Collier 1897 1899 1 Democratic
33 James G. Woodward(1st term) 1899 1901 1 Democratic
34 Livingston Mims 1901 1903 1 Democratic
35 Evan Howell 1903 1905 1 Democratic
36 James G. Woodward(2nd term) 1905 1907 1 Democratic
37 Walthall R. Joyner 1907 1909 1 Democratic
38 Robert Maddox 1909 1911 1 Democratic
39 Courtland Winn 1911 1913 1 Democratic
40 James G. Woodward(3rd term) 1913 1917 2 Democratic
41 Asa Griggs Candler 1917 1919 1 Democratic
42 James L. Key (1st term) 1919 1923 2 Democratic
43 Walter Sims 1923 1927 2 Democratic
44 Isaac N. Ragsdale 1927 1931 2 Democratic
45 James L. Key (2nd term) 1931 1937 3 Democratic
46 William B. Hartsfield(1st term) 1937 1941 2 Democratic
47 Roy LeCraw 1941 1942 1⁄2 Democratic
48 William B. Hartsfield(2nd term) 1942 1962 6 Democratic
49 Ivan Allen Jr. 1962 1970 2 Democratic
50 Sam Massell 1970 1974 1 Democratic
51 Maynard Jackson(1st term) 1974 1982 2 Democratic
52 Andrew Young 1982 1990 2 Democratic
53 Maynard Jackson(2nd term) 1990 1994 1 Democratic
54 Bill Campbell 1994 2002 2 Democratic
55 Shirley Franklin 2002 2010 2 Democratic
56 Kasim Reed 2010 2018 2 Democratic
57 Keisha Lance Bottoms 2018 Incumbent

I never said politicians switched parties, I said voting habits and political platforms changed. So please, if you are going to lie and misquote to make your point, you can stop now. If you would like to talk about the topics I ACTUALLY SPOKE ON, feel free.

And great point on Atlanta. See how I am using national politics, and you are trying to dig and find individual one-offs in MUCH smaller scale elections while at the same time either intentionally ignoring, or being ignorant of how a city like Atlanta, politically and demographically differs from the rest of the state of Georgia? (hint, when Republicans were voting against and vetoing civil rights acts in 1990, Atlanta was 67% african American, while the rest of Georgia was 20%. Guess which city didn't vote for that party vetoing civil rights acts?)

If you would like to talk about the change in politics of urban centers, I would be happy to. Are Republicans still the party of the Northern and coastal urban areas? Still the dominant party in NYC, Chicago, LA, Detroit, Baltimore, etc?

Or have things changed?
How many ill-educated Right-wing nutjobs know that the Democratic and Republican parties switched roles? How many know why? Or when? How many actually care about impartial truth..and nuanced views of history? How many think that spin and shouting deliberate obfuscations will somehow justify their pin-head points of view?

Democrats and Republicans Switched Platforms - Fact or Myth?

I could easily debunk 90% of what you have posted..but it would be a colossal waste of time..since I'm sure you know the just choose to ignore it in favor of spin...good luck with that. No one outside of your echo chamber is buying it.

Lol you couldn't debunk shit, don't try your KKK democrat revisionist history on me snow flake..

No one switched fucking party's except 3 .... For example Al gores dad remained a life long Democrat

Ahh yes. Alabama was a liberal stronghold and San Francisco and NYC were conservative bases.

The old "let's rewrite history because the real version doesn't make me feel happy" bit. Thanks for proving the thread here.

Wait you trying to equate the year 2019 to the 1970s ? What kind of fool are you ? Once again who won the south in 1976?

Great point. A candidate who ran a very middle of the road race, mostly promising to drain the swamp calling himself a reformer untainted by the political scandals. This was coming off arguably the largest corruption scandal in US political history for his opponents party, and 5 recessions in the previous 20 years, and the recent OPEC gas crisis.

Which makes him the ONLY democrat to carry the south in well over 50 years. Yes you are bringing up a candidate who the majority of his votes were by dead people. Because when the next Southern Dem governor won an election by an even larger vote overall, he couldn't carry the South even.

Great point there. 1 time a Democrat was able to win the south in over 60 years. And before that they won the South every time for nearly 100 years. Great point out of that obvious change there.

There's a neat video. No bias. Just county voting for presidential elections. About 1:40 gets you to the start of the Republican party. And look at 1964 on. Yeah, Carter was clearly the exception. An exception to the rule doesn't change the rule. Unless you want to lie and pretend it's more than that, and intentionally try to destroy and rewrite history, creating one not based on facts, but rather overinflating a single occurrence. But that choice is up to you.

Your the one that is lying and trying to say they switched, what you don't think children don't grow up and vote?

Absolutely. And again, I am not saying politicians switched parties, but rather that over time political platforms changed between parties. Which I used actual political platforms to show from source history. Now you are calling source history fake because you don't like what it shows, and rather than providing evidence to the contrary, you are choosing to call me a liar and say I mentioned something which I never said to try and defend it.

So why do YOU feel source history should be destroyed if it doesn't fit someones political agenda and instead be rewritten with lies and misinformation?
How many ill-educated Right-wing nutjobs know that the Democratic and Republican parties switched roles? How many know why? Or when? How many actually care about impartial truth..and nuanced views of history? How many think that spin and shouting deliberate obfuscations will somehow justify their pin-head points of view?

Democrats and Republicans Switched Platforms - Fact or Myth?

I could easily debunk 90% of what you have posted..but it would be a colossal waste of time..since I'm sure you know the just choose to ignore it in favor of spin...good luck with that. No one outside of your echo chamber is buying it.

Lol you couldn't debunk shit, don't try your KKK democrat revisionist history on me snow flake..

No one switched fucking party's except 3 .... For example Al gores dad remained a life long Democrat

Ahh yes. Alabama was a liberal stronghold and San Francisco and NYC were conservative bases.

The old "let's rewrite history because the real version doesn't make me feel happy" bit. Thanks for proving the thread here.

Wait you trying to equate the year 2019 to the 1970s ? What kind of fool are you ? Once again who won the south in 1976?

Great point. A candidate who ran a very middle of the road race, mostly promising to drain the swamp calling himself a reformer untainted by the political scandals. This was coming off arguably the largest corruption scandal in US political history for his opponents party, and 5 recessions in the previous 20 years, and the recent OPEC gas crisis.

Which makes him the ONLY democrat to carry the south in well over 50 years. Yes you are bringing up a candidate who the majority of his votes were by dead people. Because when the next Southern Dem governor won an election by an even larger vote overall, he couldn't carry the South even.

Great point there. 1 time a Democrat was able to win the south in over 60 years. And before that they won the South every time for nearly 100 years. Great point out of that obvious change there.

There's a neat video. No bias. Just county voting for presidential elections. About 1:40 gets you to the start of the Republican party. And look at 1964 on. Yeah, Carter was clearly the exception. An exception to the rule doesn't change the rule. Unless you want to lie and pretend it's more than that, and intentionally try to destroy and rewrite history, creating one not based on facts, but rather overinflating a single occurrence. But that choice is up to you.

Your the one that is lying and trying to say they switched, what you don't think children don't grow up and vote?

Yes I am looking at the national level. You can find hold outs from both parties at local levels. You can find outlier situations, where you have bad candidates from one party.

You've listed the number of candidates who switched parties which had nothing to do with a historical facts I brought up. What you failed to do though is list how many of those Democrats were voted out, as Republicans switched over to a more southern conservative platform and won those seats.

Why would you want to hide that?
I am specifically talking about U.S. history.

Reading these threads over the past 16 years in these forums, liberals keep on saying over and over the same ignorant propaganda.

Its like have they ever even bothered to read a history book?


1. High taxes and Unions in the 1950~1980

Why do they ignore WWII , the world was in ruins, the only standing country to produce was The U.S.A.

Why do they ignore the lack of regulations? Lack of government agency's like the EPA that was started by Nixion? Why they ignore the lack of Quality control..any one with a few bucks could start a company in a garage and build an empire?

Why do they ignore the fact no one paid those high taxes?

Why do they ignore the fact the world caught up?

Why do they ignore the fact no one wants to work for private Unions?

2. Why do democrats ignore their own history? What is the big deal?

How many democrats know that following the Civil War, 23 blacks -- 13 of them ex-slaves -- were elected to Congress, all as Republicans?

The first black Democrat was not elected to Congress until 1935, from the state of Illinois. The first black congressional Democrat from a Southern state was not elected until 1973.

How many democrats know, in 1854, passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

This overturned the Missouri Compromise and allowed for the importation of slaves into the territories. Disgusted with the passage of this Act, free-soilers and anti-slavery members of the Whig and Democratic parties founded the Republican Party -- not just to stop the spread of slavery, but to eventually abolish it.

How many democrats know that blacks founded the Texas Republican Party?

On July 4, 1867, in Houston, Texas, 150 blacks and 20 whites formed the party. No, not the Black Texas Republican Party, they founded the Texas Republican Party. Blacks across Southern states also founded the Republican parties in their states.

How many democrats know Fugitive slave laws?

In 1850, Democrats passed the Fugitive Slave Law. If merely accused of being a slave, even if the person enjoyed freedom all of his or her life (as approximately 11 percent of blacks did just before the Civil War), the person lost the right to representation by an attorney, the right to trial by jury, and the right to habeas corpus.

How many democrats know Emancipation?

Republican President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation during the Civil War. In 1865, the 13th Amendment emancipating the slaves was passed with 100 percent of Republicans (88 of 88 in the House, 30 of 30 in the Senate) voting for it. Only 23 percent of Democrats (16 of 66 in the House, 3 of 8 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats know Civil rights laws?

In 1868, the 14th Amendment was passed giving the newly emancipated blacks full civil rights and federal guarantee of those rights, superseding any state laws. Every single voting Republican (128 of 134 -- with 6 not voting -- in the House, and 30 of 32 -- with 2 not voting -- in the Senate) voted for the 14th Amendment. Not a single Democrat (zero of 36 in the House, zero of 6 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats knowRight to vote?

When Southern states balked at implementing the 14th Amendment, Congress came back and passed the 15th Amendment in 1870, guaranteeing blacks the right to vote. Every single Republican voted for it, with every Democrat voting against it.

Ku Klux Klan? In 1872 congressional investigations, Democrats admitted beginning the Klan as an effort to stop the spread of the Republican Party and to re-establish Democratic control in Southern states. As PBS' "American Experience" notes, "In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power. The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tenn., in 1865." Blacks, who were all Republican at that time, became the primary targets of violence.

Jim Crow laws? Between 1870 and 1875, the Republican Congress passed many pro-black civil rights laws. But in 1876, Democrats took control of the House, and no further race-based civil rights laws passed until 1957. In 1892, Democrats gained control of the House, the Senate and the White House, and repealed all the Republican-passed civil rights laws. That enabled the Southern Democrats to pass the Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, literacy tests, and so on, in their individual states.

Civil rights in the '60s? Only 64 percent of Democrats in Congress voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act (153 for, 91 against in the House; and 46 for, 21 against in the Senate). But 80 percent of Republicans (136 for, 35 against in the House; and 27 for, 6 against in the Senate) voted for the 1964 Act.

Again I say..

Why are democrats so anti education?

What the hell does any of that have to do with Education?

The OP is a fine example of a partisan hack citing ancient historical data, however...

It fails to take into account the fact that the racist Dixiecrats of Olden Times and their kindred spirits now vote a straight GOP ticket.

Too many nigras in the new-age Democratic Party, so they took their business elsewhere.

Metaphorically speaking... another example of White Flight... ( "There goes the neighborhood!" ) :21:

Agree... it's interesting to see the switch. For a while there in the early to mid-1900's you had liberal and conservatives in both parties. You had times where the presidential candidates from both parties were both liberal, or both conservative.

I mean heck, look at Lincoln's presidential platform. Higher taxes to support more public works and social programs (what some call socialism today). The first and only president to call for and enact a less restrictive, wide open immigration policy. Selling gov't land for gov't funded education. More government oversight on businesses. Less states rights.

And his Democrat opponents wanted a stronger border presence, fewer government restrictions, lower taxes, more help for rural farming families, said social reform laws are just a crutch and actually hold back the minority groups they are meant to help.

You can't read those debates and platforms and say they aren't the opposite. You'd have to be over 80 years old to have voted for the last Democratic Presidential candidate to get the Klan leaderships support. It's not Dem's flying Dixie flags on their pickups anymore. It's not Dems saying very fine people can attend a rally put on by the KKK and neo-nazi's anymore. It's not Dems fighting to build and keep statues of Confederate hero's anymore.

It's why when talking civil rights, we have to stop over half a century ago, ignore the actual Presidents who proposed them and fought for them, and the presidential candidates who stumped with the Dixiecrats and went on TV against them. We have to ignore the civil rights bills of the 80's and 90's which Republicans voted against and attempted to veto, and instead switch sides all of a sudden and take the 1960's southern conservative position that those bills are an attack on freedoms, and a crutch for those they are meant to help, only something to get votes, or oppose on religious grounds.

Lier only three switched

Remind us when the last Republican mayor of Atlanta was?


19 John H. James 1872 1873 1 Democratic
20 Cicero C. Hammock(1st term) 1873 1874 1 Democratic
21 Samuel B. Spencer 1874 1875 1 Democratic
22 Cicero C. Hammock(2nd term) 1875 1877 1 Democratic
23 Nedom L. Angier 1877 1879 1 Republican
24 William L. Calhoun 1879 1881 1 Democratic
24 James W. English 1881 1883 1 Democratic
25 John B. Goodwin(1st term) 1883 1885 1 Democratic
26 George Hillyer 1885 1887 1 Democratic
27 John T. Cooper 1887 1889 1 Democratic
28 John T. Glenn 1889 1891 1 Democratic
29 William Hemphill 1891 1893 1 Democratic
30 John B. Goodwin(2nd term) 1893 1895 1 Democratic
31 Porter King 1895 1897 1 Democratic
32 Charles Collier 1897 1899 1 Democratic
33 James G. Woodward(1st term) 1899 1901 1 Democratic
34 Livingston Mims 1901 1903 1 Democratic
35 Evan Howell 1903 1905 1 Democratic
36 James G. Woodward(2nd term) 1905 1907 1 Democratic
37 Walthall R. Joyner 1907 1909 1 Democratic
38 Robert Maddox 1909 1911 1 Democratic
39 Courtland Winn 1911 1913 1 Democratic
40 James G. Woodward(3rd term) 1913 1917 2 Democratic
41 Asa Griggs Candler 1917 1919 1 Democratic
42 James L. Key (1st term) 1919 1923 2 Democratic
43 Walter Sims 1923 1927 2 Democratic
44 Isaac N. Ragsdale 1927 1931 2 Democratic
45 James L. Key (2nd term) 1931 1937 3 Democratic
46 William B. Hartsfield(1st term) 1937 1941 2 Democratic
47 Roy LeCraw 1941 1942 1⁄2 Democratic
48 William B. Hartsfield(2nd term) 1942 1962 6 Democratic
49 Ivan Allen Jr. 1962 1970 2 Democratic
50 Sam Massell 1970 1974 1 Democratic
51 Maynard Jackson(1st term) 1974 1982 2 Democratic
52 Andrew Young 1982 1990 2 Democratic
53 Maynard Jackson(2nd term) 1990 1994 1 Democratic
54 Bill Campbell 1994 2002 2 Democratic
55 Shirley Franklin 2002 2010 2 Democratic
56 Kasim Reed 2010 2018 2 Democratic
57 Keisha Lance Bottoms 2018 Incumbent

Great list there on Atlanta showing that change.

Allan Jr in the 60s with his support of civil rights helped transition Atlanta to a new progressive model. In Atlanta he beat out the eventual segregationist Governor of Georgia who proclaimed his win of the state was by opposing LBJ and MLK jr and civil rights. And of course Maddox is known for leaving the Democratic party to run against Carter's presidential bid as he said Carter had stepped away from the Conservatism he felt Democrats should still represent and if they were no longer going to represent those past conservative stances, the new changed party wasn't one he wanted to be in anymore.

You brought up a very good historically based proof of how the Democratic party was in flux in the south, moving away from the traditional southern conservative Democrats, to the more progressively liberal ones in many areas. Couldn't agree more with you here.

Massell pioneered opportunities for minorities in government.

Maynard Jackson a Dem was the first black mayor of a major city in the south.

Shirley Franklin, the first black female mayor in the south.

I think you've done an EXCELLENT job at showing the change that occurred there at a party level using actual historical facts. Where those aren't the conservative Democrats of the old days you mention. Bravo
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Lol you couldn't debunk shit, don't try your KKK democrat revisionist history on me snow flake..

No one switched fucking party's except 3 .... For example Al gores dad remained a life long Democrat

Ahh yes. Alabama was a liberal stronghold and San Francisco and NYC were conservative bases.

The old "let's rewrite history because the real version doesn't make me feel happy" bit. Thanks for proving the thread here.

Wait you trying to equate the year 2019 to the 1970s ? What kind of fool are you ? Once again who won the south in 1976?

Great point. A candidate who ran a very middle of the road race, mostly promising to drain the swamp calling himself a reformer untainted by the political scandals. This was coming off arguably the largest corruption scandal in US political history for his opponents party, and 5 recessions in the previous 20 years, and the recent OPEC gas crisis.

Which makes him the ONLY democrat to carry the south in well over 50 years. Yes you are bringing up a candidate who the majority of his votes were by dead people. Because when the next Southern Dem governor won an election by an even larger vote overall, he couldn't carry the South even.

Great point there. 1 time a Democrat was able to win the south in over 60 years. And before that they won the South every time for nearly 100 years. Great point out of that obvious change there.

There's a neat video. No bias. Just county voting for presidential elections. About 1:40 gets you to the start of the Republican party. And look at 1964 on. Yeah, Carter was clearly the exception. An exception to the rule doesn't change the rule. Unless you want to lie and pretend it's more than that, and intentionally try to destroy and rewrite history, creating one not based on facts, but rather overinflating a single occurrence. But that choice is up to you.

Your the one that is lying and trying to say they switched, what you don't think children don't grow up and vote?

Yes I am looking at the national level. You can find hold outs from both parties at local levels. You can find outlier situations, where you have bad candidates from one party.

You've listed the number of candidates who switched parties which had nothing to do with a historical facts I brought up. What you failed to do though is list how many of those Democrats were voted out, as Republicans switched over to a more southern conservative platform and won those seats.

Why would you want to hide that?

Hide what? Once again only three switched, why would generation X of the south vote for Democrats and low pay farm jobs when they knew Republicans produced high paying manufacturing jobs?

download (5).jpeg
I am specifically talking about U.S. history.

Reading these threads over the past 16 years in these forums, liberals keep on saying over and over the same ignorant propaganda.

Its like have they ever even bothered to read a history book?


1. High taxes and Unions in the 1950~1980

Why do they ignore WWII , the world was in ruins, the only standing country to produce was The U.S.A.

Why do they ignore the lack of regulations? Lack of government agency's like the EPA that was started by Nixion? Why they ignore the lack of Quality control..any one with a few bucks could start a company in a garage and build an empire?

Why do they ignore the fact no one paid those high taxes?

Why do they ignore the fact the world caught up?

Why do they ignore the fact no one wants to work for private Unions?

2. Why do democrats ignore their own history? What is the big deal?

How many democrats know that following the Civil War, 23 blacks -- 13 of them ex-slaves -- were elected to Congress, all as Republicans?

The first black Democrat was not elected to Congress until 1935, from the state of Illinois. The first black congressional Democrat from a Southern state was not elected until 1973.

How many democrats know, in 1854, passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

This overturned the Missouri Compromise and allowed for the importation of slaves into the territories. Disgusted with the passage of this Act, free-soilers and anti-slavery members of the Whig and Democratic parties founded the Republican Party -- not just to stop the spread of slavery, but to eventually abolish it.

How many democrats know that blacks founded the Texas Republican Party?

On July 4, 1867, in Houston, Texas, 150 blacks and 20 whites formed the party. No, not the Black Texas Republican Party, they founded the Texas Republican Party. Blacks across Southern states also founded the Republican parties in their states.

How many democrats know Fugitive slave laws?

In 1850, Democrats passed the Fugitive Slave Law. If merely accused of being a slave, even if the person enjoyed freedom all of his or her life (as approximately 11 percent of blacks did just before the Civil War), the person lost the right to representation by an attorney, the right to trial by jury, and the right to habeas corpus.

How many democrats know Emancipation?

Republican President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation during the Civil War. In 1865, the 13th Amendment emancipating the slaves was passed with 100 percent of Republicans (88 of 88 in the House, 30 of 30 in the Senate) voting for it. Only 23 percent of Democrats (16 of 66 in the House, 3 of 8 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats know Civil rights laws?

In 1868, the 14th Amendment was passed giving the newly emancipated blacks full civil rights and federal guarantee of those rights, superseding any state laws. Every single voting Republican (128 of 134 -- with 6 not voting -- in the House, and 30 of 32 -- with 2 not voting -- in the Senate) voted for the 14th Amendment. Not a single Democrat (zero of 36 in the House, zero of 6 in the Senate) voted for it.

How many democrats knowRight to vote?

When Southern states balked at implementing the 14th Amendment, Congress came back and passed the 15th Amendment in 1870, guaranteeing blacks the right to vote. Every single Republican voted for it, with every Democrat voting against it.

Ku Klux Klan? In 1872 congressional investigations, Democrats admitted beginning the Klan as an effort to stop the spread of the Republican Party and to re-establish Democratic control in Southern states. As PBS' "American Experience" notes, "In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power. The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tenn., in 1865." Blacks, who were all Republican at that time, became the primary targets of violence.

Jim Crow laws? Between 1870 and 1875, the Republican Congress passed many pro-black civil rights laws. But in 1876, Democrats took control of the House, and no further race-based civil rights laws passed until 1957. In 1892, Democrats gained control of the House, the Senate and the White House, and repealed all the Republican-passed civil rights laws. That enabled the Southern Democrats to pass the Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, literacy tests, and so on, in their individual states.

Civil rights in the '60s? Only 64 percent of Democrats in Congress voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act (153 for, 91 against in the House; and 46 for, 21 against in the Senate). But 80 percent of Republicans (136 for, 35 against in the House; and 27 for, 6 against in the Senate) voted for the 1964 Act.

Again I say..

Why are democrats so anti education?


Republican teachers in Red States are running against Republicans because Republicans treat public schools and public school teachers like shit.

They Helped Lead Kentucky's Teacher Protests. Now They're Running For Office. | HuffPost

Jacqueline Coleman, a high school assistant principal, and Kelsey Hayes Coots, a middle school teacher, both participated in last spring’s protests, during which Kentucky teachers swarmed the state Capitol to demonstrate against years of school budget cuts and proposed changes to their pension plans.

Kentucky was one of several states that experienced widespread teacher protests last spring. Offshoots of those demonstrations have continued into 2019, a statewide election year in which Gov. Matt Bevin (R) ― one of the chief targets of teachers’ ire ― is seeking reelection.

The presence of two teachers on the ballot, even in a little-watched off-year election, will test the ongoing strength of the “Red for Ed” movement that grew out of last year’s protests, especially as teachers’ unions and public education advocates fight to reverse decades of budget cuts that have strangled school systems nationwide.

It could also make education a major issue in Democrats’ efforts to unseat an unpopular Republican governor. Critics have painted Bevin as one of the nation’s most ardent opponents of public education and teachers’ efforts to stave off even more cuts.

“There is a war on public education in Kentucky, and it’s going to take educators rising up [to stop it],” Coleman told HuffPost this week. “And if our government won’t listen to us, invite us in and give us a seat at the table. We’ve just decided that we’re going to run and we’re going to become that government.”

‘Our Leaders Are Working To Gut Education’

A population with a good understanding of history is a threat to lefties. Because NOBODY with a decent education can defend progressive policies.

And yet we see conservative teachers in red states running for office because they don't like the pension cuts Republicans are proposing. Yea you guys don't like progressive policies, until you realize that you personally benefit from them.

After years of state budgets with no money for teacher raises, the passage of a law allowing charter schools and a proposal to cut teachers' pension benefits,

She is part of an unprecedented wave of educators running for the General Assembly this fall — 51 of them if you include active and retired educators and members of local school boards.

Most of them, 36, are Democrats

Nine of the educators are Republicans, and six are long-shot write-in candidates opposing Republicans.

”A lot of teachers and support staff at schools are fed up, and they’re just standing up and saying, ‘We’re not going to beg you to listen to our voice because that’s clearly not working. We're going to be the voice.' "
A population with a good understanding of history is a threat to lefties. Because NOBODY with a decent education can defend progressive policies.

And yet we see conservative teachers in red states running for office because they don't like the pension cuts Republicans are proposing. Yea you guys don't like progressive policies, until you realize that you personally benefit from them.

After years of state budgets with no money for teacher raises, the passage of a law allowing charter schools and a proposal to cut teachers' pension benefits,

She is part of an unprecedented wave of educators running for the General Assembly this fall — 51 of them if you include active and retired educators and members of local school boards.

Most of them, 36, are Democrats

Nine of the educators are Republicans, and six are long-shot write-in candidates opposing Republicans.

”A lot of teachers and support staff at schools are fed up, and they’re just standing up and saying, ‘We’re not going to beg you to listen to our voice because that’s clearly not working. We're going to be the voice.' "
People are not going to vote for more taxes when they're struggling to pay Bill's and both spouses are working.
And how did Republicans react to teachers running against them? They demanded all their emails so they could comb through them to look for anything embarrassing. Intimidation tactic?

The Republican Party of Kentucky has sent a wave of open records requests for the work emails of several teachers, including some who ran for office in November's election — a move it said was a way to see if there was widespread misuse of government resources.

But some educators see it as an intimidation tactic.

While the GOP has declined to say how many requests it has submitted or for whom, at least some of the requests are for Democratic candidates who lost their elections.

"I think the reason they're doing it is they want to make everybody afraid to run again, afraid to run against the establishment next time,"

Allen said his superintendent informed him that he received an open records request asking for any of Allen's emails that included a slew of different keywords, including "charter schools," "sewer bill," "Bevin" and "#120Strong" — a reference to a hashtag used by advocates urging teachers in all 120 of Kentucky's counties to stand united against the controversial pension reform bill.

Republican Party of Kentucky spokesman confirmed that Jake Cox, deputy communications director for the party, submitted records requests to school districts but declined to say which ones or how many. He said at least two, including Laurel County, have denied the requests on the grounds that the requests were "overly broad" and "vague."

Watson denied the requests were meant as intimidation, saying they were about "information gathering, whether government resources are used for political activity, and how widespread it is." He said the party is trying to "decide what to do with all this stuff" after seeing what it finds in the emails.

Allen posted a video on his personal Facebook page after he learned about the open records request, saying the GOP was "trying to find dirt on me" and saying he'd welcome party members to come visit and talk with him.

"It’s made me more angry than anything else that they would try something like that," Allen said Thursday. He originally planned to stay away from politics in the near future but now plans to knock on doors in the next election, he said.

"The fact that it came after the election, for candidates who lost, it feels like, to me, a classic intimidation tactic," she said.

Rockcastle County Schools — which employed Travis Brenda, the Republican who upset House Republican Leader Jonathan Shell in the primaries — said it had not received any similar records request.
A population with a good understanding of history is a threat to lefties. Because NOBODY with a decent education can defend progressive policies.

And yet we see conservative teachers in red states running for office because they don't like the pension cuts Republicans are proposing. Yea you guys don't like progressive policies, until you realize that you personally benefit from them.

After years of state budgets with no money for teacher raises, the passage of a law allowing charter schools and a proposal to cut teachers' pension benefits,

She is part of an unprecedented wave of educators running for the General Assembly this fall — 51 of them if you include active and retired educators and members of local school boards.

Most of them, 36, are Democrats

Nine of the educators are Republicans, and six are long-shot write-in candidates opposing Republicans.

”A lot of teachers and support staff at schools are fed up, and they’re just standing up and saying, ‘We’re not going to beg you to listen to our voice because that’s clearly not working. We're going to be the voice.' "
People are not going to vote for more taxes when they're struggling to pay Bill's and both spouses are working.

Are people still struggling? So much for MAGA
A population with a good understanding of history is a threat to lefties. Because NOBODY with a decent education can defend progressive policies.

And yet we see conservative teachers in red states running for office because they don't like the pension cuts Republicans are proposing. Yea you guys don't like progressive policies, until you realize that you personally benefit from them.

After years of state budgets with no money for teacher raises, the passage of a law allowing charter schools and a proposal to cut teachers' pension benefits,

She is part of an unprecedented wave of educators running for the General Assembly this fall — 51 of them if you include active and retired educators and members of local school boards.

Most of them, 36, are Democrats

Nine of the educators are Republicans, and six are long-shot write-in candidates opposing Republicans.

”A lot of teachers and support staff at schools are fed up, and they’re just standing up and saying, ‘We’re not going to beg you to listen to our voice because that’s clearly not working. We're going to be the voice.' "
People are not going to vote for more taxes when they're struggling to pay Bill's and both spouses are working.

Not true. Republican voters are really stupid when it comes to this. For years we have heard republicans swear they wouldn't raise taxes. But that was on a federal level. On a local level, reality is someone has to pay the taxes. If you don't want rich people and corporations to pay taxes then you are asking for your own taxes to be raised.

And local/state Republicans are very easily convinced. The argument goes, "our infrastructure is falling apart and we are broke". No shit you are broke. Corporations and rich people no longer pay their fair share.

So they don't realize that what has actually happened is the tax burden is falling more on them.

We told them this would happen.

Need an example?

That’s a big reason the Republicans who control the General Assembly abandoned some of Republican Gov. Matt Bevin’s and their own worst ideas for cutting public pensions and public spending.

Instead, lawmakers chose — of all things — to raise taxes. Many had to break the pledge that they had signed to oppose all tax increases. They responded to the needs and demands of Kentuckians rather than answer to distant anti-government puppet masters. That’s refreshing and encouraging.

Thanks, teachers, you helped Kentucky avoid self-destruction

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