How come Lincoln got away with shutting down hundreds of newspapers and jailed journalists

Perpetual Union. The same answer to the same question. Original intent, something strict Constitutionalists always trot out for some amendments, this time applies to a much larger matter; the Nation.
It's too late to change it now.
You may all have the last word to fight over. This thread is too repetitive and views too entrenched to be interesting any more.
Perpetual Union. The same answer to the same question. Original intent, something strict Constitutionalists always trot out for some amendments, this time applies to a much larger matter; the Nation.
It's too late to change it now.
You may all have the last word to fight over. This thread is too repetitive and views too entrenched to be interesting any more.
At the time, membership in the union was believed by many to be voluntary, and that States maintained their sovereignty outside the union. Can we at least get an admission on that?
The Civil War was not about Lincoln. The Civil War was not caused by Lincoln. Lincoln did not start the Civil War. People at the time knew that a declaration of secession meant war. The South wished to commit this act because it did not care to confront a legal attempt to change the nature of America. In historical instances similar to this, rebellion, the very most severe punishments ensued. The South should have known it could not succeed, but reason did not prevail and war was forced to resolve the matter.
The matter was resolved.
Not true. Many thought secession legal. Several secession attempts were made before Lincoln’s War, but were averted.

Plus the South sent a delegation to meet with Dishonest Abe to discuss payment for federal property in the South and to pay their share of the nation debt. Why would they do this if they knew secession meant war Old Abe told them to fuck off and die.

Before Dishonest Abe demanded war, many newspapers in the North said let the South go peacefully. Why would they do this if secession was illegal? This all changed when he started theathening and imprisoning reporters.
It was the South that panicked when Abe was elected. They quickly formed a country to ensure slavery would exist forever
Lincoln only wanted to stop the spread of slavery. Because the south overplayed a bad hand, slavery was gone in four years
There is no doubt that some in the South had the same level of blood lust as Dishonest Abe. They were more than willing to go to war. Of course, the South did not invade the North, in the beginning. Lincoln invaded the South...and many southerns fought to protect their homeland.

Slavery would have ended all on it's own. There was no need to murder 850k Americans and destroy have the nation. HOWEVER, SLAVERY WAS NOT THE REASON DISHONEST ABE COMMITTED TREASON BY KILLING FELLOW AMERICANS. Lincoln went to war to impose the federal government's will on the rebelling states. LINCOLN DIDN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE SLAVES AND HE PLANNED TO DEPORT ALL OF THEM AFTER THE WAR, but thankfully John Wilkes Booth put an end to that.

Imagine this...Had Dishonest Abe lived and deported all black Americans, would you still love and adore him?
Perpetual Union. The same answer to the same question. Original intent, something strict Constitutionalists always trot out for some amendments, this time applies to a much larger matter; the Nation.
It's too late to change it now.
You may all have the last word to fight over. This thread is too repetitive and views too entrenched to be interesting any more.
At the time, membership in the union was believed by many to be voluntary, and that States maintained their sovereignty outside the union. Can we at least get an admission on that?
You are right, but you won't get admission from any Lincoln Cultist.
It was the South that panicked when Abe was elected. They quickly formed a country to ensure slavery would exist forever
Lincoln only wanted to stop the spread of slavery. Because the south overplayed a bad hand, slavery was gone in four years
That still does not mean war had to happen. Letting them secede stopped the spread of slavery.

Why don't you admit the real reason war had to happen?
Ft Sumpter

Bad decision from the south ...made war inevitable
Entirely set by Lincoln to get approval for war. Very similar to the many other false flag events presidents have used to go to war...and dupes like you buy the lies.
Okay. Let’s put this thread to bed and ALL agree that Dishonest Abe was a lying murdering lawless asshole.

Thank you very much.

Nope, let's all put this thread to bed and agree that calling Abe Lincoln anything other than one or our countries greatest president means their a pro-slavery racist.

Just like Bubba in the confederidiot states of a Merica.
and trump cant whine about fake news without being accused of being a tyrant? Lincoln actually WAS a tyrant.
Geez, americans are so disingenuous
America's Greatest President: Abraham Lincoln
Im not even going to get started on lincoln sending out sherman to rape, murder pillage and kill livestock and all of his other unconstitutional acts ;)
Im very interested. TIA

Judging by the headline of this thread modern day cadet bone spurs would be in love with him.
The Civil War was not about Lincoln. The Civil War was not caused by Lincoln. Lincoln did not start the Civil War. People at the time knew that a declaration of secession meant war. The South wished to commit this act because it did not care to confront a legal attempt to change the nature of America. In historical instances similar to this, rebellion, the very most severe punishments ensued. The South should have known it could not succeed, but reason did not prevail and war was forced to resolve the matter.
The matter was resolved.
Not true. Many thought secession legal. Several secession attempts were made before Lincoln’s War, but were averted.

Plus the South sent a delegation to meet with Dishonest Abe to discuss payment for federal property in the South and to pay their share of the nation debt. Why would they do this if they knew secession meant war Old Abe told them to fuck off and die.

Before Dishonest Abe demanded war, many newspapers in the North said let the South go peacefully. Why would they do this if secession was illegal? This all changed when he started theathening and imprisoning reporters.
It was the South that panicked when Abe was elected. They quickly formed a country to ensure slavery would exist forever
Lincoln only wanted to stop the spread of slavery. Because the south overplayed a bad hand, slavery was gone in four years
There is no doubt that some in the South had the same level of blood lust as Dishonest Abe. They were more than willing to go to war. Of course, the South did not invade the North, in the beginning. Lincoln invaded the South...and many southerns fought to protect their homeland.

Slavery would have ended all on it's own. There was no need to murder 850k Americans and destroy have the nation. HOWEVER, SLAVERY WAS NOT THE REASON DISHONEST ABE COMMITTED TREASON BY KILLING FELLOW AMERICANS. Lincoln went to war to impose the federal government's will on the rebelling states. LINCOLN DIDN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE SLAVES AND HE PLANNED TO DEPORT ALL OF THEM AFTER THE WAR, but thankfully John Wilkes Booth put an end to that.

Imagine this...Had Dishonest Abe lived and deported all black Americans, would you still love and adore him?
The South initiated armed conflict
They should have known better

The South created a Confederacy so that slavery would not end on its own
Even then, it took them a hundred years to adopt civil rights

Lincoln, along with others who proposed it, considered setting up a black nation. It quickly proved impractical and was abandoned
It was the South that panicked when Abe was elected. They quickly formed a country to ensure slavery would exist forever
Lincoln only wanted to stop the spread of slavery. Because the south overplayed a bad hand, slavery was gone in four years
That still does not mean war had to happen. Letting them secede stopped the spread of slavery.

Why don't you admit the real reason war had to happen?
Ft Sumpter

Bad decision from the south ...made war inevitable
Entirely set by Lincoln to get approval for war. Very similar to the many other false flag events presidents have used to go to war...and dupes like you buy the lies.
Lincoln fired those cannons?
South Carolina was full of secessionist war mongerers
Lincoln had the Civil War to deal with and FDR had WW2. Both presidents received lavish praise by historians even though they may have committed unconstitutional actions while in office. That's the way the system works. FDR authorized the incarceration of American citizens without due process. Nothing could be worse than that but the media supported him and that's all it took. The media hates the current president and that's all it takes to influence opinion.
The media hates the current president?? It was the gotdamned media that got this mf elected!!
Okay. Let’s put this thread to bed and ALL agree that Dishonest Abe was a lying murdering lawless asshole.

Thank you very much.

Nope, let's all put this thread to bed and agree that calling Abe Lincoln anything other than one or our countries greatest president means their a pro-slavery racist.

Just like Bubba in the confederidiot states of a Merica.
Good God help us.
and trump cant whine about fake news without being accused of being a tyrant? Lincoln actually WAS a tyrant.
Geez, americans are so disingenuous
America's Greatest President: Abraham Lincoln
Im not even going to get started on lincoln sending out sherman to rape, murder pillage and kill livestock and all of his other unconstitutional acts ;)
Im very interested. TIA
Lincoln suspended habeas corpus… Unforgivable
Because the motherfucker was a dictator... fuck him

Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.....and saved the Union, which resulted in the United States being the strongest country on earth and his actions resulted in the end of slavery in America.

Of course you say 'fuck him'.

Those who despise America and yearn for good old days of slavery always do.
Dishonest Abe saved the Union by destroying half of it. To the ignorant Statist, this is what success looks like.
Destroyed half of it? He saved it.

Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.....and saved the Union, which resulted in the United States being the strongest country on earth and his actions resulted in the end of slavery in America.

Of course you say 'fuck him'.

Those who despise America and yearn for good old days of slavery always do.[
The south created a nation whose sole purpose was to preserve slavery

They deserved to be destroyed
Adolph Hitler would be so proud the way you pass judgements on whether entire societies deserve to survive.

The bottom line is that everything Loncoln did was a violation of the Constitution. If anyone deserved to hang, it was Lincoln.
The Confederacy was a nation morally equivalent to Nazi Germany
my god the shit you're willing to say.

the only comparison was we have is that you are making the north the good guys and the south the bad guys. IN THAT LIGHT, sure the south is now nazi germany. however the south wasn't telling people how to live. that was the north and why they were pissed.

slavery was part of it to be sure. but a bigger part was the south tired of the north telling them how to live.

you know, like you are doing now to others.

the left sure is in overdrive to make sure any "evil" word is beaten to shit and holds no value anymore.
You have a your comparison to today...The mainstream has taken the tack that shaming the alt/right is the way to go..and that is engendering great anger..and indeed..the North shaming the South over the slavery issue is what got their backs up and fueled the popular backlash. As the mainstream of today shames the right and drives them from the table, we are setting the stage for our own blowback.

As far as taking words and beating them to death..or at least out of any original meaning..both sides hold equal honors in this.
to be sure the hate isn't one direction by any means. but i don't see the right using extreme words like white supremacist, nazi, racist and so forth at the drop of a hat when someone disagrees with them.

Absolutely the right does- how many times have i seen the alt-right refer to black lives matter as racists? To anyone that disagrees with them or Trump as traitors? Marxists? Communists? Happens right in this thread- anyone who doesn't disagree with the theme that Lincoln is Hitler has been called a communist.
The Civil War was not about Lincoln. The Civil War was not caused by Lincoln. Lincoln did not start the Civil War. People at the time knew that a declaration of secession meant war. The South wished to commit this act because it did not care to confront a legal attempt to change the nature of America. In historical instances similar to this, rebellion, the very most severe punishments ensued. The South should have known it could not succeed, but reason did not prevail and war was forced to resolve the matter.
The matter was resolved.
Not true. Many thought secession legal. Several secession attempts were made before Lincoln’s War, but were averted.

Plus the South sent a delegation to meet with Dishonest Abe to discuss payment for federal property in the South and to pay their share of the nation debt. Why would they do this if they knew secession meant war Old Abe told them to fuck off and die.

Before Dishonest Abe demanded war, many newspapers in the North said let the South go peacefully. Why would they do this if secession was illegal? This all changed when he started theathening and imprisoning reporters.
Many in the slave holding rebels states thought that secession would lead to war- and welcomed that. Sure there were people who wanted to believe that secession was legal.

And speaking of 'dishonesty' when did Lincoln 'demand' war?

Before or after Rebels fired on the American Army?
It was the South that panicked when Abe was elected. They quickly formed a country to ensure slavery would exist forever
Lincoln only wanted to stop the spread of slavery. Because the south overplayed a bad hand, slavery was gone in four years
That still does not mean war had to happen. Letting them secede stopped the spread of slavery.

Why don't you admit the real reason war had to happen?
Ft Sumpter

Bad decision from the south ...made war inevitable
Entirely set by Lincoln to get approval for war. Very similar to the many other false flag events presidents have used to go to war...and dupes like you buy the lies.

And doesn't that quite explain who gipper is?

Lincoln is just part of the Konspiracy....
Desperate times call for desperate measures

Lincoln did what was necessary to preserve the Union

By far, our greatest president

Who decided "saving the union" takes precedence over following the Constitution? The answer is that a gang of servile Stalinist todies decided that. All you Lincoln cult members are like abusive husbands who believe you're justified in beating your wives because they made you mad.

The Constitution aimed to make “a more perfect union”. That union was being broken

Lincoln saved us

The preamble has no legal force, moron.

It states the purpose of our Constitution
How many times do you have to be told that has no legal force?
Desperate times call for desperate measures

Lincoln did what was necessary to preserve the Union

By far, our greatest president

Who decided "saving the union" takes precedence over following the Constitution? The answer is that a gang of servile Stalinist todies decided that. All you Lincoln cult members are like abusive husbands who believe you're justified in beating your wives because they made you mad.

The Constitution aimed to make “a more perfect union”. That union was being broken

Lincoln saved us

The preamble has no legal force, moron.

It states the purpose of our Constitution
How many times do you have to be told that has no legal force?
The preamble states the nation has changed from a union of states to a union of people.
and trump cant whine about fake news without being accused of being a tyrant? Lincoln actually WAS a tyrant.
Geez, americans are so disingenuous
America's Greatest President: Abraham Lincoln
Im not even going to get started on lincoln sending out sherman to rape, murder pillage and kill livestock and all of his other unconstitutional acts ;)
Im very interested. TIA
Lincoln suspended habeas corpus… Unforgivable
Because the motherfucker was a dictator... fuck him

Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.....and saved the Union, which resulted in the United States being the strongest country on earth and his actions resulted in the end of slavery in America.

Of course you say 'fuck him'.

Those who despise America and yearn for good old days of slavery always do.
Dishonest Abe saved the Union by destroying half of it. To the ignorant Statist, this is what success looks like.
Destroyed half of it? He saved it.

Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.....and saved the Union, which resulted in the United States being the strongest country on earth and his actions resulted in the end of slavery in America.

Of course you say 'fuck him'.

Those who despise America and yearn for good old days of slavery always do.[
Suspending habeas corpus had nothing to do with ending slavery you stupid ass motherfucker
I fired you because of your bad attitude. When you left, people thanked me and asked what took me so long

Guy, you run shitty little companies that don't offer health insurance... I wouldn't have even wasted a resume on you. I wrote more PO's in a day than you made in a month...

Republicans love Lincoln. Do you ever read the board when you're posting?

Obviously, they don't anymore, given the racists have taken over. Republicans love Robert E. Lee now, for some reason.

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