How come Lincoln got away with shutting down hundreds of newspapers and jailed journalists

I fired you because of your bad attitude. When you left, people thanked me and asked what took me so long

Guy, you run shitty little companies that don't offer health insurance... I wouldn't have even wasted a resume on you. I wrote more PO's in a day than you made in a month...

Republicans love Lincoln. Do you ever read the board when you're posting?

Obviously, they don't anymore, given the racists have taken over. Republicans love Robert E. Lee now, for some reason.
Lincoln was a fucking piece of shit… He suspended habeas corpus the first and only president to ever do so…
Lincoln was a fucking piece of shit… He suspended habeas corpus the first and only president to ever do so…

See, Kaz, the right has come to hate Lincoln... probably because they hate black people.

Okay, you do kind of get that when your country is fighting for it's very life, you have to bend the rules a bit, right?

Me, I'm glad I'm a Citizen of the United States, and not a citizen of some small landlocked Republic after the union disintegrated
Lincoln was a fucking piece of shit… He suspended habeas corpus the first and only president to ever do so…

See, Kaz, the right has come to hate Lincoln... probably because they hate black people.

Okay, you do kind of get that when your country is fighting for it's very life, you have to bend the rules a bit, right?

Me, I'm glad I'm a Citizen of the United States, and not a citizen of some small landlocked Republic after the union disintegrated
Nothing to do with race... he was a fucking dictator.

Land locked?... Not hardly dumbass

I fired you because of your bad attitude. When you left, people thanked me and asked what took me so long

Guy, you run shitty little companies that don't offer health insurance... I wouldn't have even wasted a resume on you. I wrote more PO's in a day than you made in a month...

Yes, you were a paper pusher. I ran the P&L. Thanks for filling out all those forms for me. I wouldn't have fired you if you didn't have such a bad attitude despite all your stupid spelling and grammar mistakes. I didn't have to see you, so you didn't bother me. It was the people complaining about your endless bad attitude I got tired of hearing.

I dropped healthcare as a math calculation. You bet your ass. When socialists run to the government and try to fuck us, the shit always rolls down hill back on you. It was your fault for making it stupid for me to pay for healthcare anymore

Republicans love Lincoln. Do you ever read the board when you're posting?

Obviously, they don't anymore, given the racists have taken over. Republicans love Robert E. Lee now, for some reason.

All the people I've seen oppose Lincoln are libertarians and anarchists. What Republicans are we talking about? Or is this the part where you're a simpleton and not-Democrat = Republican again?
I fired you because of your bad attitude. When you left, people thanked me and asked what took me so long

Guy, you run shitty little companies that don't offer health insurance... I wouldn't have even wasted a resume on you. I wrote more PO's in a day than you made in a month...

Republicans love Lincoln. Do you ever read the board when you're posting?

Obviously, they don't anymore, given the racists have taken over. Republicans love Robert E. Lee now, for some reason.
Lincoln was a fucking piece of shit… He suspended habeas corpus the first and only president to ever do so…

For me it was why he suspended it rather than that he suspended it, to remove consent of the governed and conquer the people
Yes, you were a paper pusher. I ran the P&L

Yeah, the thing is, your "P&L" was for a shit little company that spend a lot of time buying me lunch hoping I'd toss a few PO's your way...

I really loved the small businesses... they were a hoot to deal with.

"Let's see your QC Procedures?"

"My what?"

I wouldn't have fired you if you didn't have such a bad attitude despite all your stupid spelling and grammar mistakes. I didn't have to see you, so you didn't bother me. It was the people complaining about your endless bad attitude I got tired of hearing.

GUy, you couldn't have afforded me... that was the thing. The minute i found out what you paid, I'd have laughed my way out the door. And no health benefits? What kind of chickenshit operation do you run?

I dropped healthcare as a math calculation. You bet your ass. When socialists run to the government and try to fuck us, the shit always rolls down hill back on you. It was your fault for making it stupid for me to pay for healthcare anymore

It strikes me that if you couldn't provide a pretty basic benefit for the hired help, you probably kind of sucked at the whole business thing. It meant you weren't getting the best and the brightest, they'd find a job with a real company that offered those benefits.
I fired you because of your bad attitude. When you left, people thanked me and asked what took me so long

Guy, you run shitty little companies that don't offer health insurance... I wouldn't have even wasted a resume on you. I wrote more PO's in a day than you made in a month...

Republicans love Lincoln. Do you ever read the board when you're posting?

Obviously, they don't anymore, given the racists have taken over. Republicans love Robert E. Lee now, for some reason.
Lincoln was a fucking piece of shit… He suspended habeas corpus the first and only president to ever do so…

For me it was why he suspended it rather than that he suspended it, to remove consent of the governed and conquer the people
Yes...Dishonest Abe was a tyrant who committed treason. HE WAS A TRAITOR!

Yet....amazingly...this worthless murderous lying traitor is somehow considered our greatest president. How fucked up is that? Statism rules the day.
and trump cant whine about fake news without being accused of being a tyrant? Lincoln actually WAS a tyrant.
Geez, americans are so disingenuous
America's Greatest President: Abraham Lincoln
Im not even going to get started on lincoln sending out sherman to rape, murder pillage and kill livestock and all of his other unconstitutional acts ;)
Im very interested. TIA

Judging by the headline of this thread modern day cadet bone spurs would be in love with him.
Our peaches-in-chief reminds me of reagan. That isnt good!
I fired you because of your bad attitude. When you left, people thanked me and asked what took me so long

Guy, you run shitty little companies that don't offer health insurance... I wouldn't have even wasted a resume on you. I wrote more PO's in a day than you made in a month...

Republicans love Lincoln. Do you ever read the board when you're posting?

Obviously, they don't anymore, given the racists have taken over. Republicans love Robert E. Lee now, for some reason.
Lincoln was a fucking piece of shit… He suspended habeas corpus the first and only president to ever do so…

For me it was why he suspended it rather than that he suspended it, to remove consent of the governed and conquer the people
Yes...Dishonest Abe was a tyrant who committed treason. HE WAS A TRAITOR!

Yet....amazingly...this worthless murderous lying traitor is somehow considered our greatest president. How fucked up is that? Statism rules the day.
We honor him for saving the Union

Our greatest president
and trump cant whine about fake news without being accused of being a tyrant? Lincoln actually WAS a tyrant.
Geez, americans are so disingenuous
America's Greatest President: Abraham Lincoln
Im not even going to get started on lincoln sending out sherman to rape, murder pillage and kill livestock and all of his other unconstitutional acts ;)
Im very interested. TIA
Lincoln suspended habeas corpus… Unforgivable
Because the motherfucker was a dictator... fuck him

Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.....and saved the Union, which resulted in the United States being the strongest country on earth and his actions resulted in the end of slavery in America.

Of course you say 'fuck him'.

Those who despise America and yearn for good old days of slavery always do.
Dishonest Abe saved the Union by destroying half of it. To the ignorant Statist, this is what success looks like.
Destroyed half of it? He saved it.

Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.....and saved the Union, which resulted in the United States being the strongest country on earth and his actions resulted in the end of slavery in America.

Of course you say 'fuck him'.

Those who despise America and yearn for good old days of slavery always do.[
Suspending habeas corpus had nothing to do with ending slavery you stupid ass motherfucker

Oh I can tell when the facts irritate a Trumpster- they can't stop swearing.

Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.....and saved the Union, which resulted in the United States being the strongest country on earth and his actions resulted in the end of slavery in America.

Of course you say 'fuck him'.

Those who despise America and yearn for good old days of slavery always do
I fired you because of your bad attitude. When you left, people thanked me and asked what took me so long

Guy, you run shitty little companies that don't offer health insurance... I wouldn't have even wasted a resume on you. I wrote more PO's in a day than you made in a month...

Republicans love Lincoln. Do you ever read the board when you're posting?

Obviously, they don't anymore, given the racists have taken over. Republicans love Robert E. Lee now, for some reason.
Lincoln was a fucking piece of shit… He suspended habeas corpus the first and only president to ever do so…

For me it was why he suspended it rather than that he suspended it, to remove consent of the governed and conquer the people
Yes...Dishonest Abe was a tyrant who committed treason. HE WAS A TRAITOR!y.

Yeah- the defenders of the slave holding rebels states keep saying that.

How they yearn for a modern day America that would consist of a United States that is no more powerful than modern Germany and a third world Confederate States with 'darkies' singing their happy songs as they toil away in the cotton fields.....
I fired you because of your bad attitude. When you left, people thanked me and asked what took me so long

Guy, you run shitty little companies that don't offer health insurance... I wouldn't have even wasted a resume on you. I wrote more PO's in a day than you made in a month...

Yes, you were a paper pusher. I ran the P&L.


Can anyone imagine kaz running anything? Without getting arrested for fraud and imbezzlement?
I blame Russia. Everyone knows ole Honest Abe was Putin's great great great Grandfather's Puppet. :rofl:
I fired you because of your bad attitude. When you left, people thanked me and asked what took me so long

Guy, you run shitty little companies that don't offer health insurance... I wouldn't have even wasted a resume on you. I wrote more PO's in a day than you made in a month...

Republicans love Lincoln. Do you ever read the board when you're posting?

Obviously, they don't anymore, given the racists have taken over. Republicans love Robert E. Lee now, for some reason.
Lincoln was a fucking piece of shit… He suspended habeas corpus the first and only president to ever do so…

For me it was why he suspended it rather than that he suspended it, to remove consent of the governed and conquer the people
Yes...Dishonest Abe was a tyrant who committed treason. HE WAS A TRAITOR!

Yet....amazingly...this worthless murderous lying traitor is somehow considered our greatest president. How fucked up is that? Statism rules the day.
We honor him for saving the Union

Our greatest president
Lincoln suspended habeas corpus… Unforgivable
Because the motherfucker was a dictator... fuck him

Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.....and saved the Union, which resulted in the United States being the strongest country on earth and his actions resulted in the end of slavery in America.

Of course you say 'fuck him'.

Those who despise America and yearn for good old days of slavery always do.
Dishonest Abe saved the Union by destroying half of it. To the ignorant Statist, this is what success looks like.
Destroyed half of it? He saved it.

Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.....and saved the Union, which resulted in the United States being the strongest country on earth and his actions resulted in the end of slavery in America.

Of course you say 'fuck him'.

Those who despise America and yearn for good old days of slavery always do.[
Suspending habeas corpus had nothing to do with ending slavery you stupid ass motherfucker

Oh I can tell when the facts irritate a Trumpster- they can't stop swearing.

Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.....and saved the Union, which resulted in the United States being the strongest country on earth and his actions resulted in the end of slavery in America.

Of course you say 'fuck him'.

Those who despise America and yearn for good old days of slavery always do
He did not need to Suspend habeas corpus to have the same result... shit for brains
If the south had their way, they would still own slaves
If the south had their way, they would still own slaves
Na, the civil war was more about states rights than Slavery.
The so called “south” did not invent slavery, the original slave owners on this continent were my ancestors... American Indians.
Slavery is not an American invention. Dumbass
If the south had their way, they would still own slaves
Na, the civil war was more about states rights than Slavery.
The so called “south” did not invent slavery, the original slave owners on this continent were my ancestors... American Indians.
Slavery is not an American invention. Dumbass
Nice try

A States right to allow slavery

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