How come the leader of the world will not be there?

What if dat mean ole BOOOOOSH didn't show? What would the Obamabot wingnuts defending their Dear Leader on this, have to say? Pretty sure they would be hysterical right now. They'd all be up on their high horses condemning him. Obamabots are such dishonest hypocrites. They have no credibility.
No, I want to know why that Muslim ****** Barrow didn't attend? Was he just too busy jerking off the the video replay of the dead bodies being carried out?
We agree both Obama and Barrow should have gone. It's only to be expected by such incompetent leaders that they stayed at home.
We don't agree and you are dumb as a box of fucking hammers my little Belize Bitch. Now go read the news, there must be something interesting happening in your country eh? Maybe a kid fell off his bicycle? Or someone found a lost dog ?

Interesting to note, even most of your fellow Communist wingnuts are criticizing him for not showing. Guess you didn't get the memo though. ;)
I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. The US population is dumber than dog shit, like you little morons.

Ha, you're the one who posted a hilariously inaccurate list defending your Dear Leader. Yeah, you're pretty much as dumb as they come. :)
This is why you little shits have no fucking power and your ideology is good only for not-so-bright teenage boys. You can't see the forest for the trees.
So you agree Obama should have gone. It's about time you started coming to your senses.
No, I want to know why that Muslim ****** Barrow didn't attend? Was he just too busy jerking off the the video replay of the dead bodies being carried out?
We agree both Obama and Barrow should have gone. It's only to be expected by such incompetent leaders that they stayed at home.
We don't agree and you are dumb as a box of fucking hammers my little Belize Bitch. Now go read the news, there must be something interesting happening in your country eh? Maybe a kid fell off his bicycle? Or someone found a lost dog ?

Interesting to note, even most of your fellow Communist wingnuts are criticizing him for not showing. Guess you didn't get the memo though. ;)
I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. The US population is dumber than dog shit, like you little morons.

Thank you Mr. Gruber
We agree both Obama and Barrow should have gone. It's only to be expected by such incompetent leaders that they stayed at home.
We don't agree and you are dumb as a box of fucking hammers my little Belize Bitch. Now go read the news, there must be something interesting happening in your country eh? Maybe a kid fell off his bicycle? Or someone found a lost dog ?

Interesting to note, even most of your fellow Communist wingnuts are criticizing him for not showing. Guess you didn't get the memo though. ;)
I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. The US population is dumber than dog shit, like you little morons.

You need to lay off the meth... seriously.
You need to grow the fuck up. This whole thread is partisan bullshit,. like most things here.

Whatthefuckever.... and you're a partisan Obama bootlicker as much as any other.
So you agree Obama should have gone. It's about time you started coming to your senses.
No, I want to know why that Muslim ****** Barrow didn't attend? Was he just too busy jerking off the the video replay of the dead bodies being carried out?
We agree both Obama and Barrow should have gone. It's only to be expected by such incompetent leaders that they stayed at home.
We don't agree and you are dumb as a box of fucking hammers my little Belize Bitch. Now go read the news, there must be something interesting happening in your country eh? Maybe a kid fell off his bicycle? Or someone found a lost dog ?
So you tell me.

Barrow doesn't go = bad.
Obama doesn't go = good.

Barrow = BFD
Obama = Good, he has shit here to do. We don't pay him to carry a banner for a bunch of fucking frogs.
All other leaders who didn't attend = BFD.

See how that works now BB? You may now return to your own fucking country and care about that instead of mine.
Sorry but you can't comment on any country other than the US, since you aren't a citizen.

Boy that Obama sure is an incompetent chickenshit, isn't he?
We agree both Obama and Barrow should have gone. It's only to be expected by such incompetent leaders that they stayed at home.
We don't agree and you are dumb as a box of fucking hammers my little Belize Bitch. Now go read the news, there must be something interesting happening in your country eh? Maybe a kid fell off his bicycle? Or someone found a lost dog ?

Interesting to note, even most of your fellow Communist wingnuts are criticizing him for not showing. Guess you didn't get the memo though. ;)
I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. The US population is dumber than dog shit, like you little morons.

You need to lay off the meth... seriously.
You need to grow the fuck up. This whole thread is partisan bullshit,. like most things here.

What if dat mean ole BOOOOOSH didn't show? What would you be saying today? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be defending him. You'd be doing the exact opposite. You'd be screeching outrage 24/7. So you are very disingenuous person. It is what it is.
paulitician said:
What if dat mean ole BOOOOOSH didn't show? What would the Obamabot wingnuts defending their Dear Leader on this, have to say? Pretty sure they would be hysterical right now. They'd all be up on their high horses condemning him. Obamabots are such dishonest hypocrites. They have no credibility.

Obama only goes to funerals so he can take selfies with celebrities.
We agree both Obama and Barrow should have gone. It's only to be expected by such incompetent leaders that they stayed at home.
We don't agree and you are dumb as a box of fucking hammers my little Belize Bitch. Now go read the news, there must be something interesting happening in your country eh? Maybe a kid fell off his bicycle? Or someone found a lost dog ?

Interesting to note, even most of your fellow Communist wingnuts are criticizing him for not showing. Guess you didn't get the memo though. ;)
I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. The US population is dumber than dog shit, like you little morons.

Ha, you're the one who posted a hilariously inaccurate list defending your Dear Leader. Yeah, you're pretty much as dumb as they come. :)
This is why you little shits have no fucking power and your ideology is good only for not-so-bright teenage boys. You can't see the forest for the trees.

I guess you didn't get the memo... the GOP controls Congress now... you leftist fuckwads were shown the door last November.
I'm torn on this...on the one hand, not everything is about us......on the other hand, he could have shown solidarity by going. He should have brought Boehner and McConnell too.
you keep saying "not everything is about us"....

Do you not realize those are simply talking points put out a while back by the DNC to explain why Obama does not do certain things internationally....

But as I asked earlier.....

Did his attending the memorial for Nelson Mandela with the worlds leaders make it all about us?

Do you realize that his NOT attending made it more about us than his attending would have done?

If he were there he would have been one of the top 50 leaders in the world that attended.

Not going he is one of the few top leaders of the world that did not attend....and the ONLY leader from a major power that did not attend.

So you tell me....what made it more about us?
What if dat mean ole BOOOOOSH didn't show? What would the Obamabot wingnuts defending their Dear Leader on this, have to say? Pretty sure they would be hysterical right now. They'd all be up on their high horses condemning him. Obamabots are such dishonest hypocrites. They have no credibility.
There's no reason Bush would have needed to go either. A few dead people in France doesn't mean you jump on a plane. None of them mattered a fucking damn. It's terror, oh my God, everyone scream and run around with their hair on fire.
What if dat mean ole BOOOOOSH didn't show? What would the Obamabot wingnuts defending their Dear Leader on this, have to say? Pretty sure they would be hysterical right now. They'd all be up on their high horses condemning him. Obamabots are such dishonest hypocrites. They have no credibility.
There's no reason Bush would have needed to go either. A few dead people in France doesn't mean you jump on a plane. None of them mattered a fucking damn. It's terror, oh my God, everyone scream and run around with their hair on fire.

I think this one needs to be put on suicide watch.

We don't agree and you are dumb as a box of fucking hammers my little Belize Bitch. Now go read the news, there must be something interesting happening in your country eh? Maybe a kid fell off his bicycle? Or someone found a lost dog ?

Interesting to note, even most of your fellow Communist wingnuts are criticizing him for not showing. Guess you didn't get the memo though. ;)
I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. The US population is dumber than dog shit, like you little morons.

Ha, you're the one who posted a hilariously inaccurate list defending your Dear Leader. Yeah, you're pretty much as dumb as they come. :)
This is why you little shits have no fucking power and your ideology is good only for not-so-bright teenage boys. You can't see the forest for the trees.

I guess you didn't get the memo... the GOP controls Congress now... you leftist fuckwads were shown the door last November.
That's just great. You control something that can't do anything but send up bills he then vetoes, and you don't have the votes to beat. Congrats, until two you years from now when you get spanked again. That's politics little dummy.
What if dat mean ole BOOOOOSH didn't show? What would the Obamabot wingnuts defending their Dear Leader on this, have to say? Pretty sure they would be hysterical right now. They'd all be up on their high horses condemning him. Obamabots are such dishonest hypocrites. They have no credibility.
There's no reason Bush would have needed to go either. A few dead people in France doesn't mean you jump on a plane. None of them mattered a fucking damn. It's terror, oh my God, everyone scream and run around with their hair on fire.

Ha, BULLSHITE! You Communist douches would be screeching condemnation 24/7. Who do you think you're foolin? You're a liar. Period, end of story.
What if dat mean ole BOOOOOSH didn't show? What would the Obamabot wingnuts defending their Dear Leader on this, have to say? Pretty sure they would be hysterical right now. They'd all be up on their high horses condemning him. Obamabots are such dishonest hypocrites. They have no credibility.
There's no reason Bush would have needed to go either. A few dead people in France doesn't mean you jump on a plane. None of them mattered a fucking damn. It's terror, oh my God, everyone scream and run around with their hair on fire.

I think this one needs to be put on suicide watch.


Oh yeah, bigtime. Imagine da mean ole BOOOSH not showing? What would that wingnut be saying today? Obamabots have no credibility.
What if dat mean ole BOOOOOSH didn't show? What would the Obamabot wingnuts defending their Dear Leader on this, have to say? Pretty sure they would be hysterical right now. They'd all be up on their high horses condemning him. Obamabots are such dishonest hypocrites. They have no credibility.
There's no reason Bush would have needed to go either. A few dead people in France doesn't mean you jump on a plane. None of them mattered a fucking damn. It's terror, oh my God, everyone scream and run around with their hair on fire.

I think this one needs to be put on suicide watch.

An I think you need to grow the fuck and start dealing with reality.
Interesting to note, even most of your fellow Communist wingnuts are criticizing him for not showing. Guess you didn't get the memo though. ;)
I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. The US population is dumber than dog shit, like you little morons.

Ha, you're the one who posted a hilariously inaccurate list defending your Dear Leader. Yeah, you're pretty much as dumb as they come. :)
This is why you little shits have no fucking power and your ideology is good only for not-so-bright teenage boys. You can't see the forest for the trees.

I guess you didn't get the memo... the GOP controls Congress now... you leftist fuckwads were shown the door last November.
That's just great. You control something that can't do anything but send up bills he then vetoes, and you don't have the votes to beat. Congrats, until two you years from now when you get spanked again. That's politics little dummy.

Yup, and the French Prime Minister didn't show up at the rally either. :laugh:
We don't agree and you are dumb as a box of fucking hammers my little Belize Bitch. Now go read the news, there must be something interesting happening in your country eh? Maybe a kid fell off his bicycle? Or someone found a lost dog ?

Interesting to note, even most of your fellow Communist wingnuts are criticizing him for not showing. Guess you didn't get the memo though. ;)
I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. The US population is dumber than dog shit, like you little morons.

You need to lay off the meth... seriously.
You need to grow the fuck up. This whole thread is partisan bullshit,. like most things here.

Whatthefuckever.... and you're a partisan Obama bootlicker as much as any other.
No, I'm not you stupid asswipe, Obama is just a man, he makes mistakes, but he;s not supposed to be marching in Paris because some assholes killed some other asshole. He isn't fucking Martin Luther King Jr. He has a job so let him do it instead of demanding that fly his ass all over the world because you think it looks good on TV.
I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. The US population is dumber than dog shit, like you little morons.

Ha, you're the one who posted a hilariously inaccurate list defending your Dear Leader. Yeah, you're pretty much as dumb as they come. :)
This is why you little shits have no fucking power and your ideology is good only for not-so-bright teenage boys. You can't see the forest for the trees.

I guess you didn't get the memo... the GOP controls Congress now... you leftist fuckwads were shown the door last November.
That's just great. You control something that can't do anything but send up bills he then vetoes, and you don't have the votes to beat. Congrats, until two you years from now when you get spanked again. That's politics little dummy.

Yup, and the French Prime Minister didn't show up at the rally either. :laugh:
That's what she said asswipe, the bitch from Belize who thinks this nation is somehow her fucking business.
What if dat mean ole BOOOOOSH didn't show? What would the Obamabot wingnuts defending their Dear Leader on this, have to say? Pretty sure they would be hysterical right now. They'd all be up on their high horses condemning him. Obamabots are such dishonest hypocrites. They have no credibility.
There's no reason Bush would have needed to go either. A few dead people in France doesn't mean you jump on a plane. None of them mattered a fucking damn. It's terror, oh my God, everyone scream and run around with their hair on fire.

I think this one needs to be put on suicide watch.

An I think you need to grow the fuck and start dealing with reality.

So if da BOOOOSH Boogeyman didn't show, you wouldn't be criticizing him right now? You and i both know the answer. So stop being a disingenuous hypocrite. Try honesty.
paulitician said:
What if dat mean ole BOOOOOSH didn't show? What would the Obamabot wingnuts defending their Dear Leader on this, have to say? Pretty sure they would be hysterical right now. They'd all be up on their high horses condemning him. Obamabots are such dishonest hypocrites. They have no credibility.

Obama only goes to funerals so he can take selfies with celebrities.
Good, and most of the time he shouldn't even be doing that. That's what Biden is for.

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