How come the leader of the world will not be there?

The man shows no class, he sends his representatives to the funerals of the thugs shot by cops but he refuses to sends any high ranking representative to the show of unity in Paris. Barrack is showing his true colors and which side he is actually on.
What if dat mean ole BOOOOOSH didn't show? What would the Obamabot wingnuts defending their Dear Leader on this, have to say? Pretty sure they would be hysterical right now. They'd all be up on their high horses condemning him. Obamabots are such dishonest hypocrites. They have no credibility.
There's no reason Bush would have needed to go either. A few dead people in France doesn't mean you jump on a plane. None of them mattered a fucking damn. It's terror, oh my God, everyone scream and run around with their hair on fire.
I don't know...I watched much of the rally.....seems no one was running with their hair on fire. Seems everyone was showing solidarity and world leaders were saying "fuck off you Islamic terrorists. You don't scare us. You come at us we will come at you twice as hard."

Except for Obama. He was scared. He let the terrorists know it..

"I cant go without an inordinate amount of security. After all, I am the proposed king of the world and a father of 2 so I can not risk losing a button on my top coat"

You're an ass PMH
What if dat mean ole BOOOOOSH didn't show? What would the Obamabot wingnuts defending their Dear Leader on this, have to say? Pretty sure they would be hysterical right now. They'd all be up on their high horses condemning him. Obamabots are such dishonest hypocrites. They have no credibility.
There's no reason Bush would have needed to go either. A few dead people in France doesn't mean you jump on a plane. None of them mattered a fucking damn. It's terror, oh my God, everyone scream and run around with their hair on fire.

I think this one needs to be put on suicide watch.

An I think you need to grow the fuck and start dealing with reality.

So if da BOOOOSH Boogeyman didn't show, you wouldn't be criticizing him right now? You and i both know the answer. So stop being a disingenuous hypocrite. Try honesty.
No, I wouldn't. Just like I'm not asking where the fuck Putin was, or Castro, and any other leader of a nation that was busy doing their jobs instead of fucking around in Paris and crying over a bunch of asswipes who don't matter a fucking damn.
The man shows no class, he sends his representatives to the funerals of the thugs shot by cops but he refuses to sends any high ranking representative to the show of unity in Paris. Barrack is showing his true colors and which side he is actually on.
Hey dummy, dead Americans matter to,....................................wait for it, ......................................Americans. And dead French matter to, ...............................wait for it, ................................hey, what do you know, the French.
Interesting to note, even most of your fellow Communist wingnuts are criticizing him for not showing. Guess you didn't get the memo though. ;)
I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. The US population is dumber than dog shit, like you little morons.

You need to lay off the meth... seriously.
You need to grow the fuck up. This whole thread is partisan bullshit,. like most things here.

Whatthefuckever.... and you're a partisan Obama bootlicker as much as any other.
No, I'm not you stupid asswipe, Obama is just a man, he makes mistakes, but he;s not supposed to be marching in Paris because some assholes killed some other asshole. He isn't fucking Martin Luther King Jr. He has a job so let him do it instead of demanding that fly his ass all over the world because you think it looks good on TV.
You mean like the photo op he has planned with the Spurs today? Or the playoff games yesterday?

Seems members of his staff had plenty of time to attend a mans who tried to kill a cop's funeral......but none could gather with the 40 top heads of states to show solidarity?

Your excuses are humorous.

You are an ass PMH
What if dat mean ole BOOOOOSH didn't show? What would the Obamabot wingnuts defending their Dear Leader on this, have to say? Pretty sure they would be hysterical right now. They'd all be up on their high horses condemning him. Obamabots are such dishonest hypocrites. They have no credibility.
There's no reason Bush would have needed to go either. A few dead people in France doesn't mean you jump on a plane. None of them mattered a fucking damn. It's terror, oh my God, everyone scream and run around with their hair on fire.

I think this one needs to be put on suicide watch.

An I think you need to grow the fuck and start dealing with reality.

So if da BOOOOSH Boogeyman didn't show, you wouldn't be criticizing him right now? You and i both know the answer. So stop being a disingenuous hypocrite. Try honesty.
No, I wouldn't. Just like I'm not asking where the fuck Putin was, or Castro, and any other leader of a nation that was busy doing their jobs instead of fucking around in Paris and crying over a bunch of asswipes who don't matter a fucking damn.

Try honesty. If da BOOOSH didn't show, you and all your fellow Communist wingnuts would be screeching condemnation 24/7. So face it, you boy did blow it. It is what it is.
The man shows no class, he sends his representatives to the funerals of the thugs shot by cops but he refuses to sends any high ranking representative to the show of unity in Paris. Barrack is showing his true colors and which side he is actually on.
Hey dummy, dead Americans matter to,....................................wait for it, ......................................Americans. And dead French matter to, ...............................wait for it, ................................hey, what do you know, the French.

The rally was not about dead was about standing up to Radical Islamic Terrorism..

What news do you watch?
Goddam that Obama for not spending eleventy million dollars on a French vacation!!!!:mad-61::mad-61::mad-61:
I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. The US population is dumber than dog shit, like you little morons.

You need to lay off the meth... seriously.
You need to grow the fuck up. This whole thread is partisan bullshit,. like most things here.

Whatthefuckever.... and you're a partisan Obama bootlicker as much as any other.
No, I'm not you stupid asswipe, Obama is just a man, he makes mistakes, but he;s not supposed to be marching in Paris because some assholes killed some other asshole. He isn't fucking Martin Luther King Jr. He has a job so let him do it instead of demanding that fly his ass all over the world because you think it looks good on TV.
You mean like the photo op he has planned with the Spurs today? Or the playoff games yesterday?

Seems members of his staff had plenty of time to attend a mans who tried to kill a cop's funeral......but none could gather with the 40 top heads of states to show solidarity?

Your excuses are humorous.

You are an ass PMH
No cannon fodder, you are. We aren't in fucking Europe now are we? Most of the world did not attend, not even fucking Putin, so why are you giving Obama shit? Oh right, because Fox told you to.
No, I wouldn't. Just like I'm not asking where the fuck Putin was, or Castro, and any other leader of a nation that was busy doing their jobs instead of fucking around in Paris and crying over a bunch of asswipes who don't matter a fucking damn.
Hey, none of the other Communist leaders showed, why should Obama?

Goddam that Obama for not spending eleventy million dollars on a French vacation!!!!:mad-61::mad-61::mad-61:

Yeah, like you Communist douches are concerned with how much other peoples' money you spend. Nice try Obamabot. Now try rebooting.
This is so excellent :D

Yeah, Obamabot meltdowns are funny. Did you see his or her list of 'no-shows' at the rally? It included the French Prime Minister. lol. Time for that bot to reboot. :)
That was her statement asswipe, not mine. read the thread next time, then comment.
This is one of the better meltdowns I've seen in a while. Do continue, please. :D
So what's the news in your country bitch? Are all 200 people safe and happy?
Obama shoulda got an expensive hotel suite in an expensive Parisian hotel, and brought along a buncha Secret Service and White House staffers and a buncha US government approved bullet proof limos and Air Force One, and he shoulda spent at least eleventy million, six hundred thousand dollars on a Paris vacation.

No one woulda held it against him. Promise!
This is so excellent :D

Yeah, Obamabot meltdowns are funny. Did you see his or her list of 'no-shows' at the rally? It included the French Prime Minister. lol. Time for that bot to reboot. :)
That was her statement asswipe, not mine. read the thread next time, then comment.
This is one of the better meltdowns I've seen in a while. Do continue, please. :D
So what's the news in your country bitch? Are all 200 people safe and happy?
Yep. Not like the US. But you don't get to comment on my country since you aren't a citizen. lol.
This is so excellent :D

Yeah, Obamabot meltdowns are funny. Did you see his or her list of 'no-shows' at the rally? It included the French Prime Minister. lol. Time for that bot to reboot. :)
That was her statement asswipe, not mine. read the thread next time, then comment.
This is one of the better meltdowns I've seen in a while. Do continue, please. :D

If dat BOOOSH didn't show, CNN (Communist Network), NBC, and numerous other Communist/Progressive Media Outlets would have dedicated weeks of programming to condemn him. So don't buy into the Obamabot apologist shite. They are very dishonest people.

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