How come the leader of the world will not be there?

He probably doesn't want to hear your bellyaching about how much the trip cost you.
What fucking business is it of yours? Why the fuck would I care that the PM of that postage stamp you live in does?
Well, you seem to care since you didn't even know who he was and then took the time to look him up.

Now clean the puddle from under your chair, little boy.
That's just it, I don't give a flying fuck what happens down there so why the fuck do you care what happens up here? You could drop into the sea and the US wouldn't even fucking notice. Go fix your own shit dummy. My country is none of your goddamned business.
As a naturalized American citizen, I have every right to criticize the way America is run. Or isn't run, in the case of Obama. Now stop discussing my country, as you have no right to according to your own pulverized logic.
You live in fucking Belize and you weren't even born here you Belize Bitch, so go call your PM and tell him how mad you are that he didn't fly his lazy ass to Paris. You don't live here so shut the fuck and mind your own business.

Uh huh, and the French Prime Minister didn't show either. Gawd, you're a demented little fuckwit. Did you even look at your list before posting it? Cracked me up though. Thanks for the laugh. :rofl:
Hey Belize Bitch, Obama was supposed to go but the fucking PM of France was too busy also? And your little coward PM missed the boat as well? Why don't you shut the fuck up about a country your weren't born in and don't live in.
Here you go boys, make sure you send a nasty note to every nation who didn't send their leader to Paris, especially that fucking pussy PM of Belize.

Afghanistan – Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Albania – Republic of Albania
Algeria – People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Andorra – Principality of Andorra
Angola – Republic of Angola
Antigua and Barbuda
Argentina – Argentine Republic[Note 7]
Armenia – Republic of Armenia
Australia – Commonwealth of Australia
Austria – Republic of Austria
Azerbaijan – Republic of Azerbaijan
Bahamas, The – Commonwealth of the Bahamas
Bahrain – Kingdom of Bahrain
Bangladesh – People's Republic of Bangladesh
Belarus – Republic of Belarus
Belgium – Kingdom of Belgium
Benin – Republic of Benin[Note 8]
Bhutan – Kingdom of Bhutan
Bolivia – Plurinational State of Bolivia
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Botswana – Republic of Botswana
Brazil – Federative Republic of Brazil
Brunei – Brunei Darussalam
Bulgaria – Republic of Bulgaria
Burkina Faso[Note 10]
Burma – Republic of the Union of Myanmar[Note 11][8]
Burundi – Republic of Burundi
Cambodia – Kingdom of Cambodia
Cameroon – Republic of Cameroon
Canada[Note 12]
Cape Verde – Republic of Cabo Verde
Central African Republic
Chad – Republic of Chad
Chile – Republic of Chile
China – People's Republic of China[Note 13]
Colombia – Republic of Colombia
Comoros – Union of the Comoros
Congo, Democratic Republic of the[Note 17]
Congo, Republic of the[Note 18]
Costa Rica – Republic of Costa Rica
Croatia – Republic of Croatia
Cuba – Republic of Cuba
Cyprus – Republic of Cyprus
Czech Republic[Note 19]
Denmark – Kingdom of Denmark
Djibouti – Republic of Djibouti
Dominica – Commonwealth of Dominica
Dominican Republic
East Timor – Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste[Note 20]
Ecuador – Republic of Ecuador
Egypt – Arab Republic of Egypt
El Salvador – Republic of El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea – Republic of Equatorial Guinea
Eritrea – State of Eritrea
Estonia – Republic of Estonia
Ethiopia – Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Fiji – Republic of Fiji
Finland – Republic of Finland
France – French Republic
Gabon – Gabonese Republic
Gambia, The – Republic of the Gambia
Germany – Federal Republic of Germany
Ghana – Republic of Ghana
Greece – Hellenic Republic
Guatemala – Republic of Guatemala
Guinea – Republic of Guinea[Note 22]
Guinea-Bissau – Republic of Guinea-Bissau
Guyana – Co-operative Republic of Guyana
Haiti – Republic of Haiti
Honduras – Republic of Honduras
Iceland – Republic of Iceland
India – Republic of India
Indonesia – Republic of Indonesia
Iran – Islamic Republic of Iran
Iraq – Republic of Iraq
Ireland[Note 23]
Israel – State of Israel
Italy – Italian Republic
Ivory Coast – Republic of CΓ΄te d'Ivoire
Jordan – Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Kazakhstan – Republic of Kazakhstan
Kenya – Republic of Kenya
Kiribati – Republic of Kiribati
Korea, North – Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Korea, South – Republic of Korea
Kuwait – State of Kuwait
Kyrgyzstan – Kyrgyz Republic
Laos – Lao People's Democratic Republic
Latvia – Republic of Latvia
Lebanon – Lebanese Republic
Lesotho – Kingdom of Lesotho
Liberia – Republic of Liberia
Libya – State of Libya
Liechtenstein – Principality of Liechtenstein
Lithuania – Republic of Lithuania
Luxembourg – Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Macedonia – Republic of Macedonia
Madagascar – Republic of Madagascar
Malawi – Republic of Malawi
Maldives – Republic of Maldives
Mali – Republic of Mali
Malta – Republic of Malta
Marshall Islands – Republic of the Marshall Islands
Mauritania – Islamic Republic of Mauritania
Mauritius – Republic of Mauritius
Mexico – United Mexican States
Micronesia, Federated States of
Moldova – Republic of Moldova
Monaco – Principality of Monaco
Morocco – Kingdom of Morocco
Mozambique – Republic of Mozambique
Namibia – Republic of Namibia
Nauru – Republic of Nauru
Netherlands – Kingdom of the Netherlands
New Zealand
Nicaragua – Republic of Nicaragua
Niger – Republic of Niger
Nigeria – Federal Republic of Nigeria
Norway – Kingdom of Norway
Oman – Sultanate of Oman
Pakistan – Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Palau – Republic of Palau
Palestine – State of Palestine
Panama – Republic of Panama
Papua New Guinea – Independent State of Papua New Guinea
Paraguay – Republic of Paraguay
Peru – Republic of Peru
Philippines – Republic of the Philippines
Poland – Republic of Poland
Portugal – Portuguese Republic
Qatar – State of Qatar
Russia – Russian Federation
Rwanda – Republic of Rwanda
Saint Kitts and Nevis – Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Samoa – Independent State of Samoa
San Marino – Republic of San Marino
SΓ£o TomΓ© and PrΓ­ncipe – Democratic Republic of SΓ£o TomΓ© and PrΓ­ncipe
Saudi Arabia – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Senegal – Republic of Senegal
Serbia – Republic of Serbia
Seychelles – Republic of Seychelles
Sierra Leone – Republic of Sierra Leone
Singapore – Republic of Singapore
Slovakia – Slovak Republic
Slovenia – Republic of Slovenia
Solomon Islands
Somalia – Federal Republic of Somalia
South Africa – Republic of South Africa
South Sudan – Republic of South Sudan
Spain – Kingdom of Spain
Sri Lanka – Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Sudan – Republic of the Sudan
Suriname – Republic of Suriname
Swaziland – Kingdom of Swaziland
Sweden – Kingdom of Sweden
Syria – Syrian Arab Republic
Tajikistan – Republic of Tajikistan
Tanzania – United Republic of Tanzania
Thailand – Kingdom of Thailand
Togo – Togolese Republic
Tonga – Kingdom of Tonga
Trinidad and Tobago – Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia – Republic of Tunisia
Turkey – Republic of Turkey
Uganda – Republic of Uganda
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom – United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
United States – United States of America
Uruguay – Oriental Republic of Uruguay
Uzbekistan – Republic of Uzbekistan
Vanuatu – Republic of Vanuatu
Venezuela – Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Vietnam – Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Yemen – Republic of Yemen
Zambia – Republic of Zambia
Zimbabwe – Republic of Zimbabwe
China, Republic of β†’ Taiwan
Cook Islands β†’ Cook Islands
CΓ΄te d'Ivoire β†’ Ivory Coast
Democratic People's Republic of Korea β†’ Korea, North
Democratic Republic of the Congo β†’ Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Holy See β†’ Vatican City
Kosovo β†’ Kosovo
Myanmar β†’ Burma
Nagorno-Karabakh β†’ Nagorno-Karabakh
Nepal – Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Niue β†’ Niue
North Korea β†’ Korea, North
Northern Cyprus β†’ Northern Cyprus
Pridnestrovie β†’ Transnistria
Republic of Korea β†’ Korea, South
Republic of the Congo β†’ Congo, Republic of the
Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic β†’ Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
Somaliland β†’ Somaliland
South Korea β†’ Korea, South
South Ossetia β†’ South Ossetia
Sudan, South β†’ South Sudan
Switzerland – Swiss Confederation
Taiwan (Republic of China) β†’ Taiwan
Timor-Leste β†’ East Timor
Transnistria β†’ Transnistria
Vatican City – Vatican City State

It is posts like this that entourages us to call you Moon Bats.

How many of those countries got attacked by Muslim terrorists on 9/11/01? How many of them claim to be the leader of the free world?

We are not exactly the same as the Republic of the Congo although lately we do have some similarities. Many on that list did attend.

You are pathetic in you feeble attempts to once again justify the incompetence and corruption of your Affirmative Action President. In fact you are comical.
I'm not an Obama fan but in all honestly he could not have attended on such short notice due to security and it would have been very disruptive if he did. He should have sent someone to attend however, but his administration is incompetent we all know that.

That BIGOTED piece of shit, AG Eric "The Red" Holder was ALREADY in France, could have easily represented America in the March, but LEFT FRANCE HOURS before the rally started, and there were FORTY WORLD LEADERS walking the street that would have been of HIGHER VALUE to any assassin attempt, than that scum bag...So don't even THINK we had no way of being represented!

I don't want that lawless thug representing my country I'm glad he slithered out of town.

Now really, we don't want ANY of this subversive regime to represent us, BUT since THE PEOPLE voted these scum in TWICE, don't you think it's THEIR RESPONSIBILITY to stand with the CIVILIZED nations of the world, and even the few that showed up, that aren't civilized?
Well, you seem to care since you didn't even know who he was and then took the time to look him up.

Now clean the puddle from under your chair, little boy.
That's just it, I don't give a flying fuck what happens down there so why the fuck do you care what happens up here? You could drop into the sea and the US wouldn't even fucking notice. Go fix your own shit dummy. My country is none of your goddamned business.
As a naturalized American citizen, I have every right to criticize the way America is run. Or isn't run, in the case of Obama. Now stop discussing my country, as you have no right to according to your own pulverized logic.
You live in fucking Belize and you weren't even born here you Belize Bitch, so go call your PM and tell him how mad you are that he didn't fly his lazy ass to Paris. You don't live here so shut the fuck and mind your own business.

Uh huh, and the French Prime Minister didn't show either. Gawd, you're a demented little fuckwit. Did you even look at your list before posting it? Cracked me up though. Thanks for the laugh. :rofl:
Hey Belize Bitch, Obama was supposed to go but the fucking PM of France was too busy also? And your little coward PM missed the boat as well? Why don't you shut the fuck up about a country your weren't born in and don't live in.
Why don't you take your own medicine, little boy lol.
Stupid shitheads like you voted for him and you should be ashamed of yourself.
I ashamed that I live in a country where little useless asswipes like you get to be called Americans, when you are nothing like a real American. Now get the fuck out of my country and go live in one of those who sent their Leader to Paris. Mine was busy running this country, not flying to every political march to get his picture in the paper.
Back with that "your country" stuff again?

Are you going to melt for us?
Nope. Just telling you little assholes to get the fuck out of my Liberal Nation where the President has better things to do than fly to Paris because some assholes slaughtered some other assholes in the name of their God.
My, you seem especially angry this morning.
What I seem is none of your goddamned business. You little fucks are so busy waving the flag you don't even know what it fucking stands for, and this nation wasn't founder for your right-wing bullshit so get the fuck out of my country if you don't like it. Europe seems to be where you need to go, so fucking go there. France has this whole Muslim thing worked out, they all marched around for an hour or two and then got lunch. Your kind of place.
I don't even have a flag to wave.

Nor do I do crowds.

Europe is certainly not my kind of place.

I am staying right here in your country, just to piss you off.
Well, you seem to care since you didn't even know who he was and then took the time to look him up.

Now clean the puddle from under your chair, little boy.
That's just it, I don't give a flying fuck what happens down there so why the fuck do you care what happens up here? You could drop into the sea and the US wouldn't even fucking notice. Go fix your own shit dummy. My country is none of your goddamned business.
As a naturalized American citizen, I have every right to criticize the way America is run. Or isn't run, in the case of Obama. Now stop discussing my country, as you have no right to according to your own pulverized logic.
You live in fucking Belize and you weren't even born here you Belize Bitch, so go call your PM and tell him how mad you are that he didn't fly his lazy ass to Paris. You don't live here so shut the fuck and mind your own business.

Uh huh, and the French Prime Minister didn't show either. Gawd, you're a demented little fuckwit. Did you even look at your list before posting it? Cracked me up though. Thanks for the laugh. :rofl:
Hey Belize Bitch, Obama was supposed to go but the fucking PM of France was too busy also? And your little coward PM missed the boat as well? Why don't you shut the fuck up about a country your weren't born in and don't live in.

Hey Rook, a little advice for ya...Try at least looking at and reading what you're posting before rushing to post it. The French Prime Minister didn't show? lol. Your list is hilariously inaccurate. If i were you, i would quietly slink away from this thread as fast as possible. Bye.
I'm not an Obama fan but in all honestly he could not have attended on such short notice due to security and it would have been very disruptive if he did. He should have sent someone to attend however, but his administration is incompetent we all know that.

That BIGOTED piece of shit, AG Eric "The Red" Holder was ALREADY in France, could have easily represented America in the March, but LEFT FRANCE HOURS before the rally started, and there were FORTY WORLD LEADERS walking the street that would have been of HIGHER VALUE to any assassin attempt, than that scum bag...So don't even THINK we had no way of being represented!

I don't want that lawless thug representing my country I'm glad he slithered out of town.

Now really, we don't want ANY of this subversive regime to represent us, BUT since THE PEOPLE voted these scum in TWICE, don't you think it's THEIR RESPONSIBILITY to stand with the CIVILIZED nations of the world, and even the few that showed up, that aren't civilized?

Yes hence I said the administration should have sent someone. But you have to be realistic, this administration foreign policy decisions have been one blunder after another.
What fucking business is it of yours? Why the fuck would I care that the PM of that postage stamp you live in does?
Well, you seem to care since you didn't even know who he was and then took the time to look him up.

Now clean the puddle from under your chair, little boy.
That's just it, I don't give a flying fuck what happens down there so why the fuck do you care what happens up here? You could drop into the sea and the US wouldn't even fucking notice. Go fix your own shit dummy. My country is none of your goddamned business.
As a naturalized American citizen, I have every right to criticize the way America is run. Or isn't run, in the case of Obama. Now stop discussing my country, as you have no right to according to your own pulverized logic.
You live in fucking Belize and you weren't even born here you Belize Bitch, so go call your PM and tell him how mad you are that he didn't fly his lazy ass to Paris. You don't live here so shut the fuck and mind your own business.
You can't comment on Belize since you aren't a citizen according to your pulverized logic.

Now run along and change your spidey undies.
Oh no, I have your example BB, so now the game is on. Why didn't that Pussy Dean Barrow go to Paris? What a fucking disgrace he is. And he's a ****** so he's probably a Muslim and therefore supports the terrorists eh? I'll bet he didn't go because he was too busy sending gifts to the families of the terrorists for their noble acts in Paris? What is it you people have there, bananas, figs? That must of been why that terrorist asshole didn't go when he should have.
Well, you seem to care since you didn't even know who he was and then took the time to look him up.

Now clean the puddle from under your chair, little boy.
That's just it, I don't give a flying fuck what happens down there so why the fuck do you care what happens up here? You could drop into the sea and the US wouldn't even fucking notice. Go fix your own shit dummy. My country is none of your goddamned business.
As a naturalized American citizen, I have every right to criticize the way America is run. Or isn't run, in the case of Obama. Now stop discussing my country, as you have no right to according to your own pulverized logic.
You live in fucking Belize and you weren't even born here you Belize Bitch, so go call your PM and tell him how mad you are that he didn't fly his lazy ass to Paris. You don't live here so shut the fuck and mind your own business.
You can't comment on Belize since you aren't a citizen according to your pulverized logic.

Now run along and change your spidey undies.
Oh no, I have your example BB, so now the game is on. Why didn't that Pussy Dean Barrow go to Paris? What a fucking disgrace he is. And he's a ****** so he's probably a Muslim and therefore supports the terrorists eh? I'll bet he didn't go because he was too busy sending gifts to the families of the terrorists for their noble acts in Paris? What is it you people have there, bananas, figs? That must of been why that terrorist asshole didn't go when he should have.
So you agree Obama should have gone. It's about time you started coming to your senses.
That's just it, I don't give a flying fuck what happens down there so why the fuck do you care what happens up here? You could drop into the sea and the US wouldn't even fucking notice. Go fix your own shit dummy. My country is none of your goddamned business.
As a naturalized American citizen, I have every right to criticize the way America is run. Or isn't run, in the case of Obama. Now stop discussing my country, as you have no right to according to your own pulverized logic.
You live in fucking Belize and you weren't even born here you Belize Bitch, so go call your PM and tell him how mad you are that he didn't fly his lazy ass to Paris. You don't live here so shut the fuck and mind your own business.

Uh huh, and the French Prime Minister didn't show either. Gawd, you're a demented little fuckwit. Did you even look at your list before posting it? Cracked me up though. Thanks for the laugh. :rofl:
Hey Belize Bitch, Obama was supposed to go but the fucking PM of France was too busy also? And your little coward PM missed the boat as well? Why don't you shut the fuck up about a country your weren't born in and don't live in.

Hey Rook, a little advice for ya...Try at least looking at and reading what you're posting before rushing to post it. The French Prime Minster didn't show? lol. Your list is hilariously inaccurate. If i were you, i would quietly slink away from this thread as fast as possible. Bye.
Hey, Ayn Rand asswipe,. I don't give a fuck who attended and neither should you. 200 leaders in the fucking world and Obama is the only one you're pissed at? Stupid little partisan fucks.
That's just it, I don't give a flying fuck what happens down there so why the fuck do you care what happens up here? You could drop into the sea and the US wouldn't even fucking notice. Go fix your own shit dummy. My country is none of your goddamned business.
As a naturalized American citizen, I have every right to criticize the way America is run. Or isn't run, in the case of Obama. Now stop discussing my country, as you have no right to according to your own pulverized logic.
You live in fucking Belize and you weren't even born here you Belize Bitch, so go call your PM and tell him how mad you are that he didn't fly his lazy ass to Paris. You don't live here so shut the fuck and mind your own business.
You can't comment on Belize since you aren't a citizen according to your pulverized logic.

Now run along and change your spidey undies.
Oh no, I have your example BB, so now the game is on. Why didn't that Pussy Dean Barrow go to Paris? What a fucking disgrace he is. And he's a ****** so he's probably a Muslim and therefore supports the terrorists eh? I'll bet he didn't go because he was too busy sending gifts to the families of the terrorists for their noble acts in Paris? What is it you people have there, bananas, figs? That must of been why that terrorist asshole didn't go when he should have.
So you agree Obama should have gone. It's about time you started coming to your senses.
No, I want to know why that Muslim ****** Barrow didn't attend? Was he just too busy jerking off the the video replay of the dead bodies being carried out?
I'm not an Obama fan but in all honestly he could not have attended on such short notice due to security and it would have been very disruptive if he did. He should have sent someone to attend however, but his administration is incompetent we all know that.

That BIGOTED piece of shit, AG Eric "The Red" Holder was ALREADY in France, could have easily represented America in the March, but LEFT FRANCE HOURS before the rally started, and there were FORTY WORLD LEADERS walking the street that would have been of HIGHER VALUE to any assassin attempt, than that scum bag...So don't even THINK we had no way of being represented!

I don't want that lawless thug representing my country I'm glad he slithered out of town.

Now really, we don't want ANY of this subversive regime to represent us, BUT since THE PEOPLE voted these scum in TWICE, don't you think it's THEIR RESPONSIBILITY to stand with the CIVILIZED nations of the world, and even the few that showed up, that aren't civilized?

Yes hence I said the administration should have sent someone. But you have to be realistic, this administration foreign policy decisions have been one blunder after another.

BUT, Holder WAS THERE!!!!!...AND LEFT a few hours before the march..... Anything to do with the scum of Islam, this regime bows down and


Isn't Holder still over there? Is Kerry busy with something more important?

Obama is going to be in Iowa tomorrow, then later will be meeting with an athlete.

This march in Paris was important and a chance to show solidarity against radicals. Obama could have sent someone since he isn't interested in being a part of it. I am thinking he doesn't want to insult the Muslim terrorists since they are the only ones who don't like this.

Isn't the VP's job to go to these sorts of things? It's not like Biden is all that busy.

He was probably too stoned.
That's just it, I don't give a flying fuck what happens down there so why the fuck do you care what happens up here? You could drop into the sea and the US wouldn't even fucking notice. Go fix your own shit dummy. My country is none of your goddamned business.
As a naturalized American citizen, I have every right to criticize the way America is run. Or isn't run, in the case of Obama. Now stop discussing my country, as you have no right to according to your own pulverized logic.
You live in fucking Belize and you weren't even born here you Belize Bitch, so go call your PM and tell him how mad you are that he didn't fly his lazy ass to Paris. You don't live here so shut the fuck and mind your own business.
You can't comment on Belize since you aren't a citizen according to your pulverized logic.

Now run along and change your spidey undies.
Oh no, I have your example BB, so now the game is on. Why didn't that Pussy Dean Barrow go to Paris? What a fucking disgrace he is. And he's a ****** so he's probably a Muslim and therefore supports the terrorists eh? I'll bet he didn't go because he was too busy sending gifts to the families of the terrorists for their noble acts in Paris? What is it you people have there, bananas, figs? That must of been why that terrorist asshole didn't go when he should have.
So you agree Obama should have gone. It's about time you started coming to your senses.

Don't bother, he or she is in full Obamabot-defense mode. He or she knows it's pretty embarrassing he didn't show, but the bot programming won't allow admitting it. Even the list it used to defend him, is wildly inaccurate. You ain't gonna get through. Nice try though.
As a naturalized American citizen, I have every right to criticize the way America is run. Or isn't run, in the case of Obama. Now stop discussing my country, as you have no right to according to your own pulverized logic.
You live in fucking Belize and you weren't even born here you Belize Bitch, so go call your PM and tell him how mad you are that he didn't fly his lazy ass to Paris. You don't live here so shut the fuck and mind your own business.
You can't comment on Belize since you aren't a citizen according to your pulverized logic.

Now run along and change your spidey undies.
Oh no, I have your example BB, so now the game is on. Why didn't that Pussy Dean Barrow go to Paris? What a fucking disgrace he is. And he's a ****** so he's probably a Muslim and therefore supports the terrorists eh? I'll bet he didn't go because he was too busy sending gifts to the families of the terrorists for their noble acts in Paris? What is it you people have there, bananas, figs? That must of been why that terrorist asshole didn't go when he should have.
So you agree Obama should have gone. It's about time you started coming to your senses.
No, I want to know why that Muslim ****** Barrow didn't attend? Was he just too busy jerking off the the video replay of the dead bodies being carried out?
We agree both Obama and Barrow should have gone. It's only to be expected by such incompetent leaders that they stayed at home.

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