How committed to forcing core American whitey to comply is this administration? Why is core American whitey so resistant?

your a proud bigot.....conservatives i know have no problems with brown people who were born here....unlike asswipes like you... conservatives don't hate then?
Only white nationalists like myself hate...right?
"Americans" don't drive the narrative....the unAmerican filth in Loon York and Mexifornia do.....Jack Dorsey, the Google faggots and Mark Zuckerberg do....a twisted and corrupt academia does, the Democrat propaganda arm / media does...I suspect you already knew this?
You're focusing on facebook and twitter because you think that is corporate America? Its so many billions of dollars more but your little cess pool corner of the world has told you what to focus on. Pathetic. conservatives don't hate then?
Only white nationalists like myself hate...right?
why are trying to bring others into this?....i said you admit you are a bigot and like i said, you have told me more than once what you think of brown people born here.....people with your bigoted mindset are part of the problem.....
why are trying to bring others into this?....i said you admit you are a bigot and like i said, you have told me more than once what you think of brown people born here.....people with your bigoted mindset are part of the problem.....
Thank you.
why are trying to bring others into this?....i said you admit you are a bigot and like i said, you have told me more than once what you think of brown people born here.....people with your bigoted mindset are part of the problem..... said this.......
BrokeLoser said:
Which party HATES America's founding principles, America's moral and value systems, America's history, American traditions, American culture....Which party is the Party Of Hate?
Harry Dresden said "both do a pretty good job of hating...."
Somebody needs to work on their quote game. Guess the superior race needs a little work.
thats right because both parties have die hard fuckers like you in them....quit trying to act like you are some likable are fucking asswipe....
What about the Do Nothing know, fence sitters....any "die hard fuckers" amongst them?
What exactly is a "die hard fucker" anyway?
Harry Dresden is it the conservatives resistance to the aforementioned that you may have mistaken for "HATE"?
Do you believe core American conservative whitey owes it to the nation to just roll over and take it up the ass?

You've been rolling over and taking it up the ass for Republicans for 40 years now. You've let them raise prices, profits, and increased costs for materials, transportation, insurance, real estate, furniture and equipment, but not wages. Everything has gone up but wages.
You've been rolling over and taking it up the ass for Republicans for 40 years now. You've let them raise prices, profits, and increased costs for materials, transportation, insurance, real estate, furniture and equipment, but not wages. Everything has gone up but wages.
Democrats have tried to raise wages by recruiting 20-40 million illegal's that working out?
You're focusing on facebook and twitter because you think that is corporate America? Its so many billions of dollars more but your little cess pool corner of the world has told you what to focus on. Pathetic.
Social media guides / leads corporate America by programming public opinion...public opinion sets the course for corporate America. You knew this though.
Social media guides / leads corporate America by programming public opinion...public opinion sets the course for corporate America. You knew this though.

Corporations are concerned with the views of their customers and employees. They often times don't do right by either but they at least pay lip service to it. This happened before social media.

Before social media most if not all corporations had anti-racism, anti-misogyny and anti-homophobia policies in place. It's what most Americans agree with.

As an example, I've never seen a poster who gets attacked by their own side as much as you do. If you can't even win over the wingnuts on this board I can only imagine how popular you are in real life.
What in the hell is a "core American whitey"? What is a "core American" to begin with? We Americans are all here together, regardless of race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and any other characteristic. Why don't you want to participate in US society? You can't hide yourself away forever.
This is all about the “Great Replacement” paranoia that is at the foundation of Trumpism .

It’s about fear, and hate is based in fear.

I actually agree that some of their concerns are reasonable. But their ham-handed “arguments” are so poorly executed that they come off as Neanderthals.
This thread is not intended to flame...I'm simply trying to be as short and concise as possible.
This admin obviously believes the solution to solving this nations divide lies with core American whitey...Only he/she can bring this country together...all they have to do is COMPLY....All they have to do is....
Celebrate the destruction of national monuments
Atone for slavery and support reparations
Pretend that our worse are our best
Hate Americas right to sovereignty / support open borders
Pretend America is better when strangers can't communicate at the bank because they don't speak the same language
Believe a man with a penis can be a woman
Champion some newly packaged form of socialism / marxism
Celebrate every time fewer whites take part in anything and everything

I don't understand why whitey can't get behind all this for the good of the nation as a whole.

Morgan freeman probably had the best solution for ending racism you could possibly ever come up with.

That video contains 2 short interviews with him and he is absolutely correct on both counts.

Racism will continue to be an issue because WE MAKE IT AN ISSUE, not because it is an issue.
As an example, I've never seen a poster who gets attacked by their own side as much as you do. If you can't even win over the wingnuts on this board I can only imagine how popular you are in real life.
Hahaha...I’ve said it and said and said it again....I DESPISE most ‘Republicans / Conservatives’ for their unwillingness to get in the trenches and fight dirty. I’ve told nutless conservatives to distance themselves from me, I’m way too hardcore for traditional conservatives. I don’t have a “side”.
I actually agree that some of their concerns are reasonable. But their ham-handed “arguments” are so poorly executed that they come off as Neanderthals.
It’s bizarre that you two would think ANY sane person logs onto this site with the intent to change the minds of the twisted as hell, total fucked in the head leftists who frequent this place. I come here for the entertainment value, to make lefties look and feel like the filthy unAmerican pieces of disgusting shit they are...that’s all.
This thread is not intended to flame...I'm simply trying to be as short and concise as possible.
This admin obviously believes the solution to solving this nations divide lies with core American whitey...Only he/she can bring this country together...all they have to do is COMPLY....All they have to do is....
Celebrate the destruction of national monuments
Atone for slavery and support reparations
Pretend that our worse are our best
Hate Americas right to sovereignty / support open borders
Pretend America is better when strangers can't communicate at the bank because they don't speak the same language
Believe a man with a penis can be a woman
Champion some newly packaged form of socialism / marxism
Celebrate every time fewer whites take part in anything and everything

I don't understand why whitey can't get behind all this for the good of the nation as a whole.
Don’t you ever get sick of whining about cultural shit like this? I’m not saying the left doesn’t, but you are no better than the people who whine from the other shoe. I get so sick of this cultural shit that doesn’t matter. Things like climate change, voting rights, and infrastructure are issues that present an existential threat to the country but you want to cry like a little bitch about transgendered people simply existing. You just come across like a child.
Again, I'm a proud bigot and equal opportunity hater...Try this again Harry.
We're back to Conservatives/Republicans in general...
"What do conservatives hate that shouldn't be hated?"
Real men don’t whine about gay people simply existing. Real men focus on their own lives. Whining about chicks with dicks just makes you sound like an 8th grader. They don’t affect your quality of life whatsoever but you pretend they do because you’re a drama Queen with victim complex.
This is all about the “Great Replacement” paranoia that is at the foundation of Trumpism .

It’s about fear, and hate is based in fear.

I actually agree that some of their concerns are reasonable. But their ham-handed “arguments” are so poorly executed that they come off as Neanderthals.

They are being flat out told that their days are numbered and their values, beliefs, customs, and traditions are all under daily attack. It's on the news every day that some monument is being torn down, or some school being renamed, because it was named after some productive individual who actually accomplished shit in life.

That's not "paranoia"; that's paying attention to the world around us.
Real men don’t whine about gay people simply existing. Real men focus on their own lives. Whining about chicks with dicks just makes you sound like an 8th grader. They don’t affect your quality of life whatsoever but you pretend they do because you’re a drama Queen with victim complex.
Until they demand access to our children.

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