How dare the FBI look into meddling of an election

As a government employee, the "Hatch Act" was created to keep partisan politics out of the government where people who are supposed to be public servants under the executive branch cant show their political influence. But thanks to Oblammer, when Lois "the crooked: Lerner decided to weaponize the IRS against conservative organizations, the flood gates were opened. You fuckers on the left would be screaming bloody murder if President Trump decided to do the same. Shame on you retards for allowing this shit to happen...

The entire fiasco was a made up scam.
Russia never interfered in the 2016 election? Really?
Russia did but not with Collusion with the Trump Campaign that you were lied to by the liberals in charge. As a matter of FACT it was the Hillary paid for Russian Dossier that was used for spying on a US citizen, as opposition research. You are such a stupid twit.
Mueller proved you were wrong. Do you know the difference between "collusion" and "conspiracy?"
Mewler and the demoquacks hoodwinked you....and you fell for it

You still are, clownshoes


Those sniveling pieces of shit demanded the DNC dig the hole so they could jump into it, then they want to blame the republicrats for not medicating them properly.

Which has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the OP. Stay focused people. I understand that there is nothing for you all to debate, so let's go down the rabbit hole of distractions instead.
Mueller proved you were wrong. Do you know the difference between "collusion" and "conspiracy?"

They really are this loony...

It's getting boring though, you can only watch a homeless guy rant and rave at a bus stop sign on a street corner for so long...

Time to BBQ some pork and drink beer for allah.
And the con game of collusion and conspiracy by foreign help worked. Hearings, impeachment, and indictments are in order.

Hitlery lost...

( I love saying that still...)

So you can't impeach her...

Indictments may be on the horizon, but not against anyone a piece of shit like you wants to see prosecuted.

Hitlery? Are you 9 years old? BTW, none of her inner circle is behind bars and neither is she.
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Reactions: BWK
Which has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the OP. Stay focused people. I understand that there is nothing for you all to debate, so let's go down the rabbit hole of distractions instead.

Like I said, you're a lunatic suffering from hysterical hallucinations, if you were in public a squad car would have taken you to a hospital by now for a shot of Thorazine and observation.

That doesn't require "debate".

Mewler and the demoquacks hoodwinked you....and you fell for it

You still are, clownshoes


Those sniveling pieces of shit demanded the DNC dig the hole so they could jump into it, then they want to blame the republicrats for not medicating them properly.

Which has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the OP. Stay focused people. I understand that there is nothing for you all to debate, so let's go down the rabbit hole of distractions instead.

Yeah it does and stop trying to lecture us, clownshoes. You're not taken serious on here at all
DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order :auiqs.jpg: Even if this were fictional , it would be hard to take seriously as a fictional movie for example. And yet, it really happened. The fact that Trump supporters were duped into the biggest con game in US history ought to tell the country just how far off the rails this country has gone, and how vulnerable and naive we are. A third of the country was conned like no other con, and yet, they still never cared. Everything that went bad in an election went bad, and Trump supporters ignored all of it. Trump literally could have said I actually did murder people on Fifth Avenue and they would have been okay with it.

But, to address the thread, we have to highlight this monologue to truly appreciate just how sinister the Trump campaign was.

First, and during the campaign, we have Paul Manafort getting a loan in Chicago, bribing the head of the bank for $16 million dollars, and in return, the banker would be secretary of the army. But low and behold, it was revealed that Manafort had ties to Russia and Ukraine and was let go from the campaign, but still had an agreement with the banker. Lol! You really can't make this shit up. Needless to say, Trump had to have known about it.

Secondly, and this is even better, Mike Flynn was cutting deals with Ukraine for money to change the Republican platform towards Ukraine, and while doing that, Trump supporters are cheering for something they had no idea what they were cheering for. What a bunch of dupes. And then, Flynn was hired to kidnap and write damaging reports about a guy in Pennsylvania who was from Ukraine, but living in the US, who they wanted back in their country, but that fell through. In addition, they wanted to try and tie this Turkish guy who was a US citizen, by getting Flynn to tie him with Clinton and international terrorism. Flynn was accepting money from Ukraine to damage the Clinton campaign. And by the way, that is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against your political opponent. Which is why prosecutors have refused to hand over all transcripts pertaining to Flynn and those communications he had with Ukraine.

And here's the most insane part of all this. Bill Barr wants to investigate the FBI as to how and why the FBI was investigating these people. :auiqs.jpg:A man or woman would have to be either retarded beyond description, or a bald faced liar to believe Bill Barr was actually concerned that the FBI had done inappropriate spying on the campaign. Are you friggin kidding me? We had a massive amount of activity, where people in the Trump organization were colluding and conspiring with foreign governments, the likes this country has never seen before to gain favors and to help get Trump elected.

This is to Bill Barr; please do not insult our intelligence any longer with manufactured investigations, investigating the very people who exposed massive corruption within the Trump organization and campaign with their heroic work spying on Russia and Ukraine. How dare the FBI look at all that right? :auiqs.jpg:Folks, you just can't make this shit up.
You're trying too hard. It's obvious that if you open an investigation under the auspices of "election meddling" that would involve investigating any and all parties related to election meddling, not just Republicans. In all 400+ pages of the report, how many pages mention Democrats? I'll give you hint. ZERO.
Because there was no investigation of Democrats meddling using foreign governments. Nothing was discovered, therefore, nothing was found. The fact that you would try and make a comparison is too funny.

BWK sez "Nothing was discovered, therefore nothing was found."

LOL! Oh Ok, so if you refuse to investigate something or someone and don't find anything then there was nothing to be found. Got it! :21:
As a government employee, the "Hatch Act" was created to keep partisan politics out of the government where people who are supposed to be public servants under the executive branch cant show their political influence. But thanks to Oblammer, when Lois "the crooked: Lerner decided to weaponize the IRS against conservative organizations, the flood gates were opened. You fuckers on the left would be screaming bloody murder if President Trump decided to do the same. Shame on you retards for allowing this shit to happen...

The entire fiasco was a made up scam.
Russia never interfered in the 2016 election? Really?
In so many ways, this monologue by Maddow opened the flood gates that shows just how massive this illegal presidential campaign actually was, and that it came from so many players, both in big and small ways. And, unfortunately, with 448 pages from the Mueller report, that report only scratched the surface looking into this massive operation. And, I cannot stress enough, these folks who support Trump today, right now, need to do some soul searching. Personally, I couldn't get up every morning and feel good about myself if I supported this level of corruption and evil. Seriously people, this is sick.
DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order :auiqs.jpg: Even if this were fictional , it would be hard to take seriously as a fictional movie for example. And yet, it really happened. The fact that Trump supporters were duped into the biggest con game in US history ought to tell the country just how far off the rails this country has gone, and how vulnerable and naive we are. A third of the country was conned like no other con, and yet, they still never cared. Everything that went bad in an election went bad, and Trump supporters ignored all of it. Trump literally could have said I actually did murder people on Fifth Avenue and they would have been okay with it.

But, to address the thread, we have to highlight this monologue to truly appreciate just how sinister the Trump campaign was.

First, and during the campaign, we have Paul Manafort getting a loan in Chicago, bribing the head of the bank for $16 million dollars, and in return, the banker would be secretary of the army. But low and behold, it was revealed that Manafort had ties to Russia and Ukraine and was let go from the campaign, but still had an agreement with the banker. Lol! You really can't make this shit up. Needless to say, Trump had to have known about it.

Secondly, and this is even better, Mike Flynn was cutting deals with Ukraine for money to change the Republican platform towards Ukraine, and while doing that, Trump supporters are cheering for something they had no idea what they were cheering for. What a bunch of dupes. And then, Flynn was hired to kidnap and write damaging reports about a guy in Pennsylvania who was from Ukraine, but living in the US, who they wanted back in their country, but that fell through. In addition, they wanted to try and tie this Turkish guy who was a US citizen, by getting Flynn to tie him with Clinton and international terrorism. Flynn was accepting money from Ukraine to damage the Clinton campaign. And by the way, that is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against your political opponent. Which is why prosecutors have refused to hand over all transcripts pertaining to Flynn and those communications he had with Ukraine.

And here's the most insane part of all this. Bill Barr wants to investigate the FBI as to how and why the FBI was investigating these people. :auiqs.jpg:A man or woman would have to be either retarded beyond description, or a bald faced liar to believe Bill Barr was actually concerned that the FBI had done inappropriate spying on the campaign. Are you friggin kidding me? We had a massive amount of activity, where people in the Trump organization were colluding and conspiring with foreign governments, the likes this country has never seen before to gain favors and to help get Trump elected.

This is to Bill Barr; please do not insult our intelligence any longer with manufactured investigations, investigating the very people who exposed massive corruption within the Trump organization and campaign with their heroic work spying on Russia and Ukraine. How dare the FBI look at all that right? :auiqs.jpg:Folks, you just can't make this shit up.
You're trying too hard. It's obvious that if you open an investigation under the auspices of "election meddling" that would involve investigating any and all parties related to election meddling, not just Republicans. In all 400+ pages of the report, how many pages mention Democrats? I'll give you hint. ZERO.
Because there was no investigation of Democrats meddling using foreign governments. Nothing was discovered, therefore, nothing was found. The fact that you would try and make a comparison is too funny.

BWK sez "Nothing was discovered, therefore nothing was found."

LOL! Oh Ok, so if you refuse to investigate something or someone and don't find anything then there was nothing to be found. Got it! :21:
And the evidence is, wait for it people? Ah yes, nothing! Lol! What a joke. Go back into your miserable hole. In the mean time, I guess the poster will start up the investigation into make believe.
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Mewler and the demoquacks hoodwinked you....and you fell for it

You still are, clownshoes


Those sniveling pieces of shit demanded the DNC dig the hole so they could jump into it, then they want to blame the republicrats for not medicating them properly.

Which has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the OP. Stay focused people. I understand that there is nothing for you all to debate, so let's go down the rabbit hole of distractions instead.

Yeah it does and stop trying to lecture us, clownshoes. You're not taken serious on here at all
Lol! Still laying there like a dead fish. Wonderful! So lifeless.
Which has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the OP. Stay focused people. I understand that there is nothing for you all to debate, so let's go down the rabbit hole of distractions instead.

Like I said, you're a lunatic suffering from hysterical hallucinations, if you were in public a squad car would have taken you to a hospital by now for a shot of Thorazine and observation.

That doesn't require "debate".

I get it. A distraction is not meant to be debated. Which is the whole point.
BWK sez "Nothing was discovered, therefore nothing was found."

LOL! Oh Ok, so if you refuse to investigate something or someone and don't find anything then there was nothing to be found. Got it! :21:

This thread is rubber room stuff.

Mewler and the demoquacks hoodwinked you....and you fell for it

You still are, clownshoes


Those sniveling pieces of shit demanded the DNC dig the hole so they could jump into it, then they want to blame the republicrats for not medicating them properly.

Which has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the OP. Stay focused people. I understand that there is nothing for you all to debate, so let's go down the rabbit hole of distractions instead.

Yeah it does and stop trying to lecture us, clownshoes. You're not taken serious on here at all
Lol! Still laying there like a dead fish. Wonderful! So lifeless.

You heard me, clownshoes
Mewler and the demoquacks hoodwinked you....and you fell for it

You still are, clownshoes


Those sniveling pieces of shit demanded the DNC dig the hole so they could jump into it, then they want to blame the republicrats for not medicating them properly.

Which has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the OP. Stay focused people. I understand that there is nothing for you all to debate, so let's go down the rabbit hole of distractions instead.

Yeah it does and stop trying to lecture us, clownshoes. You're not taken serious on here at all
Lol! Still laying there like a dead fish. Wonderful! So lifeless.

You heard me, clownshoes
Did anyone "HEAR" a dead fish? Lol!

Those sniveling pieces of shit demanded the DNC dig the hole so they could jump into it, then they want to blame the republicrats for not medicating them properly.

Which has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the OP. Stay focused people. I understand that there is nothing for you all to debate, so let's go down the rabbit hole of distractions instead.

Yeah it does and stop trying to lecture us, clownshoes. You're not taken serious on here at all
Lol! Still laying there like a dead fish. Wonderful! So lifeless.

You heard me, clownshoes
Did anyone "HEAR" a dead fish? Lol!

You responded old man.

Now get back on topic. You're embarrassing yourself again
As a government employee, the "Hatch Act" was created to keep partisan politics out of the government where people who are supposed to be public servants under the executive branch cant show their political influence. But thanks to Oblammer, when Lois "the crooked: Lerner decided to weaponize the IRS against conservative organizations, the flood gates were opened. You fuckers on the left would be screaming bloody murder if President Trump decided to do the same. Shame on you retards for allowing this shit to happen...

The entire fiasco was a made up scam.
A conspiracy to collude has just been proven with Flynn accepting money from Ukraine to tie Clinton and the Ukranian guy in Pennsylvania to international terrorism during the campaign.

Was that the 1.5 Billion dollars that Bidens son got wired into his account?
And the con game of collusion and conspiracy by foreign help worked. Hearings, impeachment, and indictments are in order.

Hitlery lost...

( I love saying that still...)

So you can't impeach her...

Indictments may be on the horizon, but not against anyone a piece of shit like you wants to see prosecuted.

Hitlery? Are you 9 years old? BTW, none of her inner circle is behind bars and neither is she.
In the mean time, their deplorables are, with more pending jail birds to come.
As a government employee, the "Hatch Act" was created to keep partisan politics out of the government where people who are supposed to be public servants under the executive branch cant show their political influence. But thanks to Oblammer, when Lois "the crooked: Lerner decided to weaponize the IRS against conservative organizations, the flood gates were opened. You fuckers on the left would be screaming bloody murder if President Trump decided to do the same. Shame on you retards for allowing this shit to happen...

The entire fiasco was a made up scam.
A conspiracy to collude has just been proven with Flynn accepting money from Ukraine to tie Clinton and the Ukranian guy in Pennsylvania to international terrorism during the campaign.

Was that the 1.5 Billion dollars that Bidens son got wired into his account?
What? That is so stupid. Get a life.
DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order :auiqs.jpg: Even if this were fictional , it would be hard to take seriously as a fictional movie for example. And yet, it really happened. The fact that Trump supporters were duped into the biggest con game in US history ought to tell the country just how far off the rails this country has gone, and how vulnerable and naive we are. A third of the country was conned like no other con, and yet, they still never cared. Everything that went bad in an election went bad, and Trump supporters ignored all of it. Trump literally could have said I actually did murder people on Fifth Avenue and they would have been okay with it.

But, to address the thread, we have to highlight this monologue to truly appreciate just how sinister the Trump campaign was.

First, and during the campaign, we have Paul Manafort getting a loan in Chicago, bribing the head of the bank for $16 million dollars, and in return, the banker would be secretary of the army. But low and behold, it was revealed that Manafort had ties to Russia and Ukraine and was let go from the campaign, but still had an agreement with the banker. Lol! You really can't make this shit up. Needless to say, Trump had to have known about it.

Secondly, and this is even better, Mike Flynn was cutting deals with Ukraine for money to change the Republican platform towards Ukraine, and while doing that, Trump supporters are cheering for something they had no idea what they were cheering for. What a bunch of dupes. And then, Flynn was hired to kidnap and write damaging reports about a guy in Pennsylvania who was from Ukraine, but living in the US, who they wanted back in their country, but that fell through. In addition, they wanted to try and tie this Turkish guy who was a US citizen, by getting Flynn to tie him with Clinton and international terrorism. Flynn was accepting money from Ukraine to damage the Clinton campaign. And by the way, that is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against your political opponent. Which is why prosecutors have refused to hand over all transcripts pertaining to Flynn and those communications he had with Ukraine.

And here's the most insane part of all this. Bill Barr wants to investigate the FBI as to how and why the FBI was investigating these people. :auiqs.jpg:A man or woman would have to be either retarded beyond description, or a bald faced liar to believe Bill Barr was actually concerned that the FBI had done inappropriate spying on the campaign. Are you friggin kidding me? We had a massive amount of activity, where people in the Trump organization were colluding and conspiring with foreign governments, the likes this country has never seen before to gain favors and to help get Trump elected.

This is to Bill Barr; please do not insult our intelligence any longer with manufactured investigations, investigating the very people who exposed massive corruption within the Trump organization and campaign with their heroic work spying on Russia and Ukraine. How dare the FBI look at all that right? :auiqs.jpg:Folks, you just can't make this shit up.

First, and during the campaign, we have Paul Manafort getting a loan in Chicago, bribing the head of the bank for $16 million dollars,

You think Manafort gave the bank president $16 million?
Damn, you're even dumber than I first thought.
You are even dumber, because you do not know how to comprehend what you read. Why not watch the video? Maybe you'll get it then? Lol!

you do not know how to comprehend what you read

It's not my fault you don't know how to write.

Why not watch the video?

I can mock your idiocy without watching a video.
As a government employee, the "Hatch Act" was created to keep partisan politics out of the government where people who are supposed to be public servants under the executive branch cant show their political influence. But thanks to Oblammer, when Lois "the crooked: Lerner decided to weaponize the IRS against conservative organizations, the flood gates were opened. You fuckers on the left would be screaming bloody murder if President Trump decided to do the same. Shame on you retards for allowing this shit to happen...

The entire fiasco was a made up scam.
Russia never interfered in the 2016 election? Really?
Russia did but not with Collusion with the Trump Campaign that you were lied to by the liberals in charge. As a matter of FACT it was the Hillary paid for Russian Dossier that was used for spying on a US citizen, as opposition research. You are such a stupid twit.
Mueller proved you were wrong. Do you know the difference between "collusion" and "conspiracy?"

Do you know the difference between "collusion" and "conspiracy?"

What was the crime they conspired to commit?

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