How Did 15-18 Year Old Kids Organize A Nationwide Movement In Less Than A Week?

It's almost as if they knew the shooting was going to happen and had all these bills and protests planned in advance
Or maybe the same thing has been happening over and over for 20 years...

That's going to make them have printed signs ready with the latest meme? Umm, no.

it takes an hour to make a sign at Kinkos.

or hadn't you heard?

With the same pattern nationwide, simultaneously? I think not.
we are legal gun owners, dumbass.

I want to restrict lowlife scum who shoot up churches and schools from having guns. you know, like you would do if it were muslims and not white supremacists.

You have no idea what I want or would do ... You aren't even bright enough to know the implications of what you post.
If you don't want to restrict options for legal gun owners ... Then we shouldn't have a problem.

Well ... We are still going to have a problem because you are an idiot and attempt to see things that don't exist.

These little kids can't even decide which videogame to play next. Yet have managed to set a date for a March on our nation's capitol in less than a week. Is anyone really buying this? Not to mention they magically came up with the same tired old talking points Democrats have failingly foisted for decades...
So... How'd they do it? Or did they at all...?

you clearly don't have kids. high school kids aren't "little kids"

and when you watch 17 of your classmates and teachers murdered because of NRA imbeciles, you get active quickly.

you seem pretty desperate.

What does the NRA have to do with it?

What really galls me is idiots like you who can't back up your stupid claims!

the NRA holds the pocketbook for legislators who then turn around and don't do what "we the people" want.

or hadn't you heard?

what really galls me is idiots like you who lie about NRA propaganda.
So... Name for us the legislators the NRA has bought off. In addition you’d be doing us all a favor by telling us how much money each of these legislators received. Here’s your opportunity to debunk the “propaganda”.

EXPOSED: School Shooting Survivor Turned Activist David Hogg's Father in FBI, Appears To Have Been Coached On Anti-Trump Lines [VIDEO]

... no smile when you forget your lines...

We're not suppose to point to their lies. Youtube has been removing these videos quickly...

I don’t know which is more disturbing... The fact that so many Americans lap up so much of this poorly scripted, and executed propaganda?
Or the fact that most of them know it’s poorly scripted propaganda, and still can’t get enough...?
Twitter, Facebook and social groups.

You DO realize that high school kids are pretty tech and internet savvy, right?
Uh-huh...I'm sure thats it. The same people that can't agree on virtually anything else in their lives, amongst each other... Magically came to virtual unanimous agreement on this issue, through "social media", in less than a week. And just by pure coincidence arrived at the same "talking points Democrats are pushing for...?
You interested in buying a bridge?

Social Media is what will make the whole event hilarious.

They are probably going to have to call in extra cops to keep the little ones from walking into lamp posts or tripping over each other ...
While they have their noses glued to their cell phones.

I mean face it ... Look at the stupid kids during the Florida shooting videoing the event ...
Instead of thinking of something a little more proactive to do in order to defend themselves or plan a better response.


Ever stop to consider that the reason they videoed it was because they might have been looking to get his image on their phones so he could be identified?

By the way, the shooter managed to escape the school with the other students and was picked up a while later while he was SHOPPING.

Taking video to get a picture of the shooter sounds appropriate to me, especially if you don't have a gun.

Yeah except the kids knew him.....derp
Lets not make things out to be what they are not. these kids whip out thier phone and take video as a reflex, hell I see people who are as old as me whipping thier phone out like it is reflex. Wlecome to a world where every thing is on video all the time. No conspiracy, just a continuationof habbits. Critisizing kids for their actions around an active shooter is pretty low class. These are teen agers, people who have zero control over thier emotions. They think that because Suzie kissed Fred in the Gym their life is over, they are not adults and work primarily on emotion. I would not trust them to wash my fucking car let alone belive that they are going to act like a soldier in the face of an active shooter. Are you fucking kidding me!
It's almost as if they knew the shooting was going to happen and had all these bills and protests planned in advance
Or maybe the same thing has been happening over and over for 20 years...

That's going to make them have printed signs ready with the latest meme? Umm, no.

it takes an hour to make a sign at Kinkos.

or hadn't you heard?

With the same pattern nationwide, simultaneously? I think not.

whatever makes you feel better.

the reality is that it's reflective of what the majority of the country has felt for years. so, everyone is tired of NRA purse strings coming before our children.

not surprising that when one group gets loud, the others feel emboldened and decided to do what group one does.
the reality is that it's reflective of what the majority of the country has felt for years. so, everyone is tired of NRA purse strings coming before our children.

not surprising that when one group gets loud, the others feel emboldened and decided to do what group one does.

None of which changes the Constitution ... :thup:

the reality is that it's reflective of what the majority of the country has felt for years. so, everyone is tired of NRA purse strings coming before our children.

not surprising that when one group gets loud, the others feel emboldened and decided to do what group one does.

None of which changes the Constitution ... :thup:


that's right. but nothing in the constitution requires that guns be unregulated. there are time/place/manner restrictions on speech... and that's protected by the constitution, as well.

and feel free to let us know when you're part of a well-regulated militia. oops... NRA shills hate that part.

not even scalia, at his wingnuttiest, in Heller, said guns couldn't be regulated... only that there couldn't be a total ban.

and if you want to go back before scalia peed all over the constitution, you'll find that for two hundred plus years, justices laughed at the idea of the 2nd being a private right.... because they knew how to read and understood connected clauses.

go study and learn. you might find it helpful.
the reality is that it's reflective of what the majority of the country has felt for years. so, everyone is tired of NRA purse strings coming before our children.

not surprising that when one group gets loud, the others feel emboldened and decided to do what group one does.

None of which changes the Constitution ... :thup:

Precisely. Much to the dismay of the Left; we aren't a nation governed by mob rule, or feelz... We are a constitutional republic. And the Constitution trumps all.
that's right. but nothing in the constitution requires that guns be unregulated. there are time/place/manner restrictions on speech... and that's protected by the constitution, as well.

and feel free to let us know when you're part of a well-regulated militia. oops... NRA shills hate that part.

not even scalia, at his wingnuttiest, in Heller, said guns couldn't be regulated... only that there couldn't be a total ban.

and if you want to go back before scalia peed all over the constitution, you'll find that for two hundred plus years, justices laughed at the idea of the 2nd being a private right.... because they knew how to read and understood connected clauses.

go study and learn. you might find it helpful.

None of that changes the Constitution either ...
No matter how flawed your interpretations of the law and Constitution are... :thup:

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Twitter, Facebook and social groups.

You DO realize that high school kids are pretty tech and internet savvy, right?

The DNC. Where they get the money to travel or was tax payer money used for the trip? And, why does the news only show the same 5 kids since the day the shooting happened? Face it, the party of the KKK is triying to ride shooting victims on a blue wave back to power in 2018. Bet it don’t work.
the reality is that it's reflective of what the majority of the country has felt for years. so, everyone is tired of NRA purse strings coming before our children.

not surprising that when one group gets loud, the others feel emboldened and decided to do what group one does.

None of which changes the Constitution ... :thup:

Precisely. Much to the dismay of the Left; we aren't a nation governed by mob rule, or feelz... We are a constitutional republic. And the Constitution trumps all.

that's so funny from the "lock her up" imbeciles.

what we aren't, is a nation run by the NRA and a bunch of angry white males who think guns make them feel like they have genitalia.

the funny thing is if black men were the ones demanding their rights to guns, gun control would be law before your loser heads could turn.
that's so funny from the "lock her up" imbeciles.

what we aren't, is a nation run by the NRA and a bunch of angry white males who think guns make them feel like they have genitalia.

the funny thing is if black men were the ones demanding their rights to guns, gun control would be law before your loser heads could turn.

And none of that changes the Constitution ... :thup:


... no smile when you forget your lines...

We're not suppose to point to their lies. Youtube has been removing these videos quickly...

I don’t know which is more disturbing... The fact that so many Americans lap up so much of this poorly scripted, and executed propaganda?
Or the fact that most of them know it’s poorly scripted propaganda, and still can’t get enough...?

Just look at their reactions when they're exposed. Youtube is deleting videos, FB is deleting posts, and snowflakes are screaming we're deniers.

When all that happens, we know we're right.
the reality is that it's reflective of what the majority of the country has felt for years. so, everyone is tired of NRA purse strings coming before our children.

not surprising that when one group gets loud, the others feel emboldened and decided to do what group one does.

None of which changes the Constitution ... :thup:

Precisely. Much to the dismay of the Left; we aren't a nation governed by mob rule, or feelz... We are a constitutional republic. And the Constitution trumps all.

that's so funny from the "lock her up" imbeciles.

what we aren't, is a nation run by the NRA and a bunch of angry white males who think guns make them feel like they have genitalia.

the funny thing is if black men were the ones demanding their rights to guns, gun control would be law before your loser heads could turn.

How exactly the NRA runs the nation?
the reality is that it's reflective of what the majority of the country has felt for years. so, everyone is tired of NRA purse strings coming before our children.

not surprising that when one group gets loud, the others feel emboldened and decided to do what group one does.

None of which changes the Constitution ... :thup:

Precisely. Much to the dismay of the Left; we aren't a nation governed by mob rule, or feelz... We are a constitutional republic. And the Constitution trumps all.

that's so funny from the "lock her up" imbeciles.

what we aren't, is a nation run by the NRA and a bunch of angry white males who think guns make them feel like they have genitalia.

the funny thing is if black men were the ones demanding their rights to guns, gun control would be law before your loser heads could turn.
Still waiting on those names, and the dollar amounts you keep raving about... Get back to us when you got em'...

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