How did Birth Control become a right?

Me: Maybe the government should start forcing insurance companies to pay for my booze.
You: yes, it should be mandated by the government. yes, all insurance should cover it.
Birth control absolutely is needed. Women taking control of their reproduction is , indeed, a medical necessity, both to an individual and to an entire society. The only successful argument against it so far has been, "contraception makes Baby Jaysus cry".... and believe me, that idiotic argument will join all the rest in the dustbin of history soon enough.

No, it isn't.

People are not forced to reproduce, or not reproduce. That's called a choice.

People are forced to take medicines for their illnesses, or else they suffer needlessly from those illnesses.

Women are strong and independent. I'm sure they could afford to pay for their own "reproduction control" by now.

Bottom line is, sex is a choice, not a necessity. Like any other fun thing you do of your own free will, you should pay for it from your own pocket.
Yes, it is necessary. It's called "realistic policy" and gives absolutely no weight whatsoever to what you think people should or should not do, nor any weight to anyone's religious nuttery. And that is good and correct, and you are on the wrong side of history.

Insurance and employer can work out whether they want to cover it or not. It should not be mandated by the government.

You basically just want your hobbies paid for and to have this mandated by the government. Guess what I love to do? Drink. Maybe the government should start forcing insurance companies to pay for my booze.
yes, it should be mandated by the government. yes, all insurance should cover it.

Do you really believe that our founders created a federal government to force industry to provide benefits? WTF did you learn your history from? Better still, if that's the role of the federal government, point to the constitutional part that says it's the role of the federal government.
"Do you really believe that our founders created a federal government to force industry to provide benefits? "

I don't care, in this case. I don't think they had any concept of the scientific reality we enjoy today, and which has greatly benefited our standard of life. In this case, no, I do not care what they thought, chiefly because they never gave this particular issue any thought whatsoever and had never conceived of it.

You are pigeon-holing and characterizing this issue to your preference for the convenience of your argument. And that's fine, there's no rules of logic or ethics broken to do so, and it's a fair thing to do. But you have to remember that you have done so, so that, when someone like me says he "doesn't care", you don't really get to accuse me of being unconstitutional. Sorry. I know that was probably the big payoff for you. ;)
Why do you really care about birth control anyway? It's one of the greatest things this nation has ever developed. it prevents many pregnancies the nation doesnt want nor need. Get rid of the mandate whatever....then take off the red white and blue dupe shades.
This founding father's crap is so dumb....."what would Jefferson think" is a statement of a simpleton.
Why do you really care about birth control anyway? It's one of the greatest things this nation has ever developed. it prevents many pregnancies the nation doesnt want nor need. Get rid of the mandate whatever....then take off the red white and blue dupe shades.
:"Why do you really care about birth control anyway?"

Because, Jaysus. And anyone who says otherwise is lying their little ass off. Well, maybe not a Muslim. :)
Why do you really care about birth control anyway? It's one of the greatest things this nation has ever developed. it prevents many pregnancies the nation doesnt want nor need. Get rid of the mandate whatever....then take off the red white and blue dupe shades.

The mandate is literally the only thing I take issue with.
Why do you really care about birth control anyway? It's one of the greatest things this nation has ever developed. it prevents many pregnancies the nation doesnt want nor need. Get rid of the mandate whatever....then take off the red white and blue dupe shades.
:"Why do you really care about birth control anyway?"

Because, Jaysus. And anyone who says otherwise is lying their little ass off. Well, maybe not a Muslim. :)

I'm agnostic, actually. It's a matter of fairness to me. I don't expect people to pay for my hobbies, so I shouldn't have to pay for theirs.
Why do you really care about birth control anyway? It's one of the greatest things this nation has ever developed. it prevents many pregnancies the nation doesnt want nor need. Get rid of the mandate whatever....then take off the red white and blue dupe shades.

The mandate is literally the only thing I take issue with.
well, no mandate = return to the old status quo. No other aspect of the reform does anything without it. I don't like it either. i think it is a dumb idea that is doomed to fail, and it should be replaced with the public option immediately.
Why do you really care about birth control anyway? It's one of the greatest things this nation has ever developed. it prevents many pregnancies the nation doesnt want nor need. Get rid of the mandate whatever....then take off the red white and blue dupe shades.
:"Why do you really care about birth control anyway?"

Because, Jaysus. And anyone who says otherwise is lying their little ass off. Well, maybe not a Muslim. :)

I'm agnostic, actually. It's a matter of fairness to me. I don't expect people to pay for my hobbies, so I shouldn't have to pay for theirs.
that's nice. If we have policy makers making policy over 400 million human beings that think sex is 'a hobby", then we have bigger things to worry about than birth control ... like how to get these unqualified, incompetent people out of the position to make policy....
Why do you really care about birth control anyway? It's one of the greatest things this nation has ever developed. it prevents many pregnancies the nation doesnt want nor need. Get rid of the mandate whatever....then take off the red white and blue dupe shades.
:"Why do you really care about birth control anyway?"

Because, Jaysus. And anyone who says otherwise is lying their little ass off. Well, maybe not a Muslim. :)

I'm agnostic, actually. It's a matter of fairness to me. I don't expect people to pay for my hobbies, so I shouldn't have to pay for theirs.
that's nice. If we have policy makers making policy over 400 million human beings that think sex is 'a hobby", then we have bigger things to worry about than birth control ... like how to get these unqualified, incompetent people out of the position to make policy....

It's healthy, and conducive to a fulfilling life. But so is music. And the only reason that's free is because of pirates and youtube.

It is a hobby. It's something you do for enjoyment in your spare time. If you're actually trying to have children, that's different, but obviously you don't use birth control for that.
Why do you really care about birth control anyway? It's one of the greatest things this nation has ever developed. it prevents many pregnancies the nation doesnt want nor need. Get rid of the mandate whatever....then take off the red white and blue dupe shades.
:"Why do you really care about birth control anyway?"

Because, Jaysus. And anyone who says otherwise is lying their little ass off. Well, maybe not a Muslim. :)

I'm agnostic, actually. It's a matter of fairness to me. I don't expect people to pay for my hobbies, so I shouldn't have to pay for theirs.
that's nice. If we have policy makers making policy over 400 million human beings that think sex is 'a hobby", then we have bigger things to worry about than birth control ... like how to get these unqualified, incompetent people out of the position to make policy....

It's healthy, and conducive to a fulfilling life. But so is music. And the only reason that's free is because of pirates and youtube.

It is a hobby. It's something you do for enjoyment in your spare time. If you're actually trying to have children, that's different, but obviously you don't use birth control for that.
No, it's a fact of the human condition, not a hobby. How ridiculous.....
Why do you really care about birth control anyway? It's one of the greatest things this nation has ever developed. it prevents many pregnancies the nation doesnt want nor need. Get rid of the mandate whatever....then take off the red white and blue dupe shades.
:"Why do you really care about birth control anyway?"

Because, Jaysus. And anyone who says otherwise is lying their little ass off. Well, maybe not a Muslim. :)

I'm agnostic, actually. It's a matter of fairness to me. I don't expect people to pay for my hobbies, so I shouldn't have to pay for theirs.
that's nice. If we have policy makers making policy over 400 million human beings that think sex is 'a hobby", then we have bigger things to worry about than birth control ... like how to get these unqualified, incompetent people out of the position to make policy....

It's healthy, and conducive to a fulfilling life. But so is music. And the only reason that's free is because of pirates and youtube.

It is a hobby. It's something you do for enjoyment in your spare time. If you're actually trying to have children, that's different, but obviously you don't use birth control for that.
No, it's a fact of the human condition, not a hobby. How ridiculous.....

Pay for your own "human condition" and I'll pay for mine. You come off as an ingrate who just wants hand-outs. Probably why the democrats are so pathetic; because their liberal followers are pitiful, weak, and entitled.
:"Why do you really care about birth control anyway?"

Because, Jaysus. And anyone who says otherwise is lying their little ass off. Well, maybe not a Muslim. :)

I'm agnostic, actually. It's a matter of fairness to me. I don't expect people to pay for my hobbies, so I shouldn't have to pay for theirs.
that's nice. If we have policy makers making policy over 400 million human beings that think sex is 'a hobby", then we have bigger things to worry about than birth control ... like how to get these unqualified, incompetent people out of the position to make policy....

It's healthy, and conducive to a fulfilling life. But so is music. And the only reason that's free is because of pirates and youtube.

It is a hobby. It's something you do for enjoyment in your spare time. If you're actually trying to have children, that's different, but obviously you don't use birth control for that.
No, it's a fact of the human condition, not a hobby. How ridiculous.....

Pay for your own "human condition" and I'll pay for mine. You come off as an ingrate who just wants hand-outs. Probably why the democrats are so pathetic; because their liberal followers are pitiful, weak, and entitled.
"Pay for your own "human condition" and I'll pay for mine. "

Actually, we will all pay for your behavioral preferences in our insurance risk pool. Every cheeseburger and pepperoni pizza you ate, cig you smoked, beer you drank, and we will even pay for your genetic defects (how are those MY fault? YOUR parents made the choice to have you, NOT me!!! screw you, pay for your own Muscular Dystrophy treatments, loser!!!!)

Why should women pay for YOUR prostate cancer treatments? Women don't have prostates Having less sex increases your risk for it. Why should anyone pay for YOUR hobby of not having sex very much, you celibate loser? :D

nah, you will be paying for birth control. You will lose this argument, and you will pay. Sorry pal, you're on the wrong side of history.
It comes down to the employer versus employee. Both are at odds with each other...both don't like one another. This is one more small issue in the conflict. Any employer worth working for probably offers it knowing they will attract better workers. Those that don't get the lesser workers.
Cancer rates are higher in obese people and we pay more because of their choices. Hard to argue.
I'm agnostic, actually. It's a matter of fairness to me. I don't expect people to pay for my hobbies, so I shouldn't have to pay for theirs.
that's nice. If we have policy makers making policy over 400 million human beings that think sex is 'a hobby", then we have bigger things to worry about than birth control ... like how to get these unqualified, incompetent people out of the position to make policy....

It's healthy, and conducive to a fulfilling life. But so is music. And the only reason that's free is because of pirates and youtube.

It is a hobby. It's something you do for enjoyment in your spare time. If you're actually trying to have children, that's different, but obviously you don't use birth control for that.
No, it's a fact of the human condition, not a hobby. How ridiculous.....

Pay for your own "human condition" and I'll pay for mine. You come off as an ingrate who just wants hand-outs. Probably why the democrats are so pathetic; because their liberal followers are pitiful, weak, and entitled.
"Pay for your own "human condition" and I'll pay for mine. "

Actually, we will all pay for your behavioral preferences in our insurance risk pool. Every cheeseburger and pepperoni pizza you ate, cig you smoked, beer you drank, and we will even pay for your genetic defects (how are those MY fault? YOUR parents made the choice to have you, NOT me!!! screw you, pay for your own Muscular Dystrophy treatments, loser!!!!)

Why should women pay for YOUR prostate cancer treatments? Women don't have prostates Having less sex increases your risk for it. Why should anyone pay for YOUR hobby of not having sex very much, you celibate loser? :D

nah, you will be paying for birth control. You will lose this argument, and you will pay. Sorry pal, you're on the wrong side of history.

I'm okay with helping cover breast cancer because people can actually die if it isn't treated. People don't die from not having birth control.

You really ... aren't very smart, are you? Normally I don't go for ad hom but your argument is so fallacious I can't help but think it's a waste of time.
It comes down to the employer versus employee. Both are at odds with each other...both don't like one another. This is one more small issue in the conflict. Any employer worth working for probably offers it knowing they will attract better workers. Those that don't get the lesser workers.

That's the thing; if a company wants to include it in their policy, then fine. It just shouldn't be a requirement. And, as you say, most serious businesses will because they want to attract women candidates.
that's nice. If we have policy makers making policy over 400 million human beings that think sex is 'a hobby", then we have bigger things to worry about than birth control ... like how to get these unqualified, incompetent people out of the position to make policy....

It's healthy, and conducive to a fulfilling life. But so is music. And the only reason that's free is because of pirates and youtube.

It is a hobby. It's something you do for enjoyment in your spare time. If you're actually trying to have children, that's different, but obviously you don't use birth control for that.
No, it's a fact of the human condition, not a hobby. How ridiculous.....

Pay for your own "human condition" and I'll pay for mine. You come off as an ingrate who just wants hand-outs. Probably why the democrats are so pathetic; because their liberal followers are pitiful, weak, and entitled.
"Pay for your own "human condition" and I'll pay for mine. "

Actually, we will all pay for your behavioral preferences in our insurance risk pool. Every cheeseburger and pepperoni pizza you ate, cig you smoked, beer you drank, and we will even pay for your genetic defects (how are those MY fault? YOUR parents made the choice to have you, NOT me!!! screw you, pay for your own Muscular Dystrophy treatments, loser!!!!)

Why should women pay for YOUR prostate cancer treatments? Women don't have prostates Having less sex increases your risk for it. Why should anyone pay for YOUR hobby of not having sex very much, you celibate loser? :D

nah, you will be paying for birth control. You will lose this argument, and you will pay. Sorry pal, you're on the wrong side of history.

I'm okay with helping cover breast cancer because people can actually die if it isn't treated. People don't die from not having birth control.

You really ... aren't very smart, are you? Normally I don't go for ad hom but your argument is so fallacious I can't help but think it's a waste of time.
Peole die from pregnancy and childbirth all the time. Unless you would like to make the absurd claim that none of those were unwanted pregnancies that may have been prevented with contraception....then you might want to reconsider your argument.
So john you do agree then obese people should pay higher premiums because of their choices. I also believe that of fast food eaters. Those that live near certain factories and are exposed to toxins also made a poor choice.

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