How did Birth Control become a right?

People bothered by this minute issue need to quit being snowflakes about it. It really isn't that big of deal.
"How did Birth Control become a right?"

Women became politically empowered.

"We're strong, proud, and don't need men anymore. Now pay for my shit."

- feminists in 2017
yes, that's how insurance works genius, we pay for each other's shit.

For things that are actually needed, like medicine or surgery. Not something to help you get off without suffering potential consequences. You can pay for that shit yourself.
Any decent healthcare plan covers birth control anyway. So it's really a non issue in the end. Decent healthcare plans rarely if ever decline any healthcare needs.

If it's such a non-issue, why the threats (and actions) of lawsuits by the left?
"How did Birth Control become a right?"

Women became politically empowered.

"We're strong, proud, and don't need men anymore. Now pay for my shit."

- feminists in 2017
yes, that's how insurance works genius, we pay for each other's shit.

For things that are actually needed, like medicine or surgery. Not something to help you get off without suffering potential consequences. You can pay for that shit yourself.
Birth control absolutely is needed. Women taking control of their reproduction is , indeed, a medical necessity, both to an individual and to an entire society. The only successful argument against it so far has been, "contraception makes Baby Jaysus cry".... and believe me, that idiotic argument will join all the rest in the dustbin of history soon enough.
Ray do you believe only unemployed people vote democrat? Tell that to the business owners in my neighborhood who vote democrat. Broad generalizations are a sign of ignorance.

Where did I say only the left are unemployed? You need to start using the functions of this forum--such as quotes, so I can understand what you are addressing.
How about let companies decide. Those that cover it versus those that don't. Then let the consumers decide. It's like overweight people....they drive up my costs as well. Why should I pay more for those who won't get off their butts and exercise daily not correct their eating habits? Last that are.
"How did Birth Control become a right?"

Women became politically empowered.

"We're strong, proud, and don't need men anymore. Now pay for my shit."

- feminists in 2017
yes, that's how insurance works genius, we pay for each other's shit.

For things that are actually needed, like medicine or surgery. Not something to help you get off without suffering potential consequences. You can pay for that shit yourself.
Birth control absolutely is needed. Women taking control of their reproduction is , indeed, a medical necessity, both to an individual and to an entire society. The only successful argument against it so far has been, "contraception makes Baby Jaysus cry".... and believe me, that idiotic argument will join all the rest in the dustbin of history soon enough.

No, it isn't.

People are not forced to reproduce, or not reproduce. That's called a choice.

People are forced to take medicines for their illnesses, or else they suffer needlessly from those illnesses.

Women are strong and independent. I'm sure they could afford to pay for their own "reproduction control" by now.

Bottom line is, sex is a choice, not a necessity. Like any other fun thing you do of your own free will, you should pay for it from your own pocket.
birth control isn't a medical procedure. it's to avoid risk to sexual fun. that's entertainment and insurance doesn't cover that.
Like abortion, birth control is very important to married people which the dupes ignore...

Then if it's that important, they'll provide themselves birth control.
Have you checked the real world lately?

Why yes I have. And what I see of the "real world" is less responsibility. It's like Rush Limbaugh said so many times, if you promote irresponsibility, don't be surprised when you end up with more irresponsible people.

Think of the stupidity in all this:

"I like to have sex, and if my employer doesn't provide me with birth control, I'm just going to have sex without protection and let taxpayers suffer the consequences."


If you read the OP (and I know you never do) the article points out that birth control pills range anywhere from four dollars to fifty five dollars a month. Yet if the employer doesn't cover BC pills, a person active in sex can't afford four dollars, or at the most, fifty five dollars?

Of course a working person can afford this. But you leftists have been so successful at making people dependent on the government and others that they don't even consider what they can do for themselves.
And you right-wing ideologues and religious nuts have given us millions of single mothers on welfare. Great job! Try accepting reality and stop pandering to the rich and voting against your own interests...

WTF does this have to do with the rich? Can't you stay on topic FOR ONCE in a discussion?

Let me explain something to you: It's the left that promoted single-parent families, not the right. It's the left that promoted replacing fathers with welfare checks--not the right.
"How did Birth Control become a right?"

Women became politically empowered.

"We're strong, proud, and don't need men anymore. Now pay for my shit."

- feminists in 2017
yes, that's how insurance works genius, we pay for each other's shit.

For things that are actually needed, like medicine or surgery. Not something to help you get off without suffering potential consequences. You can pay for that shit yourself.
Birth control absolutely is needed. Women taking control of their reproduction is , indeed, a medical necessity, both to an individual and to an entire society. The only successful argument against it so far has been, "contraception makes Baby Jaysus cry".... and believe me, that idiotic argument will join all the rest in the dustbin of history soon enough.

No, it isn't.

People are not forced to reproduce, or not reproduce. That's called a choice.

People are forced to take medicines for their illnesses, or else they suffer needlessly from those illnesses.

Women are strong and independent. I'm sure they could afford to pay for their own "reproduction control" by now.

Bottom line is, sex is a choice, not a necessity. Like any other fun thing you do of your own free will, you should pay for it from your own pocket.
Yes, it is necessary. It's called "realistic policy" and gives absolutely no weight whatsoever to what you think people should or should not do, nor any weight to anyone's religious nuttery. And that is good and correct, and you are on the wrong side of history.
Those that consume fast food also drive up costs. The stuff is proven to hurt people's health.
"We're strong, proud, and don't need men anymore. Now pay for my shit."

- feminists in 2017
yes, that's how insurance works genius, we pay for each other's shit.

For things that are actually needed, like medicine or surgery. Not something to help you get off without suffering potential consequences. You can pay for that shit yourself.
Birth control absolutely is needed. Women taking control of their reproduction is , indeed, a medical necessity, both to an individual and to an entire society. The only successful argument against it so far has been, "contraception makes Baby Jaysus cry".... and believe me, that idiotic argument will join all the rest in the dustbin of history soon enough.

No, it isn't.

People are not forced to reproduce, or not reproduce. That's called a choice.

People are forced to take medicines for their illnesses, or else they suffer needlessly from those illnesses.

Women are strong and independent. I'm sure they could afford to pay for their own "reproduction control" by now.

Bottom line is, sex is a choice, not a necessity. Like any other fun thing you do of your own free will, you should pay for it from your own pocket.
Yes, it is necessary. It's called "realistic policy" and gives absolutely no weight whatsoever to what you think people should or should not do, nor any weight to anyone's religious nuttery. And that is good and correct, and you are on the wrong side of history.

Insurance and employer can work out whether they want to cover it or not. It should not be mandated by the government.

You basically just want your hobbies paid for and to have this mandated by the government. Guess what I love to do? Drink. Maybe the government should start forcing insurance companies to pay for my booze.
yes, that's how insurance works genius, we pay for each other's shit.

For things that are actually needed, like medicine or surgery. Not something to help you get off without suffering potential consequences. You can pay for that shit yourself.
Birth control absolutely is needed. Women taking control of their reproduction is , indeed, a medical necessity, both to an individual and to an entire society. The only successful argument against it so far has been, "contraception makes Baby Jaysus cry".... and believe me, that idiotic argument will join all the rest in the dustbin of history soon enough.

No, it isn't.

People are not forced to reproduce, or not reproduce. That's called a choice.

People are forced to take medicines for their illnesses, or else they suffer needlessly from those illnesses.

Women are strong and independent. I'm sure they could afford to pay for their own "reproduction control" by now.

Bottom line is, sex is a choice, not a necessity. Like any other fun thing you do of your own free will, you should pay for it from your own pocket.
Yes, it is necessary. It's called "realistic policy" and gives absolutely no weight whatsoever to what you think people should or should not do, nor any weight to anyone's religious nuttery. And that is good and correct, and you are on the wrong side of history.

Insurance and employer can work out whether they want to cover it or not. It should not be mandated by the government.

You basically just want your hobbies paid for and to have this mandated by the government. Guess what I love to do? Drink. Maybe the government should start forcing insurance companies to pay for my booze.
yes, it should be mandated by the government. yes, all insurance should cover it.
For things that are actually needed, like medicine or surgery. Not something to help you get off without suffering potential consequences. You can pay for that shit yourself.
Birth control absolutely is needed. Women taking control of their reproduction is , indeed, a medical necessity, both to an individual and to an entire society. The only successful argument against it so far has been, "contraception makes Baby Jaysus cry".... and believe me, that idiotic argument will join all the rest in the dustbin of history soon enough.

No, it isn't.

People are not forced to reproduce, or not reproduce. That's called a choice.

People are forced to take medicines for their illnesses, or else they suffer needlessly from those illnesses.

Women are strong and independent. I'm sure they could afford to pay for their own "reproduction control" by now.

Bottom line is, sex is a choice, not a necessity. Like any other fun thing you do of your own free will, you should pay for it from your own pocket.
Yes, it is necessary. It's called "realistic policy" and gives absolutely no weight whatsoever to what you think people should or should not do, nor any weight to anyone's religious nuttery. And that is good and correct, and you are on the wrong side of history.

Insurance and employer can work out whether they want to cover it or not. It should not be mandated by the government.

You basically just want your hobbies paid for and to have this mandated by the government. Guess what I love to do? Drink. Maybe the government should start forcing insurance companies to pay for my booze.
yes, it should be mandated by the government. yes, all insurance should cover it.

Wow. This is why people hate liberals.

I assume you're talking about my booze, by the way. I don't think the government should force insurance companies to pay for my booze, because 1. I choose to drink. It is not foisted upon me, and 2. they will have to raise premiums to cover the additional expenses. Then all the people who don't drink are suddenly paying for my drinking habit.
For things that are actually needed, like medicine or surgery. Not something to help you get off without suffering potential consequences. You can pay for that shit yourself.
Birth control absolutely is needed. Women taking control of their reproduction is , indeed, a medical necessity, both to an individual and to an entire society. The only successful argument against it so far has been, "contraception makes Baby Jaysus cry".... and believe me, that idiotic argument will join all the rest in the dustbin of history soon enough.

No, it isn't.

People are not forced to reproduce, or not reproduce. That's called a choice.

People are forced to take medicines for their illnesses, or else they suffer needlessly from those illnesses.

Women are strong and independent. I'm sure they could afford to pay for their own "reproduction control" by now.

Bottom line is, sex is a choice, not a necessity. Like any other fun thing you do of your own free will, you should pay for it from your own pocket.
Yes, it is necessary. It's called "realistic policy" and gives absolutely no weight whatsoever to what you think people should or should not do, nor any weight to anyone's religious nuttery. And that is good and correct, and you are on the wrong side of history.

Insurance and employer can work out whether they want to cover it or not. It should not be mandated by the government.

You basically just want your hobbies paid for and to have this mandated by the government. Guess what I love to do? Drink. Maybe the government should start forcing insurance companies to pay for my booze.
yes, it should be mandated by the government. yes, all insurance should cover it.

Do you really believe that our founders created a federal government to force industry to provide benefits? WTF did you learn your history from? Better still, if that's the role of the federal government, point to the constitutional part that says it's the role of the federal government.
Birth control absolutely is needed. Women taking control of their reproduction is , indeed, a medical necessity, both to an individual and to an entire society. The only successful argument against it so far has been, "contraception makes Baby Jaysus cry".... and believe me, that idiotic argument will join all the rest in the dustbin of history soon enough.

No, it isn't.

People are not forced to reproduce, or not reproduce. That's called a choice.

People are forced to take medicines for their illnesses, or else they suffer needlessly from those illnesses.

Women are strong and independent. I'm sure they could afford to pay for their own "reproduction control" by now.

Bottom line is, sex is a choice, not a necessity. Like any other fun thing you do of your own free will, you should pay for it from your own pocket.
Yes, it is necessary. It's called "realistic policy" and gives absolutely no weight whatsoever to what you think people should or should not do, nor any weight to anyone's religious nuttery. And that is good and correct, and you are on the wrong side of history.

Insurance and employer can work out whether they want to cover it or not. It should not be mandated by the government.

You basically just want your hobbies paid for and to have this mandated by the government. Guess what I love to do? Drink. Maybe the government should start forcing insurance companies to pay for my booze.
yes, it should be mandated by the government. yes, all insurance should cover it.

Wow. This is why people hate liberals.

I assume you're talking about my booze, by the way. I don't think the government should force insurance companies to pay for my booze, because 1. I choose to drink. It is not foisted upon me, and 2. they will have to raise premiums to cover the additional expenses. Then all the people who don't drink are suddenly paying for my drinking habit.
I didn't say a word about booze. wrong poster.
Like abortion, birth control is very important to married people which the dupes ignore...

Then if it's that important, they'll provide themselves birth control.
Have you checked the real world lately?

Why yes I have. And what I see of the "real world" is less responsibility. It's like Rush Limbaugh said so many times, if you promote irresponsibility, don't be surprised when you end up with more irresponsible people.

Think of the stupidity in all this:

"I like to have sex, and if my employer doesn't provide me with birth control, I'm just going to have sex without protection and let taxpayers suffer the consequences."


If you read the OP (and I know you never do) the article points out that birth control pills range anywhere from four dollars to fifty five dollars a month. Yet if the employer doesn't cover BC pills, a person active in sex can't afford four dollars, or at the most, fifty five dollars?

Of course a working person can afford this. But you leftists have been so successful at making people dependent on the government and others that they don't even consider what they can do for themselves.
And you right-wing ideologues and religious nuts have given us millions of single mothers on welfare. Great job! Try accepting reality and stop pandering to the rich and voting against your own interests...

WTF does this have to do with the rich? Can't you stay on topic FOR ONCE in a discussion?

Let me explain something to you: It's the left that promoted single-parent families, not the right. It's the left that promoted replacing fathers with welfare checks--not the right.
Our economy has been ruined for 35 years by GOP pandering to the rich and cutting services and help for Education and Training, all to save the rich from paying their fair share, dupe. Not to mention ridiculous GOP minimum wage and opposition of daycare and parental leave, every imaginable help for the middle class. It's what everything is about, dingbat dupe.

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