How did Birth Control become a right?

So why is the United States the only modern country without good health care system? Hint the GOP.

The US healthcare system is second to none. I think your question is where's my free government healthcare hand out.
Second to none in cost. Second to none in people who can't afford health care. And second to none in the disparity of health care for the rich as oppose to what the poor get.

:crybaby: rich people have more money than I do :crybaby: its not fair :crybaby:where's my government hand out
OMG what a stupid a******, perfect dupe of the greedy idiot GOP. Why are we the only modern country without a Health Care system, Moron? Why does Healthcare here cost twice as much as anywhere else with worse outcomes? Try thinking

Work a job pay for your own healthcare its not rocket science, when are the moochers going to fend for themselves?
They're not Moochers, a hole and you people are idiots greedy idiots. You're spending a lot more money by not supporting free birth control, fool.
The US healthcare system is second to none. I think your question is where's my free government healthcare hand out.
Second to none in cost. Second to none in people who can't afford health care. And second to none in the disparity of health care for the rich as oppose to what the poor get.

:crybaby: rich people have more money than I do :crybaby: its not fair :crybaby:where's my government hand out
OMG what a stupid a******, perfect dupe of the greedy idiot GOP. Why are we the only modern country without a Health Care system, Moron? Why does Healthcare here cost twice as much as anywhere else with worse outcomes? Try thinking

Work a job pay for your own healthcare its not rocket science, when are the moochers going to fend for themselves?
They're not Moochers, a hole and you people are idiots greedy idiots. You're spending a lot more money by not supporting free birth control, fool.

I'm not responsible for moochers getting themselves pregnant and popping out 8 kids they can't afford, that's on them. I'm also not responsible for purchasing their damn toilet paper and dishwashing detergent. Keep your mooching loser hands off my wealth.
Second to none in cost. Second to none in people who can't afford health care. And second to none in the disparity of health care for the rich as oppose to what the poor get.

:crybaby: rich people have more money than I do :crybaby: its not fair :crybaby:where's my government hand out
OMG what a stupid a******, perfect dupe of the greedy idiot GOP. Why are we the only modern country without a Health Care system, Moron? Why does Healthcare here cost twice as much as anywhere else with worse outcomes? Try thinking

Work a job pay for your own healthcare its not rocket science, when are the moochers going to fend for themselves?
They're not Moochers, a hole and you people are idiots greedy idiots. You're spending a lot more money by not supporting free birth control, fool.

I'm not responsible for moochers getting themselves pregnant and popping out 8 kids they can't afford, that's on them. I'm also not responsible for purchasing their damn toilet paper and dishwashing detergent. Keep your mooching loser hands off my wealth.
Unfortunately, in reality you are responsible for them, so it's dumb to not pay for their birth control as it is a lot more expensive to pay for welfare for single mothers Etc. Unless you are a millionaire, it's the Democrats that want to help your tax rate. They only want to tax the real rich the 0.1%, and help the others in so many ways like cheaper education tax cuts real family values...
So why is the United States the only modern country without good health care system? Hint the GOP.

The US healthcare system is second to none. I think your question is where's my free government healthcare hand out.
That's what happens when you get sick or have an accident, stupid. That's why they call it insurance or a system. We're the only modern country that doesn't have a system. That's why it cost so much

:crybaby: I want free government healthcare :crybaby: the rich :crybaby:

Tell us how someone making min wage can afford healthcare, maybe you know a secret.

Minimum wage is about $7.50 an hour or so. Work one hour, buy a box of condoms, and that's how a minimum wage person can afford birth control.
using a condom is cruel and unusual LOL
And because of brainwashed ideological idiots in the GOP, we have millions of single mothers on welfare. Brilliant!

And here I thought all those knocked up welfare whores were all from the liberal policies YOU promote!
You want to go back to poor houses and Potter's field s to protect your mega-rich brainwashers from paying their fair share, brainwashed functional moron... LOL
to protect your mega-rich brainwashers from paying their fair share, brainwashed functional moron... LOL

I'm sorry, I realize you aren't too smart but you've got me confused with a Democrat. All of the Mega-Rich brainwashers live there because the Dems have a far, far better selection of melon heads ripe for the picking. As far as paying their fair share, last I checked, the top 10% already paid more than everyone else combined. Since they are the people who create companies and jobs and hire most everyone, we can't tax them as much as YOU'D want, because then, we would ALL be on welfare because they'd have no reason to risk so much for so little!
Having a baby is a health issue, if the mother doesn't stay in good health, the baby suffers. And bc cost peanuts, whereas maternity leave and sick days to take care of your kid will cost at least as much as your boat, and probably more, because you sound like a cheap bastard who has his eye on a dingy.

Aren't all those things the responsibility of the mother and the father?

Oh, I don't have a dingy. I'm 73 and just bought another Harley that cost more than your past two cars, maybe three.
Good thing for you that viagra is covered!!! Health plan includes things related to your health, like getting pregnant or not.

The only thing you've bought in the past while is boxes of Depends. The XXL size.

Health plans are not what gets anybody pregnant or not.
Nor do they give you cancer.
birth control pills are prescription medication. why shouldn't my insurance company cover that?

reminder: insurance policies cover viagra.

The law is not limited to prescriptions. It covers any and all forms of birth control. But even still, why should the federal government force an employer to carry prescription coverage?

that isn't a question relevant only to birth control.

and the fact is they DO provide prescription coverage... and it is relevant because most of us have employer based insurance.

Prescription coverage is a rider, not part of all plans. It's no different than cosmetic surgery or dental.

IF you do have prescription coverage, it will cover birth control pills as it does Viagra. However this idiotic law goes beyond birth control pills. That's kind of the point.

The main point here is that the federal government should not be dictating what kind of coverage an employer carries for it's employees. That's as un-American as it gets; especially since this was nothing more than vote buying in the first place.
It's Un-American for Americans to have health coverage overseen by the Feds? :lmao:

Overseen and force are way two different things. Whenever you have the two words "force" and "government" in the same paragraph, look out, because you are about to lose some liberty.
Having government help with health care is losing liberty? :cuckoo:
If you need to go to a doctor to have him check you out and then give you a prescription for something, it's a medical act. But the real question is, why are you so against people having a good time during sex? Been a while?

I have no problem at all. I just don't want to pay for them to have sex. Just like I don't want you to pay for my boat. It's my fun, my responsibility.
You realize the birth control is a tiny fractional part of a company's health bill, don't you? And you realize also that it shows your unhinged Christian mindset, don't you? Well, probably not.

Well if it's a tiny part of a companies healthcare bill then it's a tiny part for the individual to buy BC themselves.
It's not like they'll delist birth control and then lower the premiums. It won't make a difference. So your reasons can only be ideological.

It does't matter what the reason: ideological, religious, cost, morals.......

If an employer does not want to include BC in his health plan benefits, he doesn't, and government should not be in a position to force him to.
Governments are there to make sure that retards don't rule the day.
:crybaby: rich people have more money than I do :crybaby: its not fair :crybaby:where's my government hand out
OMG what a stupid a******, perfect dupe of the greedy idiot GOP. Why are we the only modern country without a Health Care system, Moron? Why does Healthcare here cost twice as much as anywhere else with worse outcomes? Try thinking

Work a job pay for your own healthcare its not rocket science, when are the moochers going to fend for themselves?
They're not Moochers, a hole and you people are idiots greedy idiots. You're spending a lot more money by not supporting free birth control, fool.

I'm not responsible for moochers getting themselves pregnant and popping out 8 kids they can't afford, that's on them. I'm also not responsible for purchasing their damn toilet paper and dishwashing detergent. Keep your mooching loser hands off my wealth.
Unfortunately, in reality you are responsible for them, so it's dumb to not pay for their birth control as it is a lot more expensive to pay for welfare for single mothers Etc. Unless you are a millionaire, it's the Democrats that want to help your tax rate. They only want to tax the real rich the 0.1%, and help the others in so many ways like cheaper education tax cuts real family values...

No I'm not that's your liberal's problem right there, the moochers and their kids and your illegals pals are not my financial responsibility.
to protect your mega-rich brainwashers from paying their fair share, brainwashed functional moron... LOL

I'm sorry, I realize you aren't too smart but you've got me confused with a Democrat. All of the Mega-Rich brainwashers live there because the Dems have a far, far better selection of melon heads ripe for the picking. As far as paying their fair share, last I checked, the top 10% already paid more than everyone else combined. Since they are the people who create companies and jobs and hire most everyone, we can't tax them as much as YOU'D want, because then, we would ALL be on welfare because they'd have no reason to risk so much for so little!
They also earn more than everyone else everyone is paying between 20 and 30% in all taxes and fees. So the top 1% is getting all the new wealth. When the top rate was 90%under Eisenhower, corporations and rich people took advantage of loopholes and tax breaks to plow money back into industrial instead of hoarding it. The GOP has been racking the middle class in the country for 35 years now, pandering to the rich, dupe. The brainwashers are all on Fox and right-wing talk radio. The biggest disgrace the United States has ever had...
OMG what a stupid a******, perfect dupe of the greedy idiot GOP. Why are we the only modern country without a Health Care system, Moron? Why does Healthcare here cost twice as much as anywhere else with worse outcomes? Try thinking

Work a job pay for your own healthcare its not rocket science, when are the moochers going to fend for themselves?
They're not Moochers, a hole and you people are idiots greedy idiots. You're spending a lot more money by not supporting free birth control, fool.

I'm not responsible for moochers getting themselves pregnant and popping out 8 kids they can't afford, that's on them. I'm also not responsible for purchasing their damn toilet paper and dishwashing detergent. Keep your mooching loser hands off my wealth.
Unfortunately, in reality you are responsible for them, so it's dumb to not pay for their birth control as it is a lot more expensive to pay for welfare for single mothers Etc. Unless you are a millionaire, it's the Democrats that want to help your tax rate. They only want to tax the real rich the 0.1%, and help the others in so many ways like cheaper education tax cuts real family values...

No I'm not that's your liberal's problem right there, the moochers and their kids and your illegals pals are not my financial responsibility.
If you talk to 90% of them you find out they're not Moochers, hater dupe. Mainly victims of Pander to the rich GOP policy, such as expensive Education and Training, crap minimum wage jobs...
Work a job pay for your own healthcare its not rocket science, when are the moochers going to fend for themselves?
They're not Moochers, a hole and you people are idiots greedy idiots. You're spending a lot more money by not supporting free birth control, fool.

I'm not responsible for moochers getting themselves pregnant and popping out 8 kids they can't afford, that's on them. I'm also not responsible for purchasing their damn toilet paper and dishwashing detergent. Keep your mooching loser hands off my wealth.
Unfortunately, in reality you are responsible for them, so it's dumb to not pay for their birth control as it is a lot more expensive to pay for welfare for single mothers Etc. Unless you are a millionaire, it's the Democrats that want to help your tax rate. They only want to tax the real rich the 0.1%, and help the others in so many ways like cheaper education tax cuts real family values...

No I'm not that's your liberal's problem right there, the moochers and their kids and your illegals pals are not my financial responsibility.
If you talk to 90% of them you find out they're not Moochers, hater dupe. Mainly victims of Pander to the rich GOP policy, such as expensive Education and Training, crap minimum wage jobs...

Ahahaha now they are victims not moochers? You and your posts are laughable.
Having a baby is a health issue, if the mother doesn't stay in good health, the baby suffers. And bc cost peanuts, whereas maternity leave and sick days to take care of your kid will cost at least as much as your boat, and probably more, because you sound like a cheap bastard who has his eye on a dingy.

Aren't all those things the responsibility of the mother and the father?

Oh, I don't have a dingy. I'm 73 and just bought another Harley that cost more than your past two cars, maybe three.
So why is the United States the only modern country without good health care system? Hint the GOP.

Right, we have such a terrible healthcare system that people from all over the world fly here to be part of it.

I'm a patient at the Cleveland Clinic, and let me tell you, when you walk into the Cleveland Clinic main campus downtown, you are the one who feels like a foreigner.
Don't kid normal person could afford local or otherwise to come to America for health care or pharmacy products because it is a RIP OFF,anyhow they can buy American Drugs cheaper in their own country...FACT
How did Birth Control become a right?

It never HAS been a right. Just another of a million liberal lies that a woman has the right to kill her fetus because it's "her" body.

Nope. That is another body growing inside you, not YOUR body, it depends on you and unless the life of the mother is in danger from the pregnancy, it is nothing short of MURDER to have an abortion.

But liberals don't want to face the truth because to them, life is cheap and disposable.
Birth control is not abortion, abortion Nut Job...

No, anyone can buy a condom, they are cheap and I shouldn't have to buy them for anyone else. If you need me to pay for your diaphragm or pill, then maybe you should be more worried about getting a job instead of having a baby? But few birth control methods are INFALLIBLE, then it comes down to an unwanted pregnancy, so RIGHT TO BIRTH CONTROL goes HAND IN HAND with the RIGHT TO ABORTION.

It all stems from the desire for guilt free sex. No ties to God, no ties to marriage, no ties to the child. Just screw away, get rid of the kid and not even have to worry about the bill! A liberal's dream! Maybe if someone is on public assistance for more than 5 years with no hope in sight of supporting themselves, they should have a mandatory sterilization! That goes for illegals as well.
You are a great little Nazi, a hole.

I have no problem at all. I just don't want to pay for them to have sex. Just like I don't want you to pay for my boat. It's my fun, my responsibility.
You realize the birth control is a tiny fractional part of a company's health bill, don't you? And you realize also that it shows your unhinged Christian mindset, don't you? Well, probably not.

Well if it's a tiny part of a companies healthcare bill then it's a tiny part for the individual to buy BC themselves.
It's not like they'll delist birth control and then lower the premiums. It won't make a difference. So your reasons can only be ideological.

It does't matter what the reason: ideological, religious, cost, morals.......

If an employer does not want to include BC in his health plan benefits, he doesn't, and government should not be in a position to force him to.
Governments are there to make sure that retards don't rule the day.

That's what you think the federal government is for? Did you ever have History when you went to school?

Yes, that is what government is for, in Cuba, in China, in North Korea, in the former USSR..............
The law is not limited to prescriptions. It covers any and all forms of birth control. But even still, why should the federal government force an employer to carry prescription coverage?

that isn't a question relevant only to birth control.

and the fact is they DO provide prescription coverage... and it is relevant because most of us have employer based insurance.

Prescription coverage is a rider, not part of all plans. It's no different than cosmetic surgery or dental.

IF you do have prescription coverage, it will cover birth control pills as it does Viagra. However this idiotic law goes beyond birth control pills. That's kind of the point.

The main point here is that the federal government should not be dictating what kind of coverage an employer carries for it's employees. That's as un-American as it gets; especially since this was nothing more than vote buying in the first place.
It's Un-American for Americans to have health coverage overseen by the Feds? :lmao:

Overseen and force are way two different things. Whenever you have the two words "force" and "government" in the same paragraph, look out, because you are about to lose some liberty.
Having government help with health care is losing liberty? :cuckoo:

Yep. Ask any employer that paid the fine for not providing insurance, or those who did provide insurance and had to meet government standards. That's right, businesses lost liberty.

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