How did Birth Control become a right?

Aren't all those things the responsibility of the mother and the father?

Oh, I don't have a dingy. I'm 73 and just bought another Harley that cost more than your past two cars, maybe three.
So why is the United States the only modern country without good health care system? Hint the GOP.

The US healthcare system is second to none. I think your question is where's my free government healthcare hand out.
Second to none in cost. Second to none in people who can't afford health care. And second to none in the disparity of health care for the rich as oppose to what the poor get.

:crybaby: rich people have more money than I do :crybaby: its not fair :crybaby:where's my government hand out
OMG what a stupid a******, perfect dupe of the greedy idiot GOP. Why are we the only modern country without a Health Care system, Moron? Why does Healthcare here cost twice as much as anywhere else with worse outcomes? Try thinking

Work a job pay for your own healthcare its not rocket science, when are the moochers going to fend for themselves?
somewhere it is still subsidized. And i want something as well for free.
It didn't cost you anything to have Iraq bombed for nothing. There you go. :biggrin:
sure it did, you're confused.
Not to him personally, so he basically got it for free. Please try to keep up. :biggrin:
sure it did, it's called tax. you should learn how we pay for things. Insurance is a different game. so, they are not in the habit of support sexual fun. it isn't a medical condition is it? strange. see taxes pay for bombs.
Being pregnant is a medical condition. Now you know.

Yeah, and a completely avoidable one at that.
:crybaby: rich people have more money than I do :crybaby: its not fair :crybaby:where's my government hand out
A lot of civilized countries provide health care for their citizens instead of spending that cash on bombing countries that didn't do anything to them.

A lot of civilized countries are not $20 trillion dollars in debt.
Debt as percentage of GDP continues to go down. But thanks for the depression, Dupe... Half of the debt is due to Reagan and w, 80% of Obama's 10 trillion we're two of Verda full-blown depression help the victims with welfare and unemployment already on the books... Great job GOP and silly Dupes like you...

Pay off the debt then you can have some free government shit.
But the rich get away with murder... You are the silliest fool I know... The debt as percentage of GDP continues to go down... But thanks for the corrupt depression idiot.

Don't be a dupe the 'rich' are not the boogieman, and grow some math skills.
Birth control is a right.

Forcing others to pay for your birth control is not a right. Otherwise, pay for my guns.

When health insurance costs $12,000 a year, the person paying the premium has paid for their birth control, asshole.

If my health insurance is part of my employment package, the personal paying the premium is ME! It's part of my salary.
Guns cost a lot of money, too. If you have agreed with your health insurer that it is part of the package, then more power to you. But a right? Um, no.
Then it should be included in a health plan.

Stuff to do with the baby when it is due? Sure. Contraception? No.
Why, what you got against it?

Sex is a recreational activity. And if you are having sex for the express purpose of getting pregnant, then you don't need contraception. Why should I pay for you having fun?
If you need to go to a doctor to have him check you out and then give you a prescription for something, it's a medical act. But the real question is, why are you so against people having a good time during sex? Been a while?
If you need to go to a doctor to have him check you out and then give you a prescription for something, it's a medical act. But the real question is, why are you so against people having a good time during sex? Been a while?

I have no problem at all. I just don't want to pay for them to have sex. Just like I don't want you to pay for my boat. It's my fun, my responsibility.
If you need to go to a doctor to have him check you out and then give you a prescription for something, it's a medical act. But the real question is, why are you so against people having a good time during sex? Been a while?

I have no problem at all. I just don't want to pay for them to have sex. Just like I don't want you to pay for my boat. It's my fun, my responsibility.
You realize the birth control is a tiny fractional part of a company's health bill, don't you? And you realize also that it shows your unhinged Christian mindset, don't you? Well, probably not.
If you need to go to a doctor to have him check you out and then give you a prescription for something, it's a medical act. But the real question is, why are you so against people having a good time during sex? Been a while?

I have no problem at all. I just don't want to pay for them to have sex. Just like I don't want you to pay for my boat. It's my fun, my responsibility.
You realize the birth control is a tiny fractional part of a company's health bill, don't you? And you realize also that it shows your unhinged Christian mindset, don't you? Well, probably not.

Well if it's a tiny part of a companies healthcare bill then it's a tiny part for the individual to buy BC themselves.
The government makes rules about all kinds of things that cost you money but may not use, the real question is, what do you have against birth control?

What do you have against paying for my boat?
Boats are for homos. :biggrin:

You guys already got all kinds of shit from Obama for free.

Sure did. I got a free cancelation notice. That's DumBama!
How did Birth Control become a right?

It never HAS been a right. Just another of a million liberal lies that a woman has the right to kill her fetus because it's "her" body.

Nope. That is another body growing inside you, not YOUR body, it depends on you and unless the life of the mother is in danger from the pregnancy, it is nothing short of MURDER to have an abortion.

But liberals don't want to face the truth because to them, life is cheap and disposable.
Birth control is not abortion, abortion Nut Job...

Like a good chess player, I think several moves ahead. Sorry for thinking way too fast for you.

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