How did everything get so insane?

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Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Trump won the election in 2016 and that's why things got so insane.

If Trump hadn't won, the whole Russia collusion thing wouldn't have happened and the impeachment wouldn't have happened.

The Corona virus would have been treated like the nuisance it is instead of the pandemic that will kill everyone it isn't.

The riots would not have happened.

The Democrats lost one damn election and they are determined to fuck up America and tear it down to pieces because of it.

This is not the first time, they did it in 1861, and 600,000 Americans died.

The Democrats need to be taught a lesson that complying with the results of an election is not optional. When you lose an election, you gear up to win the next one. You don't get to set everything on fire and murder people.

Fuck the Democrats. May they all go to hell.
Trump won the election in 2016 and that's why things got so insane.

If Trump hadn't won, the whole Russia collusion thing wouldn't have happened and the impeachment wouldn't have happened.

The Corona virus would have been treated like the nuisance it is instead of the pandemic that will kill everyone it isn't.

The riots would not have happened.

The Democrats lost one damn election and they are determined to fuck up America and tear it down to pieces because of it.

This is not the first time, they did it in 1861, and 600,000 Americans died.

The Democrats need to be taught a lesson that complying with the results of an election is not optional. When you lose an election, you gear up to win the next one. You don't get to set everything on fire and murder people.

Fuck the Democrats. May they all go to hell.
Communists in the school system. They all need hanged.

^People like that need put out of their misery.
This, all this chaos, isn't the end game. The end-game is the tyranny they will impose on us when the dust settles. They've already cancelled a cartoon because it has a police dog as a character. If you think this is a joke, it isn't. If they're willing to do that, they will do anything. They have no fucking sense of decency or concept that they should be bound by morals or ethics. They are ruthless murderers and rapists. None of us are safe, even in our homes with guns.
Conservatives are to blame because we acted like good little citizens, obeying the law, paying our taxes, going to the PTA, going to Church, while the fucking liberals infiltrated absolutely everything and made them Communist.
I think it's time we started being assholes to preserve the country our forefathers left us.
It wasn't too bad when I was younger, but laws stacked up on laws and all kinds crazy stuff and now it's communists trying to overthrow the United States from within, I'm for a big dose of fuckitall and eradicating Communist traitors from our country.
Step aside police, you don't do anything but harass law-abiding citizens and let criminals run wild, GTFO here.
We pay the police's salary. They treat us like chattel. Fuck That.
Conservatives are to blame because we acted like good little citizens, obeying the law, paying our taxes, going to the PTA, going to Church, while the fucking liberals infiltrated absolutely everything and made them Communist.
I think it's time we started being assholes to preserve the country our forefathers left us.
It wasn't too bad when I was younger, but laws stacked up on laws and all kinds crazy stuff and now it's communists trying to overthrow the United States from within, I'm for a big dose of fuckitall and eradicating Communist traitors from our country.
They've started a fucking civil war. The only problem is, our side is still hanging back, hoping the cops can do our fighting for us so we don't have to fight this war ourselves.
Conservatives are to blame because we acted like good little citizens, obeying the law, paying our taxes, going to the PTA, going to Church, while the fucking liberals infiltrated absolutely everything and made them Communist.
I think it's time we started being assholes to preserve the country our forefathers left us.
It wasn't too bad when I was younger, but laws stacked up on laws and all kinds crazy stuff and now it's communists trying to overthrow the United States from within, I'm for a big dose of fuckitall and eradicating Communist traitors from our country.
They've started a fucking civil war. The only problem is, our side is still hanging back, hoping the cops can do our fighting for us so we don't have to fight this war ourselves.
I say fuck the cops, they're just ticket-writing hindrances.
We need to nip these commies in the bud! What are the cops doing in Seattle? Not getting rid of POS traitors, that's for sure.
All Americans see what's going on and are chomping at the bit.
Unless we can reeducate these retarded communist drones within like 2 weeks with some program, they're going to have to be killed off to preserve America for future generations. There's no way around that, so please somebody come up with a way to get these retards right before we have to kill them all. Please? I can't do it. I hope somebody can before they got to go.
They either get with America, or GTFO on a slab. I for one am not playing that shit. Furthermore, the majority of America is just like me right now. We ain't got time for this bullshit, you commie indoctrinated punks.
You don't want my ass going over to suitcase city and stopping the rioting and looting, they'll be stacking black bodies like cordwood if I do. Bah, blacks over there aren't even a threat, Communists in America are. That's the bodies that need stacked like cordwood. Communists in America.
Communist professors, fucking kids' heads up. Yeah I'm talking to you. We'll take you and all you've touched out, bitches.

-sick and tired of the bullshit
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No one living today is to be blamed for the mess that we are in today.

It was inevitable from the first day that the Founding Fathers allowed slavery.

In short, our population profile is our Achilles' heel.

There is no remedy.


I hope that what is happening in the United States now will serve as a warning to the few remaining homogeneous nations to carefully consider the consequences of relaxing their current stringent immigration laws. (Japan, I hear, will allow in 300,000 immigrants in the coming years. I hope that it can be persuaded to cancel such plans; I believe that Hungary, for example, is taking the right steps.)
They've started a fucking civil war. The only problem is, our side is still hanging back, hoping the cops can do our fighting for us so we don't have to fight this war ourselves.

Why does it always come to this?

Do you all fantasize about another civil war or something?
Do you think I'm fucking making shit up?

Get your head out of your ass.

People are getting murdered out there.
Conservatives are to blame because we acted like good little citizens, obeying the law, paying our taxes, going to the PTA, going to Church, while the fucking liberals infiltrated absolutely everything and made them Communist.
Why are you bitching about god's ineffable plan?
Trump won the election in 2016 and that's why things got so insane.

If Trump hadn't won, the whole Russia collusion thing wouldn't have happened and the impeachment wouldn't have happened.

The Corona virus would have been treated like the nuisance it is instead of the pandemic that will kill everyone it isn't.

The riots would not have happened.

The Democrats lost one damn election and they are determined to fuck up America and tear it down to pieces because of it.

This is not the first time, they did it in 1861, and 600,000 Americans died.

The Democrats need to be taught a lesson that complying with the results of an election is not optional. When you lose an election, you gear up to win the next one. You don't get to set everything on fire and murder people.

Fuck the Democrats. May they all go to hell.

The world has nosedived into Hell on Earth precisely because it is supposed to. History runs in clearly identifiable and predictable but never preventable cycles. A civilization develops traditions which over centuries become oppressive while greedy and hedonistic men hungrily fill vacuums of power nobody else wants to. In time liberal ideas appear and then develop into sweeping calls for reform and change and liberation from ancient, antiquated traditions. Revolutionary movements form and tear down every last icon of that oppressive tradition, while pushing culture to the very frontiers of what the human mind and body can withstand or will tolerate.

Eventually, many of those same people who were calling for and participating in the revolution, along with the rest of the citizenry, beg for a leader who will stand up to the radical revolutionaries who have destroyed tradition and introduced sociopathic new cultural norms; a tyrant who will crush, with their permission and in answer to their prayers, the revolutionary madness and restore the good old days of that once despised ancient but comfortable tradition.

And then the cycle begins anew . . .

Will Donald Trump become the tyrant called for by this phase of the historical, eternal cycle? I don't think so. I believe it will be up to whoever follows his presidency, and it won't be a democrat. When the smackdown or crackdown or whatever you might want to call it occurs within the next few years, millions of us will simultaneously get what we're begging for—the end of psychotic radicalized leftism in America—while also experiencing the pleasure of living through our worst nightmares of authoritarianism and all associated mass widespread death and destruction.

Of course, I could be wrong . . .
They've started a fucking civil war. The only problem is, our side is still hanging back, hoping the cops can do our fighting for us so we don't have to fight this war ourselves.

Why does it always come to this?

Do you all fantasize about another civil war or something?
Your commie days are numbered, piece of shit!
I ain't fantasizing about a damn thing. The facts are the commie pieces of shit need removed from America before we can move on as a society. There's no way around that, unfortunately. If you think there is, please do tell, and I mean now.
This is not a drill. Commies are about to start getting killed in America. Can you save their lives?
Can you save your own? All of America will be coming down on you within 2 weeks or less, you fuck. You kept poking the bear, do you have a peaceful solution? If so, now is the time to speak or die like the commie piece of shit you are. Die screaming, IDGAF, fuck you, commie!
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They've started a fucking civil war. The only problem is, our side is still hanging back, hoping the cops can do our fighting for us so we don't have to fight this war ourselves.

Why does it always come to this?

Do you all fantasize about another civil war or something?
Do you think I'm fucking making shit up?

Get your head out of your ass.

People are getting murdered out there.

Oh shit, really!? It's an actual civil war out there?!

How many people have you killed so far?
They've started a fucking civil war. The only problem is, our side is still hanging back, hoping the cops can do our fighting for us so we don't have to fight this war ourselves.

Why does it always come to this?

Do you all fantasize about another civil war or something?
Your commie days are numbered, piece of shit!
I ain't fantasizing about a damn thing. The facts are the commie pieces of shit need removed form America before we can move on as a society. There's no way around that, unfortunately. If you think there is, please do tell, and I mean now.

You are fantasizing. There is no civil war.
No one living today is to be blamed for the mess that we are in today.

It was inevitable from the first day that the Founding Fathers allowed slavery.

In short, our population profile is our Achilles' heel.

There is no remedy.


I hope that what is happening in the United States now will serve as a warning to the few remaining homogeneous nations to carefully consider the consequences of relaxing their current stringent immigration laws. (Japan, I hear, will allow in 300,000 immigrants in the coming years. I hope that it can be persuaded to cancel such plans; I believe that Hungary, for example, is taking the right steps.)

Fatalistic nihilism or an advertisement for a suicide cult? Can't tell which. It's not about slavery. If it was we'd have witnessed the rise of a Spartacus type of figure during the height of legal slavery antebellum. In fact, no notable event in American history has ever been about slavery. On one hand enslaved Africans never had it so good in the sense that their future generations would be given the gift of helping to forge the greatest nation in human history. On the other hand today's insane troubles are not at all about the oppression of black Americans. These riots and protests and calls for insane legal, cultural and social changes are all about gaining political power and collapsing American civilization, so that it can be remade in a much darker image of its founding.
They've started a fucking civil war. The only problem is, our side is still hanging back, hoping the cops can do our fighting for us so we don't have to fight this war ourselves.

Why does it always come to this?

Do you all fantasize about another civil war or something?
Your commie days are numbered, piece of shit!
I ain't fantasizing about a damn thing. The facts are the commie pieces of shit need removed form America before we can move on as a society. There's no way around that, unfortunately. If you think there is, please do tell, and I mean now.

You are fantasizing. There is no civil war.
Okay, you have no redemptive ideas, fuck you then, die! Commie, die!
Time for you and your ilk to go! Sorry! Not sorry, fuck you, you unAmerican pieces of shit traitors!
You'll be killed with more gusto than Nazis were, bitch!
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The Division Pimps -- those who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry, tribal and divided -- are winning.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and the rest. Year after year after year, they keep pounding away.

Their sheep just swallow everything without questioning it, without exercising critical thinking, and then act accordingly.

This is the predictable result. And none of the combatants in either tribe see how similar they are to those of the other.
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