How did Obama arrive into this country?

If you haven't arrived at the truth in eight years, I suggest the problem is yours alone and you should seek help for your serious cognition problem.

I really haven't been told anything because every time I ask I am called a racist or someone gets defensive and writes an asshole reply like yours. The question has never been answered and when it is it is done so reluctantly.

You asked for the question and I answered it immediately and with no reluctance from the official and authorized agency that is in charge of those records.

You just don't like the truth and prefer fairy tales.

How stupid do you think we are. A letter saying "I have seen the originals...". That just sounds like a lie and quite frankly the official copy is doubtful because anyone can makeup anything in this day and age. Why not let anyone to see the original copies so that we can verify this for ourselves.

I think you're pretty stupid for following something that has been soundly debunked over an eight year period and anyone who continues to pursue something like this despite volumes of evidence probably needs professional help.
Furthermore, as I've said before I doubt the Kenyan theory is accurate. I doubt the birth certificate is genuine too, but I believe that has more to do with who his real father is.

If you haven't arrived at the truth in eight years, I suggest the problem is yours alone and you should seek help for your serious cognition problem.

I really haven't been told anything because every time I ask I am called a racist or someone gets defensive and writes an asshole reply like yours. The question has never been answered and when it is it is done so reluctantly.

You asked for the question and I answered it immediately and with no reluctance from the official and authorized agency that is in charge of those records.

You just don't like the truth and prefer fairy tales.

How stupid do you think we are. A letter saying "I have seen the originals...". That just sounds like a lie and quite frankly the official copy is doubtful because anyone can makeup anything in this day and age. Why not let anyone to see the original copies so that we can verify this for ourselves.

How stupid do you think we are.

Pretty damn stupid.

For evidence I refer to the rest of your post.


If you produced an 8mm film of obozo being spit out on a cot in a hospital in Nairobi, with Kruschev himself doing the delivery followed by a satanic ritual in which his mother was strangled with the umbilical cord and that wouldn't make a difference. No amount of proof could ever be found that will make a difference at this point. Even if it was produced the day he was corinaded, we would still be piddling around in the judicial system while the sick bastard destroys the country.

His acolytes will support him no matter what. He could rape a 12 year old boy on the whitehouse lawn, stand up and stomp the kids head into mush. The media will try to cover for him, fellow democrooks will blame the boy, and the idiots who vote for him would riot at the suggestion of prosecution.

In 452days, 20hours, 42minutes, 17seconds he will be gone and hopefully President Cruz's first act will be to turn around and read the moonbat messiah his Miranda Rights

I agree there isn't much we can do about it. Wouldn't it be hilarious if the next president made Obama go through immigration?

The next president is more likely to make you go through immigration.
Obungles sure goes to great lengths to keep his records hidden...and spends lots of money doing it. There is a reason for this
There are several versions of this story. The one I've been told is that he was born in Hawaii. His father was black Muslim and his mother is a white American citizen. I guess this qualifies him to be president but there are so many versions of this story that they are beginning to take on their own mythical qualities.

I think the one most Obama supporters seem to believe is something similar to what the North Koreans believe about their own leader which is a spaceship frommanother planet genetically engineered Obama and left him here to solve our own problems. A kind of superman that is sent here to help us overcome things. They even Said that he could keep,the waters from rising. Seriously! I generally don't think politicians can do anything at all much less keep the waters from rising.

What are some of the legends you have heard about Obama. Don't exaggerate because the stories are already hard to believe.

I think you know how Obama came here. Which makes this thread just more birther bait.
I agree there isn't much we can do about it. Wouldn't it be hilarious if the next president made Obama go through immigration?

I hope the next president has the entire administration investigated, purges DC of democrooks as much as legally possible and prosecutes those who have violated their oaths.

There are several versions of this story. The one I've been told is that he was born in Hawaii. His father was black Muslim and his mother is a white American citizen. I guess this qualifies him to be president but there are so many versions of this story that they are beginning to take on their own mythical qualities.

I think the one most Obama supporters seem to believe is something similar to what the North Koreans believe about their own leader which is a spaceship frommanother planet genetically engineered Obama and left him here to solve our own problems. A kind of superman that is sent here to help us overcome things. They even Said that he could keep,the waters from rising. Seriously! I generally don't think politicians can do anything at all much less keep the waters from rising.

What are some of the legends you have heard about Obama. Don't exaggerate because the stories are already hard to believe.

Why do you need fairy tales instead of facts?

View attachment 47273
Found to be fraudulent by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office after a thorough lengthy investigation.

And where, pray tell, is the Maricopa County Sherriff's office report saying this?
I think you're pretty stupid for following something that has been soundly debunked over an eight year period and anyone who continues to pursue something like this despite volumes of evidence probably needs professional help.

Nuhuh doth protesteth too much, methinks.

If you produced an 8mm film of obozo being spit out on a cot in a hospital in Nairobi, with Kruschev himself doing the delivery followed by a satanic ritual in which his mother was strangled with the umbilical cord and that wouldn't make a difference. No amount of proof could ever be found that will make a difference at this point. Even if it was produced the day he was corinaded, we would still be piddling around in the judicial system while the sick bastard destroys the country.

His acolytes will support him no matter what. He could rape a 12 year old boy on the whitehouse lawn, stand up and stomp the kids head into mush. The media will try to cover for him, fellow democrooks will blame the boy, and the idiots who vote for him would riot at the suggestion of prosecution.

In 452days, 20hours, 42minutes, 17seconds he will be gone and hopefully President Cruz's first act will be to turn around and read the moonbat messiah his Miranda Rights

I agree there isn't much we can do about it. Wouldn't it be hilarious if the next president made Obama go through immigration?

The next president is more likely to make you go through immigration.

At least he is making someone go through immigration and customs.
Now that the birther thing has been completely demolished and only the truly batshit insane continue to pursue it, we must now move the goalposts and accuse Obama of being a bastard child.

So here's the talking point: "Okay, fine. He was born in Hawaii. But that's because his daddy wasn't the Kenyan. It was this other guy."



They already have?

DAMMIT! I'm always late to the show.
His father, the devil, put him here. And then he faked his records and Obama henceforth began his war on Christmas. Soon Jesus and Obama will fight to the death and he will ride an eagle to throw Michelle into a volcano, the only place she can be destroyed.
How did Obama arrive into this country?

Through Ann Dunham's birth canal. If you like, I can point you to some educational web sites about how babies are made.

Spoiler: It has nothing to do with a stork.
His father, the devil, put him here. And then he faked his records and Obama henceforth began his war on Christmas. Soon Jesus and Obama will fight to the death and he will ride an eagle to throw Michelle into a volcano, the only place she can be destroyed.

That is more believable than the official account of his arrival.

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