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How did Obama work out for you liberals?

You got more war, less healthcare, higher prices, worse jobs, lower wages, more debt, more dysfunction.

And you think Hillary Clinton will clean this mess up?

You people are delusional.
Let's see. You people handed President Obama an economy that was going straight down. If fact, it really looked like the Second Great Republican Depression. Now here we are with unemployment at less than 5%, the market at about 18,500, and, for those of us that were smart enough to get an education in a technical field, very good wages.

Debt is a function of your own desires and abilities. I have only property debts, none for cars, or any other items. Far from having a mess to clean up, Hillary has only to extend this period of prosperity, create a real health care system, and make education less costly for those that desire it. Then her Presidency will be judged as successful as that of President Obama.
Economy's under Dem Congressional control typically go down.

Stock Market doing very well as are my investments. KMI. wow.
PS: Bush spent 7+ years impotently looking for him. Found nothing.
Nobody impeached him; douchebag.
If Clinton had authorized the killing of OBL when he had the chance, not only would 3,000 Americans from 9-11 be alive, but every soldier killed and maimed after would have been spared. We are in four wars now with no end in sight that would have not have happened had Clinton done the right thing.

And if you want, we can get into Clinton causing tens of thousands of Rwandans to be hacked to death with machetes too.

It’s too bad for you History is far different than your fanciful illusions.


Q: Did Bill Clinton pass up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden?

A: Probably not, and it would not have mattered anyway as there was no evidence at the time that bin Laden had committed any crimes against American citizens.

Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?
That would be using your logic, not mine.

Explain the difference.

Obama is responsible and gets credit by ordering troops to do what they did
Hitler is not responsible and gets no blame because he only ordered the troops to do what they did.

Explain the Difference

Obama would have been impeached if he had refused to issue the permission for the Seals to get Obama.

Hitler didn't have that problem.

See the difference?

That is total speculation and garbage.

The fact is commanders give orders. You’re not willing to give one credit but you’re willing to give one the blame for orders given.

Are you seriously calling it speculation that Obama would have been impeached if he had refused to give permission to get bin laden? I would call it an absolute certainty.
Let me put it another way for the brain impaired. HE HAD NO OTHER FUCKING CHOICE.

If you believe Zero Dark Thirty most of the task force was skeptical that he was there. Additionally, given the clandestine nature of the enterprise, who is to say that he didn’t have multiple chances. Hell, GWB basically ignored him while he went into Iraq. Nobody tried to impeach him.

Commanders give orders; both Hitler and Obama did. You can’t credit one with the outcome and not credit the other and maintain intellectual honesty.

For the last time, Hitler had a choice to kill Jews or not. Obama did not have a choice to go after Obama or not. What other movies do you see to form your opinions?
You got more war, less healthcare, higher prices, worse jobs, lower wages, more debt, more dysfunction.

And you think Hillary Clinton will clean this mess up?

You people are delusional.
Let's see. You people handed President Obama an economy that was going straight down. If fact, it really looked like the Second Great Republican Depression. Now here we are with unemployment at less than 5%, the market at about 18,500, and, for those of us that were smart enough to get an education in a technical field, very good wages.

Debt is a function of your own desires and abilities. I have only property debts, none for cars, or any other items. Far from having a mess to clean up, Hillary has only to extend this period of prosperity, create a real health care system, and make education less costly for those that desire it. Then her Presidency will be judged as successful as that of President Obama.
Economy's under Dem Congressional control typically go down.

Stock Market doing very well as are my investments. KMI. wow.

Thank you Federal Reserve as mine are also just fine.
Explain the difference.

Obama is responsible and gets credit by ordering troops to do what they did
Hitler is not responsible and gets no blame because he only ordered the troops to do what they did.

Explain the Difference

Obama would have been impeached if he had refused to issue the permission for the Seals to get Obama.

Hitler didn't have that problem.

See the difference?

That is total speculation and garbage.

The fact is commanders give orders. You’re not willing to give one credit but you’re willing to give one the blame for orders given.

Are you seriously calling it speculation that Obama would have been impeached if he had refused to give permission to get bin laden? I would call it an absolute certainty.
Let me put it another way for the brain impaired. HE HAD NO OTHER FUCKING CHOICE.

If you believe Zero Dark Thirty most of the task force was skeptical that he was there. Additionally, given the clandestine nature of the enterprise, who is to say that he didn’t have multiple chances. Hell, GWB basically ignored him while he went into Iraq. Nobody tried to impeach him.

Commanders give orders; both Hitler and Obama did. You can’t credit one with the outcome and not credit the other and maintain intellectual honesty.

For the last time, Hitler had a choice to kill Jews or not. Obama did not have a choice to go after Obama or not. What other movies do you see to form your opinions?

Your answer is garbage. Bush made the choice to ignore Bin Laden for about 5 years.

So in summation; One commander gives an order and gets no credit. Another gives an order and gets full credit. And you wonder why the GOP is called the “party of stupid”. You are exhibit A.
Stock market is up
Unemployment is down
Osama is dead
GM is alive
We’re no longer spilling blood by the gallon in Iraq or Afghanistan

Thank You Mr. President.

And gas is about $2.00 a gallon. Thanks again.
43 million Americans now requiring assistance just to put food on the table......
View attachment 87432
I only got as far as the first item on your chart to see you're full of shit as the actual number of full time employees is actually almost 124 million, not 117 million.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

I figured if the first thing was bullshit, then everything you posted is also probably bullshit.
So using your logic, Adolf Hitler wasn’t responsible for the Holocaust/Final Solution…right?

That would be using your logic, not mine.

Explain the difference.

Obama is responsible and gets credit by ordering troops to do what they did
Hitler is not responsible and gets no blame because he only ordered the troops to do what they did.

Explain the Difference

Obama would have been impeached if he had refused to issue the permission for the Seals to get Obama.

Hitler didn't have that problem.

See the difference?

That is total speculation and garbage.

The fact is commanders give orders. You’re not willing to give one credit but you’re willing to give one the blame for orders given.

Are you seriously calling it speculation that Obama would have been impeached if he had refused to give permission to get bin laden? I would call it an absolute certainty.
Let me put it another way for the brain impaired. HE HAD NO OTHER FUCKING CHOICE.
Then that means Clinton never let him get away; since according to you, that would have been an impeachable offense.
PS: Bush spent 7+ years impotently looking for him. Found nothing.
Nobody impeached him; douchebag.
If Clinton had authorized the killing of OBL when he had the chance, not only would 3,000 Americans from 9-11 be alive, but every soldier killed and maimed after would have been spared. We are in four wars now with no end in sight that would have not have happened had Clinton done the right thing.

And if you want, we can get into Clinton causing tens of thousands of Rwandans to be hacked to death with machetes too.

It’s too bad for you History is far different than your fanciful illusions.


Q: Did Bill Clinton pass up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden?

A: Probably not, and it would not have mattered anyway as there was no evidence at the time that bin Laden had committed any crimes against American citizens.

Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

Q: Did Bill Clinton pass up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden?

A: Probably not, and it would not have mattered anyway as there was no evidence at the time that bin Laden had committed any crimes against American citizens.

Perhaps you will notice the dates and who was President from Jan 1993 to Jan 2001.

* February 26, 1993 -- A bomb explodes at the World Trade Center in New York City, killing six and wounding hundreds. Six Muslim radicals, who U.S. officials suspect have links to bin Laden, are eventually convicted for the bombing. Bin Laden is later named along with many others as an unindicted co-conspirator in that case.

* 1996 -- Sudanese officials expels Bin Laden from their country. He moves with his children and three wives to Afghanistan, where he receives support from the fundamentalist Taliban regime.

That year, U.S. authorities indicts bin Laden on charges he helped train the people involved in the 1993 attack that killed 18 U.S. servicemen in Somalia.

August 23, 1996 -- Bin Laden declares a holy war against U.S. forces. He signs and issues a Declaration of jihad from Afghanistan entitled, "Message from Osama bin Laden to his Muslim Brothers in the Whole World and Especially in the Arabian Peninsula: Declaration of Jihad Against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Mosques; Expel the Heretics from the Arabian Peninsula."

* February 1997 -- According to court documents, bin Laden orders the militarization of the East African cell of Al Qaeda, a move that culminated in the bombing of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania on August 7, 1998, eight years to the day after U.S. troops landed in the Saudi kingdom.

* November 1998 -- Bin Laden is indicted in the United States on 224 counts of murder -- one for each death in the U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania.

October 12, 2000 -- Bin Laden is linked to the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen, which leads to the death of 17 sailors and injuries to another 39.
PS: Bush spent 7+ years impotently looking for him. Found nothing.
Nobody impeached him; douchebag.
The Democrat controlled Congress refused to give enough funding to pursue OBL effectively. :banana:How's your own medicine taste?

How's acts of terrorism been since OBL died, since you think he was the only one to go after.
Yeah, I forgot how Republicans never once controlled the Senate or the House during Bush's 8 year reign.
Stock market is up
Unemployment is down
Osama is dead
GM is alive
We’re no longer spilling blood by the gallon in Iraq or Afghanistan

Thank You Mr. President.

And gas is about $2.00 a gallon. Thanks again.

Agreed. Mr. Obama hasn't started any wars and after Mr. Bush created the biggest financial disaster since 1929, the U.S. recovered quicker than any other nation, and the effect of Bush's mess was global.

And the righties got to keep their guns, too. hahahahaha
Obama worked out great! He kicked regressive Right Wing ass for 8 years, knocking the crap out of you sniveling whining pussies every step of the way while moving our country forward on many fronts.
Read it and weep.
Obama Is One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time. Here’s Why

I laughed, I cried......comedic fiction.
We know you've cried (for 8years) but don't remember you laughing.

don't remember you laughing.

Every time someone says Obama did a great job. Can't...stop...laughing.

70 million Americans disagree with you
What percent of Republican voters are rich or upper middle class? They're doing great under Obama. We think they are conning you lower middle class whites.

And if all the people who don't vote would start voting, you'd never have a majority ever again.
That would be using your logic, not mine.

Explain the difference.

Obama is responsible and gets credit by ordering troops to do what they did
Hitler is not responsible and gets no blame because he only ordered the troops to do what they did.

Explain the Difference

Obama would have been impeached if he had refused to issue the permission for the Seals to get Obama.

Hitler didn't have that problem.

See the difference?

That is total speculation and garbage.

The fact is commanders give orders. You’re not willing to give one credit but you’re willing to give one the blame for orders given.

Are you seriously calling it speculation that Obama would have been impeached if he had refused to give permission to get bin laden? I would call it an absolute certainty.
Let me put it another way for the brain impaired. HE HAD NO OTHER FUCKING CHOICE.
Then that means Clinton never let him get away; since according to you, that would have been an impeachable offense.

Clinton tried to get him a couple of times, but initially he said he couldn't make a case against him and passed up several opportunities to arrest him. And you believed him. LOL
PS: Bush spent 7+ years impotently looking for him. Found nothing.
Nobody impeached him; douchebag.
The Democrat controlled Congress refused to give enough funding to pursue OBL effectively. :banana:How's your own medicine taste?

How's acts of terrorism been since OBL died, since you think he was the only one to go after.
Yeah, I forgot how Republicans never once controlled the Senate or the House during Bush's 8 year reign.
That's what I don't want to go back to.

The GOP trru gerrymandering can have the house but that's it.
Explain the difference.

Obama is responsible and gets credit by ordering troops to do what they did
Hitler is not responsible and gets no blame because he only ordered the troops to do what they did.

Explain the Difference

Obama would have been impeached if he had refused to issue the permission for the Seals to get Obama.

Hitler didn't have that problem.

See the difference?

That is total speculation and garbage.

The fact is commanders give orders. You’re not willing to give one credit but you’re willing to give one the blame for orders given.

Are you seriously calling it speculation that Obama would have been impeached if he had refused to give permission to get bin laden? I would call it an absolute certainty.
Let me put it another way for the brain impaired. HE HAD NO OTHER FUCKING CHOICE.

If you believe Zero Dark Thirty most of the task force was skeptical that he was there. Additionally, given the clandestine nature of the enterprise, who is to say that he didn’t have multiple chances. Hell, GWB basically ignored him while he went into Iraq. Nobody tried to impeach him.

Commanders give orders; both Hitler and Obama did. You can’t credit one with the outcome and not credit the other and maintain intellectual honesty.

For the last time, Hitler had a choice to kill Jews or not. Obama did not have a choice to go after Obama or not. What other movies do you see to form your opinions?

You are wrong. The short-term memory loss of the right never ceases to astound me.
He certainly had a choice given his predecessor's comments:

You got more war, less healthcare, higher prices, worse jobs, lower wages, more debt, more dysfunction.

And you think Hillary Clinton will clean this mess up?

You people are delusional.
Let's see. You people handed President Obama an economy that was going straight down. If fact, it really looked like the Second Great Republican Depression. Now here we are with unemployment at less than 5%, the market at about 18,500, and, for those of us that were smart enough to get an education in a technical field, very good wages.

Debt is a function of your own desires and abilities. I have only property debts, none for cars, or any other items. Far from having a mess to clean up, Hillary has only to extend this period of prosperity, create a real health care system, and make education less costly for those that desire it. Then her Presidency will be judged as successful as that of President Obama.
Economy's under Dem Congressional control typically go down.
Not according to the Republican candidate for president...

Stock market is up
Unemployment is down
Osama is dead
GM is alive
We’re no longer spilling blood by the gallon in Iraq or Afghanistan

Thank You Mr. President.

And gas is about $2.00 a gallon. Thanks again.

Agreed. Mr. Obama hasn't started any wars and after Mr. Bush created the biggest financial disaster since 1929, the U.S. recovered quicker than any other nation, and the effect of Bush's mess was global.

And the righties got to keep their guns, too. hahahahaha
Obama started wars with two nations that were no threat to America. We are now fighting combat in four nations.
At least Bush got Congressional approval for Iraq and Afghanistan.
Explain the difference.

Obama is responsible and gets credit by ordering troops to do what they did
Hitler is not responsible and gets no blame because he only ordered the troops to do what they did.

Explain the Difference

Obama would have been impeached if he had refused to issue the permission for the Seals to get Obama.

Hitler didn't have that problem.

See the difference?

That is total speculation and garbage.

The fact is commanders give orders. You’re not willing to give one credit but you’re willing to give one the blame for orders given.

Are you seriously calling it speculation that Obama would have been impeached if he had refused to give permission to get bin laden? I would call it an absolute certainty.
Let me put it another way for the brain impaired. HE HAD NO OTHER FUCKING CHOICE.
Then that means Clinton never let him get away; since according to you, that would have been an impeachable offense.

Clinton tried to get him a couple of times, but initially he said he couldn't make a case against him and passed up several opportunities to arrest him. And you believed him. LOL
You just said passing up on taking OBL out is an impeachable offense. Now you say it's not. It's a shame you don't have a mind to make up.
Explain the difference.

Obama is responsible and gets credit by ordering troops to do what they did
Hitler is not responsible and gets no blame because he only ordered the troops to do what they did.

Explain the Difference

Obama would have been impeached if he had refused to issue the permission for the Seals to get Obama.

Hitler didn't have that problem.

See the difference?

That is total speculation and garbage.

The fact is commanders give orders. You’re not willing to give one credit but you’re willing to give one the blame for orders given.

Are you seriously calling it speculation that Obama would have been impeached if he had refused to give permission to get bin laden? I would call it an absolute certainty.
Let me put it another way for the brain impaired. HE HAD NO OTHER FUCKING CHOICE.

If you believe Zero Dark Thirty most of the task force was skeptical that he was there. Additionally, given the clandestine nature of the enterprise, who is to say that he didn’t have multiple chances. Hell, GWB basically ignored him while he went into Iraq. Nobody tried to impeach him.

Commanders give orders; both Hitler and Obama did. You can’t credit one with the outcome and not credit the other and maintain intellectual honesty.

For the last time, Hitler had a choice to kill Jews or not. Obama did not have a choice to go after Obama or not. What other movies do you see to form your opinions?
You hate Obama so much you say Obama when you mean Osama. Freudian slip?
Stock market is up
Unemployment is down
Osama is dead
GM is alive
We’re no longer spilling blood by the gallon in Iraq or Afghanistan

Thank You Mr. President.

And gas is about $2.00 a gallon. Thanks again.

Agreed. Mr. Obama hasn't started any wars and after Mr. Bush created the biggest financial disaster since 1929, the U.S. recovered quicker than any other nation, and the effect of Bush's mess was global.

And the righties got to keep their guns, too. hahahahaha

The slowest recovery in history under Obama. 1.2% GDP in second quarter is lousy.
The housing crisis started because of Clinton and Democrat policies in place when Bush took office.

Obama couldn't fill any of those shovel ready jobs with the TARP money Bush gave him because there weren't any.
You probably missed the US bombing of Libya, Syria and Yemen under Obama.

You can bet your ignorant ass that a lot of righties and a few lefties got to keep their guns and will continue to keep there guns.
Stock market is up
Unemployment is down
Osama is dead
GM is alive
We’re no longer spilling blood by the gallon in Iraq or Afghanistan

Thank You Mr. President.

And gas is about $2.00 a gallon. Thanks again.

Agreed. Mr. Obama hasn't started any wars and after Mr. Bush created the biggest financial disaster since 1929, the U.S. recovered quicker than any other nation, and the effect of Bush's mess was global.

And the righties got to keep their guns, too. hahahahaha
Obama started wars with two nations that were no threat to America. We are now fighting combat in four nations.
At least Bush got Congressional approval for Iraq and Afghanistan.
Obama didn't start any wars. But then, I'm pointing that out to the rightard who thinks there are only 117 million people working full time. :eusa_doh:

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