How Did the Ancients Know About Dinosaurs?

Dinos were wiped out by an asteroid. There’s geologic proof. Look it up. Fool.

You got squat simpleton. Show us which asteroid impact you are talking about that is 65 million years old.
Dinos were wiped out by an asteroid. There’s geologic proof. Look it up. Fool.

You got squat simpleton. Show us which asteroid impact you are talking about that is 65 million years old.
The Impact That Wiped Out the Dinosaurs

Link does not work. Almost, but not quite.

Oh! I got it to. Wat is this? No bibliography, nothing backing it up? Just rhetoric?

No reference whatsoever? "There's ample evidence, but we won't provide it or anything like that."

Garbage. Next!

I say there's ample geological evidence a watermelon wiped out all the dinosaurs, how ya like that?

Here's your link: How Did the Ancients Know About Dinosaurs?
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I say a watermelon dropped from 200 feet wiped out all the dinosaurs.
And you have no evidence, and all the evidence contradicts you. So, be just as dumb as you like. It has no bearing on anything, except your image.

And i am not going to read a link you just now googled, that you have never read and don't understand, and then attempt to spoonfeed it to you.
A few years ago I went into a 13th century Church in Estonia. Inside were mid 17th century paintings of various Bible scenes. I stopped in my tracks when I saw this painting from the Book of Job. It wasn't the Renaissance clothing everyone was wearing but what was behind them. The painting was hanging there a century before the first dinosaur fossils were even discovered yet they showed Job 40 perfectly with Brontosaurus’s.

How did they know?

View attachment 265658 View attachment 265659

“Look at Behemoth,which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox.
What strength it has in its loins, what power in the muscles of its belly!
Its tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of its thighs are close-knit.
Its bones are tubes of bronze, its limbs like rods of iron.
It ranks first among the works of God, yet its Maker can approach it with his sword.
The hills bring it their produce, and all the wild animals play nearby.
Under the lotus plants it lies, hidden among the reeds in the marsh.
The lotuses conceal it in their shadow; the poplars by the stream surround it.
A raging river does not alarm it; it is secure, though the Jordan should surge against its mouth.
Can anyone capture it by the eyes, or trap it and pierce its nose?
Job 40:15-24

View attachment 265660

While in Cambodia I made sure to visit a temple that was built around 1100 AD. How’d they know what a Stegosaurus looked like?
A few years ago I went into a 13th century Church in Estonia. Inside were mid 17th century paintings of various Bible scenes. I stopped in my tracks when I saw this painting from the Book of Job. It wasn't the Renaissance clothing everyone was wearing but what was behind them. The painting was hanging there a century before the first dinosaur fossils were even discovered yet they showed Job 40 perfectly with Brontosaurus’s.

How did they know?

View attachment 265658 View attachment 265659

“Look at Behemoth,which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox.
What strength it has in its loins, what power in the muscles of its belly!
Its tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of its thighs are close-knit.
Its bones are tubes of bronze, its limbs like rods of iron.
It ranks first among the works of God, yet its Maker can approach it with his sword.
The hills bring it their produce, and all the wild animals play nearby.
Under the lotus plants it lies, hidden among the reeds in the marsh.
The lotuses conceal it in their shadow; the poplars by the stream surround it.
A raging river does not alarm it; it is secure, though the Jordan should surge against its mouth.
Can anyone capture it by the eyes, or trap it and pierce its nose?
Job 40:15-24

View attachment 265660

While in Cambodia I made sure to visit a temple that was built around 1100 AD. How’d they know what a Stegosaurus looked like?
Fossils. They are found in the ground. Look it up.

Interesting OP.
Fossils. They sometimes stick out of the ground. Look it up.

So...they they knew what the skin and flesh looked like from fossilized bone? :uhh:
Why not? What would stop them from imagining it like we do now?
A few years ago I went into a 13th century Church in Estonia. Inside were mid 17th century paintings of various Bible scenes. I stopped in my tracks when I saw this painting from the Book of Job. It wasn't the Renaissance clothing everyone was wearing but what was behind them. The painting was hanging there a century before the first dinosaur fossils were even discovered yet they showed Job 40 perfectly with Brontosaurus’s.

How did they know?

View attachment 265658 View attachment 265659

“Look at Behemoth,which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox.
What strength it has in its loins, what power in the muscles of its belly!
Its tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of its thighs are close-knit.
Its bones are tubes of bronze, its limbs like rods of iron.
It ranks first among the works of God, yet its Maker can approach it with his sword.
The hills bring it their produce, and all the wild animals play nearby.
Under the lotus plants it lies, hidden among the reeds in the marsh.
The lotuses conceal it in their shadow; the poplars by the stream surround it.
A raging river does not alarm it; it is secure, though the Jordan should surge against its mouth.
Can anyone capture it by the eyes, or trap it and pierce its nose?
Job 40:15-24

View attachment 265660

While in Cambodia I made sure to visit a temple that was built around 1100 AD. How’d they know what a Stegosaurus looked like?
Fossils. They are found in the ground. Look it up.

Interesting OP.
Fossils. They sometimes stick out of the ground. Look it up.

So...they they knew what the skin and flesh looked like from fossilized bone? :uhh:
Why not? What would stop them from imagining it like we do now?
Imagine? So you’re claiming the ancients were just as knowledgeable as scientists today.
There is no evidence of ancient peoples excavating dinosaur fossils. One person told me Aristotle knew about and found a fossil when it was a sand dollar from the beach. The evos will make up anything BS to keep their "faith-based" science, i.e. dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago.

"There is no evidence of ancient peoples excavating dinosaur fossils."

There was no evidence of a lot things until there was. Lack of evidence is not the determining factor. It just means you are too blind or too ignorant to know exactly what they did or didnt do.

Hahahahahahaha. Man, you can believe up is down and down is up with that piece of strange logic and science. We had coelacanth to contradict evolution. And the evos believe dinosaurs became extinct based on what exactly?

The evidence -- global stories and legends of dinosaurs, art pieces, shows that humans in ancient times lived with dinosaurs. Not next door, but they were around.
"We had coelacanth to contradict evolution."

Not sure why you think the coelacanth contradicts evolution. Its actually more proof of what I just told you. People say all types of silly shit and because they are scientists people think they are always right. Well news flash.....they are wrong....alot. My daughter is a wild life biologist and she told me they mess up all the time. If humans lived with dinosaurs why cant they find just one fossil thats consistent with the first appearance of homo sapiens? Not saying its impossible but right now the evidence say they were separated by millions of years. If you dont think the dinosaurs are extinct where do you think they are hiding?
Fossils. They are found in the ground. Look it up.

Interesting OP.
Fossils. They sometimes stick out of the ground. Look it up.

So...they they knew what the skin and flesh looked like from fossilized bone? :uhh:
Why not? What would stop them from imagining it like we do now?
Imagine? So you’re claiming the ancients were just as knowledgeable as scientists today.
I didnt make that claim but in certain areas I'm pretty confident they were more knowledgeable. So if modern day humans have never seen a dinosaur how do they know what they look like?
Interesting OP.
Fossils. They sometimes stick out of the ground. Look it up.

So...they they knew what the skin and flesh looked like from fossilized bone? :uhh:
Why not? What would stop them from imagining it like we do now?
Imagine? So you’re claiming the ancients were just as knowledgeable as scientists today.
I didnt make that claim but in certain areas I'm pretty confident they were more knowledgeable. So if modern day humans have never seen a dinosaur how do they know what they look like?

Maybe because some guy painted them in the 17th century. :eek:
Fossils. They sometimes stick out of the ground. Look it up.

So...they they knew what the skin and flesh looked like from fossilized bone? :uhh:
Why not? What would stop them from imagining it like we do now?
Imagine? So you’re claiming the ancients were just as knowledgeable as scientists today.
I didnt make that claim but in certain areas I'm pretty confident they were more knowledgeable. So if modern day humans have never seen a dinosaur how do they know what they look like?

Maybe because some guy painted them in the 17th century. :eek:
How do they know he wasnt high on opium? :icon_rolleyes:
Dinos were wiped out by an asteroid. There’s geologic proof. Look it up. Fool.

You got squat simpleton. Show us which asteroid impact you are talking about that is 65 million years old.
The Impact That Wiped Out the Dinosaurs

Your link is a modern article based on what happens in the present is the key to the past. This isn't correct as we still have soft tissue in dinosaur fossils. It means that the fossils aren't 65 million years old. We can still do radiocarbon dating on these fossils. If they were 65 million years old, then the carbon would be gone.

Moreover, nobody was there to see what happened 65 million years ago. You can't even explain how you know that this one asteroid killed all the dinosaurs. You could be 300,000 years off and be wrong haha. What stories do we see throughout history of asteroids hitting Earth and killing animals or people? Do you have any historical evidence of other asteroids hitting the Earth in ancient times? Otherwise, you are just linking fairy tales that you can't even explain because it is too difficult for you.
There is no evidence of ancient peoples excavating dinosaur fossils. One person told me Aristotle knew about and found a fossil when it was a sand dollar from the beach. The evos will make up anything BS to keep their "faith-based" science, i.e. dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago.

"There is no evidence of ancient peoples excavating dinosaur fossils."

There was no evidence of a lot things until there was. Lack of evidence is not the determining factor. It just means you are too blind or too ignorant to know exactly what they did or didnt do.

Hahahahahahaha. Man, you can believe up is down and down is up with that piece of strange logic and science. We had coelacanth to contradict evolution. And the evos believe dinosaurs became extinct based on what exactly?

The evidence -- global stories and legends of dinosaurs, art pieces, shows that humans in ancient times lived with dinosaurs. Not next door, but they were around.
"We had coelacanth to contradict evolution."

Not sure why you think the coelacanth contradicts evolution. Its actually more proof of what I just told you. People say all types of silly shit and because they are scientists people think they are always right. Well news flash.....they are wrong....alot. My daughter is a wild life biologist and she told me they mess up all the time. If humans lived with dinosaurs why cant they find just one fossil thats consistent with the first appearance of homo sapiens? Not saying its impossible but right now the evidence say they were separated by millions of years. If you dont think the dinosaurs are extinct where do you think they are hiding?

Coelacanth was supposed to have died out with the dinosaurs. Also, they are supposed to grow legs and come out of the ocean. It doesn't even grow any legs. They're not ancient. The tree of life and common ancestor is still living, so your past hypothesis is wrong. It being a "living fossil" now is BS haha.
There is no evidence of ancient peoples excavating dinosaur fossils. One person told me Aristotle knew about and found a fossil when it was a sand dollar from the beach. The evos will make up anything BS to keep their "faith-based" science, i.e. dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago.

"There is no evidence of ancient peoples excavating dinosaur fossils."

There was no evidence of a lot things until there was. Lack of evidence is not the determining factor. It just means you are too blind or too ignorant to know exactly what they did or didnt do.

Hahahahahahaha. Man, you can believe up is down and down is up with that piece of strange logic and science. We had coelacanth to contradict evolution. And the evos believe dinosaurs became extinct based on what exactly?

The evidence -- global stories and legends of dinosaurs, art pieces, shows that humans in ancient times lived with dinosaurs. Not next door, but they were around.
"We had coelacanth to contradict evolution."

Not sure why you think the coelacanth contradicts evolution. Its actually more proof of what I just told you. People say all types of silly shit and because they are scientists people think they are always right. Well news flash.....they are wrong....alot. My daughter is a wild life biologist and she told me they mess up all the time. If humans lived with dinosaurs why cant they find just one fossil thats consistent with the first appearance of homo sapiens? Not saying its impossible but right now the evidence say they were separated by millions of years. If you dont think the dinosaurs are extinct where do you think they are hiding?

Coelacanth was supposed to have died out with the dinosaurs. Also, they are supposed to grow legs and come out of the ocean. It doesn't even grow any legs. They're not ancient. The tree of life and common ancestor is still living, so your past hypothesis is wrong. It being a "living fossil" now is BS haha.

Have you considered the possibility that the gods put the Coelacanth on the planet just to poke fun at the hyper-religious?

Those gawds, they’re such kidders.
Dinos were wiped out by an asteroid. There’s geologic proof. Look it up. Fool.

You got squat simpleton. Show us which asteroid impact you are talking about that is 65 million years old.
The Impact That Wiped Out the Dinosaurs

Link does not work. Almost, but not quite.

Oh! I got it to. Wat is this? No bibliography, nothing backing it up? Just rhetoric?

No reference whatsoever? "There's ample evidence, but we won't provide it or anything like that."

Garbage. Next!

I say there's ample geological evidence a watermelon wiped out all the dinosaurs, how ya like that?

Here's your link: How Did the Ancients Know About Dinosaurs?
The link works, it's your brain that doesn't work.
Fossils. They sometimes stick out of the ground. Look it up.

So...they they knew what the skin and flesh looked like from fossilized bone? :uhh:
Why not? What would stop them from imagining it like we do now?
Imagine? So you’re claiming the ancients were just as knowledgeable as scientists today.
I didnt make that claim but in certain areas I'm pretty confident they were more knowledgeable. So if modern day humans have never seen a dinosaur how do they know what they look like?

Maybe because some guy painted them in the 17th century. :eek:
Marion, you are one dumb mofo.

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