How did we get to this point? How can foreigners control U.S. government?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Remember when America was American?
Could you imagine government using foreigners as leverage against REAL Americans just a short time ago? Imagine the repercussions.
The fact that Democrats honestly believe they can pull this shit and still count on support from REAL Americans is mind blowing. I get it...I understand how/why barely legals and anchor babies are so eager to support the Democratic Party but how can even one REAL American be so willing? Mexico is stealing your country right before your eyes better wake the fuck up and do something about it NOW!
How can foreigners control U.S. government?

Gee, I don't know......Why don't we ask Putin and his merry band of oligarchs about the last election's meddling?
How can foreigners control U.S. government?

Gee, I don't know......Why don't we ask Putin and his merry band of oligarchs about the last election's meddling?
Mexico is controlling our government.

DACA for declaration of war on Mexico, with complete pillage and conquest.
When the Democratic Party abandoned the American working class and saw more opportunity in growing the Democratic voter base by importing government dependent foreigners.
Because, Fuck Mexico.

We need to fuck up that shithole and rape their natural resources.

War on Mexico NOW!!!

I will go get all my guns out of the Sabine River and start shooting myself.

Haha...I really like your style.
While we’re busy playing footsie with North Korea, Syria, Russia and others Mexico continues flying under the radar raping our taxpayers, infiltrating our political systems and fucking over REAL Americans.
Hands-down, Mexico is far and away the greatest threat to this nation in all ways.
How can foreigners control U.S. government?

Gee, I don't know......Why don't we ask Putin and his merry band of oligarchs about the last election's meddling?

Yeah, that's what I was thinking when I saw the thread title...then I saw who it came from and i realized no way. Broke Loser is never going to believe that Russia interfered in our Election.

True Believers from Slow Burn: A Podcast About Watergate
Remember when America was American?
Could you imagine government using foreigners as leverage against REAL Americans just a short time ago? Imagine the repercussions.
The fact that Democrats honestly believe they can pull this shit and still count on support from REAL Americans is mind blowing. I get it...I understand how/why barely legals and anchor babies are so eager to support the Democratic Party but how can even one REAL American be so willing? Mexico is stealing your country right before your eyes better wake the fuck up and do something about it NOW!

Because the Dems are completely controlled and funded by foreigners. The Chinese funded the Clintons, as did the Russians and Saudis. Soros the international terrorist and other globalist elites fund the DNC. The illegal aliens are represented by Democrats. They are the party of treason.
The dude is brilliant...everything he does is very purposeful.


How can foreigners control U.S. government?

Gee, I don't know......Why don't we ask Putin and his merry band of oligarchs about the last election's meddling?

Yes, why don't we Comrade?

It’s turning out that there was in fact Russian meddling in the election last year, and it was not meddling in behalf of Donald Trump, as Hillary and the Democrats have been so loudly decrying for months, but meddling in behalf of the little lady late of Little Rock.

Two tales of chicanery are hotly pursuing Hillary and prominent figures in her campaign. The first is the uranium scam, the purchase of certain assets, arranged and managed by Canadian “facilitators” who greased the path of these assets to the Russians with enormous donations (the grease) to the Clinton Foundation, and even a speech for Bubba in Moscow. He pocketed a cool half-million dollars for reworking an oldie and not even necessarily a goodie. This was a transaction that had to be approved by the State Department, and who better to approve it than a secretary of State.

The FBI discovered this grease moving back and forth in a vast bribery scheme — bigger even than the vast right-wing media that could make up sleazy stuff about a president and a White House intern. The existence of this vast bribery scheme was not disclosed to the agencies of the government examining the details of a transfer in 2010 of American commercial nuclear assets to Russia.

There was no attempt by the FBI to break up the bribery scheme, and five years later, Atty. Gen. Eric Holder and President Obama’s Justice Department disclosed a plea bargain to settle the case with the Russian managing the bribes on a convenient Friday afternoon when the story could be put quietly to sleep, where it slumbered until the Hill, a daily newspaper on Capitol Hill, shook it awake last week.}

Hillary Clinton’s Russian collusion connection
Yo, Dummy Puppets, Russia did try to interfere in the Election, but failed like Hillary Clinton!!!

How can foreigners control U.S. government?

Gee, I don't know......Why don't we ask Putin and his merry band of oligarchs about the last election's meddling?

Yeah, that's what I was thinking when I saw the thread title...then I saw who it came from and i realized no way. Broke Loser is never going to believe that Russia interfered in our Election.

True Believers from Slow Burn: A Podcast About Watergate

Da Comrade, you Marxists have it all sewn up with your Grand Inquisitor

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