How do people survive on minimum wage?

Minimum wage set's the pay for alot more than the people how work for that particular amount of money. It functions as a baseline for a great many jobs that pay an hourly wage. That is why increases in the minimum wage usually generate increased wages for people who already make more than the minimum wage, particularly people who are close to it.

And it's also why businesses have to lay off people.

Again, the last two times the minimum wage was raised, there was no net loss of jobs.

Funny. Last time the minimum wage increased, unempoyment spiked. Oddly enough, it's still up. Coincidence?
And it's also why businesses have to lay off people.

Again, the last two times the minimum wage was raised, there was no net loss of jobs.

Funny. Last time the minimum wage increased, unempoyment spiked. Oddly enough, it's still up. Coincidence?

the last time the law changed was in 2007 taking effect in 3 parts, 07, 08, 09. Housing prices began to rise in 2001 and really kicked into over gear in 2004 and continued on that path. In 07 there was roughly no change in the rate of increase in the bubble. In 2008 the bubble burst. No one with half a brain is linking the two. Well except for you. Everyone knows what happened with the economy in 2008. You are fooling no one. We are not 8 year olds. Try and pander your act to them, they might buy it. The rest of us are not.
Well, that's one effect.
The other is to eliminate a bunch of jobs.

A completely unfounded and bogus claim

This is why you don't see many theater ushers in movie theaters these days.
Actually, the reason you don't see them is business demand. Businesses don't just hire people because of how cheap the labor may be. They staff based on business demand. If there were a business demand for more labor, you'd see more employees.

There's no DEMAND because things are too expensive.

They're too EXPENSIVE because businesses have to pay ridiculous wages, on top of taxes, licensing, and other fees, to produce.

Keep sticking the employers, pretty soon nobody will have a job or be able to run a business. Then we'll all just work like drones for the government, and get paid in fucking moldy grain.
Get rid of federally mandated minimum wage. In my opinion, the government has no business being in the business of controlling the market like that. The federal government is not your mom or dad.

Don't tell the usmb population of entitlement yahoos that.

It would be like telling your kid brother "you're adopted". They would take it hard.
Yeah. Like in The Netherlands. Drones.

Ah, the lovely netherlands...

Where doctors can euthanise you without your permission. Or anybody else's.

Where post-abortion is A-Ok.

Where nazism is alive & well!

Yes, the Netherlands. A veritable utopia. Particularly if you're a drug addict. It's the bee's knees then!


"With Germany Against Capitalism"
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Again, the last two times the minimum wage was raised, there was no net loss of jobs.

Funny. Last time the minimum wage increased, unempoyment spiked. Oddly enough, it's still up. Coincidence?

the last time the law changed was in 2007 taking effect in 3 parts, 07, 08, 09. Housing prices began to rise in 2001 and really kicked into over gear in 2004 and continued on that path. In 07 there was roughly no change in the rate of increase in the bubble. In 2008 the bubble burst. No one with half a brain is linking the two. Well except for you. Everyone knows what happened with the economy in 2008. You are fooling no one. We are not 8 year olds. Try and pander your act to them, they might buy it. The rest of us are not.

Then try using your whole brain instead.:)
Actually, that would be the case if I were talking about businesses who sell labor. Call it whatever you want, it comes down to the same thing. Businesses hire and staff to meet the demands on the business. If you need work done, you pay people to do it. If you don't need the work done, you make cuts to avoid the expense.

Actually, you could continue to call it Business Demand, and appear ignorant, or you could learn something, and call it what it is: Labor Demand.

The economy either has increasing or decreasing Labor Demand.

A business has an increasing or decreasing Labor Cost

Labor is known as a resource.


No need to thank me.

To be entirely accurate, "labor demand" refers to what an employer is willing to staff, based on things like retail value of its products, the actual cost of labor, and the overhead of other supplies. Meanwhile, I'm referring to the business demand that gives actual rise for work to be done, balanced against the need to minimize costs. .


To be entirely accurate trying to teach an imbecile is a waste of time.

Get rid of federally mandated minimum wage. In my opinion, the government has no business being in the business of controlling the market like that. The federal government is not your mom or dad.

But if the federal government set minimum wage at 16 dollars an hours you would be thanking the government and not kissing the ass of business.
Get rid of federally mandated minimum wage. In my opinion, the government has no business being in the business of controlling the market like that. The federal government is not your mom or dad.

But if the federal government set minimum wage at 16 dollars an hours you would be thanking the government and not kissing the ass of business.

No I wouldn't cause it already expensive to eat and drive why would I want the prices to rise?
Minimum wage does not help anyone but make politicians and idiot liberals look good and feel good......The fact is all it does is inflate prices and dammit with the fed monetizing our debt we have enough inflation without adding more to it.
Get rid of federally mandated minimum wage. In my opinion, the government has no business being in the business of controlling the market like that. The federal government is not your mom or dad.

But if the federal government set minimum wage at 16 dollars an hours you would be thanking the government and not kissing the ass of business.


Flayo makes minimum wage.


Not that there's anything wrong with that, but my unskilled, inexperienced 16 yo just got a job making $10+/hr.
My friend has tourette's syndrome. Technically she is disabled, she's not lived on the government's dime one day of her life. She's always worked, always in minimum wage jobs. Currently she's working as a maid, it's not likely she will ever be able to advance, she's 56 now and her body is giving out from the hard physical labor she's done all her life. Guess what, she doesn't make enough to pay for her own apartment. After 35 plus years of working she still can't afford her own apartment and utilities. Why do you believe she shouldn't get paid enough to live on?

That is because of the choices she's made in her life, and they are coming home to roost.

If she can't pay for her apartment, she needs to get a cheaper one or she needs to pick up #2 job. It's not the responsibility of the motel to make sure she has a nice apartment. She is an adult, she's been one for some time. I imagine at age 30 (and really, at age 20) she should have been looking down the road to this moment and making a PLAN that would allow her to continue to support herself.

Like maybe live in a $150/month studio apartment with utilities paid, so she could stash away $150 a month for her old age.

Or maybe see what sort of education she could obtain that would allow her to work at a higher paying job at some point.

She made some bad choices. And now she's hurting. That's the way it works. When she's 60 she'll be eligible for social security...right now she's got ten years to get through, and she'd better up her game or things will get worse before they get better.

Of course, when she SHOULD have upped her game was 30 years ago. But she didn't.

She got a degree, because of her turettes, she couldn't get a job in her field. You think it's a bad choice that she chose to work instead of go on disability???? You would be the first to complain that she could contribute to the workforce and should. You don't think a maid cleaning hotel rooms should be able to make a living? Why?

How was she suppose to stash away money when she didn't have any to stash? Work more hours? The hotel didn't have any. Find another job? She makes crafts and sells them to make extra money. She works her ass off and you think she's made bad decisions? You have lost your mind and you empathy. Think about it. Put yourself in her shoes.

A btw, there are no $150 studio apartments around here, nowhere. You can't even rent a room in a house for less than $500 a month.

Maybe, just maybe, the area of study was a bad choice... kinda like a 350 lb 1 legged man studying ballet, then complaining that he can't get on with a ballet company
Again, the last two times the minimum wage was raised, there was no net loss of jobs.

Funny. Last time the minimum wage increased, unempoyment spiked. Oddly enough, it's still up. Coincidence?

How is that possible? people don't hire as much when it goes up?:confused:

1) minimum wage is set so low and the increases so small that most places are already paying more.

2) those jobs are necessary jobs that our society can't do without.

Do you really think that if the mw goes up that hotels suddenly won't need maids, or farmers won't need pickers?
Funny. Last time the minimum wage increased, unempoyment spiked. Oddly enough, it's still up. Coincidence?

How is that possible? people don't hire as much when it goes up?:confused:

1) minimum wage is set so low and the increases so small that most places are already paying more.

2) those jobs are necessary jobs that our society can't do without.

Do you really think that if the mw goes up that hotels suddenly won't need maids, or farmers won't need pickers?
If you raise minimum wage what will we accomplish? To have it be an almost livable wage on we would have to raise it to around $10 an hour.....Now with that the cost of living goes up cause business are not like the government they cant print more money so they have to charge more to make up the cost.......So that means we are back at square one or worse cause now we have those who make more than minimum needed raises to be able to live on the increase of cost.....Like all things liberals dream up the truth of consequences far outweigh any good they wish to do.
How is that possible? people don't hire as much when it goes up?:confused:

1) minimum wage is set so low and the increases so small that most places are already paying more.

2) those jobs are necessary jobs that our society can't do without.

Do you really think that if the mw goes up that hotels suddenly won't need maids, or farmers won't need pickers?
If you raise minimum wage what will we accomplish? To have it be an almost livable wage on we would have to raise it to around $10 an hour.....Now with that the cost of living goes up cause business are not like the government they cant print more money so they have to charge more to make up the cost.......So that means we are back at square one or worse cause now we have those who make more than minimum needed raises to be able to live on the increase of cost.....Like all things liberals dream up the truth of consequences far outweigh any good they wish to do.

Again, prices would be raised on everyone, not just those making mw. Our even increasing income gap would shrink. Our country would begin to stabilize. No country can long survive with the majority of it's wealth in the hands of a few.
1) minimum wage is set so low and the increases so small that most places are already paying more.

2) those jobs are necessary jobs that our society can't do without.

Do you really think that if the mw goes up that hotels suddenly won't need maids, or farmers won't need pickers?
If you raise minimum wage what will we accomplish? To have it be an almost livable wage on we would have to raise it to around $10 an hour.....Now with that the cost of living goes up cause business are not like the government they cant print more money so they have to charge more to make up the cost.......So that means we are back at square one or worse cause now we have those who make more than minimum needed raises to be able to live on the increase of cost.....Like all things liberals dream up the truth of consequences far outweigh any good they wish to do.

Again, prices would be raised on everyone, not just those making mw. Our even increasing income gap would shrink. Our country would begin to stabilize. No country can long survive with the majority of it's wealth in the hands of a few.

Dumbass if things cost more how does their raise in wage make their life better???? Are you so fucking dense you cant understand this? All raising minimum wage does is create inflated prices....It doesn't even help the ones you want to help!
Funny. Last time the minimum wage increased, unempoyment spiked. Oddly enough, it's still up. Coincidence?

How is that possible? people don't hire as much when it goes up?:confused:

1) minimum wage is set so low and the increases so small that most places are already paying more.

2) those jobs are necessary jobs that our society can't do without.

Do you really think that if the mw goes up that hotels suddenly won't need maids, or farmers won't need pickers?

But if the wages force the cost of producing the product higher than people are willing to pay, it is the product that goes away, and the jobs with it. When American tomatoes are offered at an affordable price, people buy a lot of them to use in many different ways. When American tomatoes cost more than people are willing to pay for them, they grow their own or buy cheaper imported ones or do without. And a lot of those pickers then have no job at all.

It is the same for the hotel and motel industry. Most of the maids don't work full time at such places and many are paid a piece rate for how many rooms they clean with minimum wage being the minimum. The fast, efficient gals can make a pretty good hourly wage; the slower ones at least minimum wage. They do their work and go home with some extra spending money. Make the wage so high that the motel has to charge more, loses occupancy, and doesn't need as many cleaners and some won't have jobs. Or the motel closes and all the jobs go away.

Wages are a cost of doing business no different from raw materials, supplies, electricity, water, natural gas, transportation, equipment, physical structure, and other inputs. It is easy to say that wages represent real live people with needs and feelings and those other things don't. But those other things are also produced and provided by real live people with needs and feelings too. It is all interrelated.

Unions who demand wages higher than the product can realistically be sold for will drive many of those jobs overseas where employers don't have to deal with unrealistic wage demands. Government tinkering with wages can be justified to some extent, but it also drives wages up across the board because no business is immune to the cost of all wages paid everywhere. It is all interrelated. For those who need an income, some income will always be better than no income.

Far better to let the market set the value of wages and many more people will be able to work. The more people you have working, the more prosperity there is in the society. The more prosperous the society the more opportunity there is to move out of minimum wage jobs into better paying ones.

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