How do people survive on minimum wage?

Many people lie to themselves and convince themselves that they've done the hard work when they really havent done that much at all except punch a time clock.

Sacrifice isnt easy. We dont want to do it. But it's neccessary to achieve important goals.

We hired this young kid at the store I work at and he has been there about 2 months working part time and he starts talking to one of the management like he is king shit and saying all of us are lazy bastards.....This is whats wrong with people. they expect all of us to praise them for doing their job.....He doesn't even do it well for crying out loud! I give him two more weeks before someone fires his stupid ass or he quits cause we all don't recognize his genius.

Let me guess, you write the ad copy for the store.
Words shouldn't scare you so much
We hired this young kid at the store I work at and he has been there about 2 months working part time and he starts talking to one of the management like he is king shit and saying all of us are lazy bastards.....This is whats wrong with people. they expect all of us to praise them for doing their job.....He doesn't even do it well for crying out loud! I give him two more weeks before someone fires his stupid ass or he quits cause we all don't recognize his genius.

Let me guess, you write the ad copy for the store.
Words shouldn't scare you so much

Your story is bullshit.
There are so many thinking and logistical and historical errors in this comment I just don't know where to start.

First of all, one person can still get ahead on a minimum wage job, if they are willing to live frugally and work their ass off.

Second of all, people who get disability don't get disability if they work. They can't do both. If they're disabled, then they get disability, but they don't work at min wage jobs BECAUSE they're disabled.

We don't have increased welfare because we don't pay enough. We have increased welfare because people are being paid to have children, to sit on their asses and smoke dope, and because they are taught from a young age that they DESERVE to have things handed to them. That if they work, then they're doing something wrong, and somebody needs to take care of that for them.

My friend has tourette's syndrome. Technically she is disabled, she's not lived on the government's dime one day of her life. She's always worked, always in minimum wage jobs. Currently she's working as a maid, it's not likely she will ever be able to advance, she's 56 now and her body is giving out from the hard physical labor she's done all her life. Guess what, she doesn't make enough to pay for her own apartment. After 35 plus years of working she still can't afford her own apartment and utilities. Why do you believe she shouldn't get paid enough to live on?

That is because of the choices she's made in her life, and they are coming home to roost.

If she can't pay for her apartment, she needs to get a cheaper one or she needs to pick up #2 job. It's not the responsibility of the motel to make sure she has a nice apartment. She is an adult, she's been one for some time. I imagine at age 30 (and really, at age 20) she should have been looking down the road to this moment and making a PLAN that would allow her to continue to support herself.

Like maybe live in a $150/month studio apartment with utilities paid, so she could stash away $150 a month for her old age.

Or maybe see what sort of education she could obtain that would allow her to work at a higher paying job at some point.

She made some bad choices. And now she's hurting. That's the way it works. When she's 60 she'll be eligible for social security...right now she's got ten years to get through, and she'd better up her game or things will get worse before they get better.

Of course, when she SHOULD have upped her game was 30 years ago. But she didn't.

She got a degree, because of her turettes, she couldn't get a job in her field. You think it's a bad choice that she chose to work instead of go on disability???? You would be the first to complain that she could contribute to the workforce and should. You don't think a maid cleaning hotel rooms should be able to make a living? Why?

How was she suppose to stash away money when she didn't have any to stash? Work more hours? The hotel didn't have any. Find another job? She makes crafts and sells them to make extra money. She works her ass off and you think she's made bad decisions? You have lost your mind and you empathy. Think about it. Put yourself in her shoes.

A btw, there are no $150 studio apartments around here, nowhere. You can't even rent a room in a house for less than $500 a month.
Son you really are trying to be a offensive turd aren't you? The only thing you are showing is that you are to stupid to understand adult conversations.....Does your Parents know your using their computer?

Lone Lunger has always had this problem. Best to ignore it.

Maybe he is under the impression that I care what he thinks of me??????If so then he is truly stupid.

Lunger is an idiot...Lunger tried this shit with me long ago...don't sweat it. Lunger is bad data.
Now I am a liar? It must be sad to be such a ignorant person such as yourself. I dont lie.

Yes you do.

Son you really are trying to be a offensive turd aren't you? The only thing you are showing is that you are to stupid to understand adult conversations.....Does your Parents know your using their computer?

an offensive turd
too stupid
Do your're using...

Illiterate jackass.
Now I am a liar? It must be sad to be such a ignorant person such as yourself. I dont lie.

Yes you do.

Son you really are trying to be a offensive turd aren't you? The only thing you are showing is that you are to stupid to understand adult conversations.....Does your Parents know your using their computer?

speaking of "adult" conversations....:D I really wish people would proofread, especially when they are insulting someone else's intelligence or age.

Remember Bush, "Childrens do learn!" :lol:
Lone Lunger has always had this problem. Best to ignore it.

Maybe he is under the impression that I care what he thinks of me??????If so then he is truly stupid.

Lunger is an idiot...Lunger tried this shit with me long ago...don't sweat it. Lunger is bad data.

He's not an idiot. Just don't refer to him as a partisan ideologue. He'll get very cranky, and then act just like a partisan ideologue. Go figure.

Maybe he is under the impression that I care what he thinks of me??????If so then he is truly stupid.

Lunger is an idiot...Lunger tried this shit with me long ago...don't sweat it. Lunger is bad data.

He's not an idiot. Just don't refer to him as a partisan ideologue. He'll get very cranky, and then act just like a partisan ideologue. Go figure.


I love you too, Mac.
Some supplement the minimum wage by liquidating assets accumulated over the years, including homes, cars, and other valuable possessions. Others simply work two minimum wage jobs. Still others drive themselves so deeply into debt which they cannot pay their credit is irreparably ruined.

There is genuine tragedy in the number of formerly productive middle class American workers who for one reason or other and for no fault of their own have been forced into poverty. An increasing number of them have become homeless and are living in cars, in tent cities, and on the streets.
"Most successful people DO have a story on how they worked their way up...

You certainly don't see stories of welfaring your way up as an entitlement jockey"

Laughable. The few that have actually WORKED their way up are few and far between. It takes luck and knowing someone. Your hard work may get you a house and a car and some food. it isnt going to get you to the top and ANYONE who claims different is of course one who has never had to work their way up. The facts are the odds are stacked highly against you and all the motivational garbage that some post here about you can overcome anything and blah blah blah is simply trash and should be viewed as such. For the vast majority of people who are willing to work 80 hours per week doing whatever they are told, the odds are they might scrape by. This is the truth. This is the real america. I worked hard to own my own business. I came nowhere close to being wealthy. But that didnt deter me because unlike some of the american cheerleaders here the reality was even if I devoted every single second of my life to working I wouldnt become wealthy. But I raised a family and sent my kids to college so they actually had a chance of survival and not working for some jerk of some company for basically nothing. Now my son is set to take over and thank god I can retire on what I have saved. I feel bad for those middle classers who toil day in and day out and will never get ahead. And it has zero to do with their choices as some would say for they know how to work harder than any CEO sitting in an office doing zero all day.
"Most successful people DO have a story on how they worked their way up...

You certainly don't see stories of welfaring your way up as an entitlement jockey"

Laughable. The few that have actually WORKED their way up are few and far between. It takes luck and knowing someone. Your hard work may get you a house and a car and some food. it isnt going to get you to the top and ANYONE who claims different is of course one who has never had to work their way up. The facts are the odds are stacked highly against you and all the motivational garbage that some post here about you can overcome anything and blah blah blah is simply trash and should be viewed as such. For the vast majority of people who are willing to work 80 hours per week doing whatever they are told, the odds are they might scrape by. This is the truth. This is the real america. I worked hard to own my own business. I came nowhere close to being wealthy. But that didnt deter me because unlike some of the american cheerleaders here the reality was even if I devoted every single second of my life to working I wouldnt become wealthy. But I raised a family and sent my kids to college so they actually had a chance of survival and not working for some jerk of some company for basically nothing. Now my son is set to take over and thank god I can retire on what I have saved. I feel bad for those middle classers who toil day in and day out and will never get ahead. And it has zero to do with their choices as some would say for they know how to work harder than any CEO sitting in an office doing zero all day.

When I worked for United Airlines, before they sent my job to India, I used to brag that I could do the CEOs job for 2 weeks and no one would notice the difference. He couldn't do my job for 10 minutes without everybody knowing something was wrong.
My friend has tourette's syndrome. Technically she is disabled, she's not lived on the government's dime one day of her life. She's always worked, always in minimum wage jobs. Currently she's working as a maid, it's not likely she will ever be able to advance, she's 56 now and her body is giving out from the hard physical labor she's done all her life. Guess what, she doesn't make enough to pay for her own apartment. After 35 plus years of working she still can't afford her own apartment and utilities. Why do you believe she shouldn't get paid enough to live on?

That is because of the choices she's made in her life, and they are coming home to roost.

If she can't pay for her apartment, she needs to get a cheaper one or she needs to pick up #2 job. It's not the responsibility of the motel to make sure she has a nice apartment. She is an adult, she's been one for some time. I imagine at age 30 (and really, at age 20) she should have been looking down the road to this moment and making a PLAN that would allow her to continue to support herself.

Like maybe live in a $150/month studio apartment with utilities paid, so she could stash away $150 a month for her old age.

Or maybe see what sort of education she could obtain that would allow her to work at a higher paying job at some point.

She made some bad choices. And now she's hurting. That's the way it works. When she's 60 she'll be eligible for social security...right now she's got ten years to get through, and she'd better up her game or things will get worse before they get better.

Of course, when she SHOULD have upped her game was 30 years ago. But she didn't.

She got a degree, because of her turettes, she couldn't get a job in her field. You think it's a bad choice that she chose to work instead of go on disability???? You would be the first to complain that she could contribute to the workforce and should. You don't think a maid cleaning hotel rooms should be able to make a living? Why?

How was she suppose to stash away money when she didn't have any to stash? Work more hours? The hotel didn't have any. Find another job? She makes crafts and sells them to make extra money. She works her ass off and you think she's made bad decisions? You have lost your mind and you empathy. Think about it. Put yourself in her shoes.

A btw, there are no $150 studio apartments around here, nowhere. You can't even rent a room in a house for less than $500 a month.

I was talking about renting a $150 studio 30 years ago.

Anyway, this is pointless. You're pissed off that the government won't force her employer to pay her more because she spurns government assistance?


"Most successful people DO have a story on how they worked their way up...

You certainly don't see stories of welfaring your way up as an entitlement jockey"

Laughable. The few that have actually WORKED their way up are few and far between. It takes luck and knowing someone. Your hard work may get you a house and a car and some food. it isnt going to get you to the top and ANYONE who claims different is of course one who has never had to work their way up. The facts are the odds are stacked highly against you and all the motivational garbage that some post here about you can overcome anything and blah blah blah is simply trash and should be viewed as such. For the vast majority of people who are willing to work 80 hours per week doing whatever they are told, the odds are they might scrape by. This is the truth. This is the real america. I worked hard to own my own business. I came nowhere close to being wealthy. But that didnt deter me because unlike some of the american cheerleaders here the reality was even if I devoted every single second of my life to working I wouldnt become wealthy. But I raised a family and sent my kids to college so they actually had a chance of survival and not working for some jerk of some company for basically nothing. Now my son is set to take over and thank god I can retire on what I have saved. I feel bad for those middle classers who toil day in and day out and will never get ahead. And it has zero to do with their choices as some would say for they know how to work harder than any CEO sitting in an office doing zero all day.

You poo poo others for saying someone can't do what you've just said you did.

Some people just have the idea that life happens to them and they go around the perpetual victim. Others think they make their own luck and whatever happens is under their control, at least in the sense they can react to events to make them better
That is because of the choices she's made in her life, and they are coming home to roost.

If she can't pay for her apartment, she needs to get a cheaper one or she needs to pick up #2 job. It's not the responsibility of the motel to make sure she has a nice apartment. She is an adult, she's been one for some time. I imagine at age 30 (and really, at age 20) she should have been looking down the road to this moment and making a PLAN that would allow her to continue to support herself.

Like maybe live in a $150/month studio apartment with utilities paid, so she could stash away $150 a month for her old age.

Or maybe see what sort of education she could obtain that would allow her to work at a higher paying job at some point.

She made some bad choices. And now she's hurting. That's the way it works. When she's 60 she'll be eligible for social security...right now she's got ten years to get through, and she'd better up her game or things will get worse before they get better.

Of course, when she SHOULD have upped her game was 30 years ago. But she didn't.

She got a degree, because of her turettes, she couldn't get a job in her field. You think it's a bad choice that she chose to work instead of go on disability???? You would be the first to complain that she could contribute to the workforce and should. You don't think a maid cleaning hotel rooms should be able to make a living? Why?

How was she suppose to stash away money when she didn't have any to stash? Work more hours? The hotel didn't have any. Find another job? She makes crafts and sells them to make extra money. She works her ass off and you think she's made bad decisions? You have lost your mind and you empathy. Think about it. Put yourself in her shoes.

A btw, there are no $150 studio apartments around here, nowhere. You can't even rent a room in a house for less than $500 a month.

I was talking about renting a $150 studio 30 years ago.

Anyway, this is pointless. You're pissed off that the government won't force her employer to pay her more because she spurns government assistance?



You want someone to live off of minimum wage today using housing prices from 30 years ago, and I'm cockoo?

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