How do the non-spiritual explain it?

.....Because I don't know where the key is......
All you have is an ancient book, full of weird, bizarre, and even creepy stories, passed down from one generation to the next.
it's not that creepy.....John3:18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God......hardly registers a single blip on the creep-o-meter.......

Not to you because you think God is presenting this.

But to non-believers, we realize it is the author "John" who may not be the disciple John!

Your creep-meter--at zero
Our creep-meter--broken.
look children, this isn't that complicated....Silly asked about the "key" of Christianity......I answered his you can all get in a line and tell us you don't want no fucking key, but nobody doesn't change the answer to his question.....

You don't have the key, and you have no magical key seeing abilities.
.....Because I don't know where the key is......
All you have is an ancient book, full of weird, bizarre, and even creepy stories, passed down from one generation to the next.
it's not that creepy.....John3:18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God......hardly registers a single blip on the creep-o-meter.......

Not to you because you think God is presenting this.

But to non-believers, we realize it is the author "John" who may not be the disciple John!

Your creep-meter--at zero
Our creep-meter--broken.
look children, this isn't that complicated....Silly asked about the "key" of Christianity......I answered his you can all get in a line and tell us you don't want no fucking key, but nobody doesn't change the answer to his question.....

You don't have the key, and you have no magical key seeing abilities.
you are I said before it isn't my key.......I just knew where to find you know where it is too......the next time you hear someone ask what the key to the Christian paradise is you will be able to tell them.....
.....Because I don't know where the key is......
All you have is an ancient book, full of weird, bizarre, and even creepy stories, passed down from one generation to the next.
it's not that creepy.....John3:18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God......hardly registers a single blip on the creep-o-meter.......

Not to you because you think God is presenting this.

But to non-believers, we realize it is the author "John" who may not be the disciple John!

Your creep-meter--at zero
Our creep-meter--broken.
look children, this isn't that complicated....Silly asked about the "key" of Christianity......I answered his you can all get in a line and tell us you don't want no fucking key, but nobody doesn't change the answer to his question.....

You don't have the key, and you have no magical key seeing abilities.
you are I said before it isn't my key.......I just knew where to find you know where it is too......the next time you hear someone ask what the key to the Christian paradise is you will be able to tell them.....

There's no key.
/shrugs.....just because you don't want anything to do with it doesn't mean it isn't the key to the Christian paradise as Christianity understands it......
You don't know where the key is located, or if there is even a key.

Do you know how I know this?
Because I don't know
where the key is, or if there is even a key.
You do not possess any magical key seeing abilities that I don't have.
All you have is an ancient book, full of weird, bizarre, and even creepy stories, passed down from one generation to the next. (None of which you are vaguely capable of understanding.)

You see, Carla knows you don't know because she doesn't know. She thinks you must believe you have magical key seeing abilities and this seems preposterous. She sees the Bible as weird and bizarre stories and fables which have no meaning or value... just a bunch of kooky anecdotes that mean nothing to her.

So Carla comes to the conclusion there is no key. Even though she just admitted she doesn't know. She is certain she is correct, that there is no key, because if there were a key, she believes she is smart enough to have found it by now. The problem is, she hasn't really been looking very hard for the key because she doesn't believe it is real. This is often called "being too smart for your own good."
There's no key.
Because you lack faith in believing there is one.
Faith in Bigfoot, doesn't produce a Bigfoot. Believing in fairy tales does not make them real.

Faith takes many forms. Faith is simply the belief in something not in evidence. So when you say that you do not believe in God... that is a faith-based belief because there is no evidence to prove God doesn't exist. When you say that you believe life originated through spontaneous natural occurrence and not some metaphysical force beyond our physical ability to observe through our sciences... that's a faith-based belief.

It is fine to have faith-based beliefs. In fact, humans could not function if we weren't able to have faith.
You don't know where the key is located, or if there is even a key.

Do you know how I know this?
Because I don't know
where the key is, or if there is even a key.
You do not possess any magical key seeing abilities that I don't have.
All you have is an ancient book, full of weird, bizarre, and even creepy stories, passed down from one generation to the next. (None of which you are vaguely capable of understanding.)

You see, Carla knows you don't know because she doesn't know. She thinks you must believe you have magical key seeing abilities and this seems preposterous. She sees the Bible as weird and bizarre stories and fables which have no meaning or value... just a bunch of kooky anecdotes that mean nothing to her.

So Carla comes to the conclusion there is no key. Even though she just admitted she doesn't know. She is certain she is correct, that there is no key, because if there were a key, she believes she is smart enough to have found it by now. The problem is, she hasn't really been looking very hard for the key because she doesn't believe it is real. This is often called "being too smart for your own good."

Your assumptions about me are incorrect. I was raised in a very strict Christian fundie home. It wasn't until I hit 40 that I admitted to being agnostic. I sat and chewed on that for 8 years, and only recently decided that I no longer live my life, "looking for a key."

I have no special powers which allows me to find magic keys. You don't possess that power either. I know this because we have access to the same information.

I don't mind saying that I'm not 100% certain, but Gawd is very improbable, and I live my life under the assumption that he/she is not there.

"The invisible and nonexistent often look very much alike"
/shrugs.....just because you don't want anything to do with it doesn't mean it isn't the key to the Christian paradise as Christianity understands it......
It also doesn't mean you're not a gullible, superstitious rube who will believe anything about the religion he was given.
This conversation has become a metaphoric.

Let see, there are people who claims to know that a key works.

So why not use the key--remember, if it does not work, then you are not using it correctly or you are not committed to using just that key.......
You want a special key when it is only this key that will work...

That reminds me of a simple problem: I have a sequence of numbers


tell me, what comes after 4?

That is the problem with ignorance plus intuition--you can convince yourself you are so right when you are actually so incredibly wrong!!
I have no special powers which allows me to find magic keys. You don't possess that power either. I know this because we have access to the same information.

I don't mind saying that I'm not 100% certain, but Gawd is very improbable, and I live my life under the assumption that he/she is not there.

What color dress do you see?
...we have access to the same information.
I have no special powers which allows me to find magic keys. You don't possess that power either. I know this because we have access to the same information.

I don't mind saying that I'm not 100% certain, but Gawd is very improbable, and I live my life under the assumption that he/she is not there.

What color dress do you see?
...we have access to the same information.

That depends on the shadow and the lighting. We both have access to the same information. Some say blue and black, some say gold and white.
"The mind" is not something physical, is it? Where does it come from? The brain? The oxygenated blood cells in the brain? Electricity firing between neurons? No denying the mind exists, it's just not a 'physical' thing.
The mind cannot exist without those physical things. The brain, oxygenated blood, neurons all had to exist FIRAT before the mind could exist. You are ass backwards!
you are both wrong


Flora has no physio-neurological process and is both mentally and Spiritually astute.
I have no special powers which allows me to find magic keys. You don't possess that power either. I know this because we have access to the same information.

I don't mind saying that I'm not 100% certain, but Gawd is very improbable, and I live my life under the assumption that he/she is not there.

What color dress do you see?
...we have access to the same information.

That depends on the shadow and the lighting. We both have access to the same information. Some say blue and black, some say gold and white.

Correct, and we know the dress can't be both. It is either one or the other, and it is also possibly neither. There is only one truth. We have the same access to the same information but we see the information differently.

This demonstrates that our having access to the same information doesn't lead to the same conclusions or even the same perception. It depends largely on what we want to see.
I don't mind saying that I'm not 100% certain, but Gawd is very improbable....

I admit, I don't really know what a Gawd is supposed to be. If you mean the incarnation of a bearded man sitting on a cloud with a Charlton Heston voice, who invisibly sits in judgment of man, meting out rewards and retributions based on religious dogma... I tend to agree such a concept is silly.

However... When I look at the sheer beauty of the universe, the complexity in volumes, the 40-some-odd constants which have to be intricately precise for any material universe to exist, much less life... couple this with science continuing to reveal how our own physics break down at the subatomic level, inside black holes and at the moment of the big bang... if there was a big bang. Add the understanding that matter cannot create matter, things can only be in motion if something acts on them to cause motion and it is impossible that physical nature can create itself... How can anyone NOT believe in something greater that we don't yet understand?

To me... it takes an enormous amount of faith to believe this is all random chance.
I have no special powers which allows me to find magic keys. You don't possess that power either. I know this because we have access to the same information.

I don't mind saying that I'm not 100% certain, but Gawd is very improbable, and I live my life under the assumption that he/she is not there.

What color dress do you see?
...we have access to the same information.

That depends on the shadow and the lighting. We both have access to the same information. Some say blue and black, some say gold and white.

Correct, and we know the dress can't be both. It is either one or the other, and it is also possibly neither. There is only one truth. We have the same access to the same information but we see the information differently.

This demonstrates that our having access to the same information doesn't lead to the same conclusions or even the same perception. It depends largely on what we want to see.

No, that's not true. We both came to the same conclusion about the colors of the dress, both admitting we need more information due to shadows and lighting, both having access to the same information. (Google)

Now if you could do the same for the key....

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