How do the "poor" live so well in the US?

Truth is hard for the Left

The left needs a permanent underclass to stay in and keep their power
Indeed, welfare is nothing more than "sugar coated" slavery

and the Left likes it that way

Truth? Here's the truth. This country tried to create a permanent underclass...they were called slaves. They existed for more then a century after this country was founded. Then after they were freed there was a de facto system of apartheid for at least another century. And that's not counting the colony years..which you could probably add century. So..3 centuries of supposed to be wiped out by what? Four Decades of reform that did not include reparations?

The solution the left has implemented is to feed, provide housing, medical assistance and education to people who are in need of assistance. For the most part..that's worked. There's still a long way to go.

The solution the right is trying to implement is to ignore the problem. That didn't work from 1870 to 1933. It's not going to work today.

Are you saying the ONLY people who deserve entitlements are blacks because their great great great great great grandparents were slaves?

funny that.

The only thing the "left" did with entitlements (for blacks) was change what the type of slavery it is and who their masters are.
What is "Poor" in America. Maybe it's time for people to re-examine and put it into a proper perspective. As compared to the rest of the World,our poor have it pretty good. Are our children starving or are they eating too much? I think many like to use the poverty issue for political gain. And that's why you don't get real honesty or perspective on this issue. At the end of the day,America's "Poor" don't have it so bad. It's all about perspective.

Lib, We the People, including our poor, are not as healthy as those of western Europe, Iceland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, and Japan, we pay too much for our poorer health, and we don't live as long.

Pull your head out, boy.
If we're going to go around the world spouting off about how great we are, then we'd better make damn sure that our poorest citizens are not that bad off.

Define "not that bad off"....

Does it include a cell phone with data plan, flatscreen and an XBOX 360?

because we all know that's where WIC money goes, right? :rolleyes:

Reality... there is some abuse. But a good chunk, if not most of that, was addressed by welfare reform in the 90's. This country has the worst disparity in wealth and income distribution of any westernized nation. If you have ever been to a country where there is no middle class, then you know that what happens in those circumstances is that you end up with a resentful underclass and an overprivileged overclass (for lack of a better word). Barbed wire on the tops of gates and armed guards is what makes it possible for the wealthy in those countries to be safe... and even then, not always.

I suppose we could allow the radical right to force us into that type of existence, but I'd like to think better minds would prevail.

But what a vile and ugly world it would be if the radical randian extremists had their way.
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If we're going to go around the world spouting off about how great we are, then we'd better make damn sure that our poorest citizens are not that bad off.

Define "not that bad off"....

Does it include a cell phone with data plan, flatscreen and an XBOX 360?

because we all know that's where WIC money goes, right? :rolleyes:

Reality... there is some abuse. But a good chunk, if not most of that, was addressed by welfare reform in the 90's. This country has the worst disparity in wealth and income distribution of any westernized nation. If you have ever been to a country where there is no middle class, then you know that what happens in those circumstances is that you end up with a resentful underclass and an overprivileged overclass (for lack of a better word). Barbed wire on the tops of gates and armed guards is what makes it possible for the wealthy in those countries to be safe... and even then, not always.

I suppose we could allow the radical right to force us into that type of existence, but I'd like to think better minds would prevail.

But what a vile and ugly world it would be if the radical randian extremists had their way.

I agree Jillian, there will always be people who try to get over but we shouldn't punish everyone and get rid of the system all together just because of a small number of people.
Define "not that bad off"....

Does it include a cell phone with data plan, flatscreen and an XBOX 360?

because we all know that's where WIC money goes, right? :rolleyes:

Reality... there is some abuse. But a good chunk, if not most of that, was addressed by welfare reform in the 90's. This country has the worst disparity in wealth and income distribution of any westernized nation. If you have ever been to a country where there is no middle class, then you know that what happens in those circumstances is that you end up with a resentful underclass and an overprivileged overclass (for lack of a better word). Barbed wire on the tops of gates and armed guards is what makes it possible for the wealthy in those countries to be safe... and even then, not always.

I suppose we could allow the radical right to force us into that type of existence, but I'd like to think better minds would prevail.

But what a vile and ugly world it would be if the radical randian extremists had their way.

I agree Jillian, there will always be people who try to get over but we shouldn't punish everyone and get rid of the system all together just because of a small number of people.

I was taught, and I truly believe, that the greatness of a nation can be judged by how it takes care of it's oldest, youngest, poorest and weakest.
because we all know that's where WIC money goes, right? :rolleyes:

Reality... there is some abuse. But a good chunk, if not most of that, was addressed by welfare reform in the 90's. This country has the worst disparity in wealth and income distribution of any westernized nation. If you have ever been to a country where there is no middle class, then you know that what happens in those circumstances is that you end up with a resentful underclass and an overprivileged overclass (for lack of a better word). Barbed wire on the tops of gates and armed guards is what makes it possible for the wealthy in those countries to be safe... and even then, not always.

I suppose we could allow the radical right to force us into that type of existence, but I'd like to think better minds would prevail.

But what a vile and ugly world it would be if the radical randian extremists had their way.

I agree Jillian, there will always be people who try to get over but we shouldn't punish everyone and get rid of the system all together just because of a small number of people.

I was taught, and I truly believe, that the greatness of a nation can be judged by how it takes care of it's oldest, youngest, poorest and weakest.

I agree with you 100%, I also heard an old saying that during the bad times, people will blame the poor, and I'll be damned that is exactly what is happening now.
because we all know that's where WIC money goes, right? :rolleyes:

Reality... there is some abuse. But a good chunk, if not most of that, was addressed by welfare reform in the 90's. This country has the worst disparity in wealth and income distribution of any westernized nation. If you have ever been to a country where there is no middle class, then you know that what happens in those circumstances is that you end up with a resentful underclass and an overprivileged overclass (for lack of a better word). Barbed wire on the tops of gates and armed guards is what makes it possible for the wealthy in those countries to be safe... and even then, not always.

I suppose we could allow the radical right to force us into that type of existence, but I'd like to think better minds would prevail.

But what a vile and ugly world it would be if the radical randian extremists had their way.

I agree Jillian, there will always be people who try to get over but we shouldn't punish everyone and get rid of the system all together just because of a small number of people.

I was taught, and I truly believe, that the greatness of a nation can be judged by how it takes care of it's oldest, youngest, poorest and weakest.

Great sounding, but it's naive at best! I am all for helping the helpless, but not the hopeless. Children, the disable (truly disabled) and elderly fall in the helpless category.
(1) Children can't make a living, cover their healthcare, shelter or education, not due to any choices they have made, but due to their age!
(2) The elderly falls in the helpless category also. Age gets us all. Eventually you lose the ability to work, health coverage becomes too costly and you lose the ability to take care of yourself. Getting old is a bitch.
(3) The disabled, say the soldier that loses both arms and hands, the adult in a wheel chair who has MS or the woman born with Spina Bifida etc. These are circumstances in which people can't take care of themselves do to illness, birth defects, freak accidents or just God's wrath. We should take care of them also!

I also support temporary help. Food Stamps to get someone on their feet. Unemployment benefits for someone who lost their job, etc. Temp benefits in moderation!

HOWEVER, I am against helping the hopeless. A druggy on welfare. A welfare "mother" who keeps popping out babies and refuses to get work! A lazy man who refuses to get a job. The illegal alien who comes here and gets free healthcare, education and welfare. The highschool dropout who refuses to get a GED or other work related skills. Or the welfare LIFER, the one the believe they are entitled to a welfare check and refuses to better their situation to get off welfare!

What is better: Providing a person with a check for basic survival or providing a person with skills, means and opportunity to provide for themselves?

I think you measure society by how it takes care of its helpless and how it provides opportunity for personal advancement to everyone!
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I agree Jillian, there will always be people who try to get over but we shouldn't punish everyone and get rid of the system all together just because of a small number of people.

I was taught, and I truly believe, that the greatness of a nation can be judged by how it takes care of it's oldest, youngest, poorest and weakest.


Ghook93 is out for Ghook93, and anyone in the way better look out.
Great sounding, but it's naive at best! I am all for helping the helpless, but not the hopeless. Children, the disable (truly disabled) and elderly fall in the helpless category.
(1) Children can't make a living, cover their healthcare, shelter or education, not due to any choices they have made, but due to their age!
(2) The elderly falls in the helpless category also. Age gets us all. Eventually you lose the ability to work, health coverage becomes too costly and you lose the ability to take care of yourself. Getting old is a bitch.
(3) The disabled, say the soldier that loses both arms and hands, the adult in a wheel chair who has MS or the woman born with Spina Bifida etc. These are circumstances in which people can't take care of themselves do to illness, birth defects, freak accidents or just God's wrath. We should take care of them also!

I also support temporary help. Food Stamps to get someone on their feet. Unemployment benefits for someone who lost their job, etc. Temp benefits in moderation!

HOWEVER, I am against helping the hopeless. A druggy on welfare. A welfare "mother" who keeps popping out babies and refuses to get work! A lazy man who refuses to get a job. The illegal alien who comes here and gets free healthcare, education and welfare. The highschool dropout who refuses to get a GED or other work related skills. Or the welfare LIFER, the one the believe they are entitled to a welfare check and refuses to better their situation to get off welfare!

What is better: Providing a person with a check for basic survival or providing a person with skills, means and opportunity to provide for themselves?

I think you measure society by how it takes care of its helpless and how it provides opportunity for personal advancement to everyone!

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Truth? Here's the truth. This country tried to create a permanent underclass...they were called slaves. They existed for more then a century after this country was founded. Then after they were freed there was a de facto system of apartheid for at least another century. And that's not counting the colony years..which you could probably add century. So..3 centuries of supposed to be wiped out by what? Four Decades of reform that did not include reparations?

The solution the left has implemented is to feed, provide housing, medical assistance and education to people who are in need of assistance. For the most part..that's worked. There's still a long way to go.

The solution the right is trying to implement is to ignore the problem. That didn't work from 1870 to 1933. It's not going to work today.

what the hell does slavery have to do with the poor?......
But then too I also think that we are obligated to ALSO HONOR the retirement packages of ALL WORKERS.

i put in your time working for something that was there when you signed was there at 10 was there at 20 had better be there at 30......the new hires may have to settle for less......but that is something they will have to deal with....
BTW, that reminds me of a story from several years ago. Like many here, I volunteer my time and money to help the poor. I now help the poor in countries besides the US. Anyway, one time we delivered food to a poor family in Arkansas. There was no father and several kids. The house was sturdy, but the floor was made of dirt. What was interesting is that they had a brand new Cadillac in the front yard, a big-screen TV, a satellite dish and other extras, but they didn't have a refrigerator. They always complained about the food we brought them. I don't think they were ever appreciative of what we tried to do. I kept seeing this same pattern over and over again and decided my time and money would be better spent helping those who are truly poor. I never looked back.

were they complaining after they ate it or before?.......
Poverty in the 60s was not the same as poverty in 2011

Poverty in the 60s meant no electricity, no heat, no running water

The war on poverty worked in raising the standard of living for our poorest Americans

and that is what i said earlier....that many people see people like that as being poor.....and when they see the poor of today and the things they have.....they are thinking that you aint that poor......hence the shitty attitude towards them.........IMO.....
I've had my share of good fortune in life and, although I'm not a spiritual person in the religious sense, I'm not going to risk any bad karma by begrudging some down-and-outers few minor luxuries.

it depends on their attitude......when we used to deliver these things some of these people acted like assholes......there was more than one time i remember saying... "looks like your check did not show up today".....even though it did ...i just backhanded it.....
BTW, that reminds me of a story from several years ago. Like many here, I volunteer my time and money to help the poor. I now help the poor in countries besides the US. Anyway, one time we delivered food to a poor family in Arkansas. There was no father and several kids. The house was sturdy, but the floor was made of dirt. What was interesting is that they had a brand new Cadillac in the front yard, a big-screen TV, a satellite dish and other extras, but they didn't have a refrigerator. They always complained about the food we brought them. I don't think they were ever appreciative of what we tried to do. I kept seeing this same pattern over and over again and decided my time and money would be better spent helping those who are truly poor. I never looked back.

were they complaining after they ate it or before?.......
:lol: I've never helped people and expected attaboys. But that's just me. Apparently some do.

If you can believe their stories. A dirt floor and a caddy?

How many American receive Welfare?

Anbybody really know?

What does it cost this nation?

Anybody really know?

Here is a link editec

Obama to Spend $10.3 Trillion on Welfare: Uncovering the Full Cost of Means-Tested Welfare or Aid to the Poor | The Heritage Foundation

We had 14% of this nation as being poor before the 60's welfare programs.
And we still have 14% of this nation as being poor. None of these programs have helped change how many poor we have.

Today's dollar does not have near the purchasing power that it did back than. I think you have to factor that in somewhere. Example: Our dollar today is worth 4 cents as compared to its value in 1913.
:lol: I've never helped people and expected attaboys. But that's just me. Apparently some do.

If you can believe their stories. A dirt floor and a caddy?


here is a Hat song for Rav......

[ame=]‪The Mighty Mighty Bosstones - Hell Of A Hat‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Great sounding, but it's naive at best! I am all for helping the helpless, but not the hopeless. Children, the disable (truly disabled) and elderly fall in the helpless category.
(1) Children can't make a living, cover their healthcare, shelter or education, not due to any choices they have made, but due to their age!
(2) The elderly falls in the helpless category also. Age gets us all. Eventually you lose the ability to work, health coverage becomes too costly and you lose the ability to take care of yourself. Getting old is a bitch.
(3) The disabled, say the soldier that loses both arms and hands, the adult in a wheel chair who has MS or the woman born with Spina Bifida etc. These are circumstances in which people can't take care of themselves do to illness, birth defects, freak accidents or just God's wrath. We should take care of them also!

I also support temporary help. Food Stamps to get someone on their feet. Unemployment benefits for someone who lost their job, etc. Temp benefits in moderation!

HOWEVER, I am against helping the hopeless. A druggy on welfare. A welfare "mother" who keeps popping out babies and refuses to get work! A lazy man who refuses to get a job. The illegal alien who comes here and gets free healthcare, education and welfare. The highschool dropout who refuses to get a GED or other work related skills. Or the welfare LIFER, the one the believe they are entitled to a welfare check and refuses to better their situation to get off welfare!

What is better: Providing a person with a check for basic survival or providing a person with skills, means and opportunity to provide for themselves?

I think you measure society by how it takes care of its helpless and how it provides opportunity for personal advancement to everyone!

Poorly argued.
The poor in the United States on average also have more amenities than the average person in Western Europe.
How Poor are Americas Poor | The Heritage Foundation

"Poor" Americans consume three times as much meat each year and are 40 percent more likely to own a car than the average Japanese. And the average Japanese is 22 times more likely to live without an indoor flush toilet than is a poor American.

Also, welfare is strangely not counted as income for the poor, which is absurd.

Out of $184 billion in welfare spending, the Census counts only $27 billion as income for poor persons. The bulk of the welfare system, including entire programs that provide non-cash aid to the poor, like food stamps, public housing, and Medicaid, is completely ignored in the Census Bureau's calculations of the living standards of the "poor." The missing welfare spending that is excluded from the Census Bureau poverty reports comes to $158 billion, or over $11,120 for every "poor" U.S. household.

People take too much for granted, that is for sure.

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