How do the "poor" live so well in the US?

Ya get rid of the tv and the video games and they would soon be on easy street

I don't know about easy street, but considering the tv and two of the video game systems put together, including the games, were somewhere in the neighborhood of $1700 put together I'd say that a nice chunck of change for savings. That's not even including the motorcycle and various other items they didn't need.

ya that should cover the the kids collage fund

I think the kids could make a heck of a collage for $1700.

But seriously folks...

So, if someone can't save enough money to send the kids to college, it's okay for them to just piss it away on luxury items then complain that they can't save money at all?
I don't know if air conditioning is really a fair thing to put on the list, but more than one fridge, a big screen tv, and... a jacuzzi?

Sad thing is, I actually know people that do things like this. Married couple, still two kids at home and sometimes three because the oldest is still "finding himself". The work the guy does is kind of cyclical, so he has stretches where he does well and stretches where things are slow. I have talked to them about saving money and they complain that it's hard to do and money is so tight and so on. Then I point out the big screen tv, the motorcycle, the fact that the kids have three different video game systems, etc.

They seemed oblivious to the fact that all those things were luxuries and they were putting want ahead of need. These are good people, common sense just takes a vacation with them from time to time.

Ya get rid of the tv and the video games and they would soon be on easy street

I don't know about easy street, but considering the tv and two of the video game systems put together, including the games, were somewhere in the neighborhood of $1700 put together I'd say that a nice chunck of change for savings. That's not even including the motorcycle and various other items they didn't need.

You can get an xbox on ebay for $30, probably cheaper at goodwill. Ditto for the tv.
Ya get rid of the tv and the video games and they would soon be on easy street

I don't know about easy street, but considering the tv and two of the video game systems put together, including the games, were somewhere in the neighborhood of $1700 put together I'd say that a nice chunck of change for savings. That's not even including the motorcycle and various other items they didn't need.

You can get an xbox on ebay for $30, probably cheaper at goodwill. Ditto for the tv.

Yeah, I did introduce them to the joys of EBay and getting cheaper stuff. Of course, it's also taking a chance ordering stuff on the internet because you never really know what you are getting until you actually get it. One of their problems they are also doing better on is bending to what the kids ask for. The kids always wanted the newest thing as soon as it came out, and the parents would go ahead and get it for them. Both parents and kids are learning.
You make it sound like the poor don't work. Really? For your information they comprise the largest labor market in our Country. Not everyone is born into privilege. Your Daddy probably bought your first car for you, pampered and overly sheltered you. What a snob that doesn't seem to be aware that not everyone lives like you do.

There are a lot or programs that we do not need I agree. What pays for those programs though? Taxes do, and they pay taxes as well and believe me it hurts their checkbook worse than yours. Because the poor are our largest labor force they pay more taxes collectively than any other. When you retire you will like everyone else get S.S.. I bet you won't send that check back in the mail. Read a couple of years ago that just about EVERY rich or wealthy person cash's their S.S. check as they get it. You would think that since most rich folks are against entitlements they would send them back. YEAH RIGHT!

If they are working then they should be able to take care of themselves.

As for them paying Fed taxes?? I rather doubt that. 47% of folks pay no Fed taxes at all.

I'm sure these programs you speak of are all funded with taxpayer dollars.

You can bet I will keep my SS check since I payed for it. BTW I'm not rich. I've worked two jobs most of my life and have done pretty good job of taking care of myself. I just made responsible decisions something loads of poor people don't do.

The poor aren't my problem or my responsibility and I despise the fact that our Govt has decided we taxpayers should take care of them. Kudo's to anyone who wants to open up their wallet and whip out their checkbook to assist the poor. Believe me. They will take all that you want to hand out.

I feel no driving need to assume other peoples responsibilites. If you do. Feel free.
claudette, they pay no federal income taxes, but they do pay federal taxes.

they pay federal social security taxes
they pay federal Medicare taxes
they pay federal gas taxes
they pay federal cigarette taxes
distilled alcohol taxes

those making more than 105k a year, pay absolutely NO federal SS taxes on their income above that, while every middle class person pays it on every dime they earn.....the hundred million plus middle and poor pay the cig and gas and ss taxes in majority, and a much higher percentage of income is used by them, for these federal taxes....

i think the whole picture needs to be looked at, instead of just cherry picking against the poor and middle income families and you don't seem to be doing that???

Your right. I'm not.

I am not interested in assuming ANYONES resonsibilites no matter the reason. I'm not interested in paying their medical bills, their rent or mortgage. I'm not interested in sending their kids to college or buying their food.

However, as I stated, if you and other likeminded folks feel the need then have at it.
It will be your choice.

If I'm going to donate to charity then I will pick the charity I give to.
Poverty in the 60s was not the same as poverty in 2011

Poverty in the 60s meant no electricity, no heat, no running water

The war on poverty worked in raising the standard of living for our poorest Americans

Been there..done that.

No fun at all.

I was never that far down, but not far from it either. I've always been lucky enough to have heat, electricity, and running water, but there was a time that and a clock radio was all I had. I won't touch ramen noodles anymore, but they kept me alive for about a year.
I don't know about easy street, but considering the tv and two of the video game systems put together, including the games, were somewhere in the neighborhood of $1700 put together I'd say that a nice chunck of change for savings. That's not even including the motorcycle and various other items they didn't need.

You can get an xbox on ebay for $30, probably cheaper at goodwill. Ditto for the tv.

Yeah, I did introduce them to the joys of EBay and getting cheaper stuff. Of course, it's also taking a chance ordering stuff on the internet because you never really know what you are getting until you actually get it. One of their problems they are also doing better on is bending to what the kids ask for. The kids always wanted the newest thing as soon as it came out, and the parents would go ahead and get it for them. Both parents and kids are learning.

You're the one that claimed an xbox/tv combo would cost $1700. And buying them off ebay or at good will isn't the "newest thing as soon as it came out."

You're a fraud.
I am not interested in supporting wars of conquest,banker bail outs , corporate welfare or foreign aid for Israel....can I get my money back and give it to the poor ?

Sounds good to me. I'm not interested in funding bailouts, becoming an unwilling financial backer for GM, and offering money to countries that hate us every time a camel farts in the desert. I'll take my money back too.
You can get an xbox on ebay for $30, probably cheaper at goodwill. Ditto for the tv.

Yeah, I did introduce them to the joys of EBay and getting cheaper stuff. Of course, it's also taking a chance ordering stuff on the internet because you never really know what you are getting until you actually get it. One of their problems they are also doing better on is bending to what the kids ask for. The kids always wanted the newest thing as soon as it came out, and the parents would go ahead and get it for them. Both parents and kids are learning.

You're the one that claimed an xbox/tv combo would cost $1700. And buying them off ebay or at good will isn't the "newest thing as soon as it came out."

You're a fraud.

Pardon the hell out of me, but you need to work on your reading comprehension skills.

They didn't get their TV or their video games systems off of EBay. I said they spent about that much when they bought the stuff. Since then, they have been getting stuff off EBay.

Learn how to read before you comment.
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What is "Poor" in America. Maybe it's time for people to re-examine and put it into a proper perspective. As compared to the rest of the World,our poor have it pretty good. Are our children starving or are they eating too much? I think many like to use the poverty issue for political gain. And that's why you don't get real honesty or perspective on this issue. At the end of the day,America's "Poor" don't have it so bad. It's all about perspective.
What is "Poor" in America. Maybe it's time for people to re-examine and put it into a proper perspective. As compared to the rest of the World,our poor have it pretty good. Are our children starving or are they eating too much? I think many like to use the poverty issue for political gain. And that's why you don't get real honesty or perspective on this issue. At the end of the day,America's "Poor" don't have it so bad. It's all about perspective.

Exactly. It's the difference between need and want. The line has been blurred to the point a lot of people think they are downtrodden because they don't have everything they want even though they have everything they need, and then some. Much like the story of the people I know that Ravi was apparently too illiterate to understand.
I am not interested in supporting wars of conquest,banker bail outs , corporate welfare or foreign aid for Israel....can I get my money back and give it to the poor ?

Sounds good to me. I'm not interested in funding bailouts, becoming an unwilling financial backer for GM, and offering money to countries that hate us every time a camel farts in the desert. I'll take my money back too.

Sounds good to me as well.

Lets get rid of all tax loopholes, tax breaks and subsidies.

No more foreign aide to anyone. Let em sink or swim on their own.

While we're at it I'd like back every dime that I've put in to SS and Medicare. Believe me. I can take better care of my money than those Clowns in DC ever could.
i am not interested in supporting wars of conquest,banker bail outs , corporate welfare or foreign aid for israel....can i get my money back and give it to the poor ?

sounds good to me. I'm not interested in funding bailouts, becoming an unwilling financial backer for gm, and offering money to countries that hate us every time a camel farts in the desert. I'll take my money back too.

sounds good to me as well.

Lets get rid of all tax loopholes, tax breaks and subsidies.

No more foreign aide to anyone. Let em sink or swim on their own.

While we're at it i'd like back every dime that i've put in to ss and medicare. Believe me. I can take better care of my money than those clowns in dc ever could.

lets do it..
What is "Poor" in America. Maybe it's time for people to re-examine and put it into a proper perspective. As compared to the rest of the World,our poor have it pretty good. Are our children starving or are they eating too much? I think many like to use the poverty issue for political gain. And that's why you don't get real honesty or perspective on this issue. At the end of the day,America's "Poor" don't have it so bad. It's all about perspective.

its also about quality of life...we need to change many things

Costa Rica is the happiest place on earth, and one of the most environmentally friendly, according to a new survey by a British non-governmental group.

The New Economics Foundation looked at 143 countries that are home to 99 per cent of the world's population and devised an equation that weighs life expectancy and people's happiness against their environmental impact.

By that formula, Costa Rica is the happiest, greenest country in the world, just ahead of the Dominican Republic.

Latin American countries did well in the survey, occupying nine of the top 10 spots.

Many major Western nations did poorly, with Britain coming in at 74th place, Australia at 102nd and the United States at 114th.
Costa Rica 'happiest place on earth'
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I'm not hating on the Poor but honesty & perspective rarely come out when it's Politicians discussing the issue. Some love to use the Poverty issue for Political gain. Some are out there claiming the children are all starving while at the same time claiming the children are eating too much and are now Obese. So which one is it? Are they all starving or are they all eating too much? From my perspective and experience,most children in America have plenty of food and are actually probably eating too much. I'm not saying there aren't any starving children in America. I'm sure there are but they're very very few in numbers. Overall,our Poor don't have it so bad. For the most part they get to enjoy their nice TV's,Cars,Computers,Cell Phones,and Video Games. And that's much more than most poor around the World get to enjoy. It really is all about honesty & perspective in the end.
Poverty in the 60s was not the same as poverty in 2011

Poverty in the 60s meant no electricity, no heat, no running water

The war on poverty worked in raising the standard of living for our poorest Americans

Been there..done that.

No fun at all.

I was never that far down, but not far from it either. I've always been lucky enough to have heat, electricity, and running water, but there was a time that and a clock radio was all I had. I won't touch ramen noodles anymore, but they kept me alive for about a year.

Been right down there with ya as well.

There were days when I didn't have two nickles to rub together. Not fun. Learning experience big time though.

Of course I was way young then and I got myself up and out. Doing pretty good right now and it was all on my own. Not a welfare dime or program in site. It can be done.

Like you, Ramen Noodles suck right along with Hamburger and Mac and Cheese. LOL

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