How do the "poor" live so well in the US?

I agree Jillian, there will always be people who try to get over but we shouldn't punish everyone and get rid of the system all together just because of a small number of people.

I was taught, and I truly believe, that the greatness of a nation can be judged by how it takes care of it's oldest, youngest, poorest and weakest.

I agree with you 100%, I also heard an old saying that during the bad times, people will blame the poor, and I'll be damned that is exactly what is happening now.
Who is blaming the poor? I haven't heard a single person blame the poor for anything. All the blame seems to be going to "evil rich people" and big government.
BTW, that reminds me of a story from several years ago. Like many here, I volunteer my time and money to help the poor. I now help the poor in countries besides the US. Anyway, one time we delivered food to a poor family in Arkansas. There was no father and several kids. The house was sturdy, but the floor was made of dirt. What was interesting is that they had a brand new Cadillac in the front yard, a big-screen TV, a satellite dish and other extras, but they didn't have a refrigerator. They always complained about the food we brought them. I don't think they were ever appreciative of what we tried to do. I kept seeing this same pattern over and over again and decided my time and money would be better spent helping those who are truly poor. I never looked back.

were they complaining after they ate it or before?.......
:lol: I've never helped people and expected attaboys. But that's just me. Apparently some do.

If you can believe their stories. A dirt floor and a caddy?


Why don't you just change it for him and add your own "facts". You seem to be pretty good at that. Well, you try anyway.

The story is really nothing new. I don't know about dirt floors, but I have often seen people living in run down houses with brand new cars sitting out front.

There are people out there that geniunly need help, but unfortunatley there are far too many that are doing nothing more than manipulating the system and taking whatever they can get as long as it is given to them. They have no ambition, the have no desire to better themselves, they are content living as they are off tax payer dollars. That's reality.
Americans can be very ignorant. They really should travel more. Most have no idea what "Poor" is. They should travel around the World a bit and see what real poverty looks like. Sitting on your couch blabbing on your Cell Phone,playing your Video Games is not real poverty. If you're gonna be poor,being in America is the best place to do it.
Americans can be very ignorant. They really should travel more. Most have no idea what "Poor" is. They should travel around the World a bit and see what real poverty looks like. Sitting on your couch blabbing on your Cell Phone,playing your Video Games is not real poverty. If you're gonna be poor,being in America is the best place to do it.

You are damn right, there is always soup kitchens in every major city so if you are starving, you can stop by there for a free meal. All the nice programs we have here like food stamps, wic, cash aid, welfare etc are not available in most countries, in most places if you don't have $$$$, you don't eat. If someone wants to see real poverty look at Somalia right now where people are laying their dead babies on the side of the road because they don't have the strength to bury them, thats real poverty.
Americans can be very ignorant. They really should travel more. Most have no idea what "Poor" is. They should travel around the World a bit and see what real poverty looks like. Sitting on your couch blabbing on your Cell Phone,playing your Video Games is not real poverty. If you're gonna be poor,being in America is the best place to do it.

Are you referring to Industrial Nations or Third World Nations?
Sigh. . . some of you are simply mean-spirited assholes, and I will leave your puckering up to you to take care of you.

Some of you, though, have not seen the rural poverty in parts of the Deep South. You see a kid running around in a gunny bag outside of his home, the abandoned bus, and so forth.

May God have pity on you.
Sigh. . . some of you are simply mean-spirited assholes, and I will leave your puckering up to you to take care of you.

Some of you, though, have not seen the rural poverty in parts of the Deep South. You see a kid running around in a gunny bag outside of his home, the abandoned bus, and so forth.

May God have pity on you.

Ol' Neostrosky posts like a bot.
How do the "poor" live so well in the US?

I am pretty well impressed with those figures. Where are the figures for the top 10%ers? I guess Heritage is afrraid to show us. LOL!

Why would one care how people spend the money they earned
If you really are interested in how the rich live then you only need to watch Papa Obama

One can only assume that they live rather well
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I was taught, and I truly believe, that the greatness of a nation can be judged by how it takes care of it's oldest, youngest, poorest and weakest.

I agree with you 100%, I also heard an old saying that during the bad times, people will blame the poor, and I'll be damned that is exactly what is happening now.
Who is blaming the poor? I haven't heard a single person blame the poor for anything. All the blame seems to be going to "evil rich people" and big government.

Did someone send you a box of apple & oranges?
Sigh. . . some of you are simply mean-spirited assholes, and I will leave your puckering up to you to take care of you.

Some of you, though, have not seen the rural poverty in parts of the Deep South. You see a kid running around in a gunny bag outside of his home, the abandoned bus, and so forth.

May God have pity on you.

I live in the rural Deep South son. There are damned few kids running around in burlap sacks. As a matter of fact, you'd be hard pressed to find a gunny sack anywhere, these days.
But you saw a picture taken in the 30's and think you know the South? ASS!
How do the "poor" live so well in the US?

I am pretty well impressed with those figures. Where are the figures for the top 10%ers? I guess Heritage is afrraid to show us. LOL!

Why would one care how people spend the money they earned
If you really are interested in how the rich live then you only need to watch Papa Obama

One can only assume that they live rather well

How can we compare the poor if we don't compare them to the rich? They may actually be richer than your figures show. Like I didn't see swimming pools, yachts, or BMWs on the list, so maybe the poor really have it bad.
I am pretty well impressed with those figures. Where are the figures for the top 10%ers? I guess Heritage is afrraid to show us. LOL!

Why would one care how people spend the money they earned
If you really are interested in how the rich live then you only need to watch Papa Obama

One can only assume that they live rather well

How can we compare the poor if we don't compare them to the rich? They may actually be richer than your figures show. Like I didn't see swimming pools, yachts, or BMWs on the list, so maybe the poor really have it bad.

They are poor by gov't definition, are they not?
So you must trust that.....

But, if you feel that the poor should be compensated to get a Bimmer
then by all means you are free to.....

Better yet, you might feel it is a good idea to compensate the poor to point where
there would be no incentive or need to work.

Of course, if you don't believe that then what should be the cutoff ?

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400 people are sitting on HALF the wealth in this country.

They control more wealth than 150 million Americans.

But Republicans like to attack the poor, the unions, the teachers, muslims, poor immigrants, and gay people, as if they were our enemies.

There is a special place in hell waiting for Republicans.
Indeed, the Left is concerned with these 400 who own more than half the wealth in the US
like it is their's to be concerned with...

But the "400 million" Chinese owning more than half of our future wealth that Papa Obama and the Left want to keep giving it to,

does not bother them

Funny how that works

Of course, if the Left and Papa Obama can sell enough of our future wealth to the Chinese
then we might be communist by default, since they will own us

This is actually dated, since the debt is even more now

[ame=]‪Child's Pay 2‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
China owns one trillion of our debt.

Because George Bush lowered taxes for the rich and put two wars on his credit card.

Thanks for bringing that up, people need to remember that.
Thanks for reminding about Presidents

Papa Obama will add as much debt as all the prior 43 presidents combined

In case your math skills fail you
that means even more than Bush

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