How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

We have evidence this century it does, cum-wipe.
Ignore ToddsterParrot.. the Trolling Riddler with non sequitur one-line ??? 'answers.'
He can't discuss AGW/Climate change, just bust your balls with deflecting question marks/8 word BS replies.

EMH is



They both should be IGNORED along with high-frequency/gratuitous/no-content/7 word 'jc456.'
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*Anything* can be a pollutant if there's too much of it. If you drink too much water in a short period of time, you'll throw off your electrolyte balance and go into shock. Yet you can't go without it for more than a few days.

There's too much CO2 being pumped into the atmosphere. The oceans take in about 90% of it, but it can only do so much. Past extinction events correlate with CO2 levels, except for the first-ever mass extinction of single-cell organisms in what is referred to as the "snowball Earth" period, when our biosphere got its first dose of massive amounts of oxygen.
I'm with you with the first paragraph. I even said the same thing. But, the second paragraph, not a chance. Like I said, in submarines, they pump in 8,000ppm. The mass extinctions were the asteroid's that hit the earth. Perhaps that created high levels of CO2. but mainly it caused no sunlight to get in and the plants died off and the food chain disappeared. More CO2 caused more plant life which helps the food change in many ways. One, there is more creatures and second, the creatures are bigger. There have been times where the parts per million was way more than it is now and the world didn't die off. In fact, there were times where the CO2 was 17,000ppm where polar caps were part green and the desserts didn't exist.
We have evidence this century it does, cum-wipe.

FUDGE is not "evidence" it is fraud.

highly correlated "satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling." = love the word "suggested," your outside thermometer "suggested" it was 80F outside, but you really need a taxpayer funded climate "scientist" to inform you that "orbit wobble" requires fudging that up to 90F to show "warming" that does not exist...

"Scientists were left with two choices: either the atmosphere wasn't warming up, or something was wrong with the data."

Oh no conflict there. Admit Co2 went up and atmospheric temps did not, reject Co2 theory per REAL SCIENCE, lose job, zero out Co2 fraud, file for unemployment....


FUDGE the data....

There is NO EVIDENCE that increasing atmospheric Co2 warms ANYTHING.... unless you believe "orbit wobble" is a legit excuse to FUDGE THE DATA HIGHER...
Ignore ToddsterParrot.. the Trolling Riddler with non sequitur one-line ??? 'answers.'
He can't discuss AGW/Climate change, just bust your balls with deflecting question marks/8 word BS replies.

EMH is



They both should be IGNORED along with high-frequency/gratuitous/no-content/7 word 'jc456.'

I'm with you with the first paragraph.


But, the second paragraph, not a chance. Like I said, in submarines, they pump in 8,000ppm. The mass extinctions were the asteroid's that hit the earth.

Most mass extinctions are related to CO2 levels. The Permian extinction event was worse than the Cretaceous event. Likely due to volcanism. Same with the end-Triassic.

Perhaps that created high levels of CO2. but mainly it caused no sunlight to get in and the plants died off and the food chain disappeared.

Nope, lol.

So what wiped out the dinosaurs, the asteroid hit or Co2??
I think he had a moment of liberal delusion. Back then, the parts per million was in the thousands. The plants were huge as were the bugs and all manner of life. These people start on fabrication that turns into another and another and another until they can’t keep all the lie’s straight and get totally confused!
I think he had a moment of liberal delusion. Back then, the parts per million was in the thousands. The plants were huge as were the bugs and all manner of life. These people start on fabrication that turns into another and another and another until they can’t keep all the lie’s straight and get totally confused!

Sorry, fag. You lose.
I think he had a moment of liberal delusion. Back then, the parts per million was in the thousands. The plants were huge as were the bugs and all manner of life. These people start on fabrication that turns into another and another and another until they can’t keep all the lie’s straight and get totally confused!
CO2 in the Cretaceous/dinosaurs was app 1000 PPM.
And there were No Ice poles..
No People, and
No Packed Coastal cities, NO Florida peninsula, etc.

And the last time CO2 was over 400PPM Sea Level was 50-60' higher. (Pleistocene, 3 mil yrs ago)
(we're just waiting for the Lag/Melt because it happened 100-200x times as fast becaus of human emissions)

At another 100-200 PPM or so you can expect complete Melt and Sea Level 230' Higher.

You Clowns (esp Dishonest Low IQ ones like you) always forget Humans and their current population density/distribution.

No charge for the lesson/actual history.

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And there were No Ice poles

Then there was no land there, and that is why it was warmer and wetter, and air pressure at the surface was higher = thicker atmosphere.

Ice dictates ocean levels, temperature, atmospheric thickness, and humidity = climate

Ice is about where land is.

Co2 does nothing.

Most mass extinctions are related to CO2 levels. The Permian extinction event was worse than the Cretaceous event. Likely due to volcanism. Same with the end-Triassic.

Nope, lol.

Dinosaur killing asteroid - thanks for the link MORON....
Using the ISS as an example with ~950 m3 interior volume, a crew of seven astronauts (with moderate activity) is expected to produce a volume of 8.4 m3 of CO2 gas per day. Left uncontrolled, the ISS atmosphere would reach 0.09% CO2 concentration in 24 hours. Empirically, this does not happen in the ISS environment presumably because the astronauts are not working against gravity and produce only about 1 kg CO2 per day. Regardless, the closed environment requires removal of CO2 and supplementation of O2.
Lots more tasty information provided in that link.
I gave you one. I can give you a hundred references. You gave me none. so, who's the Bozo, Bozo?
No, you have no clue how to debate or even have a discussion. You are a libertard and incapable of such things.
You said you gave hundreds. You gave nothing. The only reference from a denier we’ve seen, disproves what they claimed because they were to dumb to read it. It was hilarious.
You don’t debate.
I do.
So why say you don’t want to get into a debate?
Because that's in complete agreement with your first assertion.
You are the tyrannist that shuts down debate.
I think he's looking for someone to come back at him in a similar manner. If you're not up for that...
The leftist that sees no wrong in lying to get your way.
For this argument, what does it matter if he's left, right or center? This is a question of science, not politics.
The dictionary is not a science book.
It's not, but it does help with getting all parties in a debate to agree on the meaning of terms.
The climate has always changed. So what?
Because it is now changing due to human actions and is changing faster than at any time in millions of years and has already taken us into conditions that the human species has NEVER experienced before.
It will change tomorrow too. CO2 is not a pollutant. Pollutants kill plants and animals. CO2 helps plants and animals live and grow really big!
CO2 does not help animals live and grow really big. And all the plants and animals on Earth did quite well for millions and millions of years on CO2 that never went above 300 ppm. We're currently at 420 ppm. A pollutant is a harmful or dangerous contaminant. Science is not trying to get humanity to control our CO2 output due to its toxicity but to it's function in the greenhouse effect.
I gave you references and you did not. So dufus fish lips, you want to debate, then debate. Take a class in it first.
I did not see your reference either but I could have missed it. What did it say? Could you possibly link to it again?
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