How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

Not what I said at all. But feel free to keep on keeping on.

You're nothing if not predictable.
“Of course, dumbass. If there were no global warming the ice sheets would STILL BE THERE!”
And here you admit there is global warming !
Next your own source says the rate of warming is increasing even in the last 20 years and even gives the charts to demonstrate it.
“Of course, dumbass. If there were no global warming the ice sheets would STILL BE THERE!”
And here you admit there is global warming !
Next your own source says the rate of warming is increasing even in the last 20 years and even gives the charts to demonstrate it.

What caused it 12000 years ago. You know, before SUV's.
What caused it 12000 years ago. You know, before SUV's.
Milankovitch warming reinforced by the greenhouse effecting acting on the CO2 that Milankovitch drove out of solution in the world's oceans. The same thing that has pushed the Earth out of all its glacial periods.
I believe man is responsible for at least some damage and potential climate changes to the environment.

What makes you believe that ?
I also believe with pressure, science and Free Market principles, this damage can be reversed and minimized.

What "damage" ?

Sea levels, as I understand them, have run the full range in the past and will again in the future regardless of man. So what exact damage will we cause that won't happen at some point anyway.

And what makes it "damage". The globe has been adjusting for eons.

What say you ding ?
What caused it 12000 years ago. You know, before SUV's.
Gee, read your own reference. Knock yourself out.It explains everything.
Maybe 12000 years ago the democrats paid to have it melted. Is that in there ?
Gee, read your own reference. Knock yourself out.It explains everything.
Maybe 12000 years ago the democrats paid to have it melted. Is that in there ?

I want YOU to tell the class.

But use your own words.
What makes you believe that ?

What "damage" ?

Sea levels, as I understand them, have run the full range in the past and will again in the future regardless of man. So what exact damage will we cause that won't happen at some point anyway.

And what makes it "damage". The globe has been adjusting for eons.

What say you ding ?
I agree. The planet has been here before. There isn't anything new here.
I want YOU to tell the class.

But use your own words.
What a bullshitter wants is immaterial. it’s not y responsibility to teach you how to read. You accuse the science experts in your own reference and scientists in climate change all over the entire world of committing fraud by knowingly giving false information to their govt . which is a federal criminal offense in democracies. So wtf would I do anything to help you promote your lies ? Those are my own words dufus. You’re lucky you aren’t talking Fox News Butthead ….and getting sued.

The AGW faithful refuse to acknowledge Natural Variation, IN ANY FORM.

I have a question for the AGW Faithful, how did you all stop Natural Variation and then rule it out in your modeling?

The AGW faithful refuse to acknowledge Natural Variation, IN ANY FORM.

I have a question for the AGW Faithful, how did you all stop Natural Variation and then rule it out in your modeling?
I have a question. Are you too accusing the entire climate science community all over the world of committing fraud ?
What a bullshitter wants is immaterial. it’s not y responsibility to teach you how to read. You accuse the science experts in your own reference and scientists in climate change all over the entire world of committing fraud by knowingly giving false information to their govt . which is a federal criminal offense in democracies. So wtf would I do anything to help you promote your lies ? Those are my own words dufus. You’re lucky you aren’t talking Fox News Butthead ….and getting sued.

So, you don't know.

I have a question. Are you too accusing the entire climate science community all over the world of committing fraud ?
YES! I am. It's been a fraud since its inception over 40 years ago. The CRU falsified the climate record and then deleted the original data. There is no coming back from this.

Now answer the question, how did you rule out Natural Variation and Forcings? Current modeling overestimates warming by no less than a factor of ten when it is empirically verified. Why is that? Could it be you ignore natural variation components?
YES! I am. It's been a fraud since its inception over 40 years ago. The CRU falsified the climate record and then deleted the original data. There is no coming back from this.

Now answer the question, how did you rule out Natural Variation and Forcings? Current modeling overestimates warming by no less than a factor of ten when it is empirically verified. Why is that? Could it be you ignore natural variation components?
Its a federal crime and you’re hiding it by not presenting to your to your state DOJ ? You must live near a school teaching this stuff. You must have complained about Hillary and did nothing too.
Its a federal crime and you’re hiding it by not presenting to your to your state DOJ ? You must live near a school teaching this stuff.
These are well documented facts. Yet you ignore them and make threats. You are nothing more than a propogandist. Now quit avoiding the question I asked you. How did you rule out natural variation components of our climatic system. Inquiring minds would like to know.

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