How do we know the Bible is true?

What validates the Bible even more than nothing in it has been proven false - the people who recorded it and what they wrote. The Jews are always whiny and stubborn and in the NT the disciples are always dense and clueless.

If your going to create fiction the last thing you do is write bad things about yourself and create a story that Jesus was born outside of marriage which was punishable by death and even today eyeballed as inappropriate.

who wrote bad things about HIMSELF? in the bible?
Are you kidding? Every book in the Bible is filled with their failures.

whose failures?
Read it, I don't have time to be your Rabbi tonight.
What validates the Bible even more than nothing in it has been proven false - the people who recorded it and what they wrote. The Jews are always whiny and stubborn and in the NT the disciples are always dense and clueless.

If your going to create fiction the last thing you do is write bad things about yourself and create a story that Jesus was born outside of marriage which was punishable by death and even today eyeballed as inappropriate.

born outside of marriage is not punishable by dead in jewish law at that time. ---not nice but not capital
Yeah, adultry was a big deal.

adultery was defined as sex with a married woman------not a girl not married getting knocked up. In fact----such an event could
constitute MARRIAGE
She was married to Joseph.

according to the story she got married WHILE
pregnant-----which way back then was a very
typical thing to do with a young girl who got
knocked up-----somehow
What validates the Bible even more than nothing in it has been proven false - the people who recorded it and what they wrote. The Jews are always whiny and stubborn and in the NT the disciples are always dense and clueless.

If your going to create fiction the last thing you do is write bad things about yourself and create a story that Jesus was born outside of marriage which was punishable by death and even today eyeballed as inappropriate.

who wrote bad things about HIMSELF? in the bible?
Are you kidding? Every book in the Bible is filled with their failures.

whose failures?
Read it, I don't have time to be your Rabbi tonight.

I read it Where does Luke fail? Where does Mark "fail'?
What validates the Bible even more than nothing in it has been proven false - the people who recorded it and what they wrote. The Jews are always whiny and stubborn and in the NT the disciples are always dense and clueless.

If your going to create fiction the last thing you do is write bad things about yourself and create a story that Jesus was born outside of marriage which was punishable by death and even today eyeballed as inappropriate.

who wrote bad things about HIMSELF? in the bible?
Are you kidding? Every book in the Bible is filled with their failures.

whose failures?
Read it, I don't have time to be your Rabbi tonight.

I have time----not only were young knocked up girls not executed-----or considered criminals----their OFF-SPRING were considered the children or HER PARENTS----sorta for legal purposes if they could not be MARRIED OFF----to kinda cover the indiscretion ------if it could be covered
What validates the Bible even more than nothing in it has been proven false - the people who recorded it and what they wrote. The Jews are always whiny and stubborn and in the NT the disciples are always dense and clueless.

If your going to create fiction the last thing you do is write bad things about yourself and create a story that Jesus was born outside of marriage which was punishable by death and even today eyeballed as inappropriate.

who wrote bad things about HIMSELF? in the bible?
Are you kidding? Every book in the Bible is filled with their failures.

whose failures?
Read it, I don't have time to be your Rabbi tonight.

I read it Where does Luke fail? Where does Mark "fail'?
Luke and Mark recorded the failings of other followers.
What validates the Bible even more than nothing in it has been proven false - the people who recorded it and what they wrote. The Jews are always whiny and stubborn and in the NT the disciples are always dense and clueless.

If your going to create fiction the last thing you do is write bad things about yourself and create a story that Jesus was born outside of marriage which was punishable by death and even today eyeballed as inappropriate.

who wrote bad things about HIMSELF? in the bible?
Are you kidding? Every book in the Bible is filled with their failures.

whose failures?
Read it, I don't have time to be your Rabbi tonight.

I have time----not only were young knocked up girls not executed-----or considered criminals----their OFF-SPRING were considered the children or HER PARENTS----sorta for legal purposes if they could not be MARRIED OFF----to kinda cover the indiscretion ------if it could be covered
Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die."
You obviously have not read the Bible.
who wrote bad things about HIMSELF? in the bible?
Are you kidding? Every book in the Bible is filled with their failures.

whose failures?
Read it, I don't have time to be your Rabbi tonight.

I read it Where does Luke fail? Where does Mark "fail'?
Luke and Mark recorded the failings of other followers.

oh-----really? can you provide an example?------are you referring to this or that said or done by people like Peter, and Thomas and Judas which is stuff that neither Luke nor
Mark (whoever he is) could not have witnessed?
What validates the Bible even more than nothing in it has been proven false - the people who recorded it and what they wrote. The Jews are always whiny and stubborn and in the NT the disciples are always dense and clueless.

If your going to create fiction the last thing you do is write bad things about yourself and create a story that Jesus was born outside of marriage which was punishable by death and even today eyeballed as inappropriate.

born outside of marriage is not punishable by dead in jewish law at that time. ---not nice but not capital
Yeah, adultry was a big deal.

adultery was defined as sex with a married woman------not a girl not married getting knocked up. In fact----such an event could
constitute MARRIAGE
She was married to Joseph.

according to the story she got married WHILE
pregnant-----which way back then was a very
typical thing to do with a young girl who got
knocked up-----somehow
More of the naive. Marriages were arranged and they were considered legally married under contract. Long before the ceremony.
Are you kidding? Every book in the Bible is filled with their failures.

whose failures?
Read it, I don't have time to be your Rabbi tonight.

I read it Where does Luke fail? Where does Mark "fail'?
Luke and Mark recorded the failings of other followers.

oh-----really? can you provide an example?------are you referring to this or that said or done by people like Peter, and Thomas and Judas which is stuff that neither Luke nor
Mark (whoever he is) could not have witnessed?
More of the naive, now you change the subject. You're a dishonest time suck.
who wrote bad things about HIMSELF? in the bible?
Are you kidding? Every book in the Bible is filled with their failures.

whose failures?
Read it, I don't have time to be your Rabbi tonight.

I have time----not only were young knocked up girls not executed-----or considered criminals----their OFF-SPRING were considered the children or HER PARENTS----sorta for legal purposes if they could not be MARRIED OFF----to kinda cover the indiscretion ------if it could be covered
Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die."
You obviously have not read the Bible.

I read the bible and have quite a good idea as to how JURISPRUDENCE went during the time of Jesus and what "must die" actually meant in a PRACTICAL sense. You are trying to interpret a translation. Interestingly enough ------the fact that a girl SHOWS UP PREGNANT-------does not prove that she had
consensual sex with anyone------"must die" did not necessarily-----mean---"execute them"
Are you kidding? Every book in the Bible is filled with their failures.

whose failures?
Read it, I don't have time to be your Rabbi tonight.

I have time----not only were young knocked up girls not executed-----or considered criminals----their OFF-SPRING were considered the children or HER PARENTS----sorta for legal purposes if they could not be MARRIED OFF----to kinda cover the indiscretion ------if it could be covered
Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die."
You obviously have not read the Bible.

I read the bible and have quite a good idea as to how JURISPRUDENCE went during the time of Jesus and what "must die" actually meant in a PRACTICAL sense. You are trying to interpret a translation. Interestingly enough ------the fact that a girl SHOWS UP PREGNANT-------does not prove that she had
consensual sex with anyone------"must die" did not necessarily-----mean---"execute them"
Irrelevant, time suck. You don't create such a scenario if it's fiction to get people to follow.
born outside of marriage is not punishable by dead in jewish law at that time. ---not nice but not capital
Yeah, adultry was a big deal.

adultery was defined as sex with a married woman------not a girl not married getting knocked up. In fact----such an event could
constitute MARRIAGE
She was married to Joseph.

according to the story she got married WHILE
pregnant-----which way back then was a very
typical thing to do with a young girl who got
knocked up-----somehow
More of the naive. Marriages were arranged and they were considered legally married under contract. Long before the ceremony.

no----they were considered betrothed----not married....assuming they were betrothed.
Who would that man be----in the case of mary? How would anyone know that it was not Joseph?
I kind of enjoyed reading these 76 things that Leviticus bans. Many of them make sense, some are downright funny, and some make no sense at all (reaping from the very edges of your field?)

76 things banned in Leviticus

not reaping from the edges refers to the fact that produce on the very outer parts of the field------are free for the taking by people either in need or ------starving. A landowner who reaps TO THE EDGE is actually depriving other people of food that should be available to them ------that's the theory-----it is SOCIALISM
Are you kidding? Every book in the Bible is filled with their failures.

whose failures?
Read it, I don't have time to be your Rabbi tonight.

I have time----not only were young knocked up girls not executed-----or considered criminals----their OFF-SPRING were considered the children or HER PARENTS----sorta for legal purposes if they could not be MARRIED OFF----to kinda cover the indiscretion ------if it could be covered
Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die."
You obviously have not read the Bible.

I read the bible and have quite a good idea as to how JURISPRUDENCE went during the time of Jesus and what "must die" actually meant in a PRACTICAL sense. You are trying to interpret a translation. Interestingly enough ------the fact that a girl SHOWS UP PREGNANT-------does not prove that she had
consensual sex with anyone------"must die" did not necessarily-----mean---"execute them"
Adultery is voluntary sexual intercourse between a married woman, or one engaged by payment of the brideprice, and a man other than her husband, time suck.
whose failures?
Read it, I don't have time to be your Rabbi tonight.

I have time----not only were young knocked up girls not executed-----or considered criminals----their OFF-SPRING were considered the children or HER PARENTS----sorta for legal purposes if they could not be MARRIED OFF----to kinda cover the indiscretion ------if it could be covered
Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die."
You obviously have not read the Bible.

I read the bible and have quite a good idea as to how JURISPRUDENCE went during the time of Jesus and what "must die" actually meant in a PRACTICAL sense. You are trying to interpret a translation. Interestingly enough ------the fact that a girl SHOWS UP PREGNANT-------does not prove that she had
consensual sex with anyone------"must die" did not necessarily-----mean---"execute them"
Irrelevant, time suck. You don't create such a scenario if it's fiction to get people to follow.

Irrelevant to what? It described the situation that the writers wanted it to describe
whose failures?
Read it, I don't have time to be your Rabbi tonight.

I have time----not only were young knocked up girls not executed-----or considered criminals----their OFF-SPRING were considered the children or HER PARENTS----sorta for legal purposes if they could not be MARRIED OFF----to kinda cover the indiscretion ------if it could be covered
Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die."
You obviously have not read the Bible.

I read the bible and have quite a good idea as to how JURISPRUDENCE went during the time of Jesus and what "must die" actually meant in a PRACTICAL sense. You are trying to interpret a translation. Interestingly enough ------the fact that a girl SHOWS UP PREGNANT-------does not prove that she had
consensual sex with anyone------"must die" did not necessarily-----mean---"execute them"
Adultery is voluntary sexual intercourse between a married woman, or one engaged by payment of the brideprice, and a man other than her husband, time suck.

found having intercourse----means just that----DISCOVERED ENFLAGRANT ----not popping up pregnant --------should die---does did not---at that time mean -----EXECUTE----sometimes it meant "deserve a heavenly decree of death"----which could sometimes mean--------die young or die childless
whose failures?
Read it, I don't have time to be your Rabbi tonight.

I read it Where does Luke fail? Where does Mark "fail'?
Luke and Mark recorded the failings of other followers.

oh-----really? can you provide an example?------are you referring to this or that said or done by people like Peter, and Thomas and Judas which is stuff that neither Luke nor
Mark (whoever he is) could not have witnessed?
More of the naive, now you change the subject. You're a dishonest time suck.

I did not change the subject------I do not see how you can credit LUKE with knowing what Jesus said-----since they did not speak a common language. Luke wrote what he seems to either believe or was told or found in someone else's writing
whose failures?
Read it, I don't have time to be your Rabbi tonight.

I have time----not only were young knocked up girls not executed-----or considered criminals----their OFF-SPRING were considered the children or HER PARENTS----sorta for legal purposes if they could not be MARRIED OFF----to kinda cover the indiscretion ------if it could be covered
Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die."
You obviously have not read the Bible.

I read the bible and have quite a good idea as to how JURISPRUDENCE went during the time of Jesus and what "must die" actually meant in a PRACTICAL sense. You are trying to interpret a translation. Interestingly enough ------the fact that a girl SHOWS UP PREGNANT-------does not prove that she had
consensual sex with anyone------"must die" did not necessarily-----mean---"execute them"
Adultery is voluntary sexual intercourse between a married woman, or one engaged by payment of the brideprice, and a man other than her husband, time suck.
The Biblical Betrothal is NOT today's Engagement.

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