How do we stop gun violence? Is getting rid of the second amendment the answer?

mattskramer said:
Okay. Thanks for the straight answer. I can respect that. I’m sorry to say that with OCA, trying to get a straight answer it like getting blood from a turnip. Oh well.
no its not
heres a cool link for those that want to check out machine guns and short shortguns. along with info on the process for obtaining controlled weapons.
mattskramer said:
Okay. Thanks for the straight answer. I can respect that. I’m sorry to say that with OCA, trying to get a straight answer is like trying to get blood from a turnip. Oh well.

He dodged the question: "Which ones, if any, should a citizen not be allowed to own: (bazooka)", by asking where the common citizen can get his hands on one and saying that until I can tell him of such a place we'll (as if he speaks for everyone else here) consider that argument to be foolish.

The fact being that I don't know of a place where one may get a bazooka does not make the question foolish. Hypothetical questions are not foolish questions. He simply refused to answer it.
mattskramer said:
He dodged the question: "Which ones, if any, should a citizen not be allowed to own: (bazooka)", by asking where the common citizen can get his hands on one and saying that until I can tell him of such a place we'll (as if he speaks for everyone else here) consider that argument to be foolish.

The fact being that I don't know of a place where one may get a bazooka does not make the question foolish. Hypothetical questions are not foolish questions. He simply refused to answer it.
maybe he hasnt gotten around to responding to your request. but i provided a link to where one could aquire controlled weapons.
mattskramer said:
Okay. Thanks for the straight answer. I can respect that. I’m sorry to say that with OCA, trying to get a straight answer is like trying to get blood from a turnip. Oh well.

I refuse to argue dumbass arguments and questions. Argue logically or get the fuck out. A regular joe acquiring a bazooka or an ICBM is out of the realm of reality. Now a 200 clip semi-auto, yes a citizen has every right to own such a weapon.

Don't try to push your big government views here, that shit don't fly. Big government should provide for the national defense, maintain infrastructure and eliminate queer marriage and all other things perverted, thats it.
mattskramer said:
He dodged the question: "Which ones, if any, should a citizen not be allowed to own: (bazooka)", by asking where the common citizen can get his hands on one and saying that until I can tell him of such a place we'll (as if he speaks for everyone else here) consider that argument to be foolish.

The fact being that I don't know of a place where one may get a bazooka does not make the question foolish. Hypothetical questions are not foolish questions. He simply refused to answer it.

Bullshit Matts, you're a fucking nimrod. There is no place for a regular Joe to acquire a bazooka therefore you're argument is fucking stupid and childish.

Yeah get on me for the language, i'm in no mood for your dumbing down of the board today.
OCA said:
Bullshit Matts, you're a fucking nimrod. There is no place for a regular Joe to acquire a bazooka therefore you're argument is fucking stupid and childish.

Yeah get on me for the language, i'm in no mood for your dumbing down of the board today.

LOL - See Johnney - I told you so.
I agree with OCA's argument that the 2nd is supposed to protect citizens from their own government. The problem is that when the 2nd was written, guns were the best thing going. What is the point of letting the people own guns (pistols, rifles, shotguns, etc.) if the tyrants have F-16's and tanks and ICBM's etc?

The Bill of Rights says 'arms' for a good reason - to keep the people and the government on equal footing militarily. It has nothing to do with hunting or shotguns or whatever. It is about the arms designed to kill people, thereby keeping people free.

For the record, I am a gun owner and I have a license to carry in my state.
mattskramer said:
You might get a bozooka through this person's site:
deactivated weapons, a collectors dream :blah2:
if there is no license required for ownership, then collectors dont go nuts looking to buy them. were talking about functioning weapons. Impact arms is the closest thing to a bazooka yet. a mortar.
Johnney said:
deactivated weapons, a collectors dream :blah2:
if there is no license required for ownership, then collectors dont go nuts looking to buy them. were talking about functioning weapons. Impact arms is the closest thing to a bazooka yet. a mortar.

One does not buy shoulder fired rocket launchers on the Internet - at least not on ebay or some dudes AOL homepage. You will need to dig a little deeper than Google.
elephant said:
One does not buy shoulder fired rocket launchers on the Internet - at least not on ebay or some dudes AOL homepage. You will need to dig a little deeper than Google.
well that was matt's link not mine. personally id wouldnt buy anything from someone promoting sales on an AOL anything!
but yes you can buy controlled weapons on the internet provided the process is followed to the letter.
mattskramer said:
LOL - See Johnney - I told you so.

You're such an idiot, your question had no basis in reality and therefore was not pertinent to the conversation. Keep your big government ass off of my weapons! Or better yet come try and confiscate my 3 12 gauges, .357, 9mm(with black talons of course), .40mm and an old .22.....see how far you and your thought police get.
OCA said:
You're such an idiot, your question had no basis in reality and therefore was not pertinent to the conversation. Keep your big government ass off of my weapons! Or better yet come try and confiscate my 3 12 gauges, .357, 9mm(with black talons of course), .40mm and an old .22.....see how far you and your thought police get.

Now now, watch the name calling. It does not matter whether or not there is a person willing to sell a bazooka to a citizen. The question is still relevant, if only for future circumstances. Merely because something does not presently exist does not make the issue irrelevant. Until you have the courage to give a straight answer to a hypothetical question, I feel sorry for you.

Uh, by the way By the way, I don’t want your 3 12 gauges, .357, 9mm(with black talons of course), .40mm and an old .22. I don’t have “thought police”.
I personally feel that we should abolish all laws against guns, and just keep murder laws and the like that deal with gun violence. I think we should legalize machine guns too. That was an overreaction from the old Mafia wars. I laud our President Bush for allowing the semis from Yugoslavia and China. But let's face it, if we want to keep our Constitutional right to guns, we're going to lose a few thousand dead a year through accidents, murders, etc. A drunken teenager with a loaded gun may accidently kill somebody. But that's no reason to ban guns. Same logic on Free Speech. If I say something that hurts somebody's feelings, then we have to decide whether to ban Free Speech and send me to jail for a hate speech crime or whatever.
I personally believe the 2nd was intended to allow for things such as the state National Guards. It's a way for the state governments, i.e. the people, to keep a check on the federal government.

It seems more likely that the founders had a check of federal power in mind when they wrote it and not something akin to other inalienable rights.

Anyone have any sources that reveal the intentions of the second?
I would say lets look at the wording of the amendment

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed"

It is historically accepted that this is because the founding fathers believed it was important for a well regulated militia of the people to be able to defend their state...and, if the people were defending their state, it was vital that people be able to own guns.

I do not think that this is referring to any military branch or state National Guard because the National Guard is part of a state government, under the rules and regulations of that higher power and taking its orders from it.

The second amendment exists to make clear that if any force, even if that force is the state itself (a corrupt government), the PEOPLE have to be able to form a militia capable of defending itself. The National Guard in that example, could be under the thumb of the corrupt government...and therefore would be useless to the people who needed them.

I do not view those all important words, "THE PEOPLE," to mean a government supervised military body...perhaps you do...but as of yet, our nation recognizes "THE PEOPLE" to mean just that. And with that in mind, our Constitution clearly states that "the right of THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I absolutely agree, Gem. Moreover, I don't think that divining the intent of our founding fathers is all that difficult. I'm paraphrasing, but the framers' general intent is pretty clear in the phrase that states "any power not specifically granted to the federal government automatically reverts to the states, or to the people". Very simple and very clear. They understood that the best safeguard against tyranny is decentralization, and it's attendant devolution of power to - ultimately - the individual. Simply put, "The government that governs best governs least". That pesky old constitution is a thorn in the sides of tyrants everywhere, and that pesky old Second Amendment drives them up a wall. They've been staying up nights for centuries, trying to find a way to convince America that by "up", our founding fathers meant "down" - and I expect it will continue.

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