How do we stop gun violence? Is getting rid of the second amendment the answer?

musicman, I agree. In fact, many Constitutional scholars feel that the founding fathers would be positively horrified by how much power we give the federal government and how our present system deemphsizes the power of the states to govern themselves. Most of the issues facing our judicial system today are issues that the founding fathers themselves would have never wanted to be national issues, rather they would have wanted the federal government to stay the hell out of those issues...and allow the states to do whatever was right for each, individual state.
Gem said:
musicman, I agree. In fact, many Constitutional scholars feel that the founding fathers would be positively horrified by how much power we give the federal government and how our present system deemphsizes the power of the states to govern themselves. Most of the issues facing our judicial system today are issues that the founding fathers themselves would have never wanted to be national issues, rather they would have wanted the federal government to stay the hell out of those issues...and allow the states to do whatever was right for each, individual state.

The unique beauty of the American system of government is under constant attack by elitists, because - left alone - it does its job too well. It frustrates tyranny.

Minutes after Al Gore conceded the 2000 election (but before all the recount madness started), an interviewer asked a dejected Jesse Jackson what he thought the Republican victory meant. Near tears, Jackson said, "Four years of limited government and states rights". I remember scratching my head and asking, "Those are BAD things?"
Gem said:
I would say lets look at the wording of the amendment

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed"

It is historically accepted that this is because the founding fathers believed it was important for a well regulated militia of the people to be able to defend their state...and, if the people were defending their state, it was vital that people be able to own guns.

Section. 2.
Clause 1:

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

I do not think that this is referring to any military branch or state National Guard because the National Guard is part of a state government, under the rules and regulations of that higher power and taking its orders from it.

The second amendment exists to make clear that if any force, even if that force is the state itself (a corrupt government), the PEOPLE have to be able to form a militia capable of defending itself. The National Guard in that example, could be under the thumb of the corrupt government...and therefore would be useless to the people who needed them.

I do not view those all important words, "THE PEOPLE," to mean a government supervised military body...perhaps you do...but as of yet, our nation recognizes "THE PEOPLE" to mean just that. And with that in mind, our Constitution clearly states that "the right of THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Sounds good Gem, but the President will be in charge of the militia if one is called up. I think it was intended for the people to bring their own guns though.

Excellent, thanks for posting the rest of the amendment. I agree with you that the Founding Fathers meant for the citizens of this nation to own their own guns and bring them to the defense of this nation if needed.
not that i wish for this to happen, but i think it would be interesting for there to be some armed conflict in the US, the govt says yo umay bring your own weapons, whatever they maybe, with no recourse during or after just to see what type weapons people would bring out.
Guns cause violence like flys cause garbage..

Lose our guns? It will happen within my lifetime I am sure (I ain't young, and yet still not old enough to retire).

The chinks have this thing about slaves being un armed. So when they come with their tanks and bombers we can sit there under the US flag, hold hands, and sing Kum bye ya or some shit like that.

Americans are pretty stupid. They don't pay attention to the very history that got us here in the first place. They take too much for granted, like freedom.


Sure they have the right to do it,, they also have the right to be wrong. It's America.

As far as violence in the US,,,, What kind of society produces video games like Grand Theft Auto?

SPEAKING OF,, DID YOU CATCH 60 Minutes last night???

Why do magazines that push fashion and style (to the 20 something crowd?), also advertise video games to the young men in America. By the time these "young men" are learning to be movers and shakers, isn't it the time that the Xboxes and Playstations have been given to good will,,, or put out for a tag sale?? Is that the type of crap these hot chicks on the covers of STUFF, FHM, MAXIM, want in a "man"?? "Spend your dollars on me baby",, when your not home masterbating with your video games, and homies?????

Is ADD inherited, or is it a learned affliction?

Seems like the marketing people want the US youth to never grow up and learn the real issues of life.

Therefore,,,,, responsible gun ownership, responsible firearms use, and the reasons for the Second Amendment is not a topic we can teach in American schools. It is forbidden by the left wingers. ((check out the newest college texts on Constitutional Law, look up Second Amendment, Firearms,,)) But,,, it is ok for your kids to go to a public library, camp out for hours, and play interactive shootem up games on public computers.

REMEMBER THE BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA????,,, they used to teach values, and gun safety.. But,, people who wear Levi, The Schmuck", :piss2: Strauss jeans are helping to make the Boy Scouts a "Not cool" group to be in.

This country has no sense of identity, no sense of direction, no sense.

It is just a matter of time for the collapse. The foreigners know it and are waiting in the wings. :dev3:
Working Man said:
Guns cause violence like flys cause garbage..

Lose our guns? It will happen within my lifetime I am sure (I ain't young, and yet still not old enough to retire).

The chinks have this thing about slaves being un armed. So when they come with their tanks and bombers we can sit there under the US flag, hold hands, and sing Kum bye ya or some shit like that.

Americans are pretty stupid. They don't pay attention to the very history that got us here in the first place. They take too much for granted, like freedom.


Sure they have the right to do it,, they also have the right to be wrong. It's America.

As far as violence in the US,,,, What kind of society produces video games like Grand Theft Auto?

SPEAKING OF,, DID YOU CATCH 60 Minutes last night???

Why do magazines that push fashion and style (to the 20 something crowd?), also advertise video games to the young men in America. By the time these "young men" are learning to be movers and shakers, isn't it the time that the Xboxes and Playstations have been given to good will,,, or put out for a tag sale?? Is that the type of crap these hot chicks on the covers of STUFF, FHM, MAXIM, want in a "man"?? "Spend your dollars on me baby",, when your not home masterbating with your video games, and homies?????

Is ADD inherited, or is it a learned affliction?

Seems like the marketing people want the US youth to never grow up and learn the real issues of life.

Therefore,,,,, responsible gun ownership, responsible firearms use, and the reasons for the Second Amendment is not a topic we can teach in American schools. It is forbidden by the left wingers. ((check out the newest college texts on Constitutional Law, look up Second Amendment, Firearms,,)) But,,, it is ok for your kids to go to a public library, camp out for hours, and play interactive shootem up games on public computers.

REMEMBER THE BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA????,,, they used to teach values, and gun safety.. But,, people who wear Levi, The Schmuck", :piss2: Strauss jeans are helping to make the Boy Scouts a "Not cool" group to be in.

This country has no sense of identity, no sense of direction, no sense.

It is just a matter of time for the collapse. The foreigners know it and are waiting in the wings. :dev3:

holy shit dude, stick to one subject or the other! you bounced around like a freak on drugs
Johnney said:
holy shit dude, stick to one subject or the other! you bounced around like a freak on drugs

His first problem is he watched 60 Minutes, hell I didn't know anybody still watched CBS.
OCA said:
Chinks?????????? What you hate Asians?

I don't hate Asians. I eat at a Chinese restaurant at least twice a month, buy my clothes at Wal-Mart and always check for the "Hecho en Chine" to be on the label. Also, love going to Chinatown and checking out the long legged Asian beauties. :tank:

I guess I should have left it at this,, We don't need to gut the Second Amendment from the US Constitution. The Asians, or Persians, whatever/ whomever will ditch it when they take over this country.

Do you think Pauly Walnuts buys his Pignoli nuts, for the pesto sauce, from the local grocery store (where they are imported from China!!!!),, or do you think he goes to lil'Itly (no a) and gets them in from Palermo? :huh:
Johnney said:
holy shit dude, stick to one subject or the other! you bounced around like a freak on drugs

I'm in my own little world. But it's ok, they know me there :smoke:
Working Man said:
I'm in my own little world. But it's ok, they know me there :smoke:
lay off the dope, yo ucan do it

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