How do we stop the purveyors of blatant lies through social media.

The point in regulating it is to prevent it from disseminating.

Although I don't favor government regulating it, I think platforms get to decide what content is permissible on their platforms.
All of which relieves the individual of responsibility. Sad.
How do we stop the purveyors of blatant lies through social media.. An example of false information is whack job liars are spreading the lie that nobel-laureate says ivermectin-cures-covid-19. BLATANT LIE.

Social media has turned into a platform that the worst of the worst among us can spread their lies without any ramifications.
Before social medai these disgusting liars had very little reach. Those who knew them, ignored them.
We have to find a way to stop the liars, the conspiracy therorists being legitimized by social media.

This is paywalled. . . BUT?

From what little I can read of it, it is ONLY William Campbell shilling for the establishment, and the CIA's paper of record.

The truth of the matter is, he SHARED that noble prize with Dr. Satoshi Ōmura, and Tu Youyou.


The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has today decided to award

the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

with one half jointly to

William C. Campbell and Satoshi Ōmura
for their discoveries concerning a novel therapy against infections caused by roundworm parasites

and the other half to

Tu Youyou
for her discoveries concerning a novel therapy against Malaria. . . "

What does Satoshi Ōmura, the other scientist that discovered ivermectin say about this issue?

From everyting I have read, he is friendly to the idea of an open sourced, clinical meta-analysis to study it's effectiveness at. . . TREATING the symptoms of this disease. Why are his speeches banned from YouTube?

COVID-19: States ignore WHO recommendation on Ivermectin, here’s what doctor who wrote white paper on the drug has to say​

Dr Surya Kant said it was only after Australia started including Ivermectin in its protocol for COVID-19 treatment significantly, the WHO started thinking about the drug.​

". . . My whitepaper was published in the month of July 2020. In the whitepaper, 19 Indian experts have contributed. They collected and compiled all data available on Ivermectin since 1981, when the drug was introduced to the world. Both researchers (William C. Campbell of US and Satoshi Ōmura from Japan) who discovered this drug won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering this drug. It has got more than four properties – anti-viral, anti-parasitic, anti-cancer, and even anti-HIV. This is a wonderful drug, low cost, widely available and used for last 40 years throughout the world. . . . ”
How do we stop the purveyors of blatant lies through social media.. An example of false information is whack job liars are spreading the lie that nobel-laureate says ivermectin-cures-covid-19. BLATANT LIE.

Social media has turned into a platform that the worst of the worst among us can spread their lies without any ramifications.
Before social medai these disgusting liars had very little reach. Those who knew them, ignored them.
We have to find a way to stop the liars, the conspiracy therorists being legitimized by social media.

maybe stamp a number on their forearm then load them into cattle cars?
When Big Tech becomes the final arbiter, we have the national problem that we have.
Fuck unity under these conditions.
It ain't happening!!
Why is it such a problem that platforms decide for themselves what goes on their platform?
We do a lot to protect people from themselves.
Eliminating lies would would be easy were social media to demand proof of your not being a Democrat before being allowed to post. Voter registration as Independent, Libertarian, Republican, even Communist would be OK. At least registered Communists are honest about it......
Big Tech Companies don't have to let you on their platform if your stupid ass cant follow the rules. If you dont want them to be the final arbitrator then start your own platform.

Their rules are grossly slanted.
And for the record, you're stinkin' Stalinist ass supports it!
We do a lot to protect people from themselves.

It's totally impossible to prevent a person from doing what they would rather not be doing at any point in time.

Maybe you should concentrate on changing the climate you inept social justice dotard!!
Why is it such a problem that platforms decide for themselves what goes on their platform?
Because platforms aren't really independent of the state. . . not really. Not anymore.

Not anymore than Volkswagen was independent of Nazi Germany.

Maybe you should research Dirigisme.


I suppose you believe that Weibo & WeChat are independent of the CCP as well, eh?

How do we stop the purveyors of blatant lies through social media.. An example of false information is whack job liars are spreading the lie that nobel-laureate says ivermectin-cures-covid-19. BLATANT LIE.

Social media has turned into a platform that the worst of the worst among us can spread their lies without any ramifications.
Before social medai these disgusting liars had very little reach. Those who knew them, ignored them.
We have to find a way to stop the liars, the conspiracy therorists being legitimized by social media.

For the most part, yes, people need to be responsible for themselves. The nanny state is a failed idea.
Cool. So we don’t provide any medical care to people dying of COVID who elected not to be vaccinated?


Yeah, that’s dumb.

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