How do we stop the purveyors of blatant lies through social media.

Saving people from themselves through the use of force is tyrannical and contrary to the spirit of our Constitution.
Vaccinations have been mandated for young children for decades.
This is a case where government is saving the majority from the actions of a minority.
If people were only hurting themselves it would be different.
This is a war. Those not getting vaccinated are helping the enemy, COVID-19.
It is like helping the enemy in any war we have fought.
Are you concerned about stopping all false information on social media or just that you don’t agree with? This like so many things today falls into the it’s never wrong when my side does category.
Vaccinations have been mandated for young children for decades.
This is a case where government is saving the majority from the actions of a minority.
If people were only hurting themselves it would be different.
This is a war. Those not getting vaccinated are helping the enemy, COVID-19.
It is like helping the enemy in any war we have fought.
A war? Against a virus with 99+% survivability? You folks are totally unhinged. Seek medical/psychiatric aid immediately.
There is no "solution."

You either believe in following China's system of total censorship or America's half-free and half-censored speech.

In theory, we have 99% free speech, except for falsely yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater.

The government cannot stop you from standing on a corner and saying what you want, even though your audience will be tiny.

And currently anyone can start his/her own website or even put out a print newspaper.

Of course, Big Tech currently can ban you from their websites.

As I said, there is no "solution."
The statement below is a blatant lie. William Cambell came out and stated, I never said this. He discovered the medication. He knows the medication. He has information on COVID-19. He is not recommending or claiming Ivermectin cures COVID. If you do not understand this is a blatant lie, you do not understand truth.

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I see. Then you would also agree with this:

Are you concerned about stopping all false information on social media or just that you don’t agree with? This like so many things today falls into the it’s never wrong when my side does category.
When the vast majority of scientists in the USA and throughout the world say this is what we need to do to defeat the virus.
When populations have implemented the strategy and it works. It is no longer an opinion.
When people have an opinion counter from science and that strategy is implemented, no vaccine, no masks, the deaths increase the hospital become over crowded and cannot serve other sick people.
The real world has told us what is true.
When the vast majority of scientists in the USA and throughout the world say this is what we need to do to defeat the virus.
When populations have implemented the strategy and it works. It is no longer an opinion.
When people have an opinion counter from science and that strategy is implemented, no vaccine, no masks, the deaths increase the hospital become over crowded and cannot serve other sick people.
The real world has told us what is true.
That was a very long winded way of not answering a very easy question. Which FYI is an answer.
I see. Then you would also agree with this:

I suggest you expand your research on Dr. Robert Malone. I suggest going to many sources. You will find he did not invent the technology, he only contributed as many doctors and scientists did. He is the only one making the statements. The experts today are close to 100% behind mRNA vaccines.
Crazy people use the outliers to define their world.
Do you also feel the world is flat. If you lookhard enough you will find a scientist to back you up.

I suggest you expand your research on Dr. Robert Malone. I suggest going to many sources. You will find he did not invent the technology, he only contributed as many doctors and scientists did. He is the only one making the statements. The experts today are close to 100% behind mRNA vaccines.
Crazy people use the outliers to define their world.
Do you also feel the world is flat. If you lookhard enough you will find a scientist to back you up.

But why is it OK one way and not the other? You only accept the science you want to accept and ignore the science that doesn't fit your pre-conceived agenda.

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