How do you expand the middle class

Didnt know we still had segregated schools to fool the year is 2013 not 1930.

We do have segregated schools. Not by law, fortunately, but sadly by the racism of whites whose racist "white flight" attitude has caused so much environmental and societal damage.

White flight was caused by high taxes when will you ever learn? The only racism exsists in the inner cities it dont happen in the burbs or in the south much anymore.

The next time you visit Earth, stop by and say "Hi".

When I lived in Houston there was this neighborhood called the Woodlands. My friend who lives there told me the founder passed away this weekend. Nearly everyone in Houston referred to it as the "Whitelands" since it was 95% white
1. Raise minimum wages to what it would be if indexed to inflation. Then make future min income increases automatic to inflation, in order to take the power away from any greed-based GOP dominated government to undo it or stop it.

2. Limit imports, weaken "free trade" agreements, use anti-dumping laws as an end-around on the trade agreements that sadly do exist. If it's worth selling here, it's worth making here, end of debate.

3. Increase union power. Mandate union membership for all companies with 50 employees or above.

4. Increase income taxes. We need more rates and higher rates, up to 50% of income on anything over 3 million/year. And scrap the needless "capital gains" rate too. The people who "earn" capital gains spend it the same way they spend income, so it should be taxed the same way too. The new government revenue from this positive change should be spent on shoring up social spending programs, especially in poor, black neighborhoods. This will also help bring down the crime rates that white conservatives are supposedly so worried about.

taste like tyranny
If we had Korean or Japanese laws on imports, then manufacturers wouldn't be allowed to leave. Again, if it's worth selling here, then it should be made here. You're welcome.

Lol what you want to chain companys down and force them to pay high labor costs and high taxes? why the heck would they want to keep their doors open?

Because the American people will have more income to spend. Duh.

What's the matter with you? No wonder Mitt lost. You conservatoons don't have a clue.

you dont have a clue tard read the fucking constitution of the USA..... and trade wars never work.. guess your tin foil hat is picking up signals now.
The more the government involves itself in business the smaller middle class there will be. Government is essentially feudalistic. There are government officials and those who serve them. The larger the government the more feudalistic.

The middle class didn't exist until the rise of tradespeople and artisans. Until the people began making things themselves the crown owned everything. If you grew a bean the crown owned the land the bean grew on. The farmer was merely a serf. The noble could take that land at any time.

That's what we are moving back towards. Complete government control and ownership of everything including people.
3. Increase union power. Mandate union membership for all companies with 50 employees or above.

Has it not already been made abundantly clear via Obamacare how business would react to such a simplistic, arbitrary number?

Good gawd, I'm not going to be able to un-see that now.


No. The only thing that I've noticed is that the economy has improved a lot since the Bush Recession almost destroyed the economy.
Growing the middle class;

Stress education; (not college degrees from these on-line colleges but stress education). Stop discounting the importance of getting the education. I think making the GI bill available ot All Americans would go a long way. You get 60 hours (an Associate Degree) eqivalent paid for you up front. Over your earning lifetime, you have some money deducted from your paycheck to pay it back. If you want to use some of the 60 to get a certificate in cosmetology, fine. If you want to use it as a springboard to a 4 year degree, fine. If you want to take auto-body, fine....whatever you want to do you can do; the pay is taken out of your future earnings or via military service.

The Vice President was right when he said what we need are all new industries. The way you uncover those new industries is by stressing education which in turn creates new entrepreneurs. Some asteroids are believed to have tons of precious metals such as platinum. Finding a way to mine these metals is one of these industries.
Try cutting from the budget any Dept of Defense supplier that has a presence in a progtard's congressional district. The government-created jobs will be defended at all costs.
3. Increase union power. Mandate union membership for all companies with 50 employees or above.

Has it not already been made abundantly clear via Obamacare how business would react to such a simplistic, arbitrary number?

Good gawd, I'm not going to be able to un-see that now.


No. The only thing that I've noticed is that the economy has improved a lot since the Bush Recession almost destroyed the economy.

Well, at least you admit you haven't noticed something so glaring. That's a start.

We can always count on WC to come up with the worst possible suggestion!
Has it not already been made abundantly clear via Obamacare how business would react to such a simplistic, arbitrary number?

Good gawd, I'm not going to be able to un-see that now.


No. The only thing that I've noticed is that the economy has improved a lot since the Bush Recession almost destroyed the economy.

Well, at least you admit you haven't noticed something so glaring. That's a start.


Liberals like me are still astounded that you conservative oafs and morons still wonder how this country could have elected Obama.

The voters don't trust the GOP in the White House, that's why. It's the GOP's fault. Their glaring incompetence in foreign and economic policy almost destroyed the country. When are you doofs going to understand this?
Growing the middle class;

Stress education; (not college degrees from these on-line colleges but stress education). Stop discounting the importance of getting the education. I think making the GI bill available ot All Americans would go a long way. You get 60 hours (an Associate Degree) eqivalent paid for you up front. Over your earning lifetime, you have some money deducted from your paycheck to pay it back. If you want to use some of the 60 to get a certificate in cosmetology, fine. If you want to use it as a springboard to a 4 year degree, fine. If you want to take auto-body, fine....whatever you want to do you can do; the pay is taken out of your future earnings or via military service.

The Vice President was right when he said what we need are all new industries. The way you uncover those new industries is by stressing education which in turn creates new entrepreneurs. Some asteroids are believed to have tons of precious metals such as platinum. Finding a way to mine these metals is one of these industries.

Asteroids? WtF? you do know once upon a time Aluminium was more valuble then gold untill it became abundance.

A History of the Aluminum Cap of the Washington Monument
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No. The only thing that I've noticed is that the economy has improved a lot since the Bush Recession almost destroyed the economy.

Well, at least you admit you haven't noticed something so glaring. That's a start.


Liberals like me are still astounded that you conservative oafs and morons still wonder how this country could have elected Obama.

The voters don't trust the GOP in the White House, that's why. It's the GOP's fault. Their glaring incompetence in foreign and economic policy almost destroyed the country. When are you doofs going to understand this?

So now I'm a conservative again. Okay, why not.

Your simplistic views on "economics" are amusing indeed, but not helpful.

And off the top of my head, the only issue on which I remember agreeing with Bush was "the soft bigotry of reduced expectations", although I seriously doubt that he came up with the phrase.

Deflection doesn't work with me, nor does seventh-grade namecalling.

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Growing the middle class;

Stress education; (not college degrees from these on-line colleges but stress education). Stop discounting the importance of getting the education. I think making the GI bill available ot All Americans would go a long way. You get 60 hours (an Associate Degree) eqivalent paid for you up front. Over your earning lifetime, you have some money deducted from your paycheck to pay it back. If you want to use some of the 60 to get a certificate in cosmetology, fine. If you want to use it as a springboard to a 4 year degree, fine. If you want to take auto-body, fine....whatever you want to do you can do; the pay is taken out of your future earnings or via military service.

The Vice President was right when he said what we need are all new industries. The way you uncover those new industries is by stressing education which in turn creates new entrepreneurs. Some asteroids are believed to have tons of precious metals such as platinum. Finding a way to mine these metals is one of these industries.

Asteroids? WtF? you do know once upon a time Aluminium was more valuble then gold untill it became abundance.

A History of the Aluminum Cap of the Washington Monument

Actually I didn't know that...

What is your point?
The more the government involves itself in business the smaller middle class there will be. Government is essentially feudalistic. There are government officials and those who serve them. The larger the government the more feudalistic.

The middle class didn't exist until the rise of tradespeople and artisans. Until the people began making things themselves the crown owned everything. If you grew a bean the crown owned the land the bean grew on. The farmer was merely a serf. The noble could take that land at any time.

That's what we are moving back towards. Complete government control and ownership of everything including people.

Great post K&D...stuck it right up the butt of that prog who was claiming they built the middle class.
Growing the middle class;

Stress education; (not college degrees from these on-line colleges but stress education). Stop discounting the importance of getting the education. I think making the GI bill available ot All Americans would go a long way. You get 60 hours (an Associate Degree) eqivalent paid for you up front. Over your earning lifetime, you have some money deducted from your paycheck to pay it back. If you want to use some of the 60 to get a certificate in cosmetology, fine. If you want to use it as a springboard to a 4 year degree, fine. If you want to take auto-body, fine....whatever you want to do you can do; the pay is taken out of your future earnings or via military service.

The Vice President was right when he said what we need are all new industries. The way you uncover those new industries is by stressing education which in turn creates new entrepreneurs. Some asteroids are believed to have tons of precious metals such as platinum. Finding a way to mine these metals is one of these industries.

actually agree with you about stressing education.....the only way we will create new jobs is through innovation.....and that starts with smart people...

however i do NOT like the idea of the government running the education business for many basic reason is that every time the government sticks its nose into something the costs soar....(look at healthcare).....

today college kids are paying through the nose and they start their lives deep in debt looking for non-existent jobs...this is not acceptable...student loan debt has actually surpassed credit card debt.....the government is creating another debt bubble...

college costs have been increasing twice the rate of inflation....avg college cost should be only about 20k today instead of 60k....

Three ways to lower the costs of higher education - Ron Hart - The News Herald
Growing the middle class;

Stress education; (not college degrees from these on-line colleges but stress education). Stop discounting the importance of getting the education. I think making the GI bill available ot All Americans would go a long way. You get 60 hours (an Associate Degree) eqivalent paid for you up front. Over your earning lifetime, you have some money deducted from your paycheck to pay it back. If you want to use some of the 60 to get a certificate in cosmetology, fine. If you want to use it as a springboard to a 4 year degree, fine. If you want to take auto-body, fine....whatever you want to do you can do; the pay is taken out of your future earnings or via military service.

The Vice President was right when he said what we need are all new industries. The way you uncover those new industries is by stressing education which in turn creates new entrepreneurs. Some asteroids are believed to have tons of precious metals such as platinum. Finding a way to mine these metals is one of these industries.

actually agree with you about stressing education.....the only way we will create new jobs is through innovation.....and that starts with smart people...

however i do NOT like the idea of the government running the education business for many basic reason is that every time the government sticks its nose into something the costs soar....(look at healthcare).....
Not true in most cases. Private colleges are much more expensive than public schools.

today college kids are paying through the nose and they start their lives deep in debt looking for non-existent jobs...this is not acceptable...student loan debt has actually surpassed credit card debt.....the government is creating another debt bubble...
Not true either--the part about the government creating it.

What you do have is a 1910 model being used in 2013 and, gee whiz, it's not working. A 4 year degree...what is that...a degree that someone decided you can get in 4 years. Right?

What if you did this; you worked part time, took 1/2 as many classes and paid as you go? When you graduate in 8 years you have no debt or smaller debt anyway. Thanks to Obamacare allowing students to stay on their parent's insurance through the age of 26, you needn't start your career at 22.

college costs have been increasing twice the rate of inflation....avg college cost should be only about 20k today instead of 60k....

Three ways to lower the costs of higher education - Ron Hart - The News Herald

That part is true--college costs are rising and the government subsidizing student loans does play a part. If you took away the loans, you'd see costs plummet because colleges wouldn't have any students to teach and thusly no income.

It's sort of the devil's bargain whereby the government drops the cost by removing itself from the equation and meanwhile, American competitiveness suffers, middle class elevation suffers, etc...

Pre-paying for students to go through 60 hours of college is a great idea--it isn't mine unfortunately; what we should do, however, is focus on education and not just certifications and degrees; certainly not within an artificially pre-set time limit.
Government doesn't "create" anything. Government destroys. You want to "build the middle class"?

Turn the capitalists loose.

And stop teaching our children that somehow the "government" is the answer.

That's right. No government and no regs either will build a strong economy. Unleash the capitalists!!!Why, BP could have concentrated on more drilling instead of being told to plug the leak in the Gulf of Mexico by the job killing government.

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