How do you feel about known gays/lesbians as teachers... the K-12 school system? Should they be banned or accepted in the K-12 program of education? Do you believe that there is discrimination towards the LGBT community in general? Just curious here as the military seems to be dropping it's long held reservation about accepting people into their ranks that are known to be in the alternative lifestyles. Does the military acceptance of queers/lesbians make those in the alternative lifestyles more acceptable to you?

I could care less just as long as they don't indoctrinate... If its not my business then its no one elseses - lets keep it that way...
We have a few openly gay teachers in our district. No biggie.

But a problem for THEM can be false allegations of "touching". While all teachers are potential victims of these kind of lies, gay teachers are particularly vulnerable. A lot of crazy parents and dishonest children out there.
When you look at the enormous contribution to society from a very, very tiny slice of the populace and compare that to the minuscule and small contribution that comes from the right wing, anyone who want's their kids to receive the best education would probably want more gays teaching. You cant' think of an art or science without thinking of gays who have risen to near or at the top.

i'm guessing your english teachers were all straight.

It was funny before I noticed those........but now it is priceless.

Disclaimer: I am aware that the shift key has a tendency to get stuck.

Del is allergic to caps. It's not a mistake for him, its a lifestyle.

I couldn't care less.

Some of the best teachers I ever knew were gay.

What concerns me is not that they were gay, but how you knew they were gay. Or was it...oh...I get it. Never mind...

Why? I managed to know which of my teachers was straight and which were gay without ever sleeping with any of them.

You knew or you thought you knew? Seriously, why would any student "know" if their teacher was gay or straight unless their spouse came to the classroom?
When you look at the enormous contribution to society from a very, very tiny slice of the populace and compare that to the minuscule and small contribution that comes from the right wing, anyone who want's their kids to receive the best education would probably want more gays teaching. You cant' think of an art or science without thinking of gays who have risen to near or at the top.

So just so I get this right. You are claiming that Gays are somehow Smarter and Better than Straight People?
More talented. For centuries the top sculptors and artisans were gay. Now the ranks of musicians that are top is a lot larger % wise than us straight folks. Sometimes persecution does that to folks. Makes them work harder to prove they are just as equal.
When all along they should be treated as equal anyway.
And as illustrated in this thread, a few folks do not want to give them that equality as they are still perceived as a potential threat.
The gay boogeyman scare is slowly going away. Ignorance dies a slow death.
As long as he keeps it secret and doesn't display it, there's no problem.
If he carries his homosexuality into school he shouldn't be allowed to teach.
Teachers function as role models.
The science teacher that I had in 9th grade was gay and everyone knew it. Us rednecks went by his house on Halloween and another gay guy answered the door and gave us candy. We then harrassed the teacher at school. This was 1968. Amazing that some of the football coaches stood up for this guy back then but that was the right thing to do in looking back. But I hated that then as they ran my ass for 2 weeks straight after practice for being one of the students participating.
And then about 20 years ago my red neck dumb ass woke up and noticed that gay folk are the exact same as me except they fall in love with others of the same sex.

And there ain't a damn thing wrong with that and letting others know of that love.
The science teacher that I had in 9th grade was gay and everyone knew it. Us rednecks went by his house on Halloween and another gay guy answered the door and gave us candy. We then harrassed the teacher at school. This was 1968. Amazing that some of the football coaches stood up for this guy back then but that was the right thing to do in looking back. But I hated that then as they ran my ass for 2 weeks straight after practice for being one of the students participating.
And then about 20 years ago my red neck dumb ass woke up and noticed that gay folk are the exact same as me except they fall in love with others of the same sex.

And there ain't a damn thing wrong with that and letting others know of that love.

What's really sad is it took you 20 years to figure it out. Redneck has nothing to do with it either, I know plenty of rednecks who could care less what flots someones boat, yours was a personal issue.
As long as he keeps it secret and doesn't display it, there's no problem.
If he carries his homosexuality into school he shouldn't be allowed to teach.
Teachers function as role models.

As usual you're wrong.
As long as he keeps it secret and doesn't display it, there's no problem.
If he carries his homosexuality into school he shouldn't be allowed to teach.
Teachers function as role models.

I hire an accident reconstruction expert in my work a few times each year. Former Navy F-16 pilot and retired as an officer. Gerogia Tech graduate with PHD in engineering.
He led a wing in the Iraq war I. Enough fruit salad on his chest for 3 combat men.
And he is gay.
You can look all you want but will not find a better role model than him.
No one gives a shit if someone is gay in the real world.
It's not a problem to me. I trust anyone professional enough will leave the bedroom out of the classroom just as I would expect heterosexual teachers to leave it out of the classroom. We need to get past these kinds of non-issues because there's far more important things going on right now.
The science teacher that I had in 9th grade was gay and everyone knew it. Us rednecks went by his house on Halloween and another gay guy answered the door and gave us candy. We then harrassed the teacher at school. This was 1968. Amazing that some of the football coaches stood up for this guy back then but that was the right thing to do in looking back. But I hated that then as they ran my ass for 2 weeks straight after practice for being one of the students participating.
And then about 20 years ago my red neck dumb ass woke up and noticed that gay folk are the exact same as me except they fall in love with others of the same sex.

And there ain't a damn thing wrong with that and letting others know of that love.

What's really sad is it took you 20 years to figure it out. Redneck has nothing to do with it either, I know plenty of rednecks who could care less what flots someones boat, yours was a personal issue.

It was sad and I am not proud of it. Not making excuses but it was all of the locker rooms I was in and the jock mentality. The arena I was in for many years.
Then in my mid 30s I was becoming a success in my profession and worked with many gays and lesbians.
And I saw they were the same.
Of course it was a personal issue and that is why I am relating it here.
Not ashamed to do so either and never stated all red necks are that way.
But you will not find a more vocal American than me in support of gay rights.
As I proudly maintain my redneck status!:badgrin: the K-12 school system? Should they be banned or accepted in the K-12 program of education? Do you believe that there is discrimination towards the LGBT community in general? Just curious here as the military seems to be dropping it's long held reservation about accepting people into their ranks that are known to be in the alternative lifestyles. Does the military acceptance of queers/lesbians make those in the alternative lifestyles more acceptable to you?

K-12 huh?

I would be more concerned if they were pedophiles instead of gay. I would also be more concerned if they were good educators before i would think about their sexuality. What people do at home has no bearing whether or not they are a good teacher or not.
who cares about who people go home to sleep with?


it is fun, though, when people pretend to be "libertarians" and try to invade the most personal aspects of people's lives.

Pfft you again. Actually most libertarians don't care. Even the likes of Michael Savage and Glenn Beck who are painted by the left as homophobic bigots.

It's people on the left that don't want to see the issue of homophobia go away because the democratic party needs to continue to have victims in order to survive. It's the left that convinces gays and other groups that they need special treatment and protection in order to prosper.

And take it from me, a gay man. We aren't your pawns and you don't own us.
People on the left don't want to see homophobia go away? Nonsense. I'm as left leaning politically as they come and I want to see an end to bigotry. I work at an elementary school and the staff knows I'm lesbian. It's not an issue in the classroom.
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