How Do You Feel About Mandatory Voting?

Bad idea. You'd get hordes just going through the motions, voting based on whatever bullshit fallacy advertising campaign got to them first.

We already have that now -- mandatory would just intensify it.
Democrats love to use government force to get their way. Example - their solution to healthcare? MANDATORY insurance or pay a tax!! They lose an election and immediately start talking about "mandatory voting" or pay a's for our "own good" of course!!

Bad idea. You'd get hordes just going through the motions, voting based on whatever bullshit fallacy advertising campaign got to them first.

We already have that now -- mandatory would just intensify it.

I think that if forced to vote, more people would actually take the time to educate themselves on the issues. I think it would be harder if each party had to do more than sway their core supporters.
I understand the OP article's point.

Lunatics, by their very nature, have a lot of energy even though their numbers may be small. Because they are powered by crazy juice, they turn out at conventions and town hall meetings and caucuses and primaries in numbers way out of proportion. Thus they have a disproportionate influence on the ridiculous and impossible multicolored litmus tests a candidate has to pass to make it past the primary.

"Why, yes, if elected I promise to vote for the repeal of ObamaCare eleventy hundred times."

"Why, yes, if elected I promise free puppies for hookers to be paid for by the stinking rich!"

Centrists need to get off their asses, suit up and show up, and kick the lunatics back to the moon where they belong.

However, I disagree with forcing them to do so. America has been here before, and when the pain gets great enough, rational people rise up in force and restore some sanity.

Everything is cyclical.
Heavens no. The idea is ridiculous. People who have no idea of the issues or candidates would vote without even reading the ballot.
I understand the OP article's point.

Lunatics, by their very nature, have a lot of energy even though their numbers may be small. Because they are powered by crazy juice, they turn out at conventions and town hall meetings and caucuses and primaries in numbers way out of proportion. Thus they have a disproportionate influence on the ridiculous and impossible multicolored litmus tests a candidate has to pass to make it past the primary.

"Why, yes, if elected I promise to vote for the repeal of ObamaCare eleventy hundred times."

"Why, yes, if elected I promise free puppies for hookers to be paid for by the stinking rich!"

Centrists need to get off their asses, suit up and show up, and kick the lunatics back to the moon where they belong.

However, I disagree with forcing them to do so. America has been here before, and when the pain gets great enough, rational people rise up in force and restore some sanity.

Everything is cyclical.
So far this is the best post IMO against it.
Democrats love to use government force to get their way. Example - their solution to healthcare? MANDATORY insurance or pay a tax!! They lose an election and immediately start talking about "mandatory voting" or pay a's for our "own good" of course!!


I believe Mitt Romney's a Republican.

Didn't look it up though, so you may be right. Maybe my memory is faulty.
Interesting opinion piece on CNN discussing the merits of mandatory voting. I liken it to jury duty. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Midterms Should Americans be forced to vote Opinion -


If you make it mandatory, as it is in Brazil and elsewhere, you just get stupid candidates like animals and inanimate objects being written in. :)
That happens now anyway.

If someone can demonstrate how it can't get worse if we make it mandatory I'll change my posiiton. :) Unlike conservatives, I'm open to new information. :)

I just worry about the stoner humor it seems to invite. Seems like extra work tallying those votes, and extra money doing so.

You are forced to pay taxes: local, county, state (mostly) and federal.
There are some on this board who have said that only those who own property or who have jobs should be allowed to vote.

And, some Repubs have said the same thing and are doing all they can to stop certain citizens from voting.

I remember when getting out the vote, registering people to vote was the American thing to do.

My how times have changed.

The Tea Baggers suggested this a few years ago, and essentially stated they wanted to end " man, one vote".

So if you are between jobs and an election comes up, it doesn't matter if you've paid a lifetime of taxes. If you decide to sell your house and rent an apartment, you lose the right to vote.

Tea Party sucks, plain n' simple.
Choosing to exercise your rights (or not) should always be voluntary in a free State. To suggest otherwise is the road to totalitarianism.
...However, I disagree with forcing them to do so. America has been here before, and when the pain gets great enough, rational people rise up in force and restore some sanity. Everything is cyclical.

Like seat belt laws, if caught a $20 penalty. Simply money grabbing

Madatory voting would give us democrats forever. That's why CNN like its is suspect.

Madatory voting would give us democrats forever.

So you are against it because democrats would win? What if repubs would benefit?
You don't think, do you?

Facts are democrats are lower turnout voters.
You avoided my question. Are you saying your reason for being against it is because you think more Democrats would vote?
No. You're idiot question(s) only serve to prove you're a partisan idiot who doesn't think.
You sound angry and hurt. I'm not even a democrat. I dont know you so you dont lose face by answering the question. Can you do that?

Angry and hurt? No, scared to death. That's how the GOP rolls...scare the shit of people and they will vote for you.
Bad idea. You'd get hordes just going through the motions, voting based on whatever bullshit fallacy advertising campaign got to them first.

We already have that now -- mandatory would just intensify it.

I think that if forced to vote, more people would actually take the time to educate themselves on the issues. I think it would be harder if each party had to do more than sway their core supporters.

No they wouldn't; there's no incentive to do so. All you've done is made it mandatory to cast a vote. You go in and vote for Zippy the Pinhead, literally or figuratively, and you've served that requirement. Doesn't require any education at all to do that.
Choosing to exercise your rights (or not) should always be voluntary in a free State. To suggest otherwise is the road to totalitarianism.
You would pay a fine if you decided not to cast a vote. Whats amusing is that some people are adamant about having ID to vote when there is no rule saying people need ID but making voting mandatory provokes an instant primordial negative reaction.
There are some on this board who have said that only those who own property or who have jobs should be allowed to vote.

And, some Repubs have said the same thing and are doing all they can to stop certain citizens from voting.

I remember when getting out the vote, registering people to vote was the American thing to do.

My how times have changed.

I would base in on a year's public service, be it military, peace corps, or even sitting behind a desk doing something for the good of the community.

It would tie in your vote to something meaningful, not just turning 18.
Choosing to exercise your rights (or not) should always be voluntary in a free State. To suggest otherwise is the road to totalitarianism.

Then stop paying taxes. Burn your SS card. You go along with that, right? When you turn 65 it's payback time and you get a check in the mail every month. Why not also be forced to be a part of the process since you already are anyway?
I think it's a little too late for the bumper stickers now, Luddly.

You can thank the Failed Messiah for that.

The same way that Democrats, nationwide, are thanking him, even as we speak.

By distancing themselves from him at the speed of light.

Abandoning the sinking ship.

Trouble is, for so many of these Democrats, it's too little, too late.

At least for now.

Its never too late for education.

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