How do you think you'll vote on November 6, 2018? ( and why? )

How do you think you will vote on November 6, 2018?

  • Democrat

    Votes: 12 19.0%
  • Republican

    Votes: 38 60.3%
  • Third Party

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Mixed variety

    Votes: 8 12.7%
  • I don't know yet

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • I doubt I'll vote this year

    Votes: 2 3.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Not surprised you have no clue what a Composition Fallacy is. Even after you spend so much time swimming in it.
Start a thread on it, why dontchya? The party which you are quite familiar with has a stench to it. It has never been more evident.
I find both parties carry a rank stench and the more moderate sane ones have either been driven out or will be.
I have issues with both parties, always have. After the debacle with the dems and Kav, I have no use for the democrats. They play this game too often.
Well...I can is how I felt after the debacle with Garland. Some somewhere has to say enough is enough thougj :(
Garland is a gun banner, Kavanaugh is not.
I suspect most of those voting straight Republican always have.
I'll vote along party lines for the first time in my life. After witnessing what the democrats tried to do
to Kavanaugh for no more than political expediency, I do not want to be associated in any way with
that party. I will remain an Independent, but will not vote for a democrat again.

Then you are just a Repub caling yourself an Independent.
You can call me what ever you want, in the past I voted Dem, Repub, and Ind. Not this time.
So call me a repub if you would like, just don't call me a dem, that has a stench to it.
I would be honored to call you a Republican. I will vote straight R ticket. Democrats disgust me!
What reason is there to vote for Democrats?

Just curious.

What reason is there to engage in Composition Fallacy?

Equally curious.

Answer the question, then point out your fallacy. I inferred nothing.

Oh that's the easiest question I've had all day.

Read your post above, and I quote: "What reason is there to vote for Democrats?" (or Republicans, or women, or brown-eyed people, etc etc etc)

--- clearly lumps all "Democrats" (Republicans, women, brown-eyed people) into single categories, the individual parts being indistinguishable from each other. What's known as a 'blanket statement'.

Your task is still to explain how that reasoning can possibly be valid.

I don't have to explain anything, because there is no fallacy. As far as I am concerned, individual Democrats are indistinguishable from each other, or the whole. Anyone associated with the Democratic Party carries the same character flaw. Prove me wrong.

Actually you just proved yourself wrong. I just explained the fallacy, and you proceeded to show it in action. Nancy Pelosi and Barack O'bama and Maxine Waters are -- your word --- "indistinguishable" from Joe Manchin and David Clarke and Billy Graham and Zell Miller. But let me not interrupt, I understand you're about to continue digging even deeper. Please, continue:

I will not vote for a Democrat be he the reincarnation of Einstein, Gandhi and Mother Teresa all rolled into one, because he will drag that execrable totalitarian party into office with him, and that fact identifies him as a carrier of the aforementioned character flaw.

A political Typhoid Mary, if you will.

:rofl: What the hell do you think political parties are? Infectious diseases?

I already mentioned this upthread but part of my local election is the Sheriff. In different years he has run sometimes as a Republican, sometimes as a Democrat. This is the same guy, doing the same job the same way. Should I vote for or against him depending on whatever letter is after his name this time? What if there's no party listed at all? He doesn't need one, as a returning incumbent. The list of people swapping parties for practical purposes is endless. Strom Thurmond was the same guy in 1965 as he was in 1963. Ditto Joe McCarthy twenty years prior. Trent Lott, Jesse Helms, Sonny Perdue, Richard Shelby, Buddy Roemer, nothing changed about who they were or how they operated; all that changed was who they operated with. In their cases in the South of the past you either ran as a Democrat or you lost. At the same time in Maine you either ran as a Republican or you lost. In the cities you run as a Democrat or you lose, as Ray Nagin did. In the suburbs you run as a Republican. Because that's what works --- not because the letter after the name infuses some kind of Vulcan mind meld or deposits some personality trait gene or whatever the partisan hack comic books you seem to live in tell you.

Political parties are a vehicle. If you're driving to Cleveland you can take the Ford or you can take the Dodge ---- either way you're in Cleveland.
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If you like, please tell us why

Feel free to discuss, or throw rocks, as you think best...


As for me...

On the Federal level:

In Illinois, both Senate Seats are Democratic ( Durbin, Duckworth ), and neither is up for grabs this year.

I'm voting (D) for my incumbent Congress-critter...

I disagree with him strenuously on both Illegal Aliens and the Gay Mafia Agenda...

But I agree with him on Social Security, Medicare and much of the social services programming and the safety net..

Besides, he's an educated fellow who far out-classes and out-runs the local Pub TrumbBots...

On the State level:

I'm voting (D) for Governor... I voted (R) last time and the guy turned out to be a Major Bust...

I don't like the Dem "lock" on Springfield, but at least they'll get $hit done, with a Dem in Da Mansion...

I'll probably just make it unanimous and vote (D) for State-level Reps and Judges and such riff-raff.


It's time to re-introduce some Legislative checks-and-balances against a runaway Executive, so...

Even though I despise Democrats and Republicans in almost equal measure, I'll choose Poison D this year rather than Poison R.

Other than Charles Manson perhaps, if there's an "R" next to their name they get my vote. Among other things, a vote for Democrat is a vote for stupidity and decay.
I suspect most of those voting straight Republican always have.

I didn't, I've voted on issues and where a candidate stands.

Not this time, my level of contempt for dems after this past two weeks is in the stratosphere. You DO NOT destroy a man and his family over fact less allegations made by the likes of Ford.

You do that and our republic is in peril. It's not what we do in America
Democrats are the party of crime. Anyone with a few moderate remaining brain cells can see that in the aftermath of the crimes against Kavanaugh.

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Only idiots play team sports with politics. Vote for independent thinkers that have ideas and policies that you respect and agree with. Don’t vote for the partisan puppets. Screw the little lettter next to their name
Did you take obama's rod out of your mouth, before or after you said that?
Liberals can never be in power again. I'm even gonna tell my son to vote straight republican. If he does we will see.
You tell your son how to vote?

Fascisti are like that. Gotta control everybody.
Lol, I said "if he does we will see". I'll still love him if he doesn't. So fuck off.

You already fessed up to trying to tell him how to vote. In fact you put it exactly that way.
This thread is evidence that it is hilarious some people think this site is liberal. lol

If it were liberal we conservatives would be censored or banned. That's how progressives operate, I tell no lies.

Meanwhile it's "conservatives threaten our democracy and human rights". If a progressive says it, be sure it's wrong, if not the opposite.
If you like, please tell us why

Feel free to discuss, or throw rocks, as you think best...


As for me...

On the Federal level:

In Illinois, both Senate Seats are Democratic ( Durbin, Duckworth ), and neither is up for grabs this year.

I'm voting (D) for my incumbent Congress-critter...

I disagree with him strenuously on both Illegal Aliens and the Gay Mafia Agenda...

But I agree with him on Social Security, Medicare and much of the social services programming and the safety net..

Besides, he's an educated fellow who far out-classes and out-runs the local Pub TrumbBots...

On the State level:

I'm voting (D) for Governor... I voted (R) last time and the guy turned out to be a Major Bust...

I don't like the Dem "lock" on Springfield, but at least they'll get $hit done, with a Dem in Da Mansion...

I'll probably just make it unanimous and vote (D) for State-level Reps and Judges and such riff-raff.


It's time to re-introduce some Legislative checks-and-balances against a runaway Executive, so...

Even though I despise Democrats and Republicans in almost equal measure, I'll choose Poison D this year rather than Poison R.
I will likely push the buttons with my finger I do not carry a stylis.
The Democratic Party has Prostituted itself to special interests and Far left Political activists and answer to their handlers. The MOB mentality they support leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I will not vote for a Democrat for Senate or Congress until I see some real change in the Party platform.
In my state there isn’t much difference between the R’s and the D’s...other than how many inches their lips are from Trump’s ass. I will likely vote for Manchineel, he has been good for our state. For other state races we have some good third party potentials.

I liked Joe Manchin when he was Governor and he has voted along with Republicans on many issues. In June at the 1st Cav Div reunion in Charleston he was our guest speaker. I had a chance to speak with him and I told him I have admired him since he first became governor and that I considered him to be a Republican in Democrat clothing. He laughed, slapped me on the shoulder and shook my hand. West Virginia can be proud of Joe Manchin.
Other than Charles Manson perhaps, if there's an "R" next to their name they get my vote. Among other things, a vote for Democrat is a vote for stupidity and decay.
Charles Manson is dead and won't be running for any office. He WILL, however, be voting, and he'll be voting Democrat.
This thread is evidence that it is hilarious some people think this site is liberal. lol

Not sure I've seen anybody make that claim with a straight face. But looking at the poll sure tells us where the hive mentality lives.
Liberals can never be in power again. I'm even gonna tell my son to vote straight republican. If he does we will see.
You tell your son how to vote?

Fascisti are like that. Gotta control everybody.
Lol, I said "if he does we will see". I'll still love him if he doesn't. So fuck off.

You already fessed up to trying to tell him how to vote. In fact you put it exactly that way.
Lol, i've been telling him what to do all his life. Since I raised him, but since he is only 22 I'll tell him what he should do with a big hint. But if he doesn't I still love him the same. I didn't raise him to be like a puppet, maybe like Chelsea Clinton. That left the church at the age of 5, because they were against abortion. Wow, Hillary or Bill was teaching sex, when they shouldn't. Sorry, I raised my boy right.
I will never vote for a Democrat. Anybody that does is out of his mind. Democrats are the scum of the earth.

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