How does a Republican with this record, get the support of the GOP


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Serious question for those who support Trump. Please, all of you who lean left, There's a question for you at the bottom. Please answer the questions according to the party/politician you identify with.
Trumps record.

1. Unconstitutional bump stock ban
2. Unconstitutional FISA 702 reauthorization. (warrantless spying on Americans)
3. Unconstitutional Patriot Act reauthorization.
4 Funded gender studies in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
5. The Platinum Plan, where he gave $500 Billion (with a B) to black communities.
6. 2 debt ceiling increases and a 2 year suspension, without demanding spending cuts.
7. A miniscule tax cut that also eliminated so many tax deductions, that it was practically revenue neutral to the government.
8. The $8 trillion he spent that helped to create the HUGE inflation bubble under Biden.
9. Forced us all to pay for his operation warp speed. And once Covid started killing so many, he didn't once even try to stop the lock downs, school closing or any of that. Even said that Kemp was opening up his state too soon.

There's more. But you get the point, right? How in gods name, how does a Republican with that kind of record get to be the front runner by such a huge margin, in the GOP?
If Biden had some those things everyone on the right would be screaming their heads off. But the only ones who seem to object to Trump doing these things, are us fiscal and constitutional conservative.

And a question for the left. Why aren't you trying to recruit Trump? He gave you 10X more than Hillary would've. I dare say no other GOP president would've assaulted the 2A like Trump. The GOP would've blocked any attempt she made to ban bump stocks. She wouldn't have been able to give the blacks all that money. Despite what the democrat leaders and the media says about Trump, he was the best president the left could've asked for.
The voters support him overwhelningly. That's the problem when Parties forget the little person, they will gravitate to the Apple Cart turners.
The voters support him overwhelningly. That's the problem when Parties forget the little person, they will gravitate to the Apple Cart turners.

It's like both sides are totally ignoring the issues that define a politician. Those are what used to get them elected or fired. Trump's even recently came out as pro choice. And his supporters are trying to either spin that, or play "the other guy" card.

And the left are still bashing him as if he was still claiming to be pro life.

It's insane.
Serious question for those who support Trump. Please, all of you who lean left, There's a question for you at the bottom. Please answer the questions according to the party/politician you identify with.
Trumps record.

1. Unconstitutional bump stock ban
2. Unconstitutional FISA 702 reauthorization. (warrantless spying on Americans)
3. Unconstitutional Patriot Act reauthorization.
4 Funded gender studies in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
5. The Platinum Plan, where he gave $500 Billion (with a B) to black communities.
6. 2 debt ceiling increases and a 2 year suspension, without demanding spending cuts.
7. A miniscule tax cut that also eliminated so many tax deductions, that it was practically revenue neutral to the government.
8. The $8 trillion he spent that helped to create the HUGE inflation bubble under Biden.
9. Forced us all to pay for his operation warp speed. And once Covid started killing so many, he didn't once even try to stop the lock downs, school closing or any of that. Even said that Kemp was opening up his state too soon.

There's more. But you get the point, right? How in gods name, how does a Republican with that kind of record get to be the front runner by such a huge margin, in the GOP?
If Biden had some those things everyone on the right would be screaming their heads off. But the only ones who seem to object to Trump doing these things, are us fiscal and constitutional conservative.

And a question for the left. Why aren't you trying to recruit Trump? He gave you 10X more than Hillary would've. I dare say no other GOP president would've assaulted the 2A like Trump. The GOP would've blocked any attempt she made to ban bump stocks. She wouldn't have been able to give the blacks all that money. Despite what the democrat leaders and the media says about Trump, he was the best president the left could've asked for.
OK, we on the borderline anarchist right get it; Trump is a statist 1980s democrat....No argument there.

Now.....What the fuck do you have to sell his supporters that they want to buy, in order to sway them?....What the fuck are you doing, beside posting on this digital backwater, to bring about governance that you would favor?
I am on record from 2016 warning the rubes that Trump would lead them all into the far left cave.

They didn't listen.

On your list, you forgot to mention his undying support of a KGB thug and his protectionist tariffs.

Very leftist of him.
Bro, YOU are far left. You support war mongers, fiscal irresponsibility, constitutional deformation etc.
STFU with your bullshit already.
Bro, YOU are far left. You support war mongers, fiscal irresponsibility, constitutional deformation etc.
STFU with your bullshit already.
Wow. So many lies.


No one, and I mean no one, has posted more about the reckless spending by both teams on this forum more than me.

No one.


As for the rest, complete manufactured bullshit.
Wow. So many lies.


No one, and I mean no one, has posted more about the reckless spending by both teams on this forum more than me.

No one.


As for the rest, complete manufactured bullshit.
Yeah you bitch about it, and then defend it. Like you did with Romney the other day. You don't fool me, fake.
Yeah you bitch about it, and then defend it. Like you did with Romney the other day. You don't fool me, fake.
I see you won't even read my topic. That's what willfully stupid liars do.

Bearing false witness the way you do is bad for the soul, son.
Trump stole money from cancer kids.

That tells me as much about how fucked in the head his supporters are that I need to know.

They have no morals. None.
Serious question for those who support Trump. Please, all of you who lean left, There's a question for you at the bottom. Please answer the questions according to the party/politician you identify with.
Trumps record.

1. Unconstitutional bump stock ban
2. Unconstitutional FISA 702 reauthorization. (warrantless spying on Americans)
3. Unconstitutional Patriot Act reauthorization.
4 Funded gender studies in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
5. The Platinum Plan, where he gave $500 Billion (with a B) to black communities.
6. 2 debt ceiling increases and a 2 year suspension, without demanding spending cuts.
7. A miniscule tax cut that also eliminated so many tax deductions, that it was practically revenue neutral to the government.
8. The $8 trillion he spent that helped to create the HUGE inflation bubble under Biden.
9. Forced us all to pay for his operation warp speed. And once Covid started killing so many, he didn't once even try to stop the lock downs, school closing or any of that. Even said that Kemp was opening up his state too soon.

There's more. But you get the point, right? How in gods name, how does a Republican with that kind of record get to be the front runner by such a huge margin, in the GOP?
If Biden had some those things everyone on the right would be screaming their heads off. But the only ones who seem to object to Trump doing these things, are us fiscal and constitutional conservative.

And a question for the left. Why aren't you trying to recruit Trump? He gave you 10X more than Hillary would've. I dare say no other GOP president would've assaulted the 2A like Trump. The GOP would've blocked any attempt she made to ban bump stocks. She wouldn't have been able to give the blacks all that money. Despite what the democrat leaders and the media says about Trump, he was the best president the left could've asked for.
It's not the first time the GOP got highjacked. That's cause the GOP doesn't stand for anything.
I see you won't even read my topic. That's what willfully stupid liars do.

Bearing false witness the way you do is bad for the soul, son.
Lying ass fake. You defended him. Basically him a real conservative. When he voted for high deficits etc. As I said. You don't fool me.
You are as fake as they come.
Better try your luck with one of the dumbfucks on here. Because your bitch ass won't get anywhere with me.
Bro, YOU are far left. You support war mongers, fiscal irresponsibility, constitutional deformation etc.
STFU with your bullshit already.

He and I have had some pretty good discussions lately. And I don't find him to be that far left. Maybe I've missed something somewhere. There's a lot of posters on this forum, so I haven't gotten to know most of them yet.

I usually pay closer attention to what's being said, than who's saying it. IIRC, he wasn't a Biden supporter.
He and I have had some pretty good discussions lately. And I don't find him to be that far left. Maybe I've missed something somewhere. There's a lot of posters on this forum, so I haven't gotten to know most of them yet.

I usually pay closer attention to what's being said, than who's saying it. IIRC, he wasn't a Biden supporter.
Doesn't matter if he supports Biden. He defense leftists in the republican party. Like trump.
Yeah your Ds stand for real shit, right?
Lmao all you partisans are the SAME.
Blow your nose. Trump made liars and fools out of all of you. But the best is that he exposed the American Christian for the frauds they have always been.
Serious question for those who support Trump. Please, all of you who lean left, There's a question for you at the bottom. Please answer the questions according to the party/politician you identify with.
Trumps record.

1. Unconstitutional bump stock ban
2. Unconstitutional FISA 702 reauthorization. (warrantless spying on Americans)
3. Unconstitutional Patriot Act reauthorization.
4 Funded gender studies in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
5. The Platinum Plan, where he gave $500 Billion (with a B) to black communities.
6. 2 debt ceiling increases and a 2 year suspension, without demanding spending cuts.
7. A miniscule tax cut that also eliminated so many tax deductions, that it was practically revenue neutral to the government.
8. The $8 trillion he spent that helped to create the HUGE inflation bubble under Biden.
9. Forced us all to pay for his operation warp speed. And once Covid started killing so many, he didn't once even try to stop the lock downs, school closing or any of that. Even said that Kemp was opening up his state too soon.

There's more. But you get the point, right? How in gods name, how does a Republican with that kind of record get to be the front runner by such a huge margin, in the GOP?
If Biden had some those things everyone on the right would be screaming their heads off. But the only ones who seem to object to Trump doing these things, are us fiscal and constitutional conservative.

And a question for the left. Why aren't you trying to recruit Trump? He gave you 10X more than Hillary would've. I dare say no other GOP president would've assaulted the 2A like Trump. The GOP would've blocked any attempt she made to ban bump stocks. She wouldn't have been able to give the blacks all that money. Despite what the democrat leaders and the media says about Trump, he was the best president the left could've asked for.
The story is lacking way to much information... there are always going to be cases of presidents doing things that seem to go against his stated agenda and ideology... we don't know why these things occurred during his term... some or much I would argue stems from the Obama presidency and others may have been in congressional bills that he signed....
remember we had a democrat house....
The one correction Trump needs to make is to never listen to Graham ever again.....
But compare Trump to Biden and there is no way Biden is a better choice....
The voters support him overwhelningly. That's the problem when Parties forget the little person, they will gravitate to the Apple Cart turners.
Here's the thing. While the Canadians turn into bond-servants of the WEF, we have the only person the WEF fears will upset their apple cart. Trump.
We support freedom and the only person not owned by the very people that are running roughshod over you is Trump. The WEF loves Trudeau, and he loves them.
We don't want to turn into you...

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