How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

This is as evil as it gets. The left truly are fascists - hell bent on genocide.

Baby Charlie Ordered to Die by EU Court To Have Life Support Turned Off Friday

Dafuck does this have to do with "Liberalism" Buttsoiler?
Dafuck does it have to do with "the left", Buttsoiler?

Do you even know which one you're going for here, or are you just flailing in the dark as always?

The kid is congenitally terminally ill. YOUR OWN LINK says that. There is no definition of "genocide" that fits here. NOR is the kid "ordered to die" --- Nature will do that. Or if you prefer, "God".

So to turn your own perverse title logic on your Dimbart fake news story ---
"How EVIL is God anyway?"

You tell me. Oughta be entertaining.

Dumb shit. YOUR OWN LINK.
Thank a Liberal

40 hour work week
Civil rights
Women's rights
Environmental protections
Gay rights
Workplace safety

/----- the only thing on your list Dems can take credit for is gay rights. Everything else was the work of Republicans. Her eyes Ford was no liberal and he started the 40 hour week. Dems filibustered the CRA and VRA. EPA created by Nixon and workplace saftey started by Teddy Roosevelt. Nice try though.

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Thank a Liberal

40 hour work week
Civil rights
Women's rights
Environmental protections
Gay rights
Workplace safety

/----- the only thing on your list Dems can take credit for is gay rights. Everything else was the work of Republicans. Her eyes Ford was no liberal and he started the 40 hour week. Dems filibustered the CRA and VRA. EPA created by Nixon and workplace saftey started by Teddy Roosevelt. Nice try though.

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You somehow confuse Democratic/Republican with Liberal/Conservative

Google can be your friend
Thank a Liberal

40 hour work week
Civil rights
Women's rights
Environmental protections
Gay rights
Workplace safety

/----- the only thing on your list Dems can take credit for is gay rights. Everything else was the work of Republicans. Her eyes Ford was no liberal and he started the 40 hour week. Dems filibustered the CRA and VRA. EPA created by Nixon and workplace saftey started by Teddy Roosevelt. Nice try though.

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You somehow confuse Democratic/Republican with Liberal/Conservative

Google can be your friend

/---- I'm not your friend and as a Former Democrat turned Tea Party I don't have to Google myself.

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Liberals founded this nation

Conservatives sided with the king

/---- So you admit Liberals approved of slavery and Conservatives didn't. England abolished slavery 43 years before the Revolution. Do you ever get tired of getting kicked in the teeth?

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Liberals have never approved of Slavery. They're mutually exclusive.

Liberals did found this nation and wrote that fact into their philosophy, to wit: "all men are creted equal". The conservatives using Slavery for their own profit insisted that the nation would not happen without that peculiar institution. So the Liberals compromised, fatally, contradicting their own base philosophy, and it went unaddressed until it came to a head in 1861.
Liberals founded this nation

Conservatives sided with the king

/---- So you admit Liberals approved of slavery and Conservatives didn't. England abolished slavery 43 years before the Revolution. Do you ever get tired of getting kicked in the teeth?

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Liberals have never approved of Slavery. They're mutually exclusive.

Liberals did found this nation and wrote that fact into their philosophy, to wit: "all men are creted equal". The conservatives using Slavery for their own profit insisted that the nation would not happen without that peculiar institution. So the Liberals compromised, fatally, contradicting their own base philosophy, and it went unaddressed until it came to a head in 1861.
/--- So you're saying the Republican Party founded on the core principal of eliminating slavery elected the first Republican President Abe Lincoln who freed the slaves and prosecuted the Civil War to liberate the slaves and preserve the Union were liberal and the slave owners were Conservative Democrats? Then what were the Democrats who filibustered the CVA and VRA of '64 and '65 pray tell?
/--- So you're saying the Republican Party founded on the core principal of eliminating slavery elected the first Republican President Abe Lincoln who freed the slaves and prosecuted the Civil War to liberate the slaves and preserve the Union were liberal and the slave owners were Conservative Democrats?

Bingo. That's history, and noted many times before.

With two caveats --- one, Lincoln prosecuted the war to preserve the Union, not necessarily to liberate the slaves. And two, while many slave owners were conservative Democrats, certainly not all were. You didn't need a political party registration to own a slave, since keeping slaves is not a political act. And if you did have a political party, it could have been Whig, Constitutional Unionist, Know Nothing or any of several others.

Then what were the Democrats who filibustered the CVA and VRA of '64 and '65 pray tell?

The same thing. Not rocket surgery and no prayers needed.
/--- So you're saying the Republican Party founded on the core principal of eliminating slavery elected the first Republican President Abe Lincoln who freed the slaves and prosecuted the Civil War to liberate the slaves and preserve the Union were liberal and the slave owners were Conservative Democrats?

Bingo. That's history, and noted many times before.
Yes...but only by uneducated, uninformed, partisan hacks like you. :lmao:
/--- So you're saying the Republican Party founded on the core principal of eliminating slavery elected the first Republican President Abe Lincoln who freed the slaves and prosecuted the Civil War to liberate the slaves and preserve the Union were liberal and the slave owners were Conservative Democrats?

Bingo. That's history, and noted many times before.
Yes...but only by uneducated, uninformed, partisan hacks like you. :lmao:
/---- Oh - then please educate us poor Republicans on our history and core values.
/--- So you're saying the Republican Party founded on the core principal of eliminating slavery elected the first Republican President Abe Lincoln who freed the slaves and prosecuted the Civil War to liberate the slaves and preserve the Union were liberal and the slave owners were Conservative Democrats?

Bingo. That's history, and noted many times before.
Yes...but only by uneducated, uninformed, partisan hacks like you. :lmao:
/---- Oh - then please educate us poor Republicans on our history and core values.
I was agreeing with you Cellblock2429. It was idiot Pogo I was laughing at.
/--- So you're saying the Republican Party founded on the core principal of eliminating slavery elected the first Republican President Abe Lincoln who freed the slaves and prosecuted the Civil War to liberate the slaves and preserve the Union were liberal and the slave owners were Conservative Democrats?

Bingo. That's history, and noted many times before.
Yes...but only by uneducated, uninformed, partisan hacks like you. :lmao:
/---- Oh - then please educate us poor Republicans on our history and core values.
I was agreeing with you Cellblock2429. It was idiot Pogo I was laughing at.

and that ^^ is because as always Buttsoiler has no response to gettin' edumacated.

Notice how he cut this entire passage out of my post, wishing it would go away:

With two caveats --- one, Lincoln prosecuted the war to preserve the Union, not necessarily to liberate the slaves. And two, while many slave owners were conservative Democrats, certainly not all were. You didn't need a political party registration to own a slave, since keeping slaves is not a political act. And if you did have a political party, it could have been Whig, Constitutional Unionist, Know Nothing or any of several others.

Poor Buttsoiler. All he has is post-editing. :itsok:
Hitler attacks the 'fake news' of the liberal media:

"The so-called liberal press was actively engaged in digging the grave of the German people and the German Reich. We can pass by the lying Marxist sheets in silence; to them lying is just as vitally necessary as catching mice for a cat; their function is only to break the people's national and patriotic backbone and make them ripe for the slave's yoke of international capital and its masters, the Jews."

from Mein Kampf. Look it up.
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