How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

Yeah, I'm sure it was the Democratic party that shot a vet or two when the vets asked for the early payment of their WW1 bonus. I think it was also a Democrat that paid off the debt, the only time in our history. What of Social Security and other New Deal projects that are still with us and the Americans that are grateful for them? What party responded to the Great Depression with real help not "Prosperity is around the corner."? As WW2 approached the people elected a Democrat president four times rather than let in a Republican president.
This was Barack Insane Obama's right-hand man. The fact that he would publicly advocate for the destruction of a fellow American speaks to the evil nature of the left-wing ideology.


Unearthed Tweet from Obama's Fmr. Campaign Manager Is Leaving Trump Supporters with CHILLS...
Hahaha! Enjoy prison you fascist dirt-bag. President Trump is having such a positive effect on the U.S. in just a few short months. This fascist PoS will no longer be trying to indoctrinate young people (at least while he is in prison) and he won't be voting for fellow fascists and their left-wing agenda (at least while he's in prison).

On a side note - conservatives must start exercising their 2nd Amendment rights to defend themselves. This fascist should have received a double-tap center mass after his first assault with a deadly weapon. It would have saved two other people from enduring the same assault.

Prof arrested on suspicion of assaulting Trump supporters
This piece of shit should be brought up on charges if anyone actually attacks ICE agents or riots. Brought up on charges for inciting violence/riots and permanently removed from office.
Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti...said that ignoring criminal behavior will somehow make the city safer and encouraged illegal aliens to both riot and attack ICE agents in opposition to normal immigration enforcement.
This is how disgusting and disturbed the left has become. Their "leaders" have no civility, no decency, and no ideas. All they have is violence.

LA Mayor Encourages Illegal Aliens To Riot And Attack ICE Agents
Isn't all of this liberal "progress" grand? Isn't big government with unlimited control under the guise of the "best interest of society" grand? Isn't rationed socialized medicine just grand?

Mom Fights for Son’s Life After Doctors Order His Life Support to Be Shut Off Tonight

Again, in what way does anything here relate to Liberalism, Buttsoiler? Hm?

WHERE does your link mention it? WHERE does it make any allusion to any kind of politics at all?

Huh Buttsoiler?

Isn't all of this liberal "progress" grand? Isn't big government with unlimited control under the guise of the "best interest of society" grand? Isn't rationed socialized medicine just grand?

Mom Fights for Son’s Life After Doctors Order His Life Support to Be Shut Off Tonight

Again, in what way does anything here relate to Liberalism, Buttsoiler? Hm? WHERE does your link mention it? WHERE does it make any allusion to any kind of politics at all? Huh Buttsoiler? Where?
This is like when you denied that progressivism still existed and then someone posted a video of Hitlery Clinton calling herself a "progressive" (to which you then denied that she knew what she was talking about). :laugh:

Here's the thing flaming homo - that is liberalism. It doesn't need to be mentioned any more than a story about President Trump needs to mention that he is a person and scientifically categorized as a "homo sapiens". You won't find a single news story about Trump that cites those things - yet that doesn't stop it from being true. It's just so self-evident that it doesn't require something that stupid.

England has operated under liberalism for quite some time. They have liberal socialized medicine. And they have a liberal court system telling parents that the government will decide when their baby lives and dies.

It's hilarious watching you deny reality because the facts don't align with what your ideology trained you to believe. Now lose your shit again, fragile little snowflake.
Honestly, if we could see past political correctness in our society, if we are lucky we will realize that winning the war against radical liberalism isn't a matter of reason and fairness, it is a matter of taking all of the radicals in our schools and universities, taking all of the radicals in government, and outright eliminating them from our society like removing a tumor from the body. Just as Ben Franklin said, the key to liberty is ever-vigilance, not progressive, diversity-trained, welcoming with open arms, we'll give that a chance and see how it turns out! Every liberal experiment in society has turned out very badly for western civilization.

Liberalism is a fancy name for sedition, nothing more, nothing less. It doesn't make us more free, except in our dreams.
Isn't all of this liberal "progress" grand? Isn't big government with unlimited control under the guise of the "best interest of society" grand? Isn't rationed socialized medicine just grand?

Mom Fights for Son’s Life After Doctors Order His Life Support to Be Shut Off Tonight

Again, in what way does anything here relate to Liberalism, Buttsoiler? Hm? WHERE does your link mention it? WHERE does it make any allusion to any kind of politics at all? Huh Buttsoiler? Where?
This is like when you denied that progressivism still existed and then someone posted a video of Hitlery Clinton calling herself a "progressive" (to which you then denied that she knew what she was talking about). :laugh:

Here's the thing flaming homo - that is liberalism. It doesn't need to be mentioned any more than a story about President Trump needs to mention that he is a person and scientifically categorized as a "homo sapiens". You won't find a single news story about Trump that cites those things - yet that doesn't stop it from being true. It's just so self-evident that it doesn't require something that stupid.

England has operated under liberalism for quite some time. They have liberal socialized medicine. And they have a liberal court system telling parents that the government will decide when their baby lives and dies.

It's hilarious watching you deny reality because the facts don't align with what your ideology trained you to believe. Now lose your shit again, fragile little snowflake.

Ah, it "doesn't need to be mentioned" because it's "self-evident".

In other words you have nothing put pulling an ipse dixit fallacy out of your ass because you got desperate to fluff a failed thread.

Go wipe yourself.
Ah, it "doesn't need to be mentioned" because it's "self-evident".
By your very desperate "logic", President Trump is not a person since no article has specifically cited him as such. :lmao:

Again....every action in that article was pure left-wing policy. Conservatives don't advocate killing babies, progressives do. Conservatives don't have socialized medicine, progressives do. Conservatives don't demand that government dictate for parents the decisions regarding their children's health, progressives do.

You already got your ass handed to you on the whole "progressives don't exist anymore" nonsense - do you really want to go down this road with me again? :laugh:
By your very desperate "logic", President Trump is not a person since no article has specifically cited him as such. :lmao:

Cool. Hey, that was easy. No articles of impeachment needed, no Congress, no nuttin'.

Unfortunately for you the creature from the shallow end of the gene puddle, your own title of this failed thread is specifically about "Liberalism". And when put on the spot to defend exactly how this link --- and countless others --- relate in any way to Liberalism all you can do is throw up on your shirt, regurgitating the yammering incoherence of "uh, it just IS that's all". Whelp --- no Madge, it isn't. Doesn't appear in any form, any where, in any way. You pulled it out of your ass and thought just because you delude yourself, everybody else will just cave in.

What a loser.

Again....every action in that article was pure left-wing policy.

Again, since the forty minutes it took you to read the three sentences above caused you to forget ---- your title says "Liberalism" --- not "left wing".

Dumbasssss..... :dig:
Yeah, I'm sure it was the Democratic party that shot a vet or two when the vets asked for the early payment of their WW1 bonus. I think it was also a Democrat that paid off the debt, the only time in our history. What of Social Security and other New Deal projects that are still with us and the Americans that are grateful for them? What party responded to the Great Depression with real help not "Prosperity is around the corner."? As WW2 approached the people elected a Democrat president four times rather than let in a Republican president.

It is really hard to say that FDR did anything really good. He basically pushed the United States into a world war and did jack for the economy. The fact that so many democrats still believe the myths behind this man just shows how devoted they are to the socialist goals. I've rarely ever met a republicans who talks about the great things lincoln did or even reagan. They just moved on but the left still holds onto their glory hole of the 1930s and pelts away at it just hoping some future generation will grab hold and wank it a few more times.
As we've seen today....the answer is.....really evil. This picture here sums it all up. The left has been seeing nothing but extreme violence against President Trump and the Republicans and it is pushing some of them over the ledge.

Screen Shot 2017-06-14 at 6.47.56 PM.png

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