How Evil is Libertarianism anyway?

No violence...we have laws and they are enforced
It all comes with belonging to a society

They're enforced with violence, stupid.

Using violence against someone who hasn't trespassed against anyone's person or property is unethical.

How evil are these authoritarians, anyway?
Rinse and Repaet

Was ridiculous the first time you spouted your violence whine
You own a business, you conform with the regulations of your community

If you had really owned your own business you would realize that

If you own a business, the authoritarians will force you to do what they say, otherwise they will beat/shoot/kill you.

How evil are authoritarians anyway?
Was ridiculous the first time you spouted your violence whine

The authoritarians are so used to using violence against those who haven't trespasses against anyone's person or property, they can't even see how violent they are.

They revel in their ability to subjugate their fellow man. How evil is authoritarianism anyway?
You own a business, you conform with the regulations of your community

If you had really owned your own business you would realize that

If you own a business, the authoritarians will force you to do what they say, otherwise they will beat/shoot/kill you.

How evil are authoritarians anyway?

You own a business you comply with the regulations of your community

Fire codes, labor regulations, safety, business hours...even how you treat your customers

Only a libertarian can't understand that
You own a business you comply with the regulations of your community

Fire codes, labor regulations, safety, business hours...even how you treat your customers

Only a libertarian can't understand that
Yes, authoritarians have all sorts of rules that they enforce with violence to subjugate their fellow man. Everyone knows this. They use violence against those who have never trespassed against anyone's person or property.

How evil are authoritarians, anyway?
I have long been acquainted with Libertarians and used to find them kind of adorable in a yapping lapdog kind of way, bitching about the Federal governments over reach, the rise in taxes and why doesnt the GOP have more Libertarians in it?

Well now we have a blend of conservative and Libertarian that many people confuse with 'true' conservatism, but it is NOT conservatism. It is the putrid purge from the mind of an evil avowed atheist escapee from the Soviet Union who had no use for love or charity or God. All Ayn Rand wanted was for people to hate the government and be willing to kill each other to keep their toys. The deepest thought she produced was a complex system of excuses to let your neighbor starve in the street as was common in many parts of the Soviet Union of her time.

William F Buckley Jr and Whitaker Chambers both exposed Rand for the loveless bitch she was deep in her soul. Both observed that 'Atlas Shrugged' was a fantasy shpeel of a world devoid of God, Christian mercy and charity and any semblance of community. They were quite right to denounce her work, her novels and her values system as alien to the body of Conservative American thought.

But fast forward to today's corporate America and we find Rand rehabilitated and flourishing under the guise of conservatism again, a.k.a. 'Conservatarians' and it is rotting Conservatism from the inside, like a cancer.

The take over of the Conservative movement by 'Conservatarians' or Rand Objectivists is a real disaster for the Conservative movement as we enter a new Digital Age in which jobs will be scarce and the party that offers to help other Americans through their adjustment to it will be the majority party for the distant future. Conservatarians cant even put the words together about how to care for other Americans, because deep in their hearts they truly just dont give a shit about anyone but themselves and maybe a few friends.

Which means that either Conservatism will shed itself of these useless evil parasites that are a pimple on Conservatism's ass or the Conservative movement will die the well deserved death of wicked heresies.
Libertarianism is not at all practical on an administrative level. It's simply an emotional, self-serving ideology. It that has no place in government capacity.

Really? Why not? You freedom hating douche bags keep saying stuff like this, but you never prove it.
Well the proof is pretty obvious. Name a single successful libertarian nation on the planet.
Even an unsuccessful one!
Well they can always fall back on no government whatsoever like Somalia
Somalia has plenty of government. The claim that it has none is based on the pure ignorance and biases of leftwing ignoramuses and douche bags.
Libertarianism is not at all practical on an administrative level. It's simply an emotional, self-serving ideology. It that has no place in government capacity.

Really? Why not? You freedom hating douche bags keep saying stuff like this, but you never prove it.
Well the proof is pretty obvious. Name a single successful libertarian nation on the planet.
Even an unsuccessful one!
Well they can always fall back on no government whatsoever like Somalia

Somalia's not libertarian, moron. It's anarchy. The most successful libertarian government was the most successful government ever, the United States of America. Right up until the leeches became the majority. That's you, Holmes
It's not anarchy either. It's a form of feudalism where a set of petty barons each run their own little section of the country. The idea that they don't have government is preposterous. Cross one of those barons and you'll find out exactly how much government they have. Their power is absolute and totally arbitrary.
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Your business breaks the law are fined
Don't pay the fine and you will be shut down

You have access to the courts, if you become violent when you are shut down, you get arrested

See how easy it is?
You authoritarians are super big on subjugating people with violence and making them do you bidding.

LIbertarians consider violence justified only when/until a person trespasses against someone's person or property.

On the other hand, authoritarians, like yourself, consider violence justified pretty much whenever it suits your needs.

That's the difference between a libertarian and an authoritarian like yourself.
No violence...we have laws and they are enforced
It all comes with belonging to a society

No, it comes from government. Once again, society is not government.
I have long been acquainted with Libertarians and used to find them kind of adorable in a yapping lapdog kind of way, bitching about the Federal governments over reach, the rise in taxes and why doesnt the GOP have more Libertarians in it?

Well now we have a blend of conservative and Libertarian that many people confuse with 'true' conservatism, but it is NOT conservatism. It is the putrid purge from the mind of an evil avowed atheist escapee from the Soviet Union who had no use for love or charity or God. All Ayn Rand wanted was for people to hate the government and be willing to kill each other to keep their toys. The deepest thought she produced was a complex system of excuses to let your neighbor starve in the street as was common in many parts of the Soviet Union of her time.

William F Buckley Jr and Whitaker Chambers both exposed Rand for the loveless bitch she was deep in her soul. Both observed that 'Atlas Shrugged' was a fantasy shpeel of a world devoid of God, Christian mercy and charity and any semblance of community. They were quite right to denounce her work, her novels and her values system as alien to the body of Conservative American thought.

But fast forward to today's corporate America and we find Rand rehabilitated and flourishing under the guise of conservatism again, a.k.a. 'Conservatarians' and it is rotting Conservatism from the inside, like a cancer.

The take over of the Conservative movement by 'Conservatarians' or Rand Objectivists is a real disaster for the Conservative movement as we enter a new Digital Age in which jobs will be scarce and the party that offers to help other Americans through their adjustment to it will be the majority party for the distant future. Conservatarians cant even put the words together about how to care for other Americans, because deep in their hearts they truly just dont give a shit about anyone but themselves and maybe a few friends.

Which means that either Conservatism will shed itself of these useless evil parasites that are a pimple on Conservatism's ass or the Conservative movement will die the well deserved death of wicked heresies.

Wow... this person even fails at leftism. You should at least spend enough time in the echo chamber to learn the actual rhetoric / the always same predictable non-arguments properly.

Parasites is the argument? Maybe this guy is a closet conservative and failed at trolling.
I think of it like utopian socialism; not really evil so much as naive and impracticable. Because both overestimate the benevolence of human nature.
Libertarians have no illusions about human nature. If you think humans are intrinsically evil, then why would you want to create an all powerful monopoly called government and stuff it full of these creatures? If that isn't the height of naivete, I don't know what the term means.

And equally, why would one leave all power to psychopathic strongmen?

Good question: why would one do that?
You own a business you comply with the regulations of your community

Fire codes, labor regulations, safety, business hours...even how you treat your customers

Only a libertarian can't understand that
Yes, authoritarians have all sorts of rules that they enforce with violence to subjugate their fellow man. Everyone knows this. They use violence against those who have never trespassed against anyone's person or property.

How evil are authoritarians, anyway?

We have quite a few libertarians on this board. Most have at least a semblance of rational thought and understand their role as part of a society. They want to reign in the scope of government while maintaining essential functions

You belong to the batshit crazy branch of libertarians that we all mock
You own a business you comply with the regulations of your community

Fire codes, labor regulations, safety, business hours...even how you treat your customers

Only a libertarian can't understand that
Yes, authoritarians have all sorts of rules that they enforce with violence to subjugate their fellow man. Everyone knows this. They use violence against those who have never trespassed against anyone's person or property.

How evil are authoritarians, anyway?

We have quite a few libertarians on this board. Most have at least a semblance of rational thought and understand their role as part of a society. They want to reign in the scope of government while maintaining essential functions

You belong to the batshit crazy branch of libertarians that we all mock

Only douche bags of your ilk mock them. That's because you have no rational arguments against what they propose.
You own a business you comply with the regulations of your community

Fire codes, labor regulations, safety, business hours...even how you treat your customers

Only a libertarian can't understand that
Yes, authoritarians have all sorts of rules that they enforce with violence to subjugate their fellow man. Everyone knows this. They use violence against those who have never trespassed against anyone's person or property.

How evil are authoritarians, anyway?

We have quite a few libertarians on this board. Most have at least a semblance of rational thought and understand their role as part of a society. They want to reign in the scope of government while maintaining essential functions

You belong to the batshit crazy branch of libertarians that we all mock

Only douche bags of your ilk mock them. That's because you have no rational arguments against what they propose.

You are are way more batshit crazy than Centinel
You own a business you comply with the regulations of your community

Fire codes, labor regulations, safety, business hours...even how you treat your customers

Only a libertarian can't understand that
Yes, authoritarians have all sorts of rules that they enforce with violence to subjugate their fellow man. Everyone knows this. They use violence against those who have never trespassed against anyone's person or property.

How evil are authoritarians, anyway?

We have quite a few libertarians on this board. Most have at least a semblance of rational thought and understand their role as part of a society. They want to reign in the scope of government while maintaining essential functions

You belong to the batshit crazy branch of libertarians that we all mock

The idea that it's wrong to use violence against someone who hasn't trespassed against anyone's person or property is fundamental to the libertarians philosophy. Violent authoritarians may consider it "batshit crazy", but libertarians don't.
You own a business you comply with the regulations of your community

Fire codes, labor regulations, safety, business hours...even how you treat your customers

Only a libertarian can't understand that
Yes, authoritarians have all sorts of rules that they enforce with violence to subjugate their fellow man. Everyone knows this. They use violence against those who have never trespassed against anyone's person or property.

How evil are authoritarians, anyway?

We have quite a few libertarians on this board. Most have at least a semblance of rational thought and understand their role as part of a society. They want to reign in the scope of government while maintaining essential functions

You belong to the batshit crazy branch of libertarians that we all mock

The idea that it's wrong to use violence against someone who hasn't trespassed against anyone's person or property is fundamental to the libertarians philosophy. Violent authoritarians may consider it "batshit crazy", but libertarians don't.
Trespassed against another's property is the limit of the scope of government? are a batshit crazy libertarian
You own a business you comply with the regulations of your community

Fire codes, labor regulations, safety, business hours...even how you treat your customers

Only a libertarian can't understand that
Yes, authoritarians have all sorts of rules that they enforce with violence to subjugate their fellow man. Everyone knows this. They use violence against those who have never trespassed against anyone's person or property.

How evil are authoritarians, anyway?

We have quite a few libertarians on this board. Most have at least a semblance of rational thought and understand their role as part of a society. They want to reign in the scope of government while maintaining essential functions

You belong to the batshit crazy branch of libertarians that we all mock

The idea that it's wrong to use violence against someone who hasn't trespassed against anyone's person or property is fundamental to the libertarians philosophy. Violent authoritarians may consider it "batshit crazy", but libertarians don't.
Trespassed against another's property is the limit of the scope of government? are a batshit crazy libertarian

That question is nonsensical gibberish, so it's hard to know whether to agree with it or dispute it.
Keep in mind that Jim Crow was government, the opposite of libertarian
Government is 'the people'.

Amazing how libertarians can't seem to understand this simple truth.

Government is "the people".

I'm one of "the people."

Why didn't my kid's government school let me in to walk around?

Why didn't my local police department let me in to hang around?

Why can't I get one of those fancy police cars I see on my local highway?
This is too retarded to respond to.

Do all libertarians believe you should be able to just walk into the White House?

You didn't understand his question. Not understanding just doesn't stop you from posting, does it?
Really? Why not? You freedom hating douche bags keep saying stuff like this, but you never prove it.
Well the proof is pretty obvious. Name a single successful libertarian nation on the planet.
Even an unsuccessful one!
Well they can always fall back on no government whatsoever like Somalia

Somalia's not libertarian, moron. It's anarchy. The most successful libertarian government was the most successful government ever, the United States of America. Right up until the leeches became the majority. That's you, Holmes
It's not anarchy either. It's a form of feudalism where a set of petty barons each run their own little section of the country. The idea that they don't have government is preposterous. Cross one of those barons and you'll find out exactly how much government they have. Their power is absolute and totally arbitrary.

That's the inevitable result of anarchy
The idea that it's wrong to use violence against someone who hasn't trespassed against anyone's person or property is fundamental to the libertarians philosophy. Violent authoritarians may consider it "batshit crazy", but libertarians don't.

So if a person is killing an unborn baby, is that a violation of another person?

If a Father abandons his own biologically conceived children to live on the street, is that violence of some kind?

If someone refuses to defend their own country by ducking the draft in a time of war, is that against the Libertarian belief system?

If someone refuses to pay their taxes is that a violation?

If a person buys out a company that has the patent on a life saving drug then runs the price up by a factor of 50, is that wrong by Libertarian values?

If a person decides that a law against selling crack cocaine to minors is unjust and begins to do so, is he violating Libertarian values?

If a pimp coerces one of his whores to get back out on the street, despite her flu and resume getting the minimum number of johns he has given her, is that wrong by Libertarian notions?

I have heard Libertarians defend each and everyone of the above, but I thought I would give you the chance to speak for yourself?

Are any of these things unethical in your Libertarian opinion?

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