How Evil is Libertarianism anyway?

Second, I am not - nor have I ever been - a "libertarian". I am a die-hard constitutional conservative.
And the difference is?
The funny thing is - that's not a snarky liberal response that. You really don't know. Says a lot.
Doesn't look like you know.
Of course I do. What's funny is that you think you can passively/aggressively trick me into telling you.

You don't have to resort to that. Just admit you don't know and I would be glad to explain it to you.
We know you all hate contributing taxes, and paying your share to live in a free society.

That is always funny coming from the side of the aisle comprised of the parasite class. The side the pays little to no taxes (which is exactly why they demand so many taxes and so high - because they are the beneficiaries of those taxes).
Your Right-Wing brainwashing has taken hold. Isn't there a "Best of Rush" or "Best of Hannity" on right now that you should be lapping up?
Ah yes....when defeated with facts, the modern day liberal will always turn to snark. That is the defense mechanism of this endangered species... :lmao:
So you're willing to pay more in taxes to protect the "right" of Billy Bob's Ribs to discriminate?

Quite the dilemma for a libby, eh? We know you all hate contributing taxes, and paying your share to live in a free society.
For once you actually nailed it Syn (and I'm not being sarcastic here). That is America in a nut shell. And if you weren't such an authoritarian-driven, power-hungry Hitler, you too would be celebrating the fact that America is such a nation of true freedom, it includes the right/freedom to be hateful, bigoted, racists, etc.

The moment you strip someone of their abridged right to live their life how they want (including hateful or racist) on some self-perceived moral high-ground, you have set the precedence for another to strip you of the way you want to live your life. It's just a damn shame you're too stupid to see that and too power-hungry to celebrate true freedom.
You just don't believe in majority rule, or that the whole of society can make rules by which we all must live. You think you should be exempt. Sounds like a libby to me.
As always, you are 100% wrong in everything you said. But then again, that's not surprising come from a woman who believes that the U.S. is (and I quote) "a democracy". You don't even know that we're a republic.

Would you like to know what I actually support? Constitutional government. Which means that I fully support the majority's right to choose the direction of the country so long as it does not violate the U.S. Constitution. Our founder built our system of government that way to prevent mob rule. Where people like you get that mob-mentality and decide it's ok for black people to be slaves and it's ok to hang them. See, the Constitution prevents people like you from voting that back. It doesn't matter if 99% of the people want that - the Constitution prevents it. The fact that you don't know that and never learned about the U.S. Constitution is why you spend your life pissed off. Maybe if you understood the law, you wouldn't be so pissed to learn that you were violating it.

And here's the knockout blow genius - all you people have to do in your "majority" (which you claim you have) is to legally amend the U.S. Constitution and then I wouldn't have a single leg to stand on in preventing your sick agenda. But you don't amend the U.S. Constitution. And do you know why? Because you don't have the votes. Because you don't have the "majority" like you claim. And that's another reason why you're so pissed off. Like small children, you can't accept the fact that the American people reject your radicalized ideology and won't let you have your way.
And again you can't tell me how that differs from a libby.

And the Constitution doesn't need to be amended every time a new law is created. Congress already has that power, spelled out in the Constitution.

See how that works?
Any government protections and investment is evil under the idiotic idea.
-Child labor
-Corporations can pollute to their hearts content.
-The rich get the education and the poor gets fucked.
-No minimum wage so the rich can pay pennies like in asia or africa to their workers.
-No investment into science, infrastructure or anything. Be ready to pay a corporation just to drive on a road.

Loserterianism sucks. It pretty much says that civilization unless it is done with a unelected corporation is bad.
It's not. At all. And they know it. Just like Obamacare is not a "tax" and they know it. It's legislation creating a new department of the federal government and new powers where none exists.

But when the Constitution prevents you from exerting power and control over others, you have to intentionally misinterpret what the Constitution says to justify your illegal activity.
Is MLB a sport or a business? You seem to think things can only be one or the other.
MLB is a business genius. It is not a sport. The sport is baseball. MLB is in the business of baseball.

Man....I never thought I would have to explain that to someone over the age of 4
Fathers across the nation are asking their sons "Hey, do you want to go to a business game?"
Except that when a father takes his son to a baseball game, it's not MLB vs. Cuba. The MLB is comprised of the business of baseball. The league office genius. There is no baseball team called the "MLB Sythoholics".

Again...never thought I would have to explain this to someone above the age of 4.

Right. And the High School orchestra performance I went to the other night was really a business because they charged $5 to get in, correct?
So you just defeated your own argument. You just admitted it is not a business (and thus not "two things" at the same time). You're so confused chasing your own tail right now that you don't even know which way is up. You can't even remember the last lie you told when you attempt to justify the last lie with a new lie.
Any government protections and investment is evil under the idiotic idea.
-Child labor
-Corporations can pollute to their hearts content.
-The rich get the education and the poor gets fucked.
-No minimum wage so the rich can pay pennies like in asia or africa to their workers.
-No investment into science, infrastructure or anything. Be ready to pay a corporation just to drive on a road.

Loserterianism sucks. It pretty much says that civilization unless it is done with a unelected corporation is bad.

Mathew sucks.

Stupid fuck all the way.

So you're willing to pay more in taxes to protect the "right" of Billy Bob's Ribs to discriminate?

Quite the dilemma for a libby, eh? We know you all hate contributing taxes, and paying your share to live in a free society.
For once you actually nailed it Syn (and I'm not being sarcastic here). That is America in a nut shell. And if you weren't such an authoritarian-driven, power-hungry Hitler, you too would be celebrating the fact that America is such a nation of true freedom, it includes the right/freedom to be hateful, bigoted, racists, etc.

The moment you strip someone of their abridged right to live their life how they want (including hateful or racist) on some self-perceived moral high-ground, you have set the precedence for another to strip you of the way you want to live your life. It's just a damn shame you're too stupid to see that and too power-hungry to celebrate true freedom.
You just don't believe in majority rule, or that the whole of society can make rules by which we all must live. You think you should be exempt. Sounds like a libby to me.

I'm sure you can't see it, but libertarians actually have more overlap with liberalism. In part, that's why we annoy modern 'liberals' so much. We're better liberals than they are.
We know you all hate contributing taxes, and paying your share to live in a free society.

That is always funny coming from the side of the aisle comprised of the parasite class. The side the pays little to no taxes (which is exactly why they demand so many taxes and so high - because they are the beneficiaries of those taxes).
Your Right-Wing brainwashing has taken hold. Isn't there a "Best of Rush" or "Best of Hannity" on right now that you should be lapping up?
Ah yes....when defeated with facts, the modern day liberal will always turn to snark. That is the defense mechanism of this endangered species... :lmao:
You're the one regurgitating the most extreme wingnut rhetoric.
And the Constitution doesn't need to be amended every time a new law is created. Congress already has that power, spelled out in the Constitution.

See how that works?

Yeah genius, if that law is Constitutional. Again, the fact that you need that explained to you is equal parts tragic and fall down hilarious :lmao:

Let me show you:

Congress passes a law requiring a new procedure for patents. That doesn't require an amendment to the U.S. Constitution because one of the federal government's 18 enumerated powers is Intellectual Property / the Patent Office.

Now, Congress passes Obamacare. That does require an amendment to the U.S. Constitution because healthcare is not on of the federal government's 18 enumerated powers. Therefore, no matter what the "majority" want - Congress cannot create that legislation, vote on it, or pass it and elect it into law. And don't say "they did" because that's nonsensical. That's like saying it's not illegal to rape and murder women because I could point to Ted Bundy and say "he did". All that proves is that the Constitution was violated and the law was broken by lawless liberal thugs like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Now junior....see how that works?!? Do you understand now that I've spent a weeks educating you on basic civics since you apparently dropped out of high school?
So you're willing to pay more in taxes to protect the "right" of Billy Bob's Ribs to discriminate?

Quite the dilemma for a libby, eh? We know you all hate contributing taxes, and paying your share to live in a free society.
For once you actually nailed it Syn (and I'm not being sarcastic here). That is America in a nut shell. And if you weren't such an authoritarian-driven, power-hungry Hitler, you too would be celebrating the fact that America is such a nation of true freedom, it includes the right/freedom to be hateful, bigoted, racists, etc.

The moment you strip someone of their abridged right to live their life how they want (including hateful or racist) on some self-perceived moral high-ground, you have set the precedence for another to strip you of the way you want to live your life. It's just a damn shame you're too stupid to see that and too power-hungry to celebrate true freedom.
You just don't believe in majority rule, or that the whole of society can make rules by which we all must live. You think you should be exempt. Sounds like a libby to me.

I'm sure you can't see it, but libertarians actually have more overlap with liberalism. In part, that's why we annoy modern 'liberals' so much. We're better liberals than they are.
That is the gospel truth! So funny that she doesn't realize that.
We know you all hate contributing taxes, and paying your share to live in a free society.

That is always funny coming from the side of the aisle comprised of the parasite class. The side the pays little to no taxes (which is exactly why they demand so many taxes and so high - because they are the beneficiaries of those taxes).
Your Right-Wing brainwashing has taken hold. Isn't there a "Best of Rush" or "Best of Hannity" on right now that you should be lapping up?
Ah yes....when defeated with facts, the modern day liberal will always turn to snark. That is the defense mechanism of this endangered species... :lmao:
You're the one regurgitating the most extreme wingnut rhetoric.
There is nothing "extreme" about reality (unless of course, you've become so radicalized by an ideology). You do realize that you are the political equivalence of ISIS, don't you? Anything that doesn't adhere to your very unhinged, brainwashed, and radicalized ideology is "extreme" and "unacceptable". According to ISIS, it's "extreme" to tolerate the Bible. According to you, it's "extreme" to tolerate the U.S. Constitution. Wow
Is MLB a sport or a business? You seem to think things can only be one or the other.
MLB is a business genius. It is not a sport. The sport is baseball. MLB is in the business of baseball.

Man....I never thought I would have to explain that to someone over the age of 4
Fathers across the nation are asking their sons "Hey, do you want to go to a business game?"
Except that when a father takes his son to a baseball game, it's not MLB vs. Cuba. The MLB is comprised of the business of baseball. The league office genius. There is no baseball team called the "MLB Sythoholics".

Again...never thought I would have to explain this to someone above the age of 4.

Right. And the High School orchestra performance I went to the other night was really a business because they charged $5 to get in, correct?
So you just defeated your own argument. You just admitted it is not a business (and thus not "two things" at the same time). You're so confused chasing your own tail right now that you don't even know which way is up. You can't even remember the last lie you told when you attempt to justify the last lie with a new lie.
I didn't admit that. You're the one saying if money is exchanged (MLB) it's therefore a business not a sport. So by that logic the orchestra performance was a business.
The Constitution, viewed in the light of existing case law, says that everything you do impacts interstate commerce and can thus be regulated and restricted by the federal government.

When you go to your local baker, explain how that's "interstate commerce"
It's not. At all. And they know it. Just like Obamacare is not a "tax" and they know it. It's legislation creating a new department of the federal government and new powers where none exists.

But when the Constitution prevents you from exerting power and control over others, you have to intentionally misinterpret what the Constitution says to justify your illegal activity.
Is MLB a sport or a business? You seem to think things can only be one or the other.
MLB is a business genius. It is not a sport. The sport is baseball. MLB is in the business of baseball.

Man....I never thought I would have to explain that to someone over the age of 4
Fathers across the nation are asking their sons "Hey, do you want to go to a business game?"

Playing stupid doesn't make you look smart.
So you're willing to pay more in taxes to protect the "right" of Billy Bob's Ribs to discriminate?

Quite the dilemma for a libby, eh? We know you all hate contributing taxes, and paying your share to live in a free society.
For once you actually nailed it Syn (and I'm not being sarcastic here). That is America in a nut shell. And if you weren't such an authoritarian-driven, power-hungry Hitler, you too would be celebrating the fact that America is such a nation of true freedom, it includes the right/freedom to be hateful, bigoted, racists, etc.

The moment you strip someone of their abridged right to live their life how they want (including hateful or racist) on some self-perceived moral high-ground, you have set the precedence for another to strip you of the way you want to live your life. It's just a damn shame you're too stupid to see that and too power-hungry to celebrate true freedom.
You just don't believe in majority rule, or that the whole of society can make rules by which we all must live. You think you should be exempt. Sounds like a libby to me.

I don't believe in majority rule.
Now, Congress passes Obamacare. That does require an amendment to the U.S. Constitution because healthcare is not on of the federal government's 18 enumerated powers.
The Air Force and a standing Army are also not listed in the Constitution.
We know you all hate contributing taxes, and paying your share to live in a free society.

That is always funny coming from the side of the aisle comprised of the parasite class. The side the pays little to no taxes (which is exactly why they demand so many taxes and so high - because they are the beneficiaries of those taxes).
Your Right-Wing brainwashing has taken hold. Isn't there a "Best of Rush" or "Best of Hannity" on right now that you should be lapping up?
Ah yes....when defeated with facts, the modern day liberal will always turn to snark. That is the defense mechanism of this endangered species... :lmao:
You're the one regurgitating the most extreme wingnut rhetoric.
There is nothing "extreme" about reality (unless of course, you've become so radicalized by an ideology). You do realize that you are the political equivalence of ISIS, don't you? Anything that doesn't adhere to your very unhinged, brainwashed, and radicalized ideology is "extreme" and "unacceptable". According to ISIS, it's "extreme" to tolerate the Bible. According to you, it's "extreme" to tolerate the U.S. Constitution. Wow
Red states are the welfare states, supported by taxes from the Blue states.

This is undeniable (although you'll deny it due to the Right-Wing brainwashing). Yet you claim Liberals pay "little to no taxes".

Like I said: extreme wingnut rhetoric, learned from your Radio Gods, not based in fact. See my sigline.
You think there's economic opportunity awaiting everyone, everywhere. It's just not so.

If one business discriminates, it opens up the opportunity for another business so swoop in and snatch up those who have been discriminated against.
In theory, yes. Go to a small Alabama town and search for the people in a position financially to open a competing business.

Good luck!
What particular business are you talking about?
Any mom and pop business. I'm not talking about corporations. They generally don't set up shop in one-traffic light towns, other than fast food or perhaps a convenience store.
So mom & pop wouldn't be able to start a business to compete with a business that discriminates?
You think there's economic opportunity awaiting everyone, everywhere. It's just not so.

If one business discriminates, it opens up the opportunity for another business so swoop in and snatch up those who have been discriminated against.
In theory, yes. Go to a small Alabama town and search for the people in a position financially to open a competing business.

Good luck!
What particular business are you talking about?
Any mom and pop business. I'm not talking about corporations. They generally don't set up shop in one-traffic light towns, other than fast food or perhaps a convenience store.
So mom & pop wouldn't be able to start a business to compete with a business that discriminates?
You're as thick as a brick. I already posted:

In theory, yes. Go to a small Alabama town and search for the people in a position financially to open a competing business.

Good luck!
You're as thick as a brick. I already posted:

In theory, yes. Go to a small Alabama town and search for the people in a position financially to open a competing business.

Good luck!
So any mom & pop could start up to compete with the discriminating mom & pop. Or an multinational corp could come in to serve those who are discriminated against.

Where there is a need, the market will provide.
I live in North Carolina. That's exactly what that law does, it prevents local governments from forcing businesses to say how customers use their private bathrooms. It doesn't force them to not allow transgender access to the bathroom of their choice, it stops local governments from forcing local businesses how to provide access to the bathrooms. It's a correct law regardless of whether you think they should do
You're close to losing next year's NBA All-Star game.

Since you profess people doing what they want, I'm sure you have no objections to all the corporate and individual boycotts of your state, right?

OMG, not the all-star game!

Let's see, do I want:

Option A) Businesses to decide the rules for the use of their own restrooms

Option B) The "all star game"

Yes, you do live in an Entertainment Tonight world. I'll take Option A, please. But I don't crave slavery like you do
It's not only the NBA.

Here's the list of all the people and companies boycotting the state so far:

Ringo Starr

Bryan Adams

Deutsche Bank


Bruce Springsteen

Michael Moore


Joel McHale

General Electric

the Dow Chemical Company



Hewlett Packard

Choice Hotels International

Whole Foods

Levis Strauss & Co.


Now, a lot of them won't make an economic difference by themselves but they have influence.

North Carolina has their huge "Research Triangle". I heard an interview yesterday on NPR with an executive of Monsanto, which is fighting this law in Missouri, not because they're a Liberal corporation but because they already have stiff competition recruiting top chemists, etc. to move to Missouri and this law is going to further hurt their efforts.

North Carolina doesn't have a lot going for it other than it's universities unless you live on the coast. Businesses aren't clamoring to relocate there. This is going to hurt that further, and without those business taxes who do you think will have to make up the difference? You.

Far more publicity than substance. But no threats justify the tyranny of government dictating to businesses who can use their restrooms. For me, that is the issue. If NC required businesses to not allow "transgenders" to use the other restroom I'd be just as opposed. It's none of your business, just like it's none of the business of anyone in your list
So you're willing to pay more in taxes to protect the "right" of Billy Bob's Ribs to discriminate?

Quite the dilemma for a libby, eh? We know you all hate contributing taxes, and paying your share to live in a free society.

If I think businesses should set their own rules for the use of their bathrooms rather than government forcing it on them, I want to "pay more in taxes."

Damn, posting drunk again?

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