How Far Back In American History Are Blacks Allowed To Go Back?

It's not different subject. It's exactly the same subject and I explained why. The OP is talking about reparations for past real or imagined grievances. The natural companion to that is punishment for the offenders. And that is exactly what we're seeing. I think these people expounding for reparations need to be more honest about their demands.

You've set your standard. The punishment for uttering the word "******" is your lifetime earnings. Perhaps a million dollars or more. Is that a fair sanction?
The OP was simply asking white rightwingers, when is the appropriate time for us to reflect back on. 10 years, 20, 30, 40, 100?

Since they keep telling blacks to stop living in the past. Or should blacks wipe out each previous day, week, month, year and live like that.

The other stuff are just side topics, including reparations, which you're falsely claiming that the OP is about.

The idiot who made the OP stated it was about reparations in another post he made. Maybe you missed it.
You were just talking to the OP (MarcATL). I had a side topic going about reparations. You’re not the brightest bulb in the chandelier are ya?! Maybe think twice before you insult other people’s intelligence.

This idiotic thread was about reparations from the OP, dumbshit. Everybody with a brain knows it.
Nevermind. You were talking to the OP when you referred to “the idiot who made the OP”

I know, stupid. How brilliant of you to figure that out.
I've seen the sentiment of "stop looking back into the past" , "oh, you're only hampering yourself", "look forward, don't look back", "you're in chains", etc. etc. spewed on USMB by almost exclusively rightwing whites.

All I want to know is, what year is it OK to go back to? What date is the cut off for starting American history will make whites happy?

If you have the exact time as well, that would be a bonus.

I never hear Irish-Americans complaining about the horrible way they were treated. I never hear Japanese-Americans using their imprisonment in American concentration camps as a crutch in the 21st century.

If you want to keep pissing and whining about the past go for it. My people aren't the ones living in drug infested Section 8 baby mama ghettos getting murdered in drive-bys. Yours are. I don't care what you do. It's not hurting me any.
I've seen the sentiment of "stop looking back into the past" , "oh, you're only hampering yourself", "look forward, don't look back", "you're in chains", etc. etc. spewed on USMB by almost exclusively rightwing whites.

All I want to know is, what year is it OK to go back to? What date is the cut off for starting American history will make whites happy?

If you have the exact time as well, that would be a bonus.
The beginning.

And if you were wise you would never forget that Democrats passed and brutally implemented those Jim Crow laws. Or that the Republican party was founded to fight for equal rights for all regardless of the color of their skin and continues to do so to this day.

However, you are not wise. You are an unintelligent political chump.
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I never hear Irish-Americans complaining about the horrible way they were treated. I never hear Japanese-Americans using their imprisonment in American concentration camps as a crutch in the 21st century.

If you want to keep pissing and whining about the past go for it. My people aren't the ones living in drug infested Section 8 baby mama ghettos getting murdered in drive-bys. Yours are. I don't care what you do. It's not hurting me any.
Aren't you Asian?
Why go back? You never really left. Democrats brought you over as slaves and they still own you and you seem happy with that arrangement.


"Democrats" did not exist in the sixteenth century, Rip Van Fucking Winkle. Nor in the seventeenth, nor in the eighteenth when we became a country.

And yet --- slavery did. Throughout.

Linear time strikes again. It's like, I dunno, you can't get away from it or some shit.
Piss up a rope, troll boy. The FACT you can't seem to accept is that Democrats were slave owners. It doesn't matter WHEN they joined in, they were the ones who owned them when the Republicans put an end to their fun. It's your legacy, live with it, racist.
Do the families of men killed fighting in the Civil War to free slaves take part in those reparations? Do ALL the men fighting on the Union side qualify? Their descendants? If you're ancestors were abolitionists do you get a pass on paying for reparations? On the other side of the coin...what is your time line for which blacks qualify for your reparations? Before the Civil War? Fifty years ago? Does a black person in America NOW qualify simply because racism still exists?
Why would Civil War soliders get reparations? Their families received whachacallits--pensions? You know what I mean. My family lost a young soldier and they received $$.
They did indeed. You should note that those pensions constituted about 40% of total Federal revenues back then forcing the Government to increase tariffs on goods to pay for them. You should also note that black soldiers who fought in the Civil War received pensions as well. Should THEY not be eligible for reparations because of that?
You still haven't answered my question. Why should they be eligible for reparations? They weren't slaves, they weren't discriminated against (if they lived), didn't have their human rights shit all over.

So they fought and risked their lives to free someone else...but you think their descendants should still be responsible for paying reparations to the descendants of those that they freed? I'm sorry, Old Lady but I don't see the justice in that...just saying...
So they fought and risked their lives to free someone else...but you think their descendants should still be responsible for paying reparations to the descendants of those that they freed? I'm sorry, Old Lady but I don't see the justice in that...just saying...

It's sort of like this. Willy lives in Georgia and owns black slaves. Robert goes to Georgia, kills Willy, frees the slaves but also dies himself in the process. The pro-reparations people are, in effect, saying that Robert's children are responsible to pay the children of the slaves for their enslavement by Willy. Yea, makes perfect fucking sense.
Why go back? You never really left. Democrats brought you over as slaves and they still own you and you seem happy with that arrangement.


"Democrats" did not exist in the sixteenth century, Rip Van Fucking Winkle. Nor in the seventeenth, nor in the eighteenth when we became a country.

And yet --- slavery did. Throughout.

Linear time strikes again. It's like, I dunno, you can't get away from it or some shit.
Piss up a rope, troll boy. The FACT you can't seem to accept is that Democrats were slave owners. It doesn't matter WHEN they joined in, they were the ones who owned them when the Republicans put an end to their fun. It's your legacy, live with it, racist.

No Twinkles, it's not my legacy. Slaveowners were rich fat fucks, not my forebears.

Of those who were, some of them were presumably Democrats. Others were Whigs. Or Know Nothings. Or further back Federalists or Democratic-Republicans. Most of them would have been what most of us are right now ----- NOTHING.

Oh and when those slaves in the CSA were freed? No political parties even existed.

But leave us go back to your original statement, verbatim: Roll it.

Democrats brought you over as slaves

Unfortunately ANYONE bringing anyone over as slaves ceased in 1807 ---- a quarter-century before Democrats even existed.

So no, Tailfin..... "Democrats" never brought any slaves over at all. Why not? Damn linear time again.

When ignorance goes to fifty bucks a barrel I want drilling rights on your head.
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No Twinkles, it's not my legacy. Slaveowners were rich fat fucks, not my forebears.
Yeah, fuckface, your legacy.
Of those who were, some of them were presumably Democrats.
They were ALL Democrats. Don't drag everyone else into your ugly world of slavery and racism.
Most of them would have been what most of us are right now ….. NOTHING.
Us? You got a mouse in your pocket? I guess I should give you credit for admitting you are NOTHING.
Unfortunately ANYONE bringing anyone over as slaves ceased in 1807
I know you probably wish it had continued for another hundred years.
a quarter-century b before Democrats even existed.
Who owned them when the Civil War started? And who created the KKK and passed Jim Crow laws after the Civil War ended? Let me help you out, troll boy.....DEMOCRATS. The party of KKK leader Robert Byrd, and leader of the 1964 Civil Rights Act filibuster. Spin spin spin all you want, troll boy, but slavery and racism belong to the Democratic Party. It did then and it does now, and YOU defend them. Sorry, racist, but it IS your legacy (as much as you would like to make it somebody else's).
Why go back? You never really left. Democrats brought you over as slaves and they still own you and you seem happy with that arrangement.


"Democrats" did not exist in the sixteenth century, Rip Van Fucking Winkle. Nor in the seventeenth, nor in the eighteenth when we became a country.

And yet --- slavery did. Throughout.

Linear time strikes again. It's like, I dunno, you can't get away from it or some shit.
Piss up a rope, troll boy. The FACT you can't seem to accept is that Democrats were slave owners. It doesn't matter WHEN they joined in, they were the ones who owned them when the Republicans put an end to their fun. It's your legacy, live with it, racist.

No Twinkles, it's not my legacy. Slaveowners were rich fat fucks, not my forebears.

Of those who were, some of them were presumably Democrats. Others were Whigs. Or Know Nothings. Or further back Federalists or Democratic-Republicans. Most of them would have been what most of us are right now ----- NOTHING.

Oh and when those slaves in the CSA were freed? No political parties even existed.

But leave us go back to your original statement, verbatim: Roll it.

Democrats brought you over as slaves

Unfortunately ANYONE bringing anyone over as slaves ceased in 1807 ---- a quarter-century before Democrats even existed.

So no, Tailfin..... "Democrats" never brought any slaves over at all. Why not? Damn linear time again.

When ignorance goes to fifty bucks a barrel I want drilling rights on your head.

Political Parties didn't exist before the Emancipation Proclamation? Sure you want to go with that, Pogo?

I believe the Democratic Party was formed in the early 1800's...1820 if my memory serves me.

And if you paid attention to current events you would know that the wreck of the Clotilda was recently found in Alabama...the last slave ship to bring slaves to 1860!

Not looking very intelligent in this string, might want to regroup!
Last edited:
I've seen the sentiment of "stop looking back into the past" , "oh, you're only hampering yourself", "look forward, don't look back", "you're in chains", etc. etc. spewed on USMB by almost exclusively rightwing whites.

All I want to know is, what year is it OK to go back to? What date is the cut off for starting American history will make whites happy?

If you have the exact time as well, that would be a bonus.

what if you dont really give a rats ass?
can i get a pass or will i be found guilty in ****** court ?

go back as far as you want cause i dindunuffin !
this has a lot of interesting facts

as Al $harton once graciously stated mub da mo bidda te dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga

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No Twinkles, it's not my legacy. Slaveowners were rich fat fucks, not my forebears.
Yeah, fuckface, your legacy.

No, shit-for-brains, my family didn't own slaves. Half of them weren't even here yet. Ergo I have no "legacy".

So no, fuck you.

Of those who were, some of them were presumably Democrats.
They were ALL Democrats. Don't drag everyone else into your ugly world of slavery and racism.

I don't have such a world, numbnuts. YOU DO.

And NO, they were not all Democrats. Democrats didn't even EXIST until 1834, which is exactly three hundred years after the first slaves were brought here.

Just among POTUSes alone, Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, W.H. Harrison and Taylor all owned slaves, and none of them were Democrats. Nobody in the entire history of the world has EVER needed a political party to own a slave, and nobody in this country has ever been forced to join a political party AT ALL.

So you're just fucking stupid.

Most of them would have been what most of us are right now ….. NOTHING.
Us? You got a mouse in your pocket? I guess I should give you credit for admitting you are NOTHING.

I am part of the most populous political affiliation in these United States, which is called "NONE".

Sorry if that flummoxes your simplistic dichotomy-infested mind. Tough titty. Learn to think.

Unfortunately ANYONE bringing anyone over as slaves ceased in 1807
I know you probably wish it had continued for another hundred years.
a quarter-century b before Democrats even existed.

Who owned them when the Civil War started?

Mostly rich indolent capitalists. Which ---- ONCE AGAIN ---- required no political party.

That's why there was such division in the Confederacy over the prospect of war. Most people were not rich indolent fat fucks making money off human misery and they resented the indolent fat fucks bringing them into it.

And who created the KKK and passed Jim Crow laws after the Civil War ended?

Let me help you out, troll boy.....DEMOCRATS. The party of KKK leader Robert Byrd, and leader of the 1964 Civil Rights Act filibuster. Spin spin spin all you want, troll boy, but slavery and racism belong to the Democratic Party. It did then and it does now, and YOU defend them. Sorry, racist, but it IS your legacy (as much as you would like to make it somebody else's).

KKK was created by six ex-soldiers who had no political affiliations, in a land that had no political parties, and for no purpose having anything to do with either racism or politics. And you know that because you've been schooled on it, repeatedly, in fact for years. Yet here you are selling ever more bullshit. Ain't nobody buying it, jackwagon. I've presented you with names, dates, places, links, resources, for literally YEARS on this forum and you have never refuted any of it, because you CAN'T.

Wanna see it yet again?

Alpha order:
(Maj) James Crowe
Calvin Jones
(Capt) John B. Kennedy
(Capt) John Lester
(Maj) Frank O. McCord
Richard Reed​

24 December 1865​

205 West Madison Street, Pulaski Tennessee. Law office of Thomas Jones, father of Calvin​

Boredom, emulating a popular college fraternity of the time called Kuklos Adelphon, which begat the name.
Crowe -- none.
Jones --- none.
Kennedy --- none.
Lester --- none.
McCord --- none.
Reed --- wait for it ---- none.​


Don't sit here and try to bullshit me. I am your intellectual master. Which is not exactly a sweat. Clearly I don't need any "help".

Linear timeline:

1534: first African slaves arrive on Spanish merchant ships at what is now South Carolina

1534-1808: captive Africans continue to be brought to the Americas by Spanish, British, French, Dutch and Portuguese merchants. Not by political parties: by MERCHANTS. Same merchants also transport same human cargo to Caribbean islands, Central America and South America, especially Brazil, all places where "Democrats" do not exist and have in fact never existed. US outlaws such trade in March 1807.

1834: Martin van Buren organizes the "Democratic Party" out of Andrew Jackson's body of supporters, informally called "Jacksonians". Note that slave importation has been illegal for twenty-seven years.

Go ahead ------------ prove ANY PART OF THAT wrong, shit-for-brains.

That's right --- you can't. Now BITE MY ASS.
Last edited:
Why go back? You never really left. Democrats brought you over as slaves and they still own you and you seem happy with that arrangement.


"Democrats" did not exist in the sixteenth century, Rip Van Fucking Winkle. Nor in the seventeenth, nor in the eighteenth when we became a country.

And yet --- slavery did. Throughout.

Linear time strikes again. It's like, I dunno, you can't get away from it or some shit.
Piss up a rope, troll boy. The FACT you can't seem to accept is that Democrats were slave owners. It doesn't matter WHEN they joined in, they were the ones who owned them when the Republicans put an end to their fun. It's your legacy, live with it, racist.

No Twinkles, it's not my legacy. Slaveowners were rich fat fucks, not my forebears.

Of those who were, some of them were presumably Democrats. Others were Whigs. Or Know Nothings. Or further back Federalists or Democratic-Republicans. Most of them would have been what most of us are right now ----- NOTHING.

Oh and when those slaves in the CSA were freed? No political parties even existed.

But leave us go back to your original statement, verbatim: Roll it.

Democrats brought you over as slaves

Unfortunately ANYONE bringing anyone over as slaves ceased in 1807 ---- a quarter-century before Democrats even existed.

So no, Tailfin..... "Democrats" never brought any slaves over at all. Why not? Damn linear time again.

When ignorance goes to fifty bucks a barrel I want drilling rights on your head.

Political Parties didn't exist before the Emancipation Proclamation? Sure you want to go with that, Pogo?

I believe the Democratic Party was formed in the early 1800's...1820 if my memory serves me.

And if you paid attention to current events you would know that the wreck of the Clotilda was recently found in Alabama...the last slave ship to bring slaves to 1860!

Not looking very intelligent in this string, might want to regroup!

Actually you might want to learn how to read, instead of inserting ideas that were never there.

Let's start at the top, shall we? I said nothing about "political parties didn't exist before the Emancipation Proclamation". I made no mention of the EP at all, which did not free "the slaves" but selectively freed those in some Union-controlled areas.

But that's not what freed the slaves. What freed the slaves was the Thirteenth Amendment, which was passed in 1865. The CSA was by then defeated territory, occupied by US military, with no representation in the US Government (since they were not yet readmitted), and when the had been part of a country as recently as earlier that year (the CSA), that country had had no political parties.

Therefore no political parties in the CSA... which I specified. Go ahead, check me.

The Democratic Party was formed as noted above in 1834 -- that's when the name was first used. Even if it had been formed in 1820 that's STILL more than a decade after the slave trade was declared illegal in the US. The Clotilda was a smuggling ship, and as such highly illegal.

Hate to break this to ya but illegal smuggling ships do not negate federal law passed in 1807.
I've seen the sentiment of "stop looking back into the past" , "oh, you're only hampering yourself", "look forward, don't look back", "you're in chains", etc. etc. spewed on USMB by almost exclusively rightwing whites.

All I want to know is, what year is it OK to go back to? What date is the cut off for starting American history will make whites happy?

If you have the exact time as well, that would be a bonus.
Conservatives are saying this, of course, because they want to ignore America’s racist past – the history of Jim Crow, black codes, and segregation undermines the right’s rhetoric hostile to civil rights, and hobbles their policies intended to disadvantage black Americans, such as suppressing minority votes with inane ‘voter ID’ laws, gerrymandering Congressional districts, and refusing to add additional days and hours to vote.
I've seen the sentiment of "stop looking back into the past" , "oh, you're only hampering yourself", "look forward, don't look back", "you're in chains", etc. etc. spewed on USMB by almost exclusively rightwing whites.

All I want to know is, what year is it OK to go back to? What date is the cut off for starting American history will make whites happy?

If you have the exact time as well, that would be a bonus.
Conservatives are saying this, of course, because they want to ignore America’s racist past – the history of Jim Crow, black codes, and segregation undermines the right’s rhetoric hostile to civil rights, and hobbles their policies intended to disadvantage black Americans, such as suppressing minority votes with inane ‘voter ID’ laws, gerrymandering Congressional districts, and refusing to add additional days and hours to vote.
I've seen the sentiment of "stop looking back into the past" , "oh, you're only hampering yourself", "look forward, don't look back", "you're in chains", etc. etc. spewed on USMB by almost exclusively rightwing whites.

All I want to know is, what year is it OK to go back to? What date is the cut off for starting American history will make whites happy?

If you have the exact time as well, that would be a bonus.
maybe they should sue their tribes back in Africa for delivering them into slavery.

Why go back? You never really left. Democrats brought you over as slaves and they still own you and you seem happy with that arrangement.


"Democrats" did not exist in the sixteenth century, Rip Van Fucking Winkle. Nor in the seventeenth, nor in the eighteenth when we became a country.

And yet --- slavery did. Throughout.

Linear time strikes again. It's like, I dunno, you can't get away from it or some shit.
Piss up a rope, troll boy. The FACT you can't seem to accept is that Democrats were slave owners. It doesn't matter WHEN they joined in, they were the ones who owned them when the Republicans put an end to their fun. It's your legacy, live with it, racist.

No Twinkles, it's not my legacy. Slaveowners were rich fat fucks, not my forebears.

Of those who were, some of them were presumably Democrats. Others were Whigs. Or Know Nothings. Or further back Federalists or Democratic-Republicans. Most of them would have been what most of us are right now ----- NOTHING.

Oh and when those slaves in the CSA were freed? No political parties even existed.

But leave us go back to your original statement, verbatim: Roll it.

Democrats brought you over as slaves

Unfortunately ANYONE bringing anyone over as slaves ceased in 1807 ---- a quarter-century before Democrats even existed.

So no, Tailfin..... "Democrats" never brought any slaves over at all. Why not? Damn linear time again.

When ignorance goes to fifty bucks a barrel I want drilling rights on your head.

Political Parties didn't exist before the Emancipation Proclamation? Sure you want to go with that, Pogo?

I believe the Democratic Party was formed in the early 1800's...1820 if my memory serves me.

And if you paid attention to current events you would know that the wreck of the Clotilda was recently found in Alabama...the last slave ship to bring slaves to 1860!

Not looking very intelligent in this string, might want to regroup!

Actually you might want to learn how to read, instead of inserting ideas that were never there.

Let's start at the top, shall we? I said nothing about "political parties didn't exist before the Emancipation Proclamation". I made no mention of the EP at all, which did not free "the slaves" but selectively freed those in some Union-controlled areas.

But that's not what freed the slaves. What freed the slaves was the Thirteenth Amendment, which was passed in 1865. The CSA was by then defeated territory, occupied by US military, with no representation in the US Government (since they were not yet readmitted), and when the had been part of a country as recently as earlier that year (the CSA), that country had had no political parties.

Therefore no political parties in the CSA... which I specified. Go ahead, check me.

The Democratic Party was formed as noted above in 1834 -- that's when the name was first used. Even if it had been formed in 1820 that's STILL more than a decade after the slave trade was declared illegal in the US. The Clotilda was a smuggling ship, and as such highly illegal.

Hate to break this to ya but illegal smuggling ships do not negate federal law passed in 1807.

I read just fine! You on the other hand don't present your facts in a coherent fashion...and then whine when people find you to be ignorant! You didn't specify that there were no political parties in the said that there were no political parties when slaves were freed...the Democratic Party had existed for some time at that point! Since slaves were still being smuggled into America as late as 1860 it's obvious that slavery existed AFTER the Democratic Party was formed. As a matter of fact it's estimated that around 50,000 slaves were smuggled into the country AFTER the law prohibiting the importation of slave was passed!
No Twinkles, it's not my legacy. Slaveowners were rich fat fucks, not my forebears.
Yeah, fuckface, your legacy.

No, shit-for-brains, my family didn't own slaves. Half of them weren't even here yet. Ergo I have no "legacy".

So no, fuck you.

Of those who were, some of them were presumably Democrats.
They were ALL Democrats. Don't drag everyone else into your ugly world of slavery and racism.

I don't have such a world, numbnuts. YOU DO.

And NO, they were not all Democrats. Democrats didn't even EXIST until 1834, which is exactly three hundred years after the first slaves were brought here.

Just among POTUSes alone, Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, W.H. Harrison and Taylor all owned slaves, and none of them were Democrats. Nobody in the entire history of the world has EVER needed a political party to own a slave, and nobody in this country has ever been forced to join a political party AT ALL.

So you're just fucking stupid.

Most of them would have been what most of us are right now ….. NOTHING.
Us? You got a mouse in your pocket? I guess I should give you credit for admitting you are NOTHING.

I am part of the most populous political affiliation in these United States, which is called "NONE".

Sorry if that flummoxes your simplistic dichotomy-infested mind. Tough titty. Learn to think.

Unfortunately ANYONE bringing anyone over as slaves ceased in 1807
I know you probably wish it had continued for another hundred years.
a quarter-century b before Democrats even existed.

Who owned them when the Civil War started?

Mostly rich indolent capitalists. Which ---- ONCE AGAIN ---- required no political party.

That's why there was such division in the Confederacy over the prospect of war. Most people were not rich indolent fat fucks making money off human misery and they resented the indolent fat fucks bringing them into it.

And who created the KKK and passed Jim Crow laws after the Civil War ended?

Let me help you out, troll boy.....DEMOCRATS. The party of KKK leader Robert Byrd, and leader of the 1964 Civil Rights Act filibuster. Spin spin spin all you want, troll boy, but slavery and racism belong to the Democratic Party. It did then and it does now, and YOU defend them. Sorry, racist, but it IS your legacy (as much as you would like to make it somebody else's).

KKK was created by six ex-soldiers who had no political affiliations, in a land that had no political parties, and for no purpose having anything to do with either racism or politics. And you know that because you've been schooled on it, repeatedly, in fact for years. Yet here you are selling ever more bullshit. Ain't nobody buying it, jackwagon. I've presented you with names, dates, places, links, resources, for literally YEARS on this forum and you have never refuted any of it, because you CAN'T.

Wanna see it yet again?

Alpha order:
(Maj) James Crowe
Calvin Jones
(Capt) John B. Kennedy
(Capt) John Lester
(Maj) Frank O. McCord
Richard Reed​

24 December 1865​

205 West Madison Street, Pulaski Tennessee. Law office of Thomas Jones, father of Calvin​

Boredom, emulating a popular college fraternity of the time called Kuklos Adelphon, which begat the name.
Crowe -- none.
Jones --- none.
Kennedy --- none.
Lester --- none.
McCord --- none.
Reed --- wait for it ---- none.​


Don't sit here and try to bullshit me. I am your intellectual master. Which is not exactly a sweat. Clearly I don't need any "help".

Linear timeline:

1534: first African slaves arrive on Spanish merchant ships at what is now South Carolina

1534-1808: captive Africans continue to be brought to the Americas by Spanish, British, French, Dutch and Portuguese merchants. Not by political parties: by MERCHANTS. Same merchants also transport same human cargo to Caribbean islands, Central America and South America, especially Brazil, all places where "Democrats" do not exist and have in fact never existed. US outlaws such trade in March 1807.

1834: Martin van Buren organizes the "Democratic Party" out of Andrew Jackson's body of supporters, informally called "Jacksonians". Note that slave importation has been illegal for twenty-seven years.

Go ahead ------------ prove ANY PART OF THAT wrong, shit-for-brains.

That's right --- you can't. Now BITE MY ASS.
Better be careful there chief, you're gonna have a stroke if you're not careful. LOL
I guess I'd be upset too if I had to defend 150 years of racism, slavery, and oppression. The real kicker is how you defend the Democrat's past (as well as present), agree with and argue every egregious thing they say and do, then insist you have no political alliance with them. LOL
Actually one of the first blacks that settled here had black slaves of his own after he worked off his indentured time.

Anthony Johnson, in fact he fucked a fellow african indentured worker out of the rest of his life. John Casor ended up being the first black man ruled slave for life.

So much for "brotherhood". If you're going to whine about slavery, let it be known that the first black man that was regarded as chattel was made so because of a black man.

The Horrible Fate of John Casor, The First Black Man to be Declared Slave for Life in America | Smart News | Smithsonian

Johnson served out his contract and went on to run his own tobacco farm and hold his own indentured servants, among them Casor. At this time, the colony of Virginia had very few black people in it: Johnson was one of the original 20.

After a disagreement about whether or not Casor's contract was lapsed, a court ruled in favor of Johnson and Casor saw the status of his indenture turn into slavery, where he—not his contract—was considered property. Casor claimed that he had served his indenture of “seaven or Eight years” and seven more years on top of that. The court sided with Johnson, who claimed that Casor was his slave for life.

Read more: The Horrible Fate of John Casor, The First Black Man to be Declared Slave for Life in America | Smart News | Smithsonian
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Too bad that's a lie that has long been debunked.

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