How far will your president go to stay in office

Trump will see the inside of a jail cell about the same time as Hillary, Bill, Barack and George... Which is never...
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,
If Trump goes to jail, Pelosi should be his cellmate. Guilty of doing nothing. Democrats created the crisis on the border by doing nothing about illegal immigration. Since when do we have to take care of the worlds poor? We have enough of our own and charity begins at home. The bible says a man is less than a man if he does not take care of is own. They continue to come because they know we will take care of them and that needs to stop if WE want to survive as a nation. Yes, Pelosi it is child abuse and you and your welcome mat are to blame.
With one simple chart I'll prove without a doubt what a pile of shit your trying to sell here. Your a joke. Simple question who took care of the border problem?
View attachment 266602
I'll add to the rights stupidity by saying that since scum bag came into office it has gone up, not side ways or down .It has increased considerably. So that makes it his fault right? One more thing all these massively shrinking numbers came about as the border patrols were increased by many many people but they still arrested less and less people . Why because Bush and Obama decreased the numbers to 1/22 (that's about a decrease of about 96%)that it was in the in the beginning of 2000. Obama did most of this Scum bag obviously made it worse.
This has to be the most stupidest Idea that the hate party has about the border. You people and your policy have made things worse - that is if the numbers mean everything like you suggest.
Border apprehensions increased in 2018 – especially for migrant families
There were nearly 467,000 apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border in 2018,
Border apprehensions increased in 2018 – especially for migrant families
as I said ,as the chart shows and who"s watch was 2018 on. Bush and Obama cut the number by 96% and scum bag has increased the number-now is that what you mean.
Jb, show me one politician that hasn't lied. I don't know of one, Republican, Democrat or Independent.

It's not lying that I get upset about; they all lie about something. It's what they lie about that's much more important. Sort of like destroying our healthcare system making claim that prices would be lower, everybody would be insured, you can keep your doctor or medical facility.

At the age of 54, I was insured my entire adult life until Commie Care. When it went into full gear, I lost that coverage I had all my life. Looking for different employment that provided coverage, I found that many other employers did the same.

If Trump tells me he's the President with the lowest unemployment rate in history, who cares? That doesn't affect me. Lying to sell the public a plan that ended up being disastrous for me is a huge lie that I could never forgive. It was the most destructive lie in modern political history because I'm not alone. Millions of Americans lost their healthcare plan right along with me.
And you think your making some point here. No other president in history has used lies more then scum bag. In fact I'd guess that the second place liar, lied 1/100 of what scum bag has lied. You people are sick. This pig is yours 100%. He is this countries biggest threat today as is his supporters who sold out the rest of us for hate and boy do you fit in that bracket.

Yes, he is ours 100% That's why we have a booming economy today, that's why jobs are moving back to the country, that's why unemployment records were broken for minorities and women, that's why we broke a record for small business confidence; our largest employers. That's how we got out of crummy deals like the Paris Accord and Iran. That's why we have open communications with Kim Jong. That's why we have a President who in his two and a half years in office, donated every paycheck to charity. He's not making a dime.

But OH! He lies a lot. Give me a break.
Total bullshit This is Obama's economy and everyone that can think knows that. Who told you this shit, I bet it was Scum Bag and of course he always tells the truth.
View attachment 266706
Scum bag did nothing
View attachment 266707 Hell If no one was in office the market should have done better This is all Obamas. As always your so easy to make a fool out of , when you let someone think for you who is a total lying piece of shit.

Liberals are such suckers for lies.

In our review, we found many reasons why unemployment is low, and not for the overwork that Ocasio-Cortez cited. The biggest factors include strong economic confidence and the long-running economic recovery. (Her campaign did not respond to an inquiry.)

"Everyone has two jobs"
The Bureau of Labor Statistics keeps track of how many people work two jobs rather than just one.

Over the past 12 months, the number of multiple job holders has ranged between 6 million and 7 million. That compares to more than 148 million Americans who are employed in a single job.

The percentage has moved in a pretty narrow band — 4.7 percent to 5.2 percent — during the recovery from the Great Recession. That range is actually below where it was between 1994 and the Great Recession. In fact, the percentage was at its highest (as high as 6.5 percent) during the peak of the 1990s boom.

Ocasio-Cortez wrong on several counts about unemployment
The unemployment numbers are because of Obama and if anything that level of reduction decreased for Scum Bag. So who,s numbers are these???????
View attachment 266867
And you think your making some point here. No other president in history has used lies more then scum bag. In fact I'd guess that the second place liar, lied 1/100 of what scum bag has lied. You people are sick. This pig is yours 100%. He is this countries biggest threat today as is his supporters who sold out the rest of us for hate and boy do you fit in that bracket.

Yes, he is ours 100% That's why we have a booming economy today, that's why jobs are moving back to the country, that's why unemployment records were broken for minorities and women, that's why we broke a record for small business confidence; our largest employers. That's how we got out of crummy deals like the Paris Accord and Iran. That's why we have open communications with Kim Jong. That's why we have a President who in his two and a half years in office, donated every paycheck to charity. He's not making a dime.

But OH! He lies a lot. Give me a break.
Total bullshit This is Obama's economy and everyone that can think knows that. Who told you this shit, I bet it was Scum Bag and of course he always tells the truth.
View attachment 266706
Scum bag did nothing
View attachment 266707 Hell If no one was in office the market should have done better This is all Obamas. As always your so easy to make a fool out of , when you let someone think for you who is a total lying piece of shit.

Liberals are such suckers for lies.

In our review, we found many reasons why unemployment is low, and not for the overwork that Ocasio-Cortez cited. The biggest factors include strong economic confidence and the long-running economic recovery. (Her campaign did not respond to an inquiry.)

"Everyone has two jobs"
The Bureau of Labor Statistics keeps track of how many people work two jobs rather than just one.

Over the past 12 months, the number of multiple job holders has ranged between 6 million and 7 million. That compares to more than 148 million Americans who are employed in a single job.

The percentage has moved in a pretty narrow band — 4.7 percent to 5.2 percent — during the recovery from the Great Recession. That range is actually below where it was between 1994 and the Great Recession. In fact, the percentage was at its highest (as high as 6.5 percent) during the peak of the 1990s boom.

Ocasio-Cortez wrong on several counts about unemployment
The unemployment numbers are because of Obama and if anything that level of reduction decreased for Scum Bag. So who,s numbers are these???????
View attachment 266869

As already pointed out, those Obama numbers were from low paying jobs. Median income didn't increase until after the drop in fuel prices under Hussein. In fact, from the time he got in until 2011, adjusted median household income dropped. From 2008 to 2016, median income decreased by over three hundred bucks in those eight years.

Looking at Trump's numbers, household income increased by nearly three thousand dollars in 2.5 years. How is DumBama responsible for better paying jobs that only happened under Trump?

And you think your making some point here. No other president in history has used lies more then scum bag. In fact I'd guess that the second place liar, lied 1/100 of what scum bag has lied. You people are sick. This pig is yours 100%. He is this countries biggest threat today as is his supporters who sold out the rest of us for hate and boy do you fit in that bracket.

Yes, he is ours 100% That's why we have a booming economy today, that's why jobs are moving back to the country, that's why unemployment records were broken for minorities and women, that's why we broke a record for small business confidence; our largest employers. That's how we got out of crummy deals like the Paris Accord and Iran. That's why we have open communications with Kim Jong. That's why we have a President who in his two and a half years in office, donated every paycheck to charity. He's not making a dime.

But OH! He lies a lot. Give me a break.
Total bullshit This is Obama's economy and everyone that can think knows that. Who told you this shit, I bet it was Scum Bag and of course he always tells the truth.
View attachment 266706
Scum bag did nothing
View attachment 266707 Hell If no one was in office the market should have done better This is all Obamas. As always your so easy to make a fool out of , when you let someone think for you who is a total lying piece of shit.

DumBama had nothing to do with the economy or market. That was conducted by the feds with Quantitive Easing; look it up.

The growth that did take place were part-time or lower wage jobs. That's why the feds didn't raise interest rates. There was no strength in an economy with no money.

View attachment 266781

You see in order to free the feds to raise interest rates, the economy has to be rolling. That never happened under Ears. And you want to talk about social program usage barely reduced under DumBama while all this greatness (as you call it) was going on?

Under Trump, the feds believe we need to slow the economy down so it doesn't spiral out of control.. When did that ever happen under DumBama? And what if Trump's two terms end up being a carbon copy of today? Are you still going to credit that Mulatto Commie eight years later? After all, it's been two and a half and you're trying to steal Trump's hard work and give the credit to that slimy Obama.
I read very little of these stupid comments. I get to the point where they throw out their ton of bullshit and I quit reading . how stupid can a remark be that says Obama did nothing but Scum bag saved this country as far as the economy is concerned , when just about every aspect and almost all of the numbers happened when Obama was in office. and the only thing that can be shown as far as a chart is concerned ,shows that the only thing that happened with scum bag, was a slowing down of the rate of improvement in the numbers. Obama presidency will go down as one of the biggest change for the good as far as the economic numbers are concerned. Lets take a look at what Obama achieved during his presidency, The S&p went up 176%, Business had the highest profits in history, business had the fastest rate of increase of profit in history, business profits where at the highest percentage of gross in history. . Now the goons will come back and make their one point GDP. I'll tell you something every business in this country would have Lower GDP if their profits were highest in history.. That means they made more with producing less ,not buying equipment to handle the increase and not have to hire any more workers, for the increase in production .Every business man/women will take the lower GDP any day of the week if they could have the massive gains they received .
To be honest with everyone These non thinking, non knowing comments are getting old.If you have no concept as far as the economy is concerned why jump into a thread that you know nothing about.

Typical leftists. Claiming nobody knows more than you and posting a comment that shows you know less than everybody else.

Of course you quit reading. That's how you remain ignorant. You don't want to know the truth because it goes against your fantasy.

You see, if you are going to give credit to somebody for something, you need to provide what action they took to accomplish that goal. DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. It's why he's responsible for the slowest recovery since WWII. It's why interest rates never increased during his two terms until the end which was mostly due to lower fuel costs; something he was always against.

Now if you ask me what Trump did for business, I can provide several actions he took. One, getting rid of the Commie Care burden. Two, removing job killing regulations. Three, lowing their taxation putting us on a more level playing field with the rest of the world. Trump instituted a policy which is for every regulation they make against businesses, they will remove two regulations in it's place.

See how that works now? I can't just sit here and say "Trump is responsible for a good economy because he is President today." I have to explain what actions he took to create this accomplishment.

Government doesn't create jobs. Private industry does. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for private industry to create those jobs.

Trump Scoreboard shows acceleration in jobs growth even with unemployment rate at new lows

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract
All you have is crap , you have no clue why this country raises interest rates, not a clue. They raised the interest rate because of Bush disastrous economy. They do that for many reasons ,one is to Increase the value of the dollar in world trade , thus a increase of exports and a decrease in imports.
Here is a few of your nonsense make believe comments"Trump Scoreboard shows acceleration in jobs growth even with unemployment rate at new lows"
Here,s your acceleration,
As usual it's bullshit. at any rate there is a decline
Yes, he is ours 100% That's why we have a booming economy today, that's why jobs are moving back to the country, that's why unemployment records were broken for minorities and women, that's why we broke a record for small business confidence; our largest employers. That's how we got out of crummy deals like the Paris Accord and Iran. That's why we have open communications with Kim Jong. That's why we have a President who in his two and a half years in office, donated every paycheck to charity. He's not making a dime.

But OH! He lies a lot. Give me a break.
Total bullshit This is Obama's economy and everyone that can think knows that. Who told you this shit, I bet it was Scum Bag and of course he always tells the truth.
View attachment 266706
Scum bag did nothing
View attachment 266707 Hell If no one was in office the market should have done better This is all Obamas. As always your so easy to make a fool out of , when you let someone think for you who is a total lying piece of shit.

DumBama had nothing to do with the economy or market. That was conducted by the feds with Quantitive Easing; look it up.

The growth that did take place were part-time or lower wage jobs. That's why the feds didn't raise interest rates. There was no strength in an economy with no money.

View attachment 266781

You see in order to free the feds to raise interest rates, the economy has to be rolling. That never happened under Ears. And you want to talk about social program usage barely reduced under DumBama while all this greatness (as you call it) was going on?

Under Trump, the feds believe we need to slow the economy down so it doesn't spiral out of control.. When did that ever happen under DumBama? And what if Trump's two terms end up being a carbon copy of today? Are you still going to credit that Mulatto Commie eight years later? After all, it's been two and a half and you're trying to steal Trump's hard work and give the credit to that slimy Obama.
I read very little of these stupid comments. I get to the point where they throw out their ton of bullshit and I quit reading . how stupid can a remark be that says Obama did nothing but Scum bag saved this country as far as the economy is concerned , when just about every aspect and almost all of the numbers happened when Obama was in office. and the only thing that can be shown as far as a chart is concerned ,shows that the only thing that happened with scum bag, was a slowing down of the rate of improvement in the numbers. Obama presidency will go down as one of the biggest change for the good as far as the economic numbers are concerned. Lets take a look at what Obama achieved during his presidency, The S&p went up 176%, Business had the highest profits in history, business had the fastest rate of increase of profit in history, business profits where at the highest percentage of gross in history. . Now the goons will come back and make their one point GDP. I'll tell you something every business in this country would have Lower GDP if their profits were highest in history.. That means they made more with producing less ,not buying equipment to handle the increase and not have to hire any more workers, for the increase in production .Every business man/women will take the lower GDP any day of the week if they could have the massive gains they received .
To be honest with everyone These non thinking, non knowing comments are getting old.If you have no concept as far as the economy is concerned why jump into a thread that you know nothing about.

Typical leftists. Claiming nobody knows more than you and posting a comment that shows you know less than everybody else.

Of course you quit reading. That's how you remain ignorant. You don't want to know the truth because it goes against your fantasy.

You see, if you are going to give credit to somebody for something, you need to provide what action they took to accomplish that goal. DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. It's why he's responsible for the slowest recovery since WWII. It's why interest rates never increased during his two terms until the end which was mostly due to lower fuel costs; something he was always against.

Now if you ask me what Trump did for business, I can provide several actions he took. One, getting rid of the Commie Care burden. Two, removing job killing regulations. Three, lowing their taxation putting us on a more level playing field with the rest of the world. Trump instituted a policy which is for every regulation they make against businesses, they will remove two regulations in it's place.

See how that works now? I can't just sit here and say "Trump is responsible for a good economy because he is President today." I have to explain what actions he took to create this accomplishment.

Government doesn't create jobs. Private industry does. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for private industry to create those jobs.

Trump Scoreboard shows acceleration in jobs growth even with unemployment rate at new lows

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract
All you have is crap , you have no clue why this country raises interest rates, not a clue. They raised the interest rate because of Bush disastrous economy. They do that for many reasons ,one is to Increase the value of the dollar in world trade , thus a increase of exports and a decrease in imports.
Here is a few of your nonsense make believe comments"Trump Scoreboard shows acceleration in jobs growth even with unemployment rate at new lows"
Here,s your acceleration, View attachment 266875 As usual it's bullshit. at any rate there is a decline

You have no idea what you're talking about. Interest rates increase to keep the economy in check; to make sure it doesn't grow too fast giving us an out of control economy thus contributing to inflation. That's the only reason they adjust interest rates.

We have three million more jobs than Americans to fill them. Your statement with unemployment is ridiculous. You can't bring down unemployment any lower when everybody who is capable of working are working. It's easier to bring down unemployment when people are desperate and looking for jobs.
View attachment 266867
Yes, he is ours 100% That's why we have a booming economy today, that's why jobs are moving back to the country, that's why unemployment records were broken for minorities and women, that's why we broke a record for small business confidence; our largest employers. That's how we got out of crummy deals like the Paris Accord and Iran. That's why we have open communications with Kim Jong. That's why we have a President who in his two and a half years in office, donated every paycheck to charity. He's not making a dime.

But OH! He lies a lot. Give me a break.
Total bullshit This is Obama's economy and everyone that can think knows that. Who told you this shit, I bet it was Scum Bag and of course he always tells the truth.
View attachment 266706
Scum bag did nothing
View attachment 266707 Hell If no one was in office the market should have done better This is all Obamas. As always your so easy to make a fool out of , when you let someone think for you who is a total lying piece of shit.

Liberals are such suckers for lies.

In our review, we found many reasons why unemployment is low, and not for the overwork that Ocasio-Cortez cited. The biggest factors include strong economic confidence and the long-running economic recovery. (Her campaign did not respond to an inquiry.)

"Everyone has two jobs"
The Bureau of Labor Statistics keeps track of how many people work two jobs rather than just one.

Over the past 12 months, the number of multiple job holders has ranged between 6 million and 7 million. That compares to more than 148 million Americans who are employed in a single job.

The percentage has moved in a pretty narrow band — 4.7 percent to 5.2 percent — during the recovery from the Great Recession. That range is actually below where it was between 1994 and the Great Recession. In fact, the percentage was at its highest (as high as 6.5 percent) during the peak of the 1990s boom.

Ocasio-Cortez wrong on several counts about unemployment
The unemployment numbers are because of Obama and if anything that level of reduction decreased for Scum Bag. So who,s numbers are these???????
View attachment 266869

As already pointed out, those Obama numbers were from low paying jobs. Median income didn't increase until after the drop in fuel prices under Hussein. In fact, from the time he got in until 2011, adjusted median household income dropped. From 2008 to 2016, median income decreased by over three hundred bucks in those eight years.

Looking at Trump's numbers, household income increased by nearly three thousand dollars in 2.5 years. How is DumBama responsible for better paying jobs that only happened under Trump?

View attachment 266874
Only one increase is important, the adjusted income , Show me any increase more then the rate of increase during Obama's watch by scum bag. That rate of increase started
View attachment 266867
Yes, he is ours 100% That's why we have a booming economy today, that's why jobs are moving back to the country, that's why unemployment records were broken for minorities and women, that's why we broke a record for small business confidence; our largest employers. That's how we got out of crummy deals like the Paris Accord and Iran. That's why we have open communications with Kim Jong. That's why we have a President who in his two and a half years in office, donated every paycheck to charity. He's not making a dime.

But OH! He lies a lot. Give me a break.
Total bullshit This is Obama's economy and everyone that can think knows that. Who told you this shit, I bet it was Scum Bag and of course he always tells the truth.
View attachment 266706
Scum bag did nothing
View attachment 266707 Hell If no one was in office the market should have done better This is all Obamas. As always your so easy to make a fool out of , when you let someone think for you who is a total lying piece of shit.

Liberals are such suckers for lies.

In our review, we found many reasons why unemployment is low, and not for the overwork that Ocasio-Cortez cited. The biggest factors include strong economic confidence and the long-running economic recovery. (Her campaign did not respond to an inquiry.)

"Everyone has two jobs"
The Bureau of Labor Statistics keeps track of how many people work two jobs rather than just one.

Over the past 12 months, the number of multiple job holders has ranged between 6 million and 7 million. That compares to more than 148 million Americans who are employed in a single job.

The percentage has moved in a pretty narrow band — 4.7 percent to 5.2 percent — during the recovery from the Great Recession. That range is actually below where it was between 1994 and the Great Recession. In fact, the percentage was at its highest (as high as 6.5 percent) during the peak of the 1990s boom.

Ocasio-Cortez wrong on several counts about unemployment
The unemployment numbers are because of Obama and if anything that level of reduction decreased for Scum Bag. So who,s numbers are these???????
View attachment 266869

As already pointed out, those Obama numbers were from low paying jobs. Median income didn't increase until after the drop in fuel prices under Hussein. In fact, from the time he got in until 2011, adjusted median household income dropped. From 2008 to 2016, median income decreased by over three hundred bucks in those eight years.

Looking at Trump's numbers, household income increased by nearly three thousand dollars in 2.5 years. How is DumBama responsible for better paying jobs that only happened under Trump?

View attachment 266874
Now that's a joke, when did the increase start and maybe look a little closer at your chart for scum bags increase . remember the only one that counts is the blue line. There is no acceleration of the rate of income as you said when scum bag took office , Like I said and I'll repeat it . The numbers belong to Obama. If no one was in office during scum bags time in office the numbers would be the same. A little lesson in numbers for you ,Median income means nothing, you can decrease everyone income but the top sector and still show the same median income. You need more then one lesson obviously.
To repeat myself

And you think your making some point here. No other president in history has used lies more then scum bag. In fact I'd guess that the second place liar, lied 1/100 of what scum bag has lied. You people are sick. This pig is yours 100%. He is this countries biggest threat today as is his supporters who sold out the rest of us for hate and boy do you fit in that bracket.

Yes, he is ours 100% That's why we have a booming economy today, that's why jobs are moving back to the country, that's why unemployment records were broken for minorities and women, that's why we broke a record for small business confidence; our largest employers. That's how we got out of crummy deals like the Paris Accord and Iran. That's why we have open communications with Kim Jong. That's why we have a President who in his two and a half years in office, donated every paycheck to charity. He's not making a dime.

But OH! He lies a lot. Give me a break.
Total bullshit This is Obama's economy and everyone that can think knows that. Who told you this shit, I bet it was Scum Bag and of course he always tells the truth.
View attachment 266706
Scum bag did nothing
View attachment 266707 Hell If no one was in office the market should have done better This is all Obamas. As always your so easy to make a fool out of , when you let someone think for you who is a total lying piece of shit.

DumBama had nothing to do with the economy or market. That was conducted by the feds with Quantitive Easing; look it up.

The growth that did take place were part-time or lower wage jobs. That's why the feds didn't raise interest rates. There was no strength in an economy with no money.

View attachment 266781

You see in order to free the feds to raise interest rates, the economy has to be rolling. That never happened under Ears. And you want to talk about social program usage barely reduced under DumBama while all this greatness (as you call it) was going on?

Under Trump, the feds believe we need to slow the economy down so it doesn't spiral out of control.. When did that ever happen under DumBama? And what if Trump's two terms end up being a carbon copy of today? Are you still going to credit that Mulatto Commie eight years later? After all, it's been two and a half and you're trying to steal Trump's hard work and give the credit to that slimy Obama.
I read very little of these stupid comments. I get to the point where they throw out their ton of bullshit and I quit reading . how stupid can a remark be that says Obama did nothing but Scum bag saved this country as far as the economy is concerned , when just about every aspect and almost all of the numbers happened when Obama was in office. and the only thing that can be shown as far as a chart is concerned ,shows that the only thing that happened with scum bag, was a slowing down of the rate of improvement in the numbers. Obama presidency will go down as one of the biggest change for the good as far as the economic numbers are concerned. Lets take a look at what Obama achieved during his presidency, The S&p went up 176%, Business had the highest profits in history, business had the fastest rate of increase of profit in history, business profits where at the highest percentage of gross in history. . Now the goons will come back and make their one point GDP. I'll tell you something every business in this country would have Lower GDP if their profits were highest in history.. That means they made more with producing less ,not buying equipment to handle the increase and not have to hire any more workers, for the increase in production .Every business man/women will take the lower GDP any day of the week if they could have the massive gains they received .
To be honest with everyone These non thinking, non knowing comments are getting old.If you have no concept as far as the economy is concerned why jump into a thread that you know nothing about.

Typical leftists. Claiming nobody knows more than you and posting a comment that shows you know less than everybody else.

Of course you quit reading. That's how you remain ignorant. You don't want to know the truth because it goes against your fantasy.

You see, if you are going to give credit to somebody for something, you need to provide what action they took to accomplish that goal. DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. It's why he's responsible for the slowest recovery since WWII. It's why interest rates never increased during his two terms until the end which was mostly due to lower fuel costs; something he was always against.

Now if you ask me what Trump did for business, I can provide several actions he took. One, getting rid of the Commie Care burden. Two, removing job killing regulations. Three, lowing their taxation putting us on a more level playing field with the rest of the world. Trump instituted a policy which is for every regulation they make against businesses, they will remove two regulations in it's place.

See how that works now? I can't just sit here and say "Trump is responsible for a good economy because he is President today." I have to explain what actions he took to create this accomplishment.

Government doesn't create jobs. Private industry does. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for private industry to create those jobs.

Trump Scoreboard shows acceleration in jobs growth even with unemployment rate at new lows

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract
By the way there is no way I said I'm the only one who knew about this, my comment was directed just at you, you don't know what your talking about. You can't even decipher a chart.
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,
Hillary lost, get over it
I'm glad she lost, in fact over joyed , it means we are just one step closer for people like you and your hate party being removed from politics in this country , the hate party will end and a real conservative voice will be created.
Back to the original comment , as far as all aspects of the economy , If scum bag did anything , it would be reflected in the increase of the rate of increase the day he came into office. It's nowhere to be found. Sideways or down is all scum bag produced. By the way ray , all your charts support that.
Total bullshit This is Obama's economy and everyone that can think knows that. Who told you this shit, I bet it was Scum Bag and of course he always tells the truth.
View attachment 266706
Scum bag did nothing
View attachment 266707 Hell If no one was in office the market should have done better This is all Obamas. As always your so easy to make a fool out of , when you let someone think for you who is a total lying piece of shit.

DumBama had nothing to do with the economy or market. That was conducted by the feds with Quantitive Easing; look it up.

The growth that did take place were part-time or lower wage jobs. That's why the feds didn't raise interest rates. There was no strength in an economy with no money.

View attachment 266781

You see in order to free the feds to raise interest rates, the economy has to be rolling. That never happened under Ears. And you want to talk about social program usage barely reduced under DumBama while all this greatness (as you call it) was going on?

Under Trump, the feds believe we need to slow the economy down so it doesn't spiral out of control.. When did that ever happen under DumBama? And what if Trump's two terms end up being a carbon copy of today? Are you still going to credit that Mulatto Commie eight years later? After all, it's been two and a half and you're trying to steal Trump's hard work and give the credit to that slimy Obama.
I read very little of these stupid comments. I get to the point where they throw out their ton of bullshit and I quit reading . how stupid can a remark be that says Obama did nothing but Scum bag saved this country as far as the economy is concerned , when just about every aspect and almost all of the numbers happened when Obama was in office. and the only thing that can be shown as far as a chart is concerned ,shows that the only thing that happened with scum bag, was a slowing down of the rate of improvement in the numbers. Obama presidency will go down as one of the biggest change for the good as far as the economic numbers are concerned. Lets take a look at what Obama achieved during his presidency, The S&p went up 176%, Business had the highest profits in history, business had the fastest rate of increase of profit in history, business profits where at the highest percentage of gross in history. . Now the goons will come back and make their one point GDP. I'll tell you something every business in this country would have Lower GDP if their profits were highest in history.. That means they made more with producing less ,not buying equipment to handle the increase and not have to hire any more workers, for the increase in production .Every business man/women will take the lower GDP any day of the week if they could have the massive gains they received .
To be honest with everyone These non thinking, non knowing comments are getting old.If you have no concept as far as the economy is concerned why jump into a thread that you know nothing about.

Typical leftists. Claiming nobody knows more than you and posting a comment that shows you know less than everybody else.

Of course you quit reading. That's how you remain ignorant. You don't want to know the truth because it goes against your fantasy.

You see, if you are going to give credit to somebody for something, you need to provide what action they took to accomplish that goal. DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. It's why he's responsible for the slowest recovery since WWII. It's why interest rates never increased during his two terms until the end which was mostly due to lower fuel costs; something he was always against.

Now if you ask me what Trump did for business, I can provide several actions he took. One, getting rid of the Commie Care burden. Two, removing job killing regulations. Three, lowing their taxation putting us on a more level playing field with the rest of the world. Trump instituted a policy which is for every regulation they make against businesses, they will remove two regulations in it's place.

See how that works now? I can't just sit here and say "Trump is responsible for a good economy because he is President today." I have to explain what actions he took to create this accomplishment.

Government doesn't create jobs. Private industry does. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for private industry to create those jobs.

Trump Scoreboard shows acceleration in jobs growth even with unemployment rate at new lows

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract
All you have is crap , you have no clue why this country raises interest rates, not a clue. They raised the interest rate because of Bush disastrous economy. They do that for many reasons ,one is to Increase the value of the dollar in world trade , thus a increase of exports and a decrease in imports.
Here is a few of your nonsense make believe comments"Trump Scoreboard shows acceleration in jobs growth even with unemployment rate at new lows"
Here,s your acceleration, View attachment 266875 As usual it's bullshit. at any rate there is a decline

You have no idea what you're talking about. Interest rates increase to keep the economy in check; to make sure it doesn't grow too fast giving us an out of control economy thus contributing to inflation. That's the only reason they adjust interest rates.

We have three million more jobs than Americans to fill them. Your statement with unemployment is ridiculous. You can't bring down unemployment any lower when everybody who is capable of working are working. It's easier to bring down unemployment when people are desperate and looking for jobs.
I really don't have to say anything , all I have to do is just let you spew your ignorance, Remember I said they raise interest rates for many reason and what I listed is in no way the only reason but I can still say you have no idea what your talking about . Your comment saying "That's the only reason they adjust interest rates." is nonsense and I'm not the only one who knows that. Like I said you offer nothing when you make a point and you yourself doesn't know what the point means.
I'm 100% sure that trump would even start a civil war and not give up the presidency.
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,
Trump derangement syndrome lol wow
To repeat myself

Yes, he is ours 100% That's why we have a booming economy today, that's why jobs are moving back to the country, that's why unemployment records were broken for minorities and women, that's why we broke a record for small business confidence; our largest employers. That's how we got out of crummy deals like the Paris Accord and Iran. That's why we have open communications with Kim Jong. That's why we have a President who in his two and a half years in office, donated every paycheck to charity. He's not making a dime.

But OH! He lies a lot. Give me a break.
Total bullshit This is Obama's economy and everyone that can think knows that. Who told you this shit, I bet it was Scum Bag and of course he always tells the truth.
View attachment 266706
Scum bag did nothing
View attachment 266707 Hell If no one was in office the market should have done better This is all Obamas. As always your so easy to make a fool out of , when you let someone think for you who is a total lying piece of shit.

DumBama had nothing to do with the economy or market. That was conducted by the feds with Quantitive Easing; look it up.

The growth that did take place were part-time or lower wage jobs. That's why the feds didn't raise interest rates. There was no strength in an economy with no money.

View attachment 266781

You see in order to free the feds to raise interest rates, the economy has to be rolling. That never happened under Ears. And you want to talk about social program usage barely reduced under DumBama while all this greatness (as you call it) was going on?

Under Trump, the feds believe we need to slow the economy down so it doesn't spiral out of control.. When did that ever happen under DumBama? And what if Trump's two terms end up being a carbon copy of today? Are you still going to credit that Mulatto Commie eight years later? After all, it's been two and a half and you're trying to steal Trump's hard work and give the credit to that slimy Obama.
I read very little of these stupid comments. I get to the point where they throw out their ton of bullshit and I quit reading . how stupid can a remark be that says Obama did nothing but Scum bag saved this country as far as the economy is concerned , when just about every aspect and almost all of the numbers happened when Obama was in office. and the only thing that can be shown as far as a chart is concerned ,shows that the only thing that happened with scum bag, was a slowing down of the rate of improvement in the numbers. Obama presidency will go down as one of the biggest change for the good as far as the economic numbers are concerned. Lets take a look at what Obama achieved during his presidency, The S&p went up 176%, Business had the highest profits in history, business had the fastest rate of increase of profit in history, business profits where at the highest percentage of gross in history. . Now the goons will come back and make their one point GDP. I'll tell you something every business in this country would have Lower GDP if their profits were highest in history.. That means they made more with producing less ,not buying equipment to handle the increase and not have to hire any more workers, for the increase in production .Every business man/women will take the lower GDP any day of the week if they could have the massive gains they received .
To be honest with everyone These non thinking, non knowing comments are getting old.If you have no concept as far as the economy is concerned why jump into a thread that you know nothing about.

Typical leftists. Claiming nobody knows more than you and posting a comment that shows you know less than everybody else.

Of course you quit reading. That's how you remain ignorant. You don't want to know the truth because it goes against your fantasy.

You see, if you are going to give credit to somebody for something, you need to provide what action they took to accomplish that goal. DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. It's why he's responsible for the slowest recovery since WWII. It's why interest rates never increased during his two terms until the end which was mostly due to lower fuel costs; something he was always against.

Now if you ask me what Trump did for business, I can provide several actions he took. One, getting rid of the Commie Care burden. Two, removing job killing regulations. Three, lowing their taxation putting us on a more level playing field with the rest of the world. Trump instituted a policy which is for every regulation they make against businesses, they will remove two regulations in it's place.

See how that works now? I can't just sit here and say "Trump is responsible for a good economy because he is President today." I have to explain what actions he took to create this accomplishment.

Government doesn't create jobs. Private industry does. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for private industry to create those jobs.

Trump Scoreboard shows acceleration in jobs growth even with unemployment rate at new lows

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract
By the way there is no way I said I'm the only one who knew about this, my comment was directed just at you, you don't know what your talking about. You can't even decipher a chart.

My chart reading is fine, but it's difficult to explain those charts to people who don't have the common sense to understand what they are looking at. So let's try this again:

There is only so low unemployment can go. The lower it goes, the harder it is to get it lower. You can't go much past perfect unemployment which is 4.5% to 5% by the federal reserve standards.

Trump took over when unemployment was about 5%. He brought it down from 5% to 3.6% which is a near 50 year record low. That means Trump brought unemployment down by 1.4%. Now let's say that Trump brought the unemployment down to the lowest in recorded history to 1.2% which happened in 1944. That would mean Trump only brought the unemployment down 3.8%.

There is no way he could match what happened under DumBama because Trump started at a lower point than DumBama. DumBama started at one of the highest points we've had in recent history, so bringing it down was no magic trick.

Creating low paying or part-time jobs just to get numbers down doesn't tell the entire story. As I posted from Forbes, jobs created under Trump far exceed the quality and pay of jobs under DumBama. That's why we have an all time high in median household income.
Back to the original comment , as far as all aspects of the economy , If scum bag did anything , it would be reflected in the increase of the rate of increase the day he came into office. It's nowhere to be found. Sideways or down is all scum bag produced. By the way ray , all your charts support that.

No, nothing under a new President happens until the policies are developed, signed into law and by the President. Then it takes time for measures to have an affect on the economy. It doesn't happen in one day, one month, but several months and even a year or so.
Jb, show me one politician that hasn't lied. I don't know of one, Republican, Democrat or Independent.

It's not lying that I get upset about; they all lie about something. It's what they lie about that's much more important. Sort of like destroying our healthcare system making claim that prices would be lower, everybody would be insured, you can keep your doctor or medical facility.

At the age of 54, I was insured my entire adult life until Commie Care. When it went into full gear, I lost that coverage I had all my life. Looking for different employment that provided coverage, I found that many other employers did the same.

If Trump tells me he's the President with the lowest unemployment rate in history, who cares? That doesn't affect me. Lying to sell the public a plan that ended up being disastrous for me is a huge lie that I could never forgive. It was the most destructive lie in modern political history because I'm not alone. Millions of Americans lost their healthcare plan right along with me.
And you think your making some point here. No other president in history has used lies more then scum bag. In fact I'd guess that the second place liar, lied 1/100 of what scum bag has lied. You people are sick. This pig is yours 100%. He is this countries biggest threat today as is his supporters who sold out the rest of us for hate and boy do you fit in that bracket.

Yes, he is ours 100% That's why we have a booming economy today, that's why jobs are moving back to the country, that's why unemployment records were broken for minorities and women, that's why we broke a record for small business confidence; our largest employers. That's how we got out of crummy deals like the Paris Accord and Iran. That's why we have open communications with Kim Jong. That's why we have a President who in his two and a half years in office, donated every paycheck to charity. He's not making a dime.

But OH! He lies a lot. Give me a break.
Total bullshit This is Obama's economy and everyone that can think knows that. Who told you this shit, I bet it was Scum Bag and of course he always tells the truth.
View attachment 266706
Scum bag did nothing
View attachment 266707 Hell If no one was in office the market should have done better This is all Obamas. As always your so easy to make a fool out of , when you let someone think for you who is a total lying piece of shit.

Liberals are such suckers for lies.

In our review, we found many reasons why unemployment is low, and not for the overwork that Ocasio-Cortez cited. The biggest factors include strong economic confidence and the long-running economic recovery. (Her campaign did not respond to an inquiry.)

"Everyone has two jobs"
The Bureau of Labor Statistics keeps track of how many people work two jobs rather than just one.

Over the past 12 months, the number of multiple job holders has ranged between 6 million and 7 million. That compares to more than 148 million Americans who are employed in a single job.

The percentage has moved in a pretty narrow band — 4.7 percent to 5.2 percent — during the recovery from the Great Recession. That range is actually below where it was between 1994 and the Great Recession. In fact, the percentage was at its highest (as high as 6.5 percent) during the peak of the 1990s boom.

Ocasio-Cortez wrong on several counts about unemployment
Overall, 29% of workers have a second job, but millennials far outpace other age groups. About 39% percent of workers ages 18-24 and 44% of workers ages 25-34 reported earning extra cash on the side. In comparison, 29% of workers ages 35-44 and 22% of those ages 45-52 are hustling with a side gig, according to CareerBuilder’s survey of roughly 3,200 full-time workers in the private sector across all industries and company sizes. Nineteen percent of those ages 55 and older are also working a second job.


Adding up everyone who has performed at least one of these three activities, some 24% of American adults have earned money in the “platform economy” over the last year.


"The gig now estimated to be about 34% of the workforce and expected to be 43% by the year 2020," Intuit (INTU) CEO Brad Smith said Wednesday on an earnings call. "We think self-employed [work] has a lot of opportunity for growth as we look ahead."

McKinsey Global Institute:

The number of independent workers is being undercounted by governments in the U.S. and Europe—and that is contributing to glaring gaps in labor market policy, according to a large study released this morning by the McKinsey Global Institute.
Trump will do anything to stay in office. He has said he thinks being a king would be good. His performance on the world stage is extremely problematic. I don't see how the right can ignore this. Kissing the ass of the worlds worst dictators is not proper for a president that loves this country preferring the government of dictators. When will you on the right ever wake up. If I lose my rights as a democrat then that means that you will also begin losing your rights. Do you really want the Putin style of government. If so then you are mentally deficient. Remember while he is kissing the ass of dictators it is making America weak. The strength of this world does not come from those dictators the right and trump seem to worship. It comes from a lot of liberal countries that used to be our friends. We grow weaker by the day with the orange idiot in charge.
He’s going to spend the rest of his life, in the lap of luxury. And in your head, bitch. You’ll never be the man, your mama was. Live with it, dim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,

With help from the Russians and also the gophers crying about the dead and illegals at the ballot box. He has had a life of crime so he deserves whatever he gets.

The crime is between your legs.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump will do anything to stay in office. He has said he thinks being a king would be good. His performance on the world stage is extremely problematic. I don't see how the right can ignore this. Kissing the ass of the worlds worst dictators is not proper for a president that loves this country preferring the government of dictators. When will you on the right ever wake up. If I lose my rights as a democrat then that means that you will also begin losing your rights. Do you really want the Putin style of government. If so then you are mentally deficient. Remember while he is kissing the ass of dictators it is making America weak. The strength of this world does not come from those dictators the right and trump seem to worship. It comes from a lot of liberal countries that used to be our friends. We grow weaker by the day with the orange idiot in charge.

Typical brainwashing.

Trump has made the US much stronger by making better trade deals and rebuilding our military DumBama let go to hell. He's doing everything possible to settle problems with words instead of missiles with our potential foes.

Would Trump like to continue being President? It depends if he runs for reelection as he said he would. But it's not a lifelong dream like it is with professional politicians. Trump is doing this job as a service to our country, not to sell books or do speaking engagements when he's gone. In fact, Trump never cashed a presidential paycheck since taking office. He has donated every dime he's made.

If Trump loses his reelection, he just goes back to his private plane and living the life of a billionaire that he gave up to do this job.

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