How far will your president go to stay in office

Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,
The real question is how far will YOUR ilk go if he wins a second term?

You've done every illicit thing short o assassination. Will your crazy step over the line?

BTW...he IS your President as well.

I think that the various states will go ahead and try and convict him. There is no law on the books that really stop them. The States are not bound by the penny any memo from the Justice Department. Trump is going to jail whether he is reelected or not. Get used to it. He can still be President in a NY State Lockup.
You have to actually have a crime to jail someone, even a President.

I think that your fantasy has exceeded everyone's reality.

NY State has enough to go on. Trump would already be in prison if he weren't currently President. That's not fantasy, that's reality. Fantasy is you giving him all those free rides. At some point, the bill is coming due. And it's already proven he broke several financial FELONY laws as early as 2016. You can bet there is a sealed Grand Jury waiting on him over just that. And there is more. You have a Felon for a President. The only thing he hasn't done is perp walked to the tune.

God the MSM brainwashing works so well.

Do you know where Trump is going when he leaves office? Back home. That's all. You leftists are extremely bad with predictions. You predicted Trump would only do one debate and not return. You predicted that he would never be the nominee. You predicted a slaughter in the general election. You predicted that the leaked tape of him bragging about grabbing girls would finish him off. You predicted Mueller was going to indict him. That was after your prediction that Mueller was going to find clear evidence of collusion. You predicted the voting recount would show Trump didn't win those three states.

Everything you on the left predicted turned out to be the exact opposite. Trump made it through the debates, he beat Hillary Clinton, there was no collusion, and Trump isn't going to jail either, not even in that Commie state he lives in.

His back home will involve a quick stopover in Rikers.
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,
The real question is how far will YOUR ilk go if he wins a second term?

You've done every illicit thing short o assassination. Will your crazy step over the line?

BTW...he IS your President as well.

I think that the various states will go ahead and try and convict him. There is no law on the books that really stop them. The States are not bound by the penny any memo from the Justice Department. Trump is going to jail whether he is reelected or not. Get used to it. He can still be President in a NY State Lockup.
You have to actually have a crime to jail someone, even a President.

I think that your fantasy has exceeded everyone's reality.

NY State has enough to go on. Trump would already be in prison if he weren't currently President. That's not fantasy, that's reality. Fantasy is you giving him all those free rides. At some point, the bill is coming due. And it's already proven he broke several financial FELONY laws as early as 2016. You can bet there is a sealed Grand Jury waiting on him over just that. And there is more. You have a Felon for a President. The only thing he hasn't done is perp walked to the tune.

God the MSM brainwashing works so well.

Do you know where Trump is going when he leaves office? Back home. That's all. You leftists are extremely bad with predictions. You predicted Trump would only do one debate and not return. You predicted that he would never be the nominee. You predicted a slaughter in the general election. You predicted that the leaked tape of him bragging about grabbing girls would finish him off. You predicted Mueller was going to indict him. That was after your prediction that Mueller was going to find clear evidence of collusion. You predicted the voting recount would show Trump didn't win those three states.

Everything you on the left predicted turned out to be the exact opposite. Trump made it through the debates, he beat Hillary Clinton, there was no collusion, and Trump isn't going to jail either, not even in that Commie state he lives in.

The only ones that even brings up Collusion are you trumpster sickos. Now, the rest of us do bring up conspiracy and he's pretty well toast on that.
How do you think she got elected? There is no way anybody heard her speak and say "that's who I want running my country!" The only thing more amusing than her getting elected would be if they reelect her when her term is up.

I think the Democrats should forget about looking into Mueller, Trump or his son. They should investigate if a Republican is paying AOC to be there and say what she does.

She scares the living crap out of you and those like you. I knew there was something about here I liked. Careful, there, cupcake, unless you clean up your act, you may be looking at the future. She isn't nearly as off the deep end as Trump.

She isn't? At least Trump knows what a garbage disposal is.

On the contrary, I want her to stay in Congress as long as possible. She's the best thing on the other side that we have going for us. I hope she's reelected ten times. She's not going to get any smarter, that's for sure.

Nancy is busy schooling her. I think you are going to be surprised in 2024 or 2028 on this one. As I said, she scares the living shit out of your bunch, and I knew there was something about the girl I liked.

You really live in your own world, don't you?

WTF would anybody be scared of this total dingbat? Every time she opens that big mouth of hers, she makes an ass out of your party repeatedly, and so it seems, they can't stop her either.

But it's much much worse than that. Now that she has the popularity on her side with Democrat voters, everybody is afraid to stop her, so they have to agree with every dumb thing she says. It's the best comedy show we've had in many years. This idiot is now the face of the Democrat party. We love it!!!

She's got you talking and raving and frothing about her. Makes it all worth it. I guess we need to come up with a scientific disease for what she causes you to do. AOC Dysfunctional Syndrone sounds pretty good.

Yes we bring it up. It's like watching a naked man dancing in the street claiming he's Jesus Christ. All you can do is point and laugh.
The real question is how far will YOUR ilk go if he wins a second term?

You've done every illicit thing short o assassination. Will your crazy step over the line?

BTW...he IS your President as well.

I think that the various states will go ahead and try and convict him. There is no law on the books that really stop them. The States are not bound by the penny any memo from the Justice Department. Trump is going to jail whether he is reelected or not. Get used to it. He can still be President in a NY State Lockup.
You have to actually have a crime to jail someone, even a President.

I think that your fantasy has exceeded everyone's reality.

NY State has enough to go on. Trump would already be in prison if he weren't currently President. That's not fantasy, that's reality. Fantasy is you giving him all those free rides. At some point, the bill is coming due. And it's already proven he broke several financial FELONY laws as early as 2016. You can bet there is a sealed Grand Jury waiting on him over just that. And there is more. You have a Felon for a President. The only thing he hasn't done is perp walked to the tune.

God the MSM brainwashing works so well.

Do you know where Trump is going when he leaves office? Back home. That's all. You leftists are extremely bad with predictions. You predicted Trump would only do one debate and not return. You predicted that he would never be the nominee. You predicted a slaughter in the general election. You predicted that the leaked tape of him bragging about grabbing girls would finish him off. You predicted Mueller was going to indict him. That was after your prediction that Mueller was going to find clear evidence of collusion. You predicted the voting recount would show Trump didn't win those three states.

Everything you on the left predicted turned out to be the exact opposite. Trump made it through the debates, he beat Hillary Clinton, there was no collusion, and Trump isn't going to jail either, not even in that Commie state he lives in.

The only ones that even brings up Collusion are you trumpster sickos. Now, the rest of us do bring up conspiracy and he's pretty well toast on that.

Sure he is. But hey! Whatever helps you sleep at night is what I always say. While you're dreaming of that, I'll be dreaming about spending time with Hope Hicks. I say we both have an equal shot at our dreams becoming reality.
The real question is how far will YOUR ilk go if he wins a second term?

You've done every illicit thing short o assassination. Will your crazy step over the line?

BTW...he IS your President as well.

I think that the various states will go ahead and try and convict him. There is no law on the books that really stop them. The States are not bound by the penny any memo from the Justice Department. Trump is going to jail whether he is reelected or not. Get used to it. He can still be President in a NY State Lockup.
You have to actually have a crime to jail someone, even a President.

I think that your fantasy has exceeded everyone's reality.

NY State has enough to go on. Trump would already be in prison if he weren't currently President. That's not fantasy, that's reality. Fantasy is you giving him all those free rides. At some point, the bill is coming due. And it's already proven he broke several financial FELONY laws as early as 2016. You can bet there is a sealed Grand Jury waiting on him over just that. And there is more. You have a Felon for a President. The only thing he hasn't done is perp walked to the tune.

God the MSM brainwashing works so well.

Do you know where Trump is going when he leaves office? Back home. That's all. You leftists are extremely bad with predictions. You predicted Trump would only do one debate and not return. You predicted that he would never be the nominee. You predicted a slaughter in the general election. You predicted that the leaked tape of him bragging about grabbing girls would finish him off. You predicted Mueller was going to indict him. That was after your prediction that Mueller was going to find clear evidence of collusion. You predicted the voting recount would show Trump didn't win those three states.

Everything you on the left predicted turned out to be the exact opposite. Trump made it through the debates, he beat Hillary Clinton, there was no collusion, and Trump isn't going to jail either, not even in that Commie state he lives in.

The only ones that even brings up Collusion are you trumpster sickos. Now, the rest of us do bring up conspiracy and he's pretty well toast on that.

You are the best example ....of someone who has been completely brain washed............

so so sad to observe...... sheeple like you fighting for their Communistic shitty ideology.....
The real question is how far will YOUR ilk go if he wins a second term?

You've done every illicit thing short o assassination. Will your crazy step over the line?

BTW...he IS your President as well.

I think that the various states will go ahead and try and convict him. There is no law on the books that really stop them. The States are not bound by the penny any memo from the Justice Department. Trump is going to jail whether he is reelected or not. Get used to it. He can still be President in a NY State Lockup.
You have to actually have a crime to jail someone, even a President.

I think that your fantasy has exceeded everyone's reality.

NY State has enough to go on. Trump would already be in prison if he weren't currently President. That's not fantasy, that's reality. Fantasy is you giving him all those free rides. At some point, the bill is coming due. And it's already proven he broke several financial FELONY laws as early as 2016. You can bet there is a sealed Grand Jury waiting on him over just that. And there is more. You have a Felon for a President. The only thing he hasn't done is perp walked to the tune.
yeah, you roll with that. New York State has nothing and you have no convictions.

It's coming. And there is nothing you can do about it. You support an Unconvicted Felon.
Is this like the prediction that New York will be underwater by 2015, or there will be no polar ice cap by 2000? That kind of 'its coming'?

Like I said, good luck with that.

Liberals are such suckers for lies.

In our review, we found many reasons why unemployment is low, and not for the overwork that Ocasio-Cortez cited. The biggest factors include strong economic confidence and the long-running economic recovery. (Her campaign did not respond to an inquiry.)

"Everyone has two jobs"
The Bureau of Labor Statistics keeps track of how many people work two jobs rather than just one.

Over the past 12 months, the number of multiple job holders has ranged between 6 million and 7 million. That compares to more than 148 million Americans who are employed in a single job.

The percentage has moved in a pretty narrow band — 4.7 percent to 5.2 percent — during the recovery from the Great Recession. That range is actually below where it was between 1994 and the Great Recession. In fact, the percentage was at its highest (as high as 6.5 percent) during the peak of the 1990s boom.

Ocasio-Cortez wrong on several counts about unemployment

Cortez is one of those whom millions of young men put up with, just to get laid. She is nothing more than a life-support system for a pair a titties and three holes.

How do you think she got elected? There is no way anybody heard her speak and say "that's who I want running my country!" The only thing more amusing than her getting elected would be if they reelect her when her term is up.

I think the Democrats should forget about looking into Mueller, Trump or his son. They should investigate if a Republican is paying AOC to be there and say what she does.

She scares the living crap out of you and those like you. I knew there was something about here I liked. Careful, there, cupcake, unless you clean up your act, you may be looking at the future. She isn't nearly as off the deep end as Trump.

She isn't? At least Trump knows what a garbage disposal is.

On the contrary, I want her to stay in Congress as long as possible. She's the best thing on the other side that we have going for us. I hope she's reelected ten times. She's not going to get any smarter, that's for sure.
This guy thinks Hillary is still in congress, but everyone else here is the idiot.
Liberals are such suckers for lies.

In our review, we found many reasons why unemployment is low, and not for the overwork that Ocasio-Cortez cited. The biggest factors include strong economic confidence and the long-running economic recovery. (Her campaign did not respond to an inquiry.)

"Everyone has two jobs"
The Bureau of Labor Statistics keeps track of how many people work two jobs rather than just one.

Over the past 12 months, the number of multiple job holders has ranged between 6 million and 7 million. That compares to more than 148 million Americans who are employed in a single job.

The percentage has moved in a pretty narrow band — 4.7 percent to 5.2 percent — during the recovery from the Great Recession. That range is actually below where it was between 1994 and the Great Recession. In fact, the percentage was at its highest (as high as 6.5 percent) during the peak of the 1990s boom.

Ocasio-Cortez wrong on several counts about unemployment

Cortez is one of those whom millions of young men put up with, just to get laid. She is nothing more than a life-support system for a pair a titties and three holes.

How do you think she got elected? There is no way anybody heard her speak and say "that's who I want running my country!" The only thing more amusing than her getting elected would be if they reelect her when her term is up.

I think the Democrats should forget about looking into Mueller, Trump or his son. They should investigate if a Republican is paying AOC to be there and say what she does.

She scares the living crap out of you and those like you. I knew there was something about here I liked. Careful, there, cupcake, unless you clean up your act, you may be looking at the future. She isn't nearly as off the deep end as Trump.

She isn't? At least Trump knows what a garbage disposal is.

On the contrary, I want her to stay in Congress as long as possible. She's the best thing on the other side that we have going for us. I hope she's reelected ten times. She's not going to get any smarter, that's for sure.
This guy thinks Hillary is still in congress, but everyone else here is the idiot.

Couldn't be. Only idiots don't know how to follow a conversation or what the subject of the conversation is.
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,
The real question is how far will YOUR ilk go if he wins a second term?

You've done every illicit thing short of assassination. Will your crazy step over the line?

BTW...he IS your President as well.
I think that the various states will go ahead and try and convict him. There is no law on the books that really stop them. The States are not bound by the penny any memo from the Justice Department. Trump is going to jail whether he is reelected or not. Get used to it. He can still be President in a NY State Lockup.
You have to actually have a crime to jail someone, even a President.

I think that your fantasy has exceeded everyone's reality.

NY State has enough to go on. Trump would already be in prison if he weren't currently President. That's not fantasy, that's reality. Fantasy is you giving him all those free rides. At some point, the bill is coming due. And it's already proven he broke several financial FELONY laws as early as 2016. You can bet there is a sealed Grand Jury waiting on him over just that. And there is more. You have a Felon for a President. The only thing he hasn't done is perp walked to the tune.

God the MSM brainwashing works so well.

Do you know where Trump is going when he leaves office? Back home. That's all. You leftists are extremely bad with predictions. You predicted Trump would only do one debate and not return. You predicted that he would never be the nominee. You predicted a slaughter in the general election. You predicted that the leaked tape of him bragging about grabbing girls would finish him off. You predicted Mueller was going to indict him. That was after your prediction that Mueller was going to find clear evidence of collusion. You predicted the voting recount would show Trump didn't win those three states.

Everything you on the left predicted turned out to be the exact opposite. Trump made it through the debates, he beat Hillary Clinton, there was no collusion, and Trump isn't going to jail either, not even in that Commie state he lives in.

The only ones that even brings up Collusion are you trumpster sickos. Now, the rest of us do bring up conspiracy and he's pretty well toast on that.

You are the best example ....of someone who has been completely brain washed............

so so sad to observe...... sheeple like you fighting for their Communistic shitty ideology.....
This always gives me the opportunity to point out stupid for the goofballs out there , there is no communism or socialism in this country unless these haters get to define it themselves. There is one tenant that without which there is no Commies or socialist. So I have to ask all the rednecks here, when was the last time anyone walked up to you and said "you know We should have all our businesses run and owned by the government and they should be in charge of selling the production of those businesses . You people are clowns.
Are you people complete total idiots. Considering the definition of socialism is "True socialists advocate a completely classless society, where the government controls all means of production and distribution of goods. ... Socialism is also characterized by the absence of private property. The idea is that if everyone works, everyone will reap the same benefits and prosper equally." You red necks are brain dead.
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,
The real question is how far will YOUR ilk go if he wins a second term?

You've done every illicit thing short o assassination. Will your crazy step over the line?

BTW...he IS your President as well.

I think that the various states will go ahead and try and convict him. There is no law on the books that really stop them. The States are not bound by the penny any memo from the Justice Department. Trump is going to jail whether he is reelected or not. Get used to it. He can still be President in a NY State Lockup.
That is 100% true, in fact New York would have charged him while in office if he tried to start a war or anything that this pile of shit is capable of doing that would threaten our existence.
Cortez is one of those whom millions of young men put up with, just to get laid. She is nothing more than a life-support system for a pair a titties and three holes.

How do you think she got elected? There is no way anybody heard her speak and say "that's who I want running my country!" The only thing more amusing than her getting elected would be if they reelect her when her term is up.

I think the Democrats should forget about looking into Mueller, Trump or his son. They should investigate if a Republican is paying AOC to be there and say what she does.

She scares the living crap out of you and those like you. I knew there was something about here I liked. Careful, there, cupcake, unless you clean up your act, you may be looking at the future. She isn't nearly as off the deep end as Trump.

She isn't? At least Trump knows what a garbage disposal is.

On the contrary, I want her to stay in Congress as long as possible. She's the best thing on the other side that we have going for us. I hope she's reelected ten times. She's not going to get any smarter, that's for sure.
This guy thinks Hillary is still in congress, but everyone else here is the idiot.

Couldn't be. Only idiots don't know how to follow a conversation or what the subject of the conversation is.
"This guy or his God and leader or both Think Hillary is still in congress His quote "On the contrary, I want her to stay in Congress as long as possible. She's the best thing on the other side that we have going for us. I hope she's reelected ten times. She's not going to get any smarter, that's for sure." She hasn't been in congress for 10 years,Idiots
How do you think she got elected? There is no way anybody heard her speak and say "that's who I want running my country!" The only thing more amusing than her getting elected would be if they reelect her when her term is up.

I think the Democrats should forget about looking into Mueller, Trump or his son. They should investigate if a Republican is paying AOC to be there and say what she does.

She scares the living crap out of you and those like you. I knew there was something about here I liked. Careful, there, cupcake, unless you clean up your act, you may be looking at the future. She isn't nearly as off the deep end as Trump.

She isn't? At least Trump knows what a garbage disposal is.

On the contrary, I want her to stay in Congress as long as possible. She's the best thing on the other side that we have going for us. I hope she's reelected ten times. She's not going to get any smarter, that's for sure.
This guy thinks Hillary is still in congress, but everyone else here is the idiot.

Couldn't be. Only idiots don't know how to follow a conversation or what the subject of the conversation is.
"This guy or his God and leader or both Think Hillary is still in congress His quote "On the contrary, I want her to stay in Congress as long as possible. She's the best thing on the other side that we have going for us. I hope she's reelected ten times. She's not going to get any smarter, that's for sure." She hasn't been in congress for 10 years,Idiots

No idiot, follow the conversation. We were talking about AOC, not Hilary Clinton. All you have to do to follow a conversation is hit the button in the conversation that says "click to expand."
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,
Still butthurt, eh?
I'm overjoyed at the thought of scum bag and his family spendinf lots of time in jail and I just don't want to get rid of Scum bBag I want to get rid of his whole hate party and I'm jumping for joy knowing that will happen faster then demographics having you people elect this cruel ugly evil hateful monster. That will be your epitaph. When You haters are gone another conservative voice will replace them but it will govern on the need of the people instead of just the rich and corporations. and will govern with my great party to build a future. So I'm more then happy you elected scum bag.

You are one twisted dumb ass Tard....
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,

It wouldn't surprise me. These are Nazi Dictator type tactics; suppress all opposition. Birds of a feather I always say.

So states are going to file charges against a President who exercises his constitutional authority? Like I said, Nazi.
NO he is the same criminal without the protection of his office. With the feds feds or the states but scum bag has zero protection from the charges of the states. So you trying to tell us that these people that have been charged and admitted guilt are Innocent and just being persecuted by the government or the democrats or the courts . You can't even sell that one to the rest of your hate party,

The people who have been prosecuted had nothing to do with Russia collusion or the campaign. This was exemplified by the Mueller report. Furthermore creating all these BS charges will never hold up in court. It's merely the Nazi mentality of getting even with a person who is doing the best for our country, but not part of the click.

Let's see who ends up with charges against them after the IG report, the AG report, and various other investigations that have never been explored because the last administration was so careless and confident that a Trump would never reside in the White House.

The show is just starting. I suggest pop some popcorn and prepare for the worst.
You live in a make believe world , I have to ask you a question, where do these ideas come from, now they don't come from the Mueller report, so I'm asuming you listening to your president on this . Simple question do you believe that scum bag doesn't lie that he can be listened to because he tell the truth?

Get used to it Tard....

Trump Spanks libtard Ass.....
What a stupid thread topic.

Trump will run for reelection in 2020 like any other President.

And he will step down in 2025 like any other President.

That's really not too much of a question whether he will or not. The real question is how will the Democrats say Trump or the Republicans cheated this time.
We have no doubt that your hate party will do anything legal or illegal to stay in power, because it doesn't take a genius to realize that demographics will put your hate group in the history books quite soon and this is your last show in the big top.

Tard, you didn't think we had a chance last time...

Who's your President now?

That's right dumb ass it's

PRESIDENT DONALD J. stick it up your Tard ass Trump...…...
It wouldn't surprise me. These are Nazi Dictator type tactics; suppress all opposition. Birds of a feather I always say.

So states are going to file charges against a President who exercises his constitutional authority? Like I said, Nazi.
NO he is the same criminal without the protection of his office. With the feds feds or the states but scum bag has zero protection from the charges of the states. So you trying to tell us that these people that have been charged and admitted guilt are Innocent and just being persecuted by the government or the democrats or the courts . You can't even sell that one to the rest of your hate party,

The people who have been prosecuted had nothing to do with Russia collusion or the campaign. This was exemplified by the Mueller report. Furthermore creating all these BS charges will never hold up in court. It's merely the Nazi mentality of getting even with a person who is doing the best for our country, but not part of the click.

Let's see who ends up with charges against them after the IG report, the AG report, and various other investigations that have never been explored because the last administration was so careless and confident that a Trump would never reside in the White House.

The show is just starting. I suggest pop some popcorn and prepare for the worst.
You live in a make believe world , I have to ask you a question, where do these ideas come from, now they don't come from the Mueller report, so I'm asuming you listening to your president on this . Simple question do you believe that scum bag doesn't lie that he can be listened to because he tell the truth?

Jb, show me one politician that hasn't lied. I don't know of one, Republican, Democrat or Independent.

It's not lying that I get upset about; they all lie about something. It's what they lie about that's much more important. Sort of like destroying our healthcare system making claim that prices would be lower, everybody would be insured, you can keep your doctor or medical facility.

At the age of 54, I was insured my entire adult life until Commie Care. When it went into full gear, I lost that coverage I had all my life. Looking for different employment that provided coverage, I found that many other employers did the same.

If Trump tells me he's the President with the lowest unemployment rate in history, who cares? That doesn't affect me. Lying to sell the public a plan that ended up being disastrous for me is a huge lie that I could never forgive. It was the most destructive lie in modern political history because I'm not alone. Millions of Americans lost their healthcare plan right along with me.
And you think your making some point here. No other president in history has used lies more then scum bag. In fact I'd guess that the second place liar, lied 1/100 of what scum bag has lied. You people are sick. This pig is yours 100%. He is this countries biggest threat today as is his supporters who sold out the rest of us for hate and boy do you fit in that bracket.

Did you make it out of grade school?

"more then"

You are one dumb ass Tard...
She scares the living crap out of you and those like you. I knew there was something about here I liked. Careful, there, cupcake, unless you clean up your act, you may be looking at the future. She isn't nearly as off the deep end as Trump.

She isn't? At least Trump knows what a garbage disposal is.

On the contrary, I want her to stay in Congress as long as possible. She's the best thing on the other side that we have going for us. I hope she's reelected ten times. She's not going to get any smarter, that's for sure.

Nancy is busy schooling her. I think you are going to be surprised in 2024 or 2028 on this one. As I said, she scares the living shit out of your bunch, and I knew there was something about the girl I liked.

You really live in your own world, don't you?

WTF would anybody be scared of this total dingbat? Every time she opens that big mouth of hers, she makes an ass out of your party repeatedly, and so it seems, they can't stop her either.

But it's much much worse than that. Now that she has the popularity on her side with Democrat voters, everybody is afraid to stop her, so they have to agree with every dumb thing she says. It's the best comedy show we've had in many years. This idiot is now the face of the Democrat party. We love it!!!

She's got you talking and raving and frothing about her. Makes it all worth it. I guess we need to come up with a scientific disease for what she causes you to do. AOC Dysfunctional Syndrone sounds pretty good.

Yes we bring it up. It's like watching a naked man dancing in the street claiming he's Jesus Christ. All you can do is point and laugh.

And you are inflicted with the AOC Dysfunctional Syndrone
I think that the various states will go ahead and try and convict him. There is no law on the books that really stop them. The States are not bound by the penny any memo from the Justice Department. Trump is going to jail whether he is reelected or not. Get used to it. He can still be President in a NY State Lockup.
You have to actually have a crime to jail someone, even a President.

I think that your fantasy has exceeded everyone's reality.

NY State has enough to go on. Trump would already be in prison if he weren't currently President. That's not fantasy, that's reality. Fantasy is you giving him all those free rides. At some point, the bill is coming due. And it's already proven he broke several financial FELONY laws as early as 2016. You can bet there is a sealed Grand Jury waiting on him over just that. And there is more. You have a Felon for a President. The only thing he hasn't done is perp walked to the tune.

God the MSM brainwashing works so well.

Do you know where Trump is going when he leaves office? Back home. That's all. You leftists are extremely bad with predictions. You predicted Trump would only do one debate and not return. You predicted that he would never be the nominee. You predicted a slaughter in the general election. You predicted that the leaked tape of him bragging about grabbing girls would finish him off. You predicted Mueller was going to indict him. That was after your prediction that Mueller was going to find clear evidence of collusion. You predicted the voting recount would show Trump didn't win those three states.

Everything you on the left predicted turned out to be the exact opposite. Trump made it through the debates, he beat Hillary Clinton, there was no collusion, and Trump isn't going to jail either, not even in that Commie state he lives in.

The only ones that even brings up Collusion are you trumpster sickos. Now, the rest of us do bring up conspiracy and he's pretty well toast on that.

You are the best example ....of someone who has been completely brain washed............

so so sad to observe...... sheeple like you fighting for their Communistic shitty ideology.....

AOC Dysfunctional Syndrone
I think that the various states will go ahead and try and convict him. There is no law on the books that really stop them. The States are not bound by the penny any memo from the Justice Department. Trump is going to jail whether he is reelected or not. Get used to it. He can still be President in a NY State Lockup.
You have to actually have a crime to jail someone, even a President.

I think that your fantasy has exceeded everyone's reality.

NY State has enough to go on. Trump would already be in prison if he weren't currently President. That's not fantasy, that's reality. Fantasy is you giving him all those free rides. At some point, the bill is coming due. And it's already proven he broke several financial FELONY laws as early as 2016. You can bet there is a sealed Grand Jury waiting on him over just that. And stopthere is more. You have a Felon for a President. The only thing he hasn't done is perp walked to the tune.
yeah, you roll with that. New York State has nothing and you have no convictions.

It's coming. And there is nothing you can do about it. You support an Unconvicted Felon.
Is this like the prediction that New York will be underwater by 2015, or there will be no polar ice cap by 2000? That kind of 'its coming'?

Like I said, good luck with that.

It's just taking longer than predicted. The reason it didn't happen so fast (even with your orange one trying to block things) was that many of us did take measures to slow it down. And it worked. We didn't stop it but we slowed it down. It may already be too late but we can only keep trying. Your Grand Kids had better damn well learn to swim.

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