How has Trump hurt the Poor?

Please be SPECIFIC.
Tax cut economics hurt the poor because there is less to spend for the public Good, with deficit spending that merely helps the Richest, get richer.
Actually revenue is up 9%
Income Tax Revenues Are Up 9% As Trump's Pro-Growth Tax Cuts Kick In
how seriously can we imply that?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
It's a historical fact happened under Reagan
Clinton ran massive surpluses.
Clinton had NOTHING to do with surplussed, that was the republican Congress.
Why should people get food stamps when we have a skilled work shortage?
When you feed cattle they remain where they are but when you make a way for them to feed themselves they move.and feed themselves
People should be paid what the job is worth not what they think they are worth.
In other words, what the guy who pockets the extra thinks they are worth. And his cronies. Its amazing that so many poor people like you have become dedicated little footsoldiers for the rich.

You really are clueless, Fort! We're at record numbers on unemployment at the moment. Employers are competing with each other to get and retain good workers...but you think that evil employers are going to screw workers over by not paying them what they are worth?

Do you not grasp that in a job market like this...such a strategy would result in good workers leaving in droves?
People should be paid what the job is worth not what they think they are worth.
In other words, what the guy who pockets the extra thinks they are worth. And his cronies. Its amazing that so many poor people like you have become dedicated little footsoldiers for the rich.

The guy who pockets the extra thinks they are worth? If there is an open position and the market rate is $35/hour, sure it's possible to hire someone and pay them $20/hour. Problem is, like most things in life, you get what you pay for. Then on the other hand, if you feel you're really worth $75/hour, yea, good luck, hold out for that.
Tax cut economics hurt the poor because there is less to spend for the public Good, with deficit spending that merely helps the Richest, get richer.
Actually revenue is up 9%
Income Tax Revenues Are Up 9% As Trump's Pro-Growth Tax Cuts Kick In
how seriously can we imply that?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
It's a historical fact happened under Reagan
Clinton ran massive surpluses.
Clinton had NOTHING to do with surplussed, that was the republican Congress.
People should be paid what the job is worth not what they think they are worth.
In other words, what the guy who pockets the extra thinks they are worth. And his cronies. Its amazing that so many poor people like you have become dedicated little footsoldiers for the rich.

You really are clueless, Fort! We're at record numbers on unemployment at the moment. Employers are competing with each other to get and retain good workers...but you think that evil employers are going to screw workers over by not paying them what they are worth?

Do you not grasp that in a job market like this...such a strategy would result in good workers leaving in droves?

You may be dealing with someone that has a McDonalds mentality. They feel they should get at least $15/hour so they can make a career out of serving French fries.
Clinton had NOTHING to do with surplussed, that was the republican Congress.
Under Clinton we also got the gas tax for highway repairs and upkeep robbed.
how seriously can we imply that?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
It's a historical fact happened under Reagan
Clinton ran massive surpluses.
Clinton had NOTHING to do with surplussed, that was the republican Congress.
Under Clinton we also got the gas tax for highway repairs and upkeep robbed.
I seem to recall something like that.
I smell red herring
Public places are not private
But your house is. And yes, you must meet building code.

So yes, you will always be forced by the government to pay for things. And nobody is happy with how EVERY penny is spent. What makes you so special?
I smell red herring
Public places are not private
But your house is. And yes, you must meet building code.

So yes, you will always be forced by the government to pay for things. And nobody is happy with how EVERY penny is spent. What makes you so special?
Dude a restaurant's kitchen would imply public place not private place try again
Sometimes, yes, absolutely. For instance, they shpuld be able to tell you that you have to have a fire extinguisher in your restaurant's kitchen.

Your arguments are stupid, unbounded, hamhanded, and useless.
I smell red herring
Public places are not private
But your house is. And yes, you must meet building code.

So yes, you will always be forced by the government to pay for things. And nobody is happy with how EVERY penny is spent. What makes you so special?
Please be specific and cite for us a Federal law that mandates a private home have a fire extinguisher?
I smell red herring
Public places are not private
But your house is. And yes, you must meet building code.

So yes, you will always be forced by the government to pay for things. And nobody is happy with how EVERY penny is spent. What makes you so special?
Please be specific and cite for us a Federal law that mandates a private home have a fire extinguisher?
Next up government mandate vehicle insurance lol
I smell red herring
Public places are not private
But your house is. And yes, you must meet building code.

So yes, you will always be forced by the government to pay for things. And nobody is happy with how EVERY penny is spent. What makes you so special?
Please be specific and cite for us a Federal law that mandates a private home have a fire extinguisher?
Next up government mandate vehicle insurance lol
Only if you drive on Government roads. Or own a vehicle that you register for use on Roads.
I smell red herring
Public places are not private
But your house is. And yes, you must meet building code.

So yes, you will always be forced by the government to pay for things. And nobody is happy with how EVERY penny is spent. What makes you so special?
Please be specific and cite for us a Federal law that mandates a private home have a fire extinguisher?
Next up government mandate vehicle insurance lol
Only if you drive on Government roads. Or own a vehicle that you register for use on Roads.
and plus driving is a means of convancy it's not a right but a privilege
Raising taxes takes money out of the private sector...where it would be spent on goods and services or on the creation of new jobs...and puts it into the public sector...where endemic waste is a way of life.
If that is all you know about taxes, then you know less than nothing and should stop talking about eco omics immediately. That was wrong on every possible level.

The public sector DOESN'T waste huge amounts of the revenue they are given? You really want to argue that, Fort? JFK understood that tax cuts were good for economic growth. He may be the last Democrat to grasp the concept!

Not all tax cuts are good for the economy. If the tax cuts increase the deficit, they're not good for the economy. When JFK cut taxes the top rates were much higher.

Reagan's tax cut tipped the balance of the economy. Instead of all classes sharing in the wealth of the country, Reagan's tax cut sent more money to the top and less to the working and middle classes. That "trickle up
Why should people get food stamps when we have a skilled work shortage?
When you feed cattle they remain where they are but when you make a way for them to feed themselves they move.and feed themselves

A skilled work shortage is useless unless you have those skills. There are currently more job openings than there are workers.

40% of all Americans are not benefitting from Trump’s economy. 57% couldn’t cover a $500 emergency bill. Nearly 80% of all American workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Conservatives are living in a fantasy land where there are more good jobs than ever and people are too lazy to work.
Raising taxes takes money out of the private sector...where it would be spent on goods and services or on the creation of new jobs...and puts it into the public sector...where endemic waste is a way of life.
If that is all you know about taxes, then you know less than nothing and should stop talking about eco omics immediately. That was wrong on every possible level.

The public sector DOESN'T waste huge amounts of the revenue they are given? You really want to argue that, Fort? JFK understood that tax cuts were good for economic growth. He may be the last Democrat to grasp the concept!

Not all tax cuts are good for the economy. If the tax cuts increase the deficit, they're not good for the economy. When JFK cut taxes the top rates were much higher.

Reagan's tax cut tipped the balance of the economy. Instead of all classes sharing in the wealth of the country, Reagan's tax cut sent more money to the top and less to the working and middle classes. That "trickle up
Why should people get food stamps when we have a skilled work shortage?
When you feed cattle they remain where they are but when you make a way for them to feed themselves they move.and feed themselves

A skilled work shortage is useless unless you have those skills. There are currently more job openings than there are workers.

40% of all Americans are not benefitting from Trump’s economy. 57% couldn’t cover a $500 emergency bill. Nearly 80% of all American workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Conservatives are living in a fantasy land where there are more good jobs than ever and people are too lazy to work.

Americans are recovering from a decade in which many of them lost their lives savings because they were out of work for record amounts of time! At least now they HAVE a paycheck! Before they had nothing. Why would you want to put the same people back in charge of the economy who have demonstrated that they have no idea whatsoever on how to create jobs and grow an economy?

As for acquiring job skills? That's something you either get through education...or through on the job training! Many of those working for minimum wage are without any real education. They can't read and write. They can't do simple math problems. Those are the people that you're going to devastate with a $15 minimum wage! Why? Because employers are going to replace them with machines! It's already happening at places like fast food restaurants and stores like Walmart! So how does an uneducated person get job skills if they can't get an entry level job? Simple answer? They can't.
A skilled work shortage is useless unless you have those skills. There are currently more job openings than there are workers.

40% of all Americans are not benefitting from Trump’s economy. 57% couldn’t cover a $500 emergency bill. Nearly 80% of all American workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Conservatives are living in a fantasy land where there are more good jobs than ever and people are too lazy to work.

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