How is a 10 year old child ready for marriage ?

Those are bullshit numbers, but child marriage is rampant in the Muslim world, which is because their prophet married a nine year old.

What does that have to do with what's happening here in the US of A? You can't call something bullshit because you don't like it. Everything isn't fake news.
Like I said, the numbers are obviously bullshit, but even at that Tommy himself proved that it's happened in immigrant communities particularly those that are from Middle East / African Muslim origin. More reason why extreme vetting and limiting immigration by these people is necessary.

However, if people are truly "outraged" by child marriages, it's happening mostly in Muskim countries today.
13,000 children a year are married in America

More than 200,000 children were married in the US over the past 15 years, new figures have revealed.

Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.

Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?

You come from an island that gives muslims CARTE BLANCHE TO MOLEST THOUSANDS OF YOUNG GIRLS AND HAVE THE AUDACITY TO WHINE ABOUT CHILD MARRIAGE HERE? Besides, our country's internal goings on are NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS, YOU ARROGANT, HYPOCRITE!!! Don't you get the concept of minding ones own business or are you too voyeuristic? You have got to be the most hypocritical scumbag on this entire site. Clean the fuck up your own backyard before sniveling about ours!
Yeah, Tommy isn't concerned about Shariah neighborhoods in the UK. LOL
Those are bullshit numbers, but child marriage is rampant in the Muslim world, which is because their prophet married a nine year old.

What does that have to do with what's happening here in the US of A? You can't call something bullshit because you don't like it. Everything isn't fake news.
You forget that we actually live here and see things with our own eyes. Has anyone on this board ever seen with their own eyes a child marriage in the US? Im guessing the answer is NO.
13,000 children a year are married in America

More than 200,000 children were married in the US over the past 15 years, new figures have revealed.

Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.

Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?

You don't like freedom to choose when you get married? A child can have a child and the parents are not allowed to interfere, yet you want them to stop a marriage? Lesbians come out at a church at the age of 13 and the left wants the church to accept it. Yet, no marriage? Children live together without marriage and that is okay, yet we get enraged because they get married? We aren't allowed to use conversion therapy on children but we need to interfere with them wanting to marry?

Children marrying is a bad idea in my opinion but it isn't my business to butt into other's business.
You know, when I read the title of this thread and noted who the OP was, I thought WTF, a lib actually is slamming a non-American or non-western culture.

But I should have known better, should have known there was no way a lib would miss the chance to take a shot at America.

Is there any wonder why Trump won?
Any time WE can fight back at these fuckers, I always will.
13,000 children a year are married in America

More than 200,000 children were married in the US over the past 15 years, new figures have revealed.

Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.

Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?

You don't like freedom to choose when you get married? A child can have a child and the parents are not allowed to interfere, yet you want them to stop a marriage? Lesbians come out at a church at the age of 13 and the left wants the church to accept it. Yet, no marriage? Children live together without marriage and that is okay, yet we get enraged because they get married? We aren't allowed to use conversion therapy on children but we need to interfere with them wanting to marry?

Children marrying is a bad idea in my opinion but it isn't my business to butt into other's business.
But you are condoning paedophilia if you look the other way.
You know, when I read the title of this thread and noted who the OP was, I thought WTF, a lib actually is slamming a non-American or non-western culture.

But I should have known better, should have known there was no way a lib would miss the chance to take a shot at America.

Is there any wonder why Trump won?
Any time WE can fight back at these fuckers, I always will.
Why are you only concerned about deviant behaviour if it is committed by Muslims ? Does this article not concern you - American children are being married against their will and you just want to brush it under the table. That is shocking.

We also have a problem in the UK amongst the immigrant community but not on the scale that you have in the US.

What traditions is Chris Christie trying to protect ? We have all seen The Coalminers Daughter.
The view of the US from Europe always blows my mind. Subjects like this remind me of how often I see European sources state that 45% of Americans believe the world is 6000 years old. I'm 57 years old and haven't met anyone that believes that yet.

On the subject at hand, I wonder if things would look different if the subject wasn't age but whether or not we are talking forced marriage. A 14 year old marrying an 18 year old bothers me. Forcing her to marry a 40 year old is another matter. Forcing her to marry period is a problem.

Another way of looking at this is from the non-marriage perspective. I watched a report from an inner-city neighborhood in the US about a fight between girls. There were arrests. Amongst those arrested were a 15 year old, her 30 year old mother, and her 45 year old grandmother, at a high school. Meanwhile the police had to go and retrieve the 15 year old's baby from a car in the parking lot. Not one marriage in the bunch I've spent a lot of time in impoverished country areas in Ohio and I'm here to tell you the baby of a 15 year old in the hills has a chance. In the inner city they have none.
From your link-

Although age 18 is the minimum for marriage in most of the nation, every state has legal loopholes allowing children to wed. The New Jersey bill would have prohibited any marriage of children under age 18.

Mr Christie conditionally vetoed the measure, sending it back to the state legislature with proposed changes. He said it should have an exception so a judge can approve marriages for 16- and 17-year-olds.

In May, the high-profile Republican governor for New Jersey declined to sign into law a measure that would have made his state the first to ban child marriage without exception. Chris Christie claimed it would conflict with religious customs.

From article. Not just immigrants.
Are they considering West Virginia, Nevada and California as southern states?

Who could have guessed??
13,000 children a year are married in America

More than 200,000 children were married in the US over the past 15 years, new figures have revealed.

Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.

Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?

You don't like freedom to choose when you get married? A child can have a child and the parents are not allowed to interfere, yet you want them to stop a marriage? Lesbians come out at a church at the age of 13 and the left wants the church to accept it. Yet, no marriage? Children live together without marriage and that is okay, yet we get enraged because they get married? We aren't allowed to use conversion therapy on children but we need to interfere with them wanting to marry?

Children marrying is a bad idea in my opinion but it isn't my business to butt into other's business.
But you are condoning paedophilia if you look the other way.

A 13 year old sleeps with a 14 year old and that is not pedophilia, a 14 & 13 year old want to marry, so that is pedophilia?
As long as we tell immigrants to avoid assimiliation and we respect their culture we will have child marriage. The saddest part is, IF a child manages to run away from the 'spouse". he or she will be returned under our laws of family reunification so a child in this country has no protection at all.

You realize white Americans involve their children in child marriages as well, right? Mormons marry off their young daughters all the time. Its not an immigrant problem, its a religious zealot problem.

Those are mostly zealot radical Mormon groups, and most of those don't even get legal marriages anyway.

Most of the true "child" marriages (not the rural stereotype 15-17 year olds getting married due to the girl getting knocked up) are found in immigrant communities.
As long as we tell immigrants to avoid assimiliation and we respect their culture we will have child marriage. The saddest part is, IF a child manages to run away from the 'spouse". he or she will be returned under our laws of family reunification so a child in this country has no protection at all.

You realize white Americans involve their children in child marriages as well, right? Mormons marry off their young daughters all the time. Its not an immigrant problem, its a religious zealot problem.

Those are mostly zealot radical Mormon groups, and most of those don't even get legal marriages anyway.

Most of the true "child" marriages (not the rural stereotype 15-17 year olds getting married due to the girl getting knocked up) are found in immigrant communities.

Lefties want the kids to have sex, they don't want the parents to know when they have an abortion but want the parents to be responsible if and when the kids get married. Also the left believe it is a punishment for a person to get pregnant. What a bunch of nuts!
Should you be able to get married before you can vote?
To me, it all depends on how mature the people who want to get married are. If they know well enough what being married means where responsibility is concerned, then in my opinion, they can get married.

God bless you always!!!

13,000 children a year are married in America

More than 200,000 children were married in the US over the past 15 years, new figures have revealed.

Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.

Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?

You don't like freedom to choose when you get married? A child can have a child and the parents are not allowed to interfere, yet you want them to stop a marriage? Lesbians come out at a church at the age of 13 and the left wants the church to accept it. Yet, no marriage? Children live together without marriage and that is okay, yet we get enraged because they get married? We aren't allowed to use conversion therapy on children but we need to interfere with them wanting to marry?

Children marrying is a bad idea in my opinion but it isn't my business to butt into other's business.
The issue is not so much that ten year olds have a burning desire to marry 40 year old men. It is more that they are forced into it. When does forced child marriage become the business of the public?
13,000 children a year are married in America

More than 200,000 children were married in the US over the past 15 years, new figures have revealed.

Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.

Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?

Get your Londonistan grooming gangs under control you stupid twat, if these childen in the states are getting married legally and that's a big if, (cite a specific example) they are getting married to one another likely out of wedlock they aren't being raped by 40 year old men by the thousands and having it covered up by the police, politicians, and communities in exchange for the votes of the Muslim pedophile worshippers like in your shithole beyond hope country.
13,000 children a year are married in America

More than 200,000 children were married in the US over the past 15 years, new figures have revealed.

Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.

Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?

You don't like freedom to choose when you get married? A child can have a child and the parents are not allowed to interfere, yet you want them to stop a marriage? Lesbians come out at a church at the age of 13 and the left wants the church to accept it. Yet, no marriage? Children live together without marriage and that is okay, yet we get enraged because they get married? We aren't allowed to use conversion therapy on children but we need to interfere with them wanting to marry?

Children marrying is a bad idea in my opinion but it isn't my business to butt into other's business.
The issue is not so much that ten year olds have a burning desire to marry 40 year old men. It is more that they are forced into it. When does forced child marriage become the business of the public?

They aren't getting married to adults unless it is range of the romeo and Juliet statutes.
13,000 children a year are married in America

More than 200,000 children were married in the US over the past 15 years, new figures have revealed.

Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.

Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?

You don't like freedom to choose when you get married? A child can have a child and the parents are not allowed to interfere, yet you want them to stop a marriage? Lesbians come out at a church at the age of 13 and the left wants the church to accept it. Yet, no marriage? Children live together without marriage and that is okay, yet we get enraged because they get married? We aren't allowed to use conversion therapy on children but we need to interfere with them wanting to marry?

Children marrying is a bad idea in my opinion but it isn't my business to butt into other's business.
But you are condoning paedophilia if you look the other way.

A 13 year old sleeps with a 14 year old and that is not pedophilia, a 14 & 13 year old want to marry, so that is pedophilia?
It isn't pedophelia but it should be illegal, considering they are too young to be reposnsible for a child.

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