How is a 10 year old child ready for marriage ?

American children are being married against their will and you just want to brush it under the table.
By "American" you mean Muslims living in America. If not, provide examples.
Earlier posts here have documented the demographics of the problem and those being married off at an early are not Muslims. They are from various other religious groups, they are rural people and they are poor people primarily from the backward southern red states. You should read the thread before barging in with inane bigoted blather
13,000 children a year are married in America

More than 200,000 children were married in the US over the past 15 years, new figures have revealed.

Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.

Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?

You don't like freedom to choose when you get married? A child can have a child and the parents are not allowed to interfere, yet you want them to stop a marriage? Lesbians come out at a church at the age of 13 and the left wants the church to accept it. Yet, no marriage? Children live together without marriage and that is okay, yet we get enraged because they get married? We aren't allowed to use conversion therapy on children but we need to interfere with them wanting to marry?

Children marrying is a bad idea in my opinion but it isn't my business to butt into other's business.
But you are condoning paedophilia if you look the other way.

A 13 year old sleeps with a 14 year old and that is not pedophilia, a 14 & 13 year old want to marry, so that is pedophilia?

Actually neither is paedophilia, paedophilia is 12 years old and younger, over 12 years old legally is not paedophilia.

Of course a 13 year old and a 14 year old shouldn't be sleeping together or getting married, the whole thing is wrong and sordid.

Totally agree but the left thinks it's okay to have sex, abortions, but oh my god! If they want to marry! They all go nuts! Just plain idiotic stand.
You're just blowing that shit out of your pie hole. We do not think that sex and abortions are OK for kids. However, we are smart enough to know that those things can't always be prevented and avoided. Marriage, however, can always be prevented between two children, or worse, between a child and an adult. Don't you dare imply that we are hypocrites because we oppose child marriage when conservatives claim to want to protect kids and then do everything possible to destroy their lives.
You don't like freedom to choose when you get married? A child can have a child and the parents are not allowed to interfere, yet you want them to stop a marriage? Lesbians come out at a church at the age of 13 and the left wants the church to accept it. Yet, no marriage? Children live together without marriage and that is okay, yet we get enraged because they get married? We aren't allowed to use conversion therapy on children but we need to interfere with them wanting to marry?

Children marrying is a bad idea in my opinion but it isn't my business to butt into other's business.
But you are condoning paedophilia if you look the other way.

A 13 year old sleeps with a 14 year old and that is not pedophilia, a 14 & 13 year old want to marry, so that is pedophilia?

Actually neither is paedophilia, paedophilia is 12 years old and younger, over 12 years old legally is not paedophilia.

Of course a 13 year old and a 14 year old shouldn't be sleeping together or getting married, the whole thing is wrong and sordid.

Totally agree but the left thinks it's okay to have sex, abortions, but oh my god! If they want to marry! They all go nuts! Just plain idiotic stand.
You're just blowing that shit out of your pie hole. We do not think that sex and abortions are OK for kids. However, we are smart enough to know that those things can't always be prevented and avoided. Marriage, however, can always be prevented between two children, or worse, between a child and an adult. Don't you dare imply that we are hypocrites because we oppose child marriage when conservatives claim to want to protect kids and then do everything possible to destroy their lives.

I'm not implying anything, I am stating it. Play all the games you want, it is what it is.
As long as we tell immigrants to avoid assimiliation and we respect their culture we will have child marriage. The saddest part is, IF a child manages to run away from the 'spouse". he or she will be returned under our laws of family reunification so a child in this country has no protection at all.

You realize white Americans involve their children in child marriages as well, right? Mormons marry off their young daughters all the time. Its not an immigrant problem, its a religious zealot problem.

A stupid post without the least bit of backup. This may be true for break-away sects that are not sanctioned by LDS authorities but not the main church itself.

Child, early and forced marriage is an emerging problem in the U.S.

In February 2017, new data by Girls Not Brides member Unchained at Last, revealed that over 248,000 children had been married in the United States between 2000 and 2010, mostly to adult men [3].

This work has helped to spur legislative action in multiple states to address legal loopholes that allow for the marriage of minors through parental or judicial consent. Bills to this effect were introduced in Maryland, New Jersey, New York and Virginia.

United States - Child Marriage Around The World. Girls Not Brides


Don't you love it how these Leftie dirtbags show this fake outrage over "child marriage in the US", but say nothing about it being much more prevalent in the Muslim world? Well, to be fair they also pretend they are for gay rights, minority rights, women's rights, etc...but again, they are totally mum about Muslims mudering gays, Christians, and oppressing and enslaving women. You gotta love this fake concern.
Don't you love it how these Leftie dirtbags show this fake outrage over "child marriage in the US", but say nothing about it being much more prevalent in the Muslim world? Well, to be fair they also pretend they are for gay rights, minority rights, women's rights, etc...but again, they are totally mum about Muslims mudering gays, Christians, and oppressing and enslaving women. You gotta love this fake concern.
Just a few points:

1.If you want to get an idea across and be taken seriously, dispense with the juvenile name calling and insults.

2. Many "lefties" including President Obama have spoken out on human rights abuse in other countries. I have repeatedly asked right wingers what they would do and the answers have ranged from ":nothing" to "I don't know" Meanwhile your boy Trump has signaled that he will turn a blind eye to these abuses.

3. Pretend that we are for gay and women's ? Again, you boy Trump pretended that he was for women's rights and gay rights only to later throw them under the bus.

4. There is no fake concern here. You're just making that shit up.
Providing lip service isn't good enough. The Democratic Party is now home to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Providing lip service isn't good enough. The Democratic Party is now home to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Is that supposed to be an answer

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Yeah, you guys just don't get it. Providing lip service about something much more prevalent in Muslim societies while having a total shitfit breakdown when in rarely happens in the US is exactly the kind of transparent behavior that has made Americans sick and tired of the Left and especially its politicians.
Those are bullshit numbers, but child marriage is rampant in the Muslim world, which is because their prophet married a nine year old.

As I've pointed out may times; All religion is BULLSHIT.
You are certainly entitled to that opinion. It's a free country. But all religions aren't the same and neither are their followers behaving the same today.
In May, the high-profile Republican governor for New Jersey declined to sign into law a measure that would have made his state the first to ban child marriage without exception. Chris Christie claimed it would conflict with religious customs.

From article. Not just immigrants.

Thats how I read it. A redneck thing.

Child brides usually come from poor backgrounds, said Jeanne Smoot, a lawyer attorney with the Tahirih Justice Centre. The organisation offers legal services to women fleeing violence and has called for child marriage to be banned.

She added: "Almost all the evidence indicates that girls in cities don’t get married young, that girls from middle class or wealthy families, don’t get married young. This is a rural phenomenon and it is a phenomenon of poverty."

instead the girls in the city just have the babies out of wedlock and raise the next generation of dysfunction. Great.

Anyway, "child" is a piss poor generalization here. An 10 year old and a 17 year old should not be lumped together, unless you are trying to be misleading.

NOt that you care about children as shown by your support of rape rings.
Providing lip service isn't good enough. The Democratic Party is now home to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Is that supposed to be an answer

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah, you guys just don't get it. Providing lip service about something much more prevalent in Muslim societies while having a total shitfit breakdown when in rarely happens in the US is exactly the kind of transparent behavior that has made Americans sick and tired of the Left and especially its politicians.
It is you who don't get it and are still dodging the points that I made. We are talking about what is going on in this county, child marriage is a problem here even if not as prevalent as in other countries, and unlike the middle east, it is not a Muslim problem here as has been documented in this thread. You continue to call us hypocrites for allegedly not protesting what is happening in those other countries while we speak out against child exploitation here in order to weaken our positions. That is employing a logical fallacy known as an appeal to hypocrisy . Learn this word:

tu quoque (To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."

In addition, I asked you what would you propose that we do about those other countries and you came up dry.

You accused us of supporting silence on persecution of gays

You accused us of hating gays, or at best only pretending to care about them(while anyone who knows anything about both of us knows who the hater is)

And in doing so, you seem to be stupidly seem to suggesting that we engage in nation building- to meddle domestic issues of other countries- perhaps even by force. This country – Obama and Clinton exerted pressure when and how they can on human rights issues. All issues have to be viewed in the context of this countries over all interests. Being realistic is not condoning the abuse

I don’t believe that anyone could actually be so stupid as to not understand that. Rather, you are just exploiting the situation to try to make Obama look bad and to pretend to care about the plight of gays.

You continue to misrepresent us by making things up about what we believe in.
You are critical of Democrats and Liberals for what you believe , but you won’t or can’t say what they should or can do to ease the plight of gays in those places.
When someone comes up with a rational and workable policy approach to dealing with the human rights of LGBT people in the middle east, I will support it whether is comes from a Republican, a Democrat or anyone else.

It is clearly you who is feigning a pro-gay stance while playing them off against the Muslims and using them both to criticize Clinton.
Those are bullshit numbers, but child marriage is rampant in the Muslim world, which is because their prophet married a nine year old.

As I've pointed out may times; All religion is BULLSHIT.
You are certainly entitled to that opinion. It's a free country. But all religions aren't the same and neither are their followers behaving the same today.
All child exploitation is the same.
Providing lip service isn't good enough. The Democratic Party is now home to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Is that supposed to be an answer

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah, you guys just don't get it. Providing lip service about something much more prevalent in Muslim societies while having a total shitfit breakdown when in rarely happens in the US is exactly the kind of transparent behavior that has made Americans sick and tired of the Left and especially its politicians.
It is you who don't get it and are still dodging the points that I made. We are talking about what is going on in this county, child marriage is a problem here even if not as prevalent as in other countries, and unlike the middle east,

You are conflating men raping children to children marrying one another out of wedlock and intentionally so, they are not analogous subjects but wish to make the false analogy just like the OP in order to distract from the cultural norm of child rape found in the pedophile worshipping death cult.
Earlier posts here have documented the demographics of the problem and those being married off at an early are not Muslims. They are from various other religious groups, they are rural people and they are poor people primarily from the backward southern red states. You should read the thread before barging in with inane bigoted blather
So, no examples. Just a "belief" you're running with.
13,000 children a year are married in America

More than 200,000 children were married in the US over the past 15 years, new figures have revealed.

Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.

Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?

You don't like freedom to choose when you get married? A child can have a child and the parents are not allowed to interfere, yet you want them to stop a marriage? Lesbians come out at a church at the age of 13 and the left wants the church to accept it. Yet, no marriage? Children live together without marriage and that is okay, yet we get enraged because they get married? We aren't allowed to use conversion therapy on children but we need to interfere with them wanting to marry?

Children marrying is a bad idea in my opinion but it isn't my business to butt into other's business.
But you are condoning paedophilia if you look the other way.

Get your Londonistan grooming gangs under control you stupid twat, if these childen in the states are getting married legally and that's a big if, (cite a specific example) they are getting married to one another likely out of wedlock they aren't being raped by 40 year old men by the thousands and having it covered up by the police, politicians, and communities in exchange for the votes of the Muslim pedophile worshippers like in your shithole beyond hope country.

You are conflating men raping children with children marrying one another out of wedlock and intentionally so, they are not analogous subjects but you wish to make the false analogy in order to distract from the cultural norm of child rape found in the pedophile worshipping death cult.

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