How is a 10 year old child ready for marriage ?

Those are bullshit numbers, but child marriage is rampant in the Muslim world, which is because their prophet married a nine year old.

No he married a 6 year old and raped her when she was 9.
Correct. Plus he was 54 when he got "engaged" to her. In other words Aisha came to Mohammad's house with dolls in her hand.





It's okay if Muslims do this type of marriage, they can also kill gays, mistreat women, terrorize countries, because they are the "chosen" religion of the left.
Not all marriage are consummated, at least not that young.

Some are for protection and security. Some as cover for other preferences.
13,000 children a year are married in America

More than 200,000 children were married in the US over the past 15 years, new figures have revealed.

Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.

Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?
Tommy, Tommy Tommy...What ever possessed you to create this thread? None of that is true, and you are just trolling. Have you lost all sense of dignity?
You don't like freedom to choose when you get married? A child can have a child and the parents are not allowed to interfere, yet you want them to stop a marriage?
You think that a child is able to make rational and appropriate choices? If a child gets pregnant , how , exactly would the parents interfere.....insisting on abortion? Is marriage the solution for that child. ? What do you think the chances of a successful marriage and happiness ever after actually are for that kid?
Children live together without marriage and that is okay, yet we get enraged because they get married. ?
What? What the hell are you talking about? Marriage is a commitment and a legal obligation. Do you really think that kids should be allowed to get married? At what age. ? Should they be able to marry adults? How much older. ? What are you advocating?
We aren't allowed to use conversion therapy on children but we need to interfere with them wanting to marry?
Conversion therapy is emotionally damaging as is child marriage. What the fuck??!!

What about brainwashing children to Transgender? You don't think that's child abuse do you?

You are not the one who has a leg to stand on regarding what is and what isn't good for children. Your type have no moral high ground at all and you should be nowhere near ANY child. Period.
Children live together without marriage and that is okay, yet we get enraged because they get married. ?
What? What the hell are you talking about? Marriage is a commitment and a legal obligation. Do you really think that kids should be allowed to get married? At what age. ? Should they be able to marry adults? How much older. ? What are you advocating?

What are you advocating? That little boys be brainwashed that they are little girls and little girls, well, you aren't bothered about those.

Nobody under the age of 18 years old should be allowed to get married.

And Faggots shouldn't be allowed to get married either, or Lesbians.

Marriage is for a male adult and a female adult, a biological male and a biological female.
We aren't allowed to use conversion therapy on children but we need to interfere with them wanting to marry?
Conversion therapy is emotionally damaging as is child marriage. What the fuck??!!

What about brainwashing children to Transgender? You don't think that's child abuse do you?

You are not the one who has a leg to stand on regarding what is and what isn't good for children. Your type have no moral high ground at all and you should be nowhere near ANY child. Period.
That is fucking idiotic. Who the hell is brainwashing children to Transgender? What the hell does that have to do with conversion therapy.? You are truly bizarre!
13,000 children a year are married in America

More than 200,000 children were married in the US over the past 15 years, new figures have revealed.

Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.

Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?

You don't like freedom to choose when you get married? A child can have a child and the parents are not allowed to interfere, yet you want them to stop a marriage? Lesbians come out at a church at the age of 13 and the left wants the church to accept it. Yet, no marriage? Children live together without marriage and that is okay, yet we get enraged because they get married? We aren't allowed to use conversion therapy on children but we need to interfere with them wanting to marry?

Children marrying is a bad idea in my opinion but it isn't my business to butt into other's business.
But you are condoning paedophilia if you look the other way.

A 13 year old sleeps with a 14 year old and that is not pedophilia, a 14 & 13 year old want to marry, so that is pedophilia?

Actually neither is paedophilia, paedophilia is 12 years old and younger, over 12 years old legally is not paedophilia.

Of course a 13 year old and a 14 year old shouldn't be sleeping together or getting married, the whole thing is wrong and sordid.
We aren't allowed to use conversion therapy on children but we need to interfere with them wanting to marry?
Conversion therapy is emotionally damaging as is child marriage. What the fuck??!!

What about brainwashing children to Transgender? You don't think that's child abuse do you?

You are not the one who has a leg to stand on regarding what is and what isn't good for children. Your type have no moral high ground at all and you should be nowhere near ANY child. Period.
That is fucking idiotic. Who the hell is brainwashing children to Transgender? What the hell does that have to do with conversion therapy.? You are truly bizarre!

No I'm basing this on many posts you've made in other threads, you have no problem with children Transgendering, you think it's normal, considering your type are not normal.

Your type are brainwashing children, you LGBTQ weirdos with your Militant LGBTQ Agenda and again your type have NO say in what children do or do not do, your type are dangers to children, considering that faggots have no morals at all.

LGBTQ should not be allowed to be teachers either, or any type of Youth Leader that involves being alone with children.
Lesbians come out at a church at the age of 13 and the left wants the church to accept it. Yet, no marriage?
Coming out and getting married are two entirely different things. What exactly are you advocating here ?

You want to interfere where you don't belong, pretty easy. If two 16 year olds want to live together, no problem, yet living together and getting married is?

Who cares what a church teaches if you are gay, then leave.
Children live together without marriage and that is okay, yet we get enraged because they get married. ?
What? What the hell are you talking about? Marriage is a commitment and a legal obligation. Do you really think that kids should be allowed to get married? At what age. ? Should they be able to marry adults? How much older. ? What are you advocating?

Already said kids shouldn't marry, pay attention!

15 and 16 year olds living together is just as wrong as them getting married. Yet, you get upset if they marry and not because they live together? Strange standards.
We aren't allowed to use conversion therapy on children but we need to interfere with them wanting to marry?
Conversion therapy is emotionally damaging as is child marriage. What the fuck??!!

So being gay is okay and having sex is okay as children but we shouldn't allow the to get married! They can have an abortion without parental consent but you shouldn't allow them to marry! OMG! The end of the world! It's not like they can't divorce is it?
13,000 children a year are married in America

More than 200,000 children were married in the US over the past 15 years, new figures have revealed.

Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.

Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?

You don't like freedom to choose when you get married? A child can have a child and the parents are not allowed to interfere, yet you want them to stop a marriage? Lesbians come out at a church at the age of 13 and the left wants the church to accept it. Yet, no marriage? Children live together without marriage and that is okay, yet we get enraged because they get married? We aren't allowed to use conversion therapy on children but we need to interfere with them wanting to marry?

Children marrying is a bad idea in my opinion but it isn't my business to butt into other's business.
But you are condoning paedophilia if you look the other way.

A 13 year old sleeps with a 14 year old and that is not pedophilia, a 14 & 13 year old want to marry, so that is pedophilia?

Actually neither is paedophilia, paedophilia is 12 years old and younger, over 12 years old legally is not paedophilia.

Of course a 13 year old and a 14 year old shouldn't be sleeping together or getting married, the whole thing is wrong and sordid.

Totally agree but the left thinks it's okay to have sex, abortions, but oh my god! If they want to marry! They all go nuts! Just plain idiotic stand.
Lesbians come out at a church at the age of 13 and the left wants the church to accept it. Yet, no marriage?
Coming out and getting married are two entirely different things. What exactly are you advocating here ?

You want to interfere where you don't belong, pretty easy. If two 16 year olds want to live together, no problem, yet living together and getting married is?

Who cares what a church teaches if you are gay, then leave.

Well in most Western nations 16 year olds can get married with parental consent, I do not agree with this law, and the law is very very old from a bygone era when people died much younger in their 30s, which is why they allowed people to get married in their mid-teenage years to procreate because on average they would probably be lucky to live another 20 years.

These laws need modernising, many laws need modernising.
13,000 children a year are married in America

More than 200,000 children were married in the US over the past 15 years, new figures have revealed.

Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.

Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?

You don't like freedom to choose when you get married? A child can have a child and the parents are not allowed to interfere, yet you want them to stop a marriage? Lesbians come out at a church at the age of 13 and the left wants the church to accept it. Yet, no marriage? Children live together without marriage and that is okay, yet we get enraged because they get married? We aren't allowed to use conversion therapy on children but we need to interfere with them wanting to marry?

Children marrying is a bad idea in my opinion but it isn't my business to butt into other's business.
But you are condoning paedophilia if you look the other way.

A 13 year old sleeps with a 14 year old and that is not pedophilia, a 14 & 13 year old want to marry, so that is pedophilia?

Actually neither is paedophilia, paedophilia is 12 years old and younger, over 12 years old legally is not paedophilia.

Of course a 13 year old and a 14 year old shouldn't be sleeping together or getting married, the whole thing is wrong and sordid.

Totally agree but the left thinks it's okay to have sex, abortions, but oh my god! If they want to marry! They all go nuts! Just plain idiotic stand.

Yes but Leftists do not have Logical Thinking, their brains are just not functioning in the way that emotionally mature and rational adult brains function.

So to the Leftist's the children should have sex and if the girl gets pregnant it's straight to the Baby Murdering Clinic, they think nothing of this considering they are devoid of a moral compass.
Lesbians come out at a church at the age of 13 and the left wants the church to accept it. Yet, no marriage?
Coming out and getting married are two entirely different things. What exactly are you advocating here ?

You want to interfere where you don't belong, pretty easy. If two 16 year olds want to live together, no problem, yet living together and getting married is?

Who cares what a church teaches if you are gay, then leave.

Don't forget that the LGBTQ Propaganda has now infested schools with it's virus, so 13 year old's-15 year old's are being told about the Homosexual Lifestyle, told about carpet munching and sucking each others dicks and ramming each others dicks up each other rectums.

They are telling younger children aged as young as 6 years old, a boy playing with a doll is a boy trapped in a girls body, a girl playing with a toy tank is a boy trapped in a girls body and that Transgendering is normal, and there is no such thing even AS Gender.

And here we have an LGBTQ who thinks they should have a say in ANYTHING involving children, when it's ilk is promoting Perversion and their own Mental Illness on the most impressionable minds.

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