How is a 10 year old child ready for marriage ?

You know, when I read the title of this thread and noted who the OP was, I thought WTF, a lib actually is slamming a non-American or non-western culture.

But I should have known better, should have known there was no way a lib would miss the chance to take a shot at America.

Is there any wonder why Trump won?
Any time WE can fight back at these fuckers, I always will.
Why are you only concerned about deviant behaviour if it is committed by Muslims ? Does this article not concern you - American children are being married against their will and you just want to brush it under the table. That is shocking.

We also have a problem in the UK amongst the immigrant community but not on the scale that you have in the US.

What traditions is Chris Christie trying to protect ? We have all seen The Coalminers Daughter.

You are conflating men raping children with children marrying one another out of wedlock and intentionally so, they are not analogous subjects but you wish to make the false analogy in order to distract from the cultural norm of child rape found in the pedophile worshipping death cult.
13,000 children a year are married in America

More than 200,000 children were married in the US over the past 15 years, new figures have revealed.

Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.

Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?
Not legally they aren't!
Earlier posts here have documented the demographics of the problem and those being married off at an early are not Muslims. They are from various other religious groups, they are rural people and they are poor people primarily from the backward southern red states. You should read the thread before barging in with inane bigoted blather
So, no examples. Just a "belief" you're running with.

Just a belief? Did you even comprehend what I just said?

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13,000 children a year are married in America

More than 200,000 children were married in the US over the past 15 years, new figures have revealed.

Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.

Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?
Not legally they aren't!

Yes they are ! Read much?

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As long as we tell immigrants to avoid assimiliation and we respect their culture we will have child marriage. The saddest part is, IF a child manages to run away from the 'spouse". he or she will be returned under our laws of family reunification so a child in this country has no protection at all.

You realize white Americans involve their children in child marriages as well, right? Mormons marry off their young daughters all the time. Its not an immigrant problem, its a religious zealot problem.

No, it's a cultural problem. In some cases - such as fundamentalist Muslims or fringe Mormon offshoots - those cultures are basically religious zealotry. But even the OP's link acknowledged that in many cases, the problem is that the culture is desperately poor. And, of course, virtually all of these cultures would be isolated from society at large.

And no, if the child in these cases ran away, she (because the child is usually female) would most likely not be sent back, presuming she actually went to the authorities and explained the situation.
In May, the high-profile Republican governor for New Jersey declined to sign into law a measure that would have made his state the first to ban child marriage without exception. Chris Christie claimed it would conflict with religious customs.

From article. Not just immigrants.

Thats how I read it. A redneck thing.

Child brides usually come from poor backgrounds, said Jeanne Smoot, a lawyer attorney with the Tahirih Justice Centre. The organisation offers legal services to women fleeing violence and has called for child marriage to be banned.

She added: "Almost all the evidence indicates that girls in cities don’t get married young, that girls from middle class or wealthy families, don’t get married young. This is a rural phenomenon and it is a phenomenon of poverty."

Yes, because only white rednecks are poor and live in rural areas.
I personally beleive people should at least wait until they are in their twenties to get married. That being said, if an sixteen year old gets knocked up by a seventeen year old, should they be allowed to get married?

I'd say that's probably a decision best made on a case-by-case basis by responsible adults involved in the children's lives. Were it my daughter, I would be inclined to say no, but it would honestly depend.
That's the sickness in marry a 7 8 9 or 10 year old...

So totally contrary to the beliefs in the West....

In all honesty.....they are total savages.
I personally beleive people should at least wait until they are in their twenties to get married. That being said, if an sixteen year old gets knocked up by a seventeen year old, should they be allowed to get married?
No, i don't believe in marrying just because of a pregnancy
13,000 children a year are married in America

More than 200,000 children were married in the US over the past 15 years, new figures have revealed.

Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.

Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?
Not legally they aren't!

Yes they are ! Read much?

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Child marriages are incredibly damaging. Statistically, they are far more likely to cut short their education, to end up either in low paying jobs or on welfare. Girls are more likely to end up abused and bearing children before they are physically and mentally ready.

As to where it's prevalent? Try South America, many parts of Africa, India, Nepal, mMiddle East and yes the US..and no, it's not just immigrant communities. Instead of arguing over religion, open your eyes and see how widespread it still is. Many young girls here still see marriage and pregnancy as an escape from a dead end life they see no other way out of.
13,000 children a year are married in America

More than 200,000 children were married in the US over the past 15 years, new figures have revealed.

Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.

Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?
Not legally they aren't!

Yes they are ! Read much?

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Do your own homework

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13,000 children a year are married in America

More than 200,000 children were married in the US over the past 15 years, new figures have revealed.

Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.

Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?
Not legally they aren't!

Yes they are ! Read much?

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Do your own homework

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Then it isn't legal. Or you would show me. Eat dirt dirtbag!
Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?
Well, seeing how a 3 yr old boy knows he's really a girl,
and should have a vagina instead of a penis,
and is able to convey this to his parents,
who agree with their child and take over from there,
to assist their 3 yr old with his gender transition...

why the fuck not!
Exactly how pedophilia will no longer be illegal
but, discriminatory to deny someone their equal rights
to fuck kids if they want to...hey, its all about love

Can't tell anyone who they can or can not love
13,000 children a year are married in America

More than 200,000 children were married in the US over the past 15 years, new figures have revealed.

Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.

Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?
Um, Tommy is a joker, a cosmic joker. In the states, having relations with someone under the age of consent is called statutory RAPE Boy-o, your post is false as is the entire logic behind this thread. No state in America legalized child marriage, you asshole. Pulling peoples legs, being a TROLL amuses you somehow?
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Children live together without marriage and that is okay, yet we get enraged because they get married. ?
What? What the hell are you talking about? Marriage is a commitment and a legal obligation. Do you really think that kids should be allowed to get married? At what age. ? Should they be able to marry adults? How much older. ? What are you advocating?

and people thing Mary was a virgin till her death................

Isabelle of France (1389-1409), oldest daughter of King Charles VI, was not quite seven years old when she married Richard II as his second wife in 1396. He seems to have been very kind to her. In the Middle Ages princely and aristocratic marriages were often contracted on behalf of young children for reasons of diplomacy or for other material advantages. Canon law, however, decreed that such marriages should not be consummated until both parties were of age, at least twelve for a girl and fourteen for a boy.
As long as we tell immigrants to avoid assimiliation and we respect their culture we will have child marriage. The saddest part is, IF a child manages to run away from the 'spouse". he or she will be returned under our laws of family reunification so a child in this country has no protection at all.

You realize white Americans involve their children in child marriages as well, right? Mormons marry off their young daughters all the time. Its not an immigrant problem, its a religious zealot problem.

No, it's a cultural problem. In some cases - such as fundamentalist Muslims or fringe Mormon offshoots - those cultures are basically religious zealotry. But even the OP's link acknowledged that in many cases, the problem is that the culture is desperately poor. And, of course, virtually all of these cultures would be isolated from society at large.

And no, if the child in these cases ran away, she (because the child is usually female) would most likely not be sent back, presuming she actually went to the authorities and explained the situation.
A 14 year old mexican girl was sold for beer

Police: Man sold teen daughter into marriage for cash, beer, meat -
13,000 children a year are married in America

More than 200,000 children were married in the US over the past 15 years, new figures have revealed.

Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.

Should you be able to get married before you can vote ?
Not legally they aren't!

Yes they are ! Read much?

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Do your own homework

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Then it isn't legal. Or you would show me. Eat dirt dirtbag!
Why are insults necessary? A little defensive? . OK, I'll do your homework for you since you seem to be to lazy and incurious to do it yourself:

While most states set 18 as the minimum marriage age, exceptions in every state allow children younger than 18 to marry, typically with parental consent or judicial approval. How much younger? Laws in 27 states do not specify an age below which a child cannot marry.

Unchained At Last, a nonprofit I founded to help women resist or escape forced marriage in the United States, spent the past year collecting marriage license data from 2000 to 2010, the most recent year for which most states were able to provide information. We learned that in 38 states, more than 167,000 children — almost all of them girls, some as young 12 — were married during that period, mostly to men 18 or older. Twelve states and the District of Columbia were unable to provide information on how many children had married there in that decade. Based on the correlation we identified between state population and child marriage, we estimated that the total number of children wed in America between 2000 and 2010 was nearly 248,000. Perspective | Why can 12-year-olds still get married in the United States?
Not legally they aren't!

Yes they are ! Read much?

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Do your own homework

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Then it isn't legal. Or you would show me. Eat dirt dirtbag!
Why are insults necessary? A little defensive? . OK, I'll do your homework for you since you seem to be to lazy and incurious to do it yourself:

While most states set 18 as the minimum marriage age, exceptions in every state allow children younger than 18 to marry, typically with parental consent or judicial approval. How much younger? Laws in 27 states do not specify an age below which a child cannot marry.

Unchained At Last, a nonprofit I founded to help women resist or escape forced marriage in the United States, spent the past year collecting marriage license data from 2000 to 2010, the most recent year for which most states were able to provide information. We learned that in 38 states, more than 167,000 children — almost all of them girls, some as young 12 — were married during that period, mostly to men 18 or older. Twelve states and the District of Columbia were unable to provide information on how many children had married there in that decade. Based on the correlation we identified between state population and child marriage, we estimated that the total number of children wed in America between 2000 and 2010 was nearly 248,000. Perspective | Why can 12-year-olds still get married in the United States?

How many were 16 or older, (above age of consent) and marrying men who were 18 to 21?

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